I read that article (it's been posted before - perhaps by you, I forget, and apologies if it was by you) and although I agree with it, I suspect the methods proposed to implement it will revolve around banning people for who they are, instead of what they do. I'm OK with the latter but not the former.
"... as far as the UK, and especially London, was concerned, the IRA attacks were much worse. For years, you were aware every single day of the risk, the disruption to everyday life was huge"
Crap. Pish and Tish. The campaign by PIRA occupied most of my professional adult life one way or another and the disruption to civil society was never huge and it was never of daily concern to the vast majority of the population. I lost good friends and had more scarred for life so I will not belittle what PIRA did but I will refute to my dying breath that they had the effect you attribute to them.
Richard Nabavi, do you think the IMF Board is justified in retaining full confidence in Lagarde?
On balance I don't think they would have been justified in calling for her resignation. The French court found that she should have listened to advice that she shouldn't accept the verdict of an arbitration panel. It didn't find her guilty of any dishonesty or criminal negligence.
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
Everything seems to come back to our education system. It is failing to support integration, and failing to equip people with the skills needed for the 21st century.
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
We can start by ending the insanity of allowing non-citizens to vote in national elections just because their home countries were part of the Empire, in some cases nearly 70 years ago.
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
We can start by ending the insanity of allowing non-citizens to vote in national elections just because their home countries were part of the Empire, in some cases nearly 70 years ago.
We give out passports much too quickly as well.
+1 on both counts (although I would keep the exception for Irish citizens).
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
Actually Mrs May has been pretty ineffective at stopping non-EU immigratikn, much of which comes from Muslim countries.
Islamism has replaced Communism as the ideology of resistance and of fanatics that hate Western consumer culture. With its simple truths, even simpler solutions, back to home values and love of guns and flags it has a lot in common with other populist movements.
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
And I have to say, it is the same type of lilly livered remain campaigners which appeases hardline Islam. I'm happy to stand up for western values, whatever the cost. Part of why I voted to leave was standing up for British values against the march of "Europeanism" and the eventual emergence of a single state that we'd have to join. The cost may be high economically to stand up for our nation, but so be it.
"... as far as the UK, and especially London, was concerned, the IRA attacks were much worse. For years, you were aware every single day of the risk, the disruption to everyday life was huge"
Crap. Pish and Tish. The campaign by PIRA occupied most of my professional adult life one way or another and the disruption to civil society was never huge and it was never of daily concern to the vast majority of the population. I lost good friends and had more scarred for life so I will not belittle what PIRA did but I will refute to my dying breath that they had the effect you attribute to them.
You are simply wrong. I spend a lot of time in London now, as I did in the seventies and eighties. Currently, no-one pays the slightest attention to the risk of a terrorist attack, and there is very rarely any actual disruption. That is utterly different to the 70s and 80s.
Of course, we 'carried on' without letting it stop us from getting on with our lives. But the thought was always there - now, it's not, thanks be to God
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
We can start by ending the insanity of allowing non-citizens to vote in national elections just because their home countries were part of the Empire, in some cases nearly 70 years ago.
We give out passports much too quickly as well.
+1 on both counts (although I would keep the exception for Irish citizens).
The current rule on voting is insane. And I can't think of any lobby against changing it. What's stopping us? Good old fashioned inertia I guess.
I also bought Dune which I am really really looking forward to. There are not many films which give me goosebumps but that is one of them. Bit of a marmite movie as far as reviews go.
Dune (the movie) is brilliantly designed and cast (Rhoda's dad as Baron Harkonnen! Freddie Jones and Brad Dourif in the same room! Sting's pants!) but the script and direction are awful, awful, awful.
@MP_SE "I have heard so many people say the book is amazing and miles better than the film. Quite remarkable that the book was published back in the 60s"
I have never seen and will never see the film, I have however read the book many times since it was first published. The book had one great thing, it never tried to explain the technology - the physics behind an ornithopter, for example, were left blank. It was just a great story brilliantly told and like a really good play on the radio it left much to the imagination of the audience.
The sequels I have never been able to get on with. In fact to be honest I have never got beyond the first fifty pages of Dune: The Messiah - the first sequel.
Cannot wait to give it a read. I have a huge pile of books on medieval manuscripts to work my way though first.
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
And I have to say, it is the same type of lilly livered remain campaigners which appeases hardline Islam. I'm happy to stand up for western values, whatever the cost. Part of why I voted to leave was standing up for British values against the march of "Europeanism" and the eventual emergence of a single state that we'd have to join. The cost may be high economically to stand up for our nation, but so be it.
Though you do seem to find free movement to Continental Europe a convenient right to have...
The Swiss Muslim population has grown from 1% to 5% in 30 years, so now is percentagewise the same as us. They have some interesting ideas on integration. It seems sweatpants are not acceptable, must wear jeans like a Yankee instead.
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
Actually Mrs May has been pretty ineffective at stopping non-EU immigratikn, much of which comes from Muslim countries.
Islamism has replaced Communism as the ideology of resistance and of fanatics that hate Western consumer culture. With its simple truths, even simpler solutions, back to home values and love of guns and flags it has a lot in common with other populist movements.
Political Islam is fascist. It doesn't tolerate non-Muslims, it doesn't tolerate homosexuals and it doesn't tolerate apostasy. If the Middle East didn't have oil we would never have appeased these fascists in the first place.
...Blade Runner was a masterpiece. Apparently Dark City is of a similar style. I am saving it for this weekend when I can finally put my feet up.
Dark City is perhaps overrated: its plot (without giving away spoilers) was explored in other 90's movies and was a bit of a cliche (you'll know which one when you see it)
I shall approach it with an open mind. From what I have read the plot doesn't look anywhere near as interesting as Blade Runner.
I also bought Dune which I am really really looking forward to. There are not many films which give me goosebumps but that is one of them. Bit of a marmite movie as far as reviews go.
The Dune film was no better than ok but the book, oh the book. I noticed that they had a 50 year edition out for Christmas. I am tempted to add to my copies. It is simply brilliant and has not dated at all in all that time.
The first book is fantastic. The endless sequels, not so much.
God Emperor of Dune, the fourth, is actually my favourite. But I would agree some were more original than others.
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
But the damage, to me, was done years ago in the easy going 70s, 80s, and 90s. Islam is here to stay in Britain. Now that we know the ramifications of that, we should halt as much immigration from Islamic countries as possible. But as far as I know we have largely done that. (someone will correct me).
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
And I have to say, it is the same type of lilly livered remain campaigners which appeases hardline Islam. I'm happy to stand up for western values, whatever the cost. Part of why I voted to leave was standing up for British values against the march of "Europeanism" and the eventual emergence of a single state that we'd have to join. The cost may be high economically to stand up for our nation, but so be it.
Though you do seem to find free movement to Continental Europe a convenient right to have...
The Swiss Muslim population has grown from 1% to 5% in 30 years, so now is percentagewise the same as us. They have some interesting ideas on integration. It seems sweatpants are not acceptable, must wear jeans like a Yankee instead.
No I am not, Mr. Navabi. You Might have gone through the 70's and 80's as a quaking jelly terrified of PIRA but the vast majority of the population didn't.
I see the usual suspects have descended into cryptofascistic ranting. The reason there is never a grand plan in response to these sorts of attacks is because it's bloody complicated. Why do we accept enormous death tolls from Car accidents year upon year with almost no coverage or debate ? Because cars promote individual freedom and are wedded in our culture.
It's the same with these low tech attacks. It's never been harder to hermetically seal our societies. It's never been easier for ideas and people to travel. The idea there are any easy solutions or solutions that wouldn't impinge on all our freedoms and life styles is absurd.
I see the usual suspects have descended into cryphofascistic ranting. The reason there is never a grand plan in response to these sorts of attacks is because it's bloody complicated. Why do we accept enormous death tolls from Car accidents year upon year with almost no coverage or debate ? Because cars promote individual freedom and are wedded in our culture.
It's the same with these low tech attacks. It's never been harder to hermetically seal our societies. It's never been easier for ideas and people to travel. The idea there are any easy solutions or solutions that wouldn't impinge on all our freedoms and life styles is absurd.
People choose to be Muslim and they choose to be a hardline Muslim. Making that choice have real negatives or difficult will help. Religion is a choice and with hardline Islam, it is a choice that should be made unacceptable in this country.
No I am not, Mr. Navabi. You Might have gone through the 70's and 80's as a quaking jelly terrified of PIRA but the vast majority of the population didn't.
That's actually a fairly disgusting comment, which I am sure on reflection you will withdraw. However, more to the point, you yourself just wrote "I lost good friends and had more scarred for life so I will not belittle what PIRA did". Tell me, is that also true in respect of the current Islamic terrorism?
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
In 20 years the Middle East will be a starving wasteland as fracking, electric vehicles, climate change and the automation of basic manufacturing completely destroy their ability to feed themselves let alone export their ideology.
So what? On present trends London will be Islamic in a generation or two, as will many other large towns and cities in England. Why do you think the people who aren't integrating now will start to when they are the majority? They will control whole towns and demand some kind of devolution in all probability.
Numbers please.
I have had to estimate 1991 as I cant find the data. If we accept that London has 40% of the UKs muslims now (wiki) and there were 1m Muslims in UK in 1991 that gives 400k in London.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
In 20 years the Middle East will be a starving wasteland as fracking, electric vehicles, climate change and the automation of basic manufacturing completely destroy their ability to feed themselves let alone export their ideology.
So what? On present trends London will be Islamic in a generation or two, as will many other large towns and cities in England. Why do you think the people who aren't integrating now will start to when they are the majority? They will control whole towns and demand some kind of devolution in all probability.
Numbers please.
I have had to estimate 1991 as I cant find the data. If we accept that London has 40% of the UKs muslims now (wiki) and there were 1m Muslims in UK in 1991 that gives 400k in London.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
The fertility rate of Muslims is dropping worldwide:
Four thousand years of human history says otherwise.
Four thousand?
And how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
If I remember correctly, human history is a bit wobbly prior to 2000BC. If I looked it up I wouldn't be surprised if we could push it back to, say, 5000BC, which would make it seven thousand years. Am I inaccurate here?
MaxPB makes a valid point as to choice - a religion can be rejected or chosen - but I also make a valid point as to birth: the religion of a child is imposed by the parent and rarely fully rejected in adulthood. It's like nationality: one can choose differently and many do so, but mostly do not. To present religion solely as a choice is to miss something about humans.
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
In 20 years the Middle East will be a starving wasteland as fracking, electric vehicles, climate change and the automation of basic manufacturing completely destroy their ability to feed themselves let alone export their ideology.
So what? On present trends London will be Islamic in a generation or two, as will many other large towns and cities in England. Why do you think the people who aren't integrating now will start to when they are the majority? They will control whole towns and demand some kind of devolution in all probability.
Numbers please.
I have had to estimate 1991 as I cant find the data. If we accept that London has 40% of the UKs muslims now (wiki) and there were 1m Muslims in UK in 1991 that gives 400k in London.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
Yet still the total numbers are <5% of the national population. How you think it will go from <5% to >50% in half a century is beyond me.
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
In 20 years the Middle East will be a starving wasteland as fracking, electric vehicles, climate change and the automation of basic manufacturing completely destroy their ability to feed themselves let alone export their ideology.
So what? On present trends London will be Islamic in a generation or two, as will many other large towns and cities in England. Why do you think the people who aren't integrating now will start to when they are the majority? They will control whole towns and demand some kind of devolution in all probability.
Numbers please.
I have had to estimate 1991 as I cant find the data. If we accept that London has 40% of the UKs muslims now (wiki) and there were 1m Muslims in UK in 1991 that gives 400k in London.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
Yet still the total numbers are <5% of the national population. How you think it will go from <5% to >50% in half a century is beyond me.
Did I say the country would be 50% Muslim? No I didn't
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
Numbers please.
I have had to estimate 1991 as I cant find the data. If we accept that London has 40% of the UKs muslims now (wiki) and there were 1m Muslims in UK in 1991 that gives 400k in London.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
It's time to try something else, whatever we're doing at the moment isn't working. The Casey report was damning on Islamic integration in the UK and poll after poll has shown 25-30% of UK Muslims (higher among the young) support the actions of terrorists. That is not only damning, but dangerous for the nation. The nation has no bloody need to these people to stay here, if we can move them on with stealth laws that make being Muslim difficult then we should do it."
I wish you the best of luck on your move.
The Casey report was damning. And, sadly, already yesterday's fish and chip wrapping.
@Cyclefree and others are right. This is now about hearts and minds. However we are wedded to certain shibboleths that prevent the full-blooded defence of our own values.
We can start by ending the insanity of allowing non-citizens to vote in national elections just because their home countries were part of the Empire, in some cases nearly 70 years ago.
We give out passports much too quickly as well.
+1 on both counts (although I would keep the exception for Irish citizens).
Citizenship requires 5 years of continuous residence in the U.K, a clean criminal record , no use of benefits during the 5 year period and paying all taxes due to HMRC. (It also costs nearly £1000 per applicant). What about that is quick or easy?
Four thousand years of human history says otherwise.
Four thousand?
And how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
If I remember correctly, human history is a bit wobbly prior to 2000BC. If I looked it up I wouldn't be surprised if we could push it back to, say, 5000BC, which would make it seven thousand years. Am I inaccurate here?
MaxPB makes a valid point as to choice - a religion can be rejected or chosen - but I also make a valid point as to birth: the religion of a child is imposed by the parent and rarely fully rejected in adulthood. It's like nationality: one can choose differently and many do so, but mostly do not. To present religion solely as a choice is to miss something about humans.
[edit: correct name]
That's called brainwashing. I was raised nominally as a Hindu. I have since chosen not to be a part of any religion. The sad part is that if a Muslim makes that choice they would put their life in danger as happened to a friend of mine from Glasgow who had to leave and came down to London and changed his name. Religion is a choice, brainwashing of children should not be tolerated either.
Citizenship requires 5 years of continuous residence in the U.K, a clean criminal record , no use of benefits during the 5 year period and paying all taxes due to HMRC. (It also costs nearly £1000 per applicant). What about that is quick or easy?
Make it 10 years like Switzerland and impose language restrictions on importation of foreign wives and end family reunions for all kinds of migrant. Also require citizen sponsors to the application, in Switzerland someone who wants to be naturalised needs to know at least three Swiss families and have them sponsor your application before the government will even look at it.
Whoever this guy was driving this truck, there is certainly good potential he wasn't on his own. The truck was hijacked, complete with the original driver.
By the way, wait on the confirmation on the Pakistani thing. Stick with broadly South Asian for now.
"Four thousand years of human history says otherwise."
The last fifty years says otherwise of your otherwise. Quebec, for example, has gone from being intensely religious to one of the most secular places in the world. Wales too.
Whoever this guy was driving this truck, there is certainly good potential he wasn't on his own. The truck was hijacked, complete with the original driver.
By the way, wait on the confirmation on the Pakistani thing. Stick with broadly South Asian for now.
...Religion is a choice, brainwashing of children should not be tolerated either.
There are over a hundred million babies born each year. In the overwhelming majority of cases those children will be assigned to a religion by their parents.
Ms. Cyclefree is right the only way to defeat Islamic extremism is through the battle of ideas. Mandating wether we should have ritual slaughter or not is nonsense. Universities, Prions and mosques should invite extreme preachers to debate moderate scholars. They should debate every part of Islam including what is Jihad and how should it be carried out and the so called sword verses in the Quran. Everything else is rubbish as extremists won't care about eating halal meat or not as they believ they will have 72 virgins with a few days/months/years.
I'd still wait Max. He is from around that region but there is a question mark.
They have the precise date he came and it seems that he's known to the police for misdemeanours. If the stated origin is wrong it will be because he lied from the beginning.
I also bought Dune which I am really really looking forward to. There are not many films which give me goosebumps but that is one of them. Bit of a marmite movie as far as reviews go.
Dune (the movie) is brilliantly designed and cast (Rhoda's dad as Baron Harkonnen! Freddie Jones and Brad Dourif in the same room! Sting's pants!) but the script and direction are awful, awful, awful.
The only other David Lynch movie I have seen is Mulholland Drive. Whilst a very good film it seemed like a bit of a mess at times.
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
In 20 years the Middle East will be a starving wasteland as fracking, electric vehicles, climate change and the automation of basic manufacturing completely destroy their ability to feed themselves let alone export their ideology.
So what? On present trends London will be Islamic in a generation or two, as will many other large towns and cities in England. Why do you think the people who aren't integrating now will start to when they are the majority? They will control whole towns and demand some kind of devolution in all probability.
Numbers please.
I have had to estimate 1991 as I cant find the data. If we accept that London has 40% of the UKs muslims now (wiki) and there were 1m Muslims in UK in 1991 that gives 400k in London.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
Yet still the total numbers are <5% of the national population. How you think it will go from <5% to >50% in half a century is beyond me.
Did I say the country would be 50% Muslim? No I didn't
No you said there would be Quote "an Islamic State in the UK". Nations with an "Islamic state" are typically over 90% Muslim. I gave benefit of the doubt and rounded down to 50%.
If you meant less than that then how little did you mean?
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
It's also one of the, if not the, smuggest, dullest, least dynamic, most tax evadery countries I've seen. Geneva is, more do than London, the spiritual home of corrupt Arabs.
@DavidL Terrorism doesn't happen very often. Sometimes you'll get a long streak without it by chance.
Try telling the Germans that, or the French or the Belgians. Given our less than wise policies in the middle east in the early years of this century we should be a clearer target than any of these countries and yet we have gone more than a decade without this kind of insanity. We may well have been lucky but we have also been good.
IIRC it was recently reported that the UK is regarded as too hard a target by many groups - the intelligence services too on the ball. I wonder how German intelligence is feeling today and whether they wish they enjoyed greater confidence of their UK counterparts.
"Four thousand years of human history says otherwise."
The last fifty years says otherwise of your otherwise. Quebec, for example, has gone from being intensely religious to one of the most secular places in the world. Wales too.
Hmm...fair point. And the classification of Britain as "post-religious" has been mooted. But be honest: do you think this is anything other than transitory? In ten, a hundred, a thousand, even a million years' time, the average human will still acknowledge the divine, and bow their head to murmur a prayer in extremis.
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
In 50 years time there will be an Islamic state in the UK
In 20 years the Middle East will be a starving wasteland as fracking, electric vehicles, climate change and the automation of basic manufacturing completely destroy their ability to feed themselves let alone export their ideology.
So what? On present trends London will be Islamic in a generation or two, as will many other large towns and cities in England. Why do you think the people who aren't integrating now will start to when they are the majority? They will control whole towns and demand some kind of devolution in all probability.
Numbers please.
1991 400k Muslims in London out of 6.8m overall population = 5.8% 2001 607k out of 7.3m = 8.3% 2011 1.02 out of 8.2m = 12.4%
I think on those numbers it is fair to estimate 50% being achieved by 2066
The birth rate will fall like they did with every immigrant populations over the years and with Muslims too.
We have record numbers still arriving through immigration, let alone breeding
Yet still the total numbers are <5% of the national population. How you think it will go from <5% to >50% in half a century is beyond me.
Did I say the country would be 50% Muslim? No I didn't
No you said there would be Quote "an Islamic State in the UK". Nations with an "Islamic state" are typically over 90% Muslim. I gave benefit of the doubt and rounded down to 50%.
If you meant less than that then how little did you mean?
There are already parts of London with a Muslim majority, and the younger age ranges more so. I reckon by 2066 London will be 40-60% Muslim, and, as we know segregation is rife, large parts will be over 90%
It wouldn't surprise me if these areas demanded some kind of devolved status, perhaps backed by a foreign country. Feel free to disagree it's just my opinion, as is yours.
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
It's also one of the, if not the, smuggest, dullest, least dynamic, most tax evadery countries I've seen. Geneva is, more do than London, the spiritual home of corrupt Arabs.
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
It's also one of the, if not the, smuggest, dullest, least dynamic, most tax evadery countries I've seen. Geneva is, more do than London, the spiritual home of corrupt Arabs.
Loathsome place.
Good money though.
Honestly, it's really, really dull. Incredibly parochial as well.
I also bought Dune which I am really really looking forward to. There are not many films which give me goosebumps but that is one of them. Bit of a marmite movie as far as reviews go.
Dune (the movie) is brilliantly designed and cast (Rhoda's dad as Baron Harkonnen! Freddie Jones and Brad Dourif in the same room! Sting's pants!) but the script and direction are awful, awful, awful.
The only other David Lynch movie I have seen is Mulholland Drive. Whilst a very good film it seemed like a bit of a mess at times.
Lynch is known for regarding structure as...optional. I think he was the one who said to make a film, just write ~70 scenes on post-it notes and film them. He's most accessible when he does stick to narrative (Elephant Man) but I do like some of his less accessible works like "Twin Peaks:FWWM" and "Lost Highway". However he has made (too?) many films that it's just impossible to sit thru (Eraserhead!). He's defacto retired now: I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing...
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
It's also one of the, if not the, smuggest, dullest, least dynamic, most tax evadery countries I've seen. Geneva is, more do than London, the spiritual home of corrupt Arabs.
Loathsome place.
Good money though.
Honestly, it's really, really dull. Incredibly parochial as well.
I've been to Zurich a lot and generally found it alright, the restaurant scene could be better but overall it is passable. The issue for me is that everything is a step down from London.
@AndyJS That's an incredibly western perspective. Arguably the vast bulk of the planet is having a religious revival. There is certainly no evidence of a decline of religion outside the west. And in the US it's declining from an extraordinarily high atypically western base.
Four thousand years of human history says otherwise.
Four thousand?
And how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
If I remember correctly, human history is a bit wobbly prior to 2000BC. If I looked it up I wouldn't be surprised if we could push it back to, say, 5000BC, which would make it seven thousand years. Am I inaccurate here?
MaxPB makes a valid point as to choice - a religion can be rejected or chosen - but I also make a valid point as to birth: the religion of a child is imposed by the parent and rarely fully rejected in adulthood. It's like nationality: one can choose differently and many do so, but mostly do not. To present religion solely as a choice is to miss something about humans.
[edit: correct name]
Human history goes back a long way past 5000BC. Anatomically modern humans first left the Horn of Africa some 90,000 years ago.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Human history goes back a long way past 5000BC. Anatomically modern humans first left the Horn of Africa some 90,000 years ago.
Sorry, I meant "times when we had a fairly clear idea of how their societies organised themselves, to the point of knowing the names of their kings, the religions they followed, and/or the streets they built", nor "times for which we have knowledge the society existed but little information other than that". I tend to take Egypt as a cutoff, whether the Middle Kingdom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_Kingdom_of_Egypt ) or further back, say to the start of the Bronze Age. But YMMV.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
Human history goes back a long way past 5000BC. Anatomically modern humans first left the Horn of Africa some 90,000 years ago.
Sorry, I meant "times when we had a fairly clear idea of how their societies organised themselves, to the point of knowing the names of their kings, the religions they followed, and/or the streets they built", nor "times for which we have knowledge the society existed but little information other than that". I tend to take Egypt as a cutoff, whether the Middle Kingdom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_Kingdom_of_Egypt ) or further back, say to the start of the Bronze Age. But YMMV.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
It's also one of the, if not the, smuggest, dullest, least dynamic, most tax evadery countries I've seen. Geneva is, more do than London, the spiritual home of corrupt Arabs.
Loathsome place.
Good money though.
Honestly, it's really, really dull. Incredibly parochial as well.
I've been to Zurich a lot and generally found it alright, the restaurant scene could be better but overall it is passable. The issue for me is that everything is a step down from London.
Would you include US cities in that like New York; DC or San Francisco?
First not to be surprised, either at the attack or the target.
But what doescracking down on the Islamists actually mean? and how does it differ from what we are already doing in Iraq, Syria and the streets of Britain?
Mass deportations. Importing a violent and alien culture into the west has been a disaster, time to get rid of those who don't want to live by our values.
As Queen Bess asked "should we make windows into mens souls?"
She didn't 'ask' - she stated "I would not open windows into men's souls."
Human history goes back a long way past 5000BC. Anatomically modern humans first left the Horn of Africa some 90,000 years ago.
Sorry, I meant "times when we had a fairly clear idea of how their societies organised themselves, to the point of knowing the names of their kings, the religions they followed, and/or the streets they built", nor "times for which we have knowledge the society existed but little information other than that". I tend to take Egypt as a cutoff, whether the Middle Kingdom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_Kingdom_of_Egypt ) or further back, say to the start of the Bronze Age. But YMMV.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
I must refer my impulsive friend to the answer I gave a few moments ago
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
I will be interested to hear how you find Switzerland vs here (said from no particular knowledge save as a frequent visitor).
They have a harder line on integration and education. Immigrants must all learn the language to engage with the state and there are no benefits without speaking German, French or Italian. Translation is to one of the four official languages and English anyone who wants additional translation must do it themselves and then have it notarised at the own expense.
It's a system that works IMO, but really it's because we don't have the basics like education and language in place it won't work here.
It's also one of the, if not the, smuggest, dullest, least dynamic, most tax evadery countries I've seen. Geneva is, more do than London, the spiritual home of corrupt Arabs.
Loathsome place.
Good money though.
Honestly, it's really, really dull. Incredibly parochial as well.
I've been to Zurich a lot and generally found it alright, the restaurant scene could be better but overall it is passable. The issue for me is that everything is a step down from London.
Would you include US cities in that like New York; DC or San Francisco?
The US problem, and advantage, is that enough cities are large enough, and have sufficient economic strength to have some of the things that make London desirable, but not all of them. Within the U.K., London exerts such a strong gravitational pull that no other British city even begins to confirm close in, for example, culture, food and connectivity. Centralisation has strengths and weaknesses.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
It was stated up thread that Legard was not convicted of anything and even a barbed remark why let facts get in the way.....
"A French court has found International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde GUILTY of negligence but did not hand down any punishment. As French finance minister in 2008, she approved an award of €404m ($429m; £340m) to businessman Bernard Tapie for the disputed sale of a firm"
So she was found guilty the court just let her off without even a slap on the wrist but a friendly wave and she carries on as if nothing had happened. #lawsareonlyforlittlepeople
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
Some people convert you know...
I know that. But it doesn't contradict my point.
The point about discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities becoming apparent?
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
Some people convert you know...
I know that. But it doesn't contradict my point.
The point about discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities becoming apparent?
The point about parents giving their children a religion at birth.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
Some people convert you know...
I know that. But it doesn't contradict my point.
The point about discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities becoming apparent?
The point about parents giving their children a religion at birth.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Well sorry, Sunil Paxman...
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
So who is forcing people to be of a certain faith in multicultural Britain?
Their parents. At birth. Sorry, is this not self-evident? Are you seriously contending that children are bought up as atheists and choose their religion at adulthood?
Some people convert you know...
I know that. But it doesn't contradict my point.
The point about discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities becoming apparent?
The point about parents giving their children a religion at birth.
Not all parents are religious?
Which doesn't contradict my point: namely, parents give their children a religion at birth.
viewcode is right, its not so easy to just leave a religion, especially when that religion plays a huge part in your families identity and culture, also if you have been made to believe there is enternal hell fire awaiting you if you die the wrong religion and you have been taught this from a young age.
viewcode is right, its not so easy to just leave a religion, especially when that religion plays a huge part in your families identity and culture, also if you have been made to believe there is enternal hell fire awaiting you if you die the wrong religion and you have been taught this from a young age.
Nunu, you need to be reassured there is NOT "eternal hellfire" awaiting you!
viewcode is right, its not so easy to just leave a religion, especially when that religion plays a huge part in your families identity and culture, also if you have been made to believe there is enternal hell fire awaiting you if you die the wrong religion and you have been taught this from a young age.
Nunu, you need to be reassured there is NOT "eternal hellfire" awaiting you!
David Lauter The final state votes. So with all in: 304 Trump 227 Clinton 3 Colin Powell 1 Bernie Sanders 1 John Kasich 1 Ron Paul 1 Faith Spotted Eagle https://t.co/5apNrKt50V
The Electoral College voted today, bringing the weirdest election in generations to a suitably strange end. The final tally: 304 votes for Donald Trump, 227 for Hillary Clinton, three for Colin Powell, one for Ron Paul, one for Bernie Sanders, one for John Kasich, and one for anti-DAPL activist Faith Spotted Eagle. Trump was "supposed" to get 306, but two Republican electors in Texas broke with the pack, one voting for Kasich and one for Paul. Clinton was "supposed" to get 232, but four Democrats in Washington state and one in Hawaii decided to go rogue too. (The Sanders voter was the Hawaiian.)
The UK government dropping its long term alliance with international salafism would be a good start. This is a product of extremist wahabism, as promoted by May's bezzie mates in Saudi (and our genocidal jihadi allies that just got kicked out of Aleppo), not Islam in general.
"... as far as the UK, and especially London, was concerned, the IRA attacks were much worse. For years, you were aware every single day of the risk, the disruption to everyday life was huge"
Crap. Pish and Tish. The campaign by PIRA occupied most of my professional adult life one way or another and the disruption to civil society was never huge and it was never of daily concern to the vast majority of the population. I lost good friends and had more scarred for life so I will not belittle what PIRA did but I will refute to my dying breath that they had the effect you attribute to them.
We give out passports much too quickly as well.
It's like a "Fake News" collection poster.
Islamism has replaced Communism as the ideology of resistance and of fanatics that hate Western consumer culture. With its simple truths, even simpler solutions, back to home values and love of guns and flags it has a lot in common with other populist movements.
Of course, we 'carried on' without letting it stop us from getting on with our lives. But the thought was always there - now, it's not, thanks be to God
Just guilty of negligence! No big deal.
A - Frost bite
The Swiss Muslim population has grown from 1% to 5% in 30 years, so now is percentagewise the same as us. They have some interesting ideas on integration. It seems sweatpants are not acceptable, must wear jeans like a Yankee instead.
Try the 3 dvd TV version of Dune (made in 2000)
Money seems to be going on Al Nusra links but nothing sure yet.
Most Swiss Muslims are Turkish, Kurdish or Albanian migrants, many from the latter group are returning to Albania as well.
No I am not, Mr. Navabi. You Might have gone through the 70's and 80's as a quaking jelly terrified of PIRA but the vast majority of the population didn't.
It's the same with these low tech attacks. It's never been harder to hermetically seal our societies. It's never been easier for ideas and people to travel. The idea there are any easy solutions or solutions that wouldn't impinge on all our freedoms and life styles is absurd.
The pictures from Ankara looks like something out of a movie. Damn. https://t.co/5jgk5y4gj5
And how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
A particular determinant of declining fertility is education of women, as well as women working outside the home.
Don't shun these people, do your bit by employing and promoting young Muslim women in your workplace! and on that note goodnight :-)
MaxPB makes a valid point as to choice - a religion can be rejected or chosen - but I also make a valid point as to birth: the religion of a child is imposed by the parent and rarely fully rejected in adulthood. It's like nationality: one can choose differently and many do so, but mostly do not. To present religion solely as a choice is to miss something about humans.
[edit: correct name]
By the way, wait on the confirmation on the Pakistani thing. Stick with broadly South Asian for now.
@gabyhinsliff Ariel Zurawski owns truck company. Told TVN24 Murdered man was his cousin. Sound like facts to me #BerlinAttack
The last fifty years says otherwise of your otherwise. Quebec, for example, has gone from being intensely religious to one of the most secular places in the world. Wales too.
If you meant less than that then how little did you mean?
Loathsome place.
It wouldn't surprise me if these areas demanded some kind of devolved status, perhaps backed by a foreign country. Feel free to disagree it's just my opinion, as is yours.
And I ask again - how do you explain atheism/agnosticism?
Atheism/agnosticism is one of the choices made by adults when the discrepancies between their birth religion and their everyday realities become apparent. It doesn't contradict my point that parents' religions are given to their children.
"A French court has found International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde GUILTY of negligence but did not hand down any punishment.
As French finance minister in 2008, she approved an award of €404m ($429m; £340m) to businessman Bernard Tapie for the disputed sale of a firm"
So she was found guilty the court just let her off without even a slap on the wrist but a friendly wave and she carries on as if nothing had happened. #lawsareonlyforlittlepeople
The final state votes. So with all in:
304 Trump
227 Clinton
3 Colin Powell
1 Bernie Sanders
1 John Kasich
1 Ron Paul
1 Faith Spotted Eagle https://t.co/5apNrKt50V
The Electoral College voted today, bringing the weirdest election in generations to a suitably strange end. The final tally: 304 votes for Donald Trump, 227 for Hillary Clinton, three for Colin Powell, one for Ron Paul, one for Bernie Sanders, one for John Kasich, and one for anti-DAPL activist Faith Spotted Eagle. Trump was "supposed" to get 306, but two Republican electors in Texas broke with the pack, one voting for Kasich and one for Paul. Clinton was "supposed" to get 232, but four Democrats in Washington state and one in Hawaii decided to go rogue too. (The Sanders voter was the Hawaiian.)