Sometimes a betting market beautifully captures the political zeitgeist, and this market from William Hill eloquently expresses Labour’s current predicament with Jeremy Corbyn as leader, it’s not so much Labour are up a certain creek without a paddle, Labour are up that creek sans a canoe too.
We have no effective opposition to one of the least competent governments of recent times.
Surely Labour are only JC's heartbeat away from a ‘moderate’ takeover?
The lab leadership is not inheritable and finding 35 morons (cf Mr McTernan) to nominate McDonnell could be difficult.
“I’m looking for a crisis.”
“Certainly, sir. We have a wide range. The existential crisis is the very latest thing. It’s a state-of-the art, all-singing-all-dancing crisis and is proving to be most popular.”
“Yes, but what does an existential crisis actually do?”
“It captures the attention. It’s high-powered and grave, yet easy to handle. It’s usually linked with large issues, like the state of the EU or the Labour Party. We find it has actually overtaken the global threat in terms of popularity. You see many more existential crises in everyday use. We also do a very good existential angst for the discerning alarmist.”
MrsMay emails it to Druncker and by hook or by crook (with upto 2y delay) we are OUT for def.
What chance that the Islington friends of Palestine will conveniently hold a function in the evening of the boundary changes vote, thus giving half the Opposition front bench a reason to abstain?
This may pain many pro-EU supporters of those parties, but the answer would appear to be former Tory chancellor, George Osborne.
Osborne has emerged as a much needed voice of common sense in the debate over the shape of Brexit.
Read more at:
Waiting for hard Brexit to fail so he can assume the Tory leadership as the "I told you so" candidate...
Jeremy Corbyn’s re-election marks the demise of the Labour Party as a credible UK political force. His victory last year could have been written off as a spasm. But yesterday’s result has confirmed the fact that the unelectable hard left has now assumed a lock grip on Britain’s main party of opposition.
And the big question now is: who will speak for these decent, moderate Scottish voters who once looked to Labour for leadership, but who no longer recognise the party they once knew?
I am therefore determined to build a moderate Scottish Conservative party that appeals to the same people who supported Brown and Blair: one which knows that economic growth only has value if it works in tandem with social progress.
"With only 8 minutes to go in the 90-minute telecast, a technical glitch knocked off the sound, rendering the pool feed mute. Not knowing when it would be restored, Ford and Carter just stood at their lecterns, not saying a word, until the glitch was fixed. It was traced to a blown transformer.
For a total of 27 minutes, they just stared and waited, “almost like robots,” Carter later said in a 2000 interview with Jim Lehrer. “We didn’t move around, we didn’t walk over and shake hands with each other. We just stood there.”
Ford later said, “I suspect both of us would have liked to sit down and relax while the technicians were fixing the system, but I think both of us were hesitant to make any gesture that might look like we weren’t physically or mentally able to handle a problem like this.”
By the way, 111.9m watched the Super Bowl in February, I wonder how close the first debate will come to that audience?
He was born in Turkey. I guess the local police will be looking for a bunch more "Hispanics" to put in a line up....
Mental health issues. Muslims are very susceptible.
Who knows the exact motive? But the default is 'not terrorist related' and/or 'mental health'.
Starving them of the oxygen of publicity, or pretending it isn't a problem - take your choice.
Without this any Soft Brexit deal is going to be under siege from the cries of"betrayal" from the kippers and hard right of the Tories.
I'm still chortling over Gennifer Flowers. It's hilarious trolling. What was most amusing is the WTFery on Twitter 145k tweets ranging from What!??! to Who is Gennifer...OMG.
And then the massive sulk and claims of sexism from Hillary fans all claiming how scared Trump must be - yeah, right... I can't quite believe this is happening - even in theory.
It's done wonders to revive Flowers book sales, dragged up all the old juicy morsels/video clips of Bill lying on 60 Minutes, Hillary calling other women a 'bimbo eruption'... even Juanita Broderick has tweeted her rape claim trauma and she's now 73. For anyone too young to recall this gossipfest - it's an education.
After Corbyn’s re-election victory yesterday, it will be interesting to see which members of the PLP are brave enough to venture forth into the TV studios this morning. The spin line will no doubt be party unity, peace and reconciliation, the reality might be resignations live on air. #Soap
Miss Plato, what's the Flowers business?
We're in a bad situation. Either the blues cruise to triumph, which is hardly a healthy democratic situation, or we end up with a full-blown cretin as PM. Marvellous.
Mayor Jennifer Roberts asked Hillary Clinton to push back her upcoming trip to Charlotte hours after the Democratic nominee announced she would visit in an attempt to reach out Black Lives Matter protesters and the law enforcement community.
To offer it without a government recommended option is pointless. Cameron has proven the alternative is a career ending step. It's hard brexit unless the eu offers FULL national border control (and how likely is that).
Gennifer Flowers, just hilarious. Trying to troll Trump in that way is like the proverbial mud wrestling with a pig.
What chance the Donald is also looking for Monica Lewinsky's phone number?
Fortunately I am wealthy enough to be able to cope, and even prosper from it.
If she looks like she considers civil disturbance and fatal shootings to be an opportunity rather than a problem, that's not a good look.
I'm still waiting for a Republican PAC to make a House of Cards trailer showing the Clintons in place of the lead characters.
If they've really got balls, they'll do it with actual footage, will make a couple of days of headlines as HBO try and get it taken down - while everyone is talking about the comparison between the Underwoods and the Clintons.
Gennifer has accepted Trump's invite.
Politically the rEU may decide we're not worth the bother, but I don't think they'd let their own laws get in the way if they did want to hang on to us.
It would also give the EU an incentive to offer us the worst possible deal.
Miss Plato, ah, so it's Operation Handbags
Thanks for the answer.
I'm not sure Theresa would last five minutes in the job if she proposed that, we'd have PM Gove in no time at all.
To the rEU Brexit means Brexit even more than it does to May.
It's pretty thin whataboutery that doesn't deflect much from the core problem - the Clintons have a crypt full of skeletons.
Bill lying on 60 Minutes is a corker. He later confessed under oath that he'd had a sexual relationship with Flowers. Was this the meaning of 'is' stuff? It was so absurd at the time - makes OJ Simpson look innocent.
This is just gamesmanship prior to the debates.
Just another allegation of sleaze from a previous Clinton presidency when they were all too common. Needless to say, if Trump can plant enough doubt in the minds of Hillary's less committed supporters, and give the unenthusiastic good excuses to steer clear of the ballot boxes, then he can win.
"French President François Hollande has vowed to shut down the notorious “Jungle” migrant camp in Calais within weeks by dispatching its residents to dozens of “reception centres” dotted across the country.
"Around 9,000 people will be moved from Calais to 140 centres across France in the coming weeks, Mr Hollande said during a visit to one of the new centres in the city of Tours in the Loire Valley."
So hard Brexit it is.
Mr. L, it doesn't take many Conservatives to put a leader in a spot of bother. And a second referendum is something that will really piss off many voters. If it's In/Out, we've already answered that. If it's In or Out With New Deal, there's an active incentive for the EU to give us the worst possible deal and concede nothing on anything.
Regardless of how the vote went, I'd give serious consideration to voting for another party next time.
A second referendum before a50 makes more sense than after, but is even more of a political non starter.
He too fears that the USA will elect a maniac who will drag the world to war, said maniac being Mrs Hillary Clinton.
We're leaving, it's just too hard to stop it now even if it were to be shown to be a mistake.
I would therefore suspect that Lewis' chances of survival would still be high under these circumstances.
Dignity in Dying
Heading to #labconf16 for our fringe event today. 1pm at Hilton City Centre. Please come to discuss an exciting year for end of life choice.
And remember in all this, that Bill later admitted under oath that the allegations against him were true.
Yeah right, most popular in Scotland, bunch of useless donkeys wishing that was happening, I'm not a fanatic I just think everything is good for the SNP all the time, donkeys again.
And her National lead falls from 5 points to 2 points in the ABC News/Washington Post poll
I'm wondering if there's a rarely used but feminine version of the term.
It's always possible, of course, but highly unlikely. Corbyn is 67, but he's also a bicycling, teetotal vegetarian with a life full of purpose - exactly the sort of budding septuagenarian whom one would most expect to live to a ripe old age. And he's only got to last long enough to capture 3 or 4 more seats on the NEC, or for the moderates to be deselected and a new wave of radicals to be returned to the Commons in 2020.
I think we are reasonably safe to assume that pre-2015 Labour is a dead parrot.