When I joined the BBC in the 70s one of the senior writers was regarded a bit of legend for having spotted the start of Ping-Ping diplomacy – what the US official historian describes as “fraternization” between table tennis players from the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China during an international competition in Japan. It led eventually to the 1972 meeting between Nixon and Mao.
More fundamentally, this is wishful thinking. The wider party is at war, and even if the MPs pipe down for a bit, there are enough angry footsoldiers to keep fighting in the trenches.
New conspiracy theories!
That the thread talks about diplomacy instead of war is a sign that the war is coming at it's end, and peace talks are on hand.
Who knows, with Hillary it might be correct.
I wouldn't want to outright reject those notions and embarrass myself like the Washington Post did, if they ever come true.
They're unique enough to be used like fingerprints for identification.
Also - the arse/stomach of the person who appeared waving in blue glasses wasn't the same shape as bell tent Hillary. That person is about a stone or more thinner.
It's probably all angles and stuff, but a bit weird.
As I wrote last week, Corbyn will win, but that will not suddenly make him a competent leader or someone who can stick to a collective position or someone who can reach out beyond his comfort zone. He has already lost supporters from the pre-September 2015 cohort of members and he will lose more over the coming year to 18 months as it becomes clear he cannot come close to delivering a serious challenge to the Tories.
The PLP is right to offer the hand of unity with shadow cabinet elections, as well as a request to drop talk of deselections etc. It has to be seen to be meeting Corbyn halfway. But it takes two to tango. Corbyn just cannot reciprocate.
For anyone watching - and I know not many are - the mood music at the TUC is instructive. Already a motion has been passed saying that it is vital for the UK to remain a part of the single market. That is in direct contradiction of Corbyn's unilaterally announced policy last week. We'll see a similar gap over Trident renewal.
Honestly, it's time for Mrs Merkel grow some balls and sack the whole Commission. Juncker has become unhinged.
NBC turns on Hillary
Hillary Clinton's health scare: 9 unanswered questions https://t.co/w03JsuTgzA https://t.co/WDdXFgtd0Q
They lost.
"France and Germany both back a system based on the US ESTA scheme, under which visitors from countries that do not require full visas must apply online for permission to travel,"
Seriously though, it is time for Germany to stand up and be counted. Being supine to Juncker has already hurt them and there are actions she could take to force his resignation. Defunding the Commission and possibly even the EU until he resigns would be my first threat.
We've seen it on PB a hundred times. Its the cover up that gets you, not the incident.
We will now need exit checks though, which is an additional cost for the Home Office.
But don't overlook the possibility this is bad for Trump as well, if there is an increased focus on what he might be hiding about his own health. If, of course, he is hiding something rather than just not releasing anything beyond the claim that he will be the healthiest president ever.
It sums up the consequences of our decision to leave quite well.
Or do you really think that every single aspect of our EU membership will stay the same, except the one or two arcane things you believe should stop?
the fact we're even debating this is crazy.
On the contrary, it’s rather admirable. But what the world saw on Sunday as she fell into her car was deeply distressing. She was clearly unable to walk, propped up against a pillar and held steady by an aide. Her head wobbled, her knees buckled. And down she went.
This display of infirmity came at the very worst moment possible: a ceremony to commemorate the victims of 9/11. America feels vulnerable, it needs direction and strength. The sight of Mrs Clinton’s fall suggests that she isn’t physically capable of providing either.
She may have pneumonia (or heatstroke etc) - if not why not admit it? Anyone can have a short illness totally unrelated to their age or chronic conditions (if any).
But as mentioned in my post, do you really think that nothing will change save for those couple of ECJ rulings you believe constitute an egregious violation of our sovereignty (to which we will adhere anyway)?
% of a parties voters who OPPOSE
new selective grammar schools being built
LAB 39%
GRN 28%
LD 24%
UKIP 14%
CON 9%
A body double would explain those sunglasses as well - maybe the wrong colour eyes . . .
There is something of the 'Dear Leader' about all this
Where's Tapestry when you need him?
Given the history of American Presidents and their health, I'm surprised anyone is bothered at all by Hillary Clinton's health issue. First, let me wish her well - pneumonia isn't pleasant but it can be overcome.
I'm puzzled by the wave of anti-Clinton hysteria on here. No one has explained to me how a Trump Presidency would benefit Britain let alone America. If I had a vote in the US election, I wouldn't be backing the Donald under any circumstances. I do accept neither candidate is an FDR or a Reagan but it is a transition before the next wave of younger candidates emerges.
Trump is simply a mirror on which people reflect their anger, sense of entitlement, loss of identity etc. I've yet to hear a scintilla of a constructive programme or policy beyond building a wall and of course tax cuts for the wealthy.
Apart from some desire to "kick the Establishment", why would anyone vote for Trump or want to see him win ?
Might give the boundary reforms enough rebel Labour support to go through if these are confirmed.