politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Fillon heads for victory and looks set to be the one who’ll fight Marine le Pen to be next French President
Francois Fillon – the ex-French PM who looks set to fight the the Presidency next April against Marine le Pen pic.twitter.com/azIqkK14Im
Read the full story here
Long story short:
After he led the first Brexit for his King, he has his head chopped off due to providing the King with an ugly wife.
I made an educated guess based on what I remember of renaissance history.
Thankfully for Bannon, Melania is a beautiful wife for Trump.
Hammond will simply push out the budget balance target (and balance of spending/tax cuts) to 2022/2023.
Osborne himself tillered his course multiple times.
Meanwhile Fillon is on 44.1% and has been backed by Sarkozy on 20.9%, with 80% counted.
I hope I'm wrong.
With what? Fillon is almost at 50% already and has the backing of Sarkozy too.
If the left have swollen Les Republicans numbers and come out for him in a big primary turnout thats a good sign that he is err good shape.
Lay Merkel!!!!
I doubt if the same thing is replicable with Fillon.
It's NOT AV because voters could only express a single preference.
It looks as if 4m ballots were cast
70-30 "No" - Can see it now.
"Comment expliquer une telle mobilisation en faveur de F. Fillon ?" (How do you explain the mobilisation in favour of Fillon)
"Donc un certain nombre d'électeurs de gauche sont allés voter à la primaire de la droite, sans doute pour éliminer le candidat dont ils ne voulaient pas et qui avait pour nom Nicolas Sarkozy." (So a number of voters from the left have voted in the primary of the right, presumably to eliminate the candidate they like the least - Nicolas Sarkozy)
My money's now on either Fillon or Macron winning and the story being about France getting serious about economic reform.
AV has preferences expressed on the same ballot (ie. the same round of voting).
Sometimes ze 'ead says the same as ze 'eart!
I brung you a massage:
Francois Fallon has won the fist round pramary for Les Repooblican condidate for Frunch Preesident.
England 48
Draw 7
Do you have a map?
The implied prices are as follows:
India 1.12
Draw 11.91
England 50
May: "Let's give lots of visas to Indians in return for investment"
Corbyn: "We are the party of immigration"
Farron: "Let's stay in the EU"
(I write as a Remainer, just to be clear. But against the three main parties in the Commons, UKIP probably won't have a difficult ride, so long as they get themselves a leader and stop manhandling each other. Breitbart and Trump may be able to help.)
Voters get only one vote per round. They cannot list the candidates in each round in order of preference.
Fillon is the most anglo-saxon market conservative in his outlook, and I don't see that being popular in France at the moment. Just look at the backlash to the recent labour reforms proposed by Hollande.
Le Pen will clean up big time amongst the socialist base (not the "bobo" parisian types of course) in the second round.
I'd value my book at -£130, if Fillon does see off Juppé, he's likely to be 1.5, which would be -£60.
I hope many of you got on board the Fillon train on Tuesday when he was at 7 on Betfair and I (wioth others such as Dromedary) pointed out he was clearly mispriced.
I Layed out as his price is probably as low as it will get in a while. The next interesting moves will probably occur when we get the first post-primary polls and when Bayrou says if he will be a candidate against Fillon or not.
I expect the prices of Macron and the main socialists to tighten a bit from their current very high level.
One interpretation of his fall was that Henry wanted Catholicism without the Pope - basically Cromwell went too far and so he got the chop.
Another is that he was sacrificed by the King to send a message to the nobility that the reformation was not going Lutheran...
Notably, around the time he fell, there was an execution of Catholics for refusing to acknowledge the Supremacy and an execution of "protestants" for being heretics.