It is sadly inevitable that events in New York and New Jersey – coming so soon after the anniversary of 9/11 – will be analysed through the prism of the coming election. What is less clear is the impact they will have. The traditional view is that events surrounding national security will favour the Republican candidate.
I am sure Trump will respond with a measured Presidential-esque statement...
But I have spent the evening making jam...but I am still definitely anti-sugar.
Clinton had led by 3 in the previous 1-2 Sep poll & by 7 in the 18-19 Aug poll.
We saw the same pattern in the Brexit polling, where Telephone polling favoured Remain & was less accurate than Internet polling. The reasons are the same: Leave supporters and Trump supporters are called racists by the Mass Media, so the supporters are only willing to express their true feelings in an online survey.
I'm expecting the Internet polls to be more accurate in the US presidential election.
BTW, what a truly dreadful picture of Hillary in the article. She looks completely washed out and exhausted. How on earth will she cope with being President?
The article may have been overtaken by events -- the terror attacks that are the subject of this thread, and to which Hillary is reacting to in the photo (speaking to reporters on her plane).
At some point in the near future the newly elected POTUS will have to deal with this guy and firmly. Sanctions are not achieving the aim and as suggested "jaw jaw" with other countries forced to the table may not be palatable for them and certainly would be used by Pyongyang as a massive victory.
"North Korea has said it has successfully tested a new rocket engine which could be used to launch satellites. The country's leader Kim Jong-Un has asked scientists and engineers to make preparations for a satellite launch as soon as possible.The United Nations and others view the North's space launch development project as a way of hiding tests of missile technology
I am more concerned about this guy than ISIS or Al Qaeda combined.
We must hope that someone has the capability to knock the missile out of the sky if required, imagine Seoul and Tokyo are a little twitchy right now.
Corbyn thinks there'll be an early election? Bring it on!
"How crucial are Pennsylvania and Florida? They’re more crucial than all the other states. But they’re still not that crucial. You often hear that some battleground state is absolutely key for Clinton or a must-win for Donald Trump, but really no single state is that pivotal. The map is pretty fluid.
You can see this best in our tipping-point state calculations, which show each state’s chances of providing the decisive 270th vote in the Electoral College for the winner'"
I hope we have lots more on the US election, with perhaps some guest input from American commentators?
I think this remark shows the kind of supercilious disdain for ordinary voters that characterised the Remain campaign. How dare people drag things like this into an election? This sort of attitude risks contempt for what matters to people at the moment. National security, whether that's under Merkel's let-them-all-in Germany, or bursting Britain, or under attack US, is a serious issue that does matter to people for very good reasons. The fact is that ISIS are hell-bent on the west's destruction. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a deluded fool. So it's not 'sad' that these events influence votes. They are integral to how the hell we sort out the current situation.
The strangest thing for me about the various terror attacks right now is the media/Hillary arguing about when it's okay to say Bomb, and trying to resuscitate Birtherism - everyone else doesn't care about effing syntax or something to do with the outgoing Obama.
It's such colossal point missing. It's Latvian homophobes writ large.
Once again Trump may be lying and making empty threats, but is it worth the risk?
“Hold out baits to entice the enemy,” wrote Sun Tzu, “feign disorder, and crush him.” Hillary, by baiting Trump with the birther controversy, was hoping the outspoken candidate would respond in a manner than that was undisciplined and unpresidential. She was hoping Trump would be Trump. It was a gamble she lost.
“President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” Trump said in response. “Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.”
Ahmad Khan Rahami asked House Democrat for help bringing his Pakistani wife to the U.S.
Neil Kinnock.... " I'm afraid I won't see Labour in power again in my lifetime"
May I be the first to wish Lord Kinnock and very long life, a birthday card from the queen and a subsequent entry into the Guinness book of Records.
While we suspect Clinton of lying, once again we are in the position of hoping that Trump is!
I suppose we can add Chinese and Korean Americans to the anti-Trump demographics.
I reckon we could do without the Outrage Police monitoring every word written about these issues for "disdain" for ordinary voters. It's pathetic.
However as much as I hate to point this out Kim will never sit down with a woman on equal terms across the table. His ego and nature would not allow such a scenario including the reports of such a meeting with a US female president if they got out back home. He utterly hates America and tells his "folks" regularly.
VIDEO: Shootout between police and NJ/NY bombing suspect Ahmad Rahami in Linden - @ABC
The Chinese are going to sit there and go 'Those Nukes heading towards us, they're for North Korea, right? They wouldn't be aimed at us would they? Lets just wait and see.....'
American Anonymous
Here is where he reveals Hillary Clintons Email server
Its all in the testing he did
Why Hillary Lost: A Premature Obit
The blame game has already begun. Here’s where Democrats will point the finger if she loses.
As someone once remarked to me, there's no one so illiberal as a liberal.
Former soap star Tracy Brabin is favourite to replace murdered Jo Cox as the MP for Batley and Spen after the party revealed its final shortlist.
The 55-year-old actress, who appeared in Coronation Street, Eastenders and Emmerdale is one of two women hoping to win the seat
...its another when a serious candidate for POTUS goes round making suggestions like hope it is just hyperbole.
I don't know what the answer is to Kim but, he is getting nuttier by the day and sooner or later war may be inevtiable. The diplomatic trick will indeed by persuading China to sit it out just as Israel were persuaded not to join in in gulf war 1.0.
Pre emptive targetted use of tactical nuclear weapons could be part of such a strategy, aimed at bunkers containing Kim or his military toys. But does Trump have the skill to do something like this without managing to start a war with China?
.....but she is certainly upping the ante..
I think the deployment of the US THAAD anti-missile system to South Korea as wise, but the best people to put pressure on North Korea over its sabre rattling are the Chinese. Trump wants to start a trade war in the region and withdraw US troops.
The moderator, NBC News' Lester Holt, will ask the presidential candidates about "America's direction," "achieving prosperity" and "securing America," according to a statement released Monday afternoon by the Commission on Presidential Debates...
Clinton has reportedly pulled out all the stops preparing for the debates, including consulting with psychology experts and the ghostwriter for Trump's The Art of the Deal.
What do you call sweeping generalisations about groups of people, and unfairly assigning malign, hateful motives to them, as Hillary does to Trump supporters? Well, you could say that is the definition of bigotry. Clinton and company believe that, as long as it is in the name of fighting racism, sexism, etc, then it is okay to denigrate huge swathes of people. Trashing the white trash is today’s socially acceptable form of elitist bigotry.
These two candidates have turned a lot of assumptions about US elections on their heads. I can still see the possibility of a landslide for either candidate, and can see a turnout between 48% and about 65%. The debates will be as big as the hype leading up to them.
The difference between our political culture here - and that of the US still makes me flinch at times, but it's not here and judging it by our 'normal' is daft. Yet many pundits who should know a great deal better keep doing it.
tl:dr there's a lot to get done, but most of it is doable and relatively straightforward if we put our minds to it.
To be honest, most of the Momentum steering committee is so posh when they talk about a crèche, I thought they meant a car accident.
Edit: 2012 election stats, turnout was 47% men and 53% women. Men voted 52% Romney, 45% Obama, women voted 55% Obama 44% Romney. Overall was 51/47.
its aimed at traditional educated republicans who hate racists. even so, doubt that would work
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