If last night’s YouGov Labour leadership poll proves accurate, then Jeremy Corbyn will win with an even bigger mandate than last year. I’ve always had the hunch the Labour rebels had a one more heave approach with Corbyn, reduce his mandate this year, to soften him to be toppled in a future leadership contest.
Oh dear, oh dear oh dear.
The article confirms as I've indicated on PB that for The Donald it's all of FOP or bust - Florida .. Ohio .. Pennsylvania.
"Not included in the manifesto document is Jeremy’s Volunteer Toolkit – a website set up for his supporters “to help make Jeremy Corbyn the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom”.
Among the ridiculous links available are Jeremoji, where people can make Corbyn and Labour Party emojis, and Jerememe Corbyn, where people can submit their own Corbyn memes."
They should split. They won't. [That said, I thought they'd bottle any real challenge and they did finally put up a rival to Corbyn, albeit a rubbish one].
FPT: According to Twitter, there's been a stabbing by a Dave in Toulouse. Not on the BBC, as yet [that I can see].
Ironically, this call for more protection for mothers [making it harder to get rid of them during/after pregnancy] will probably have the impact of making employers, especially smaller ones, less likely to hire women:
The more rights mothers get, the more onerous the burden on a business, the more reluctant they'll be to hire women.
Edited extra bit: if Labour's woe were a Greek tragedy, it'd be called The Jeremiad.
Anyway, let's take the classic example of my own seat - Cannock. Around 100,000 inhabitants, 90% urban, ex-coal mining, public sector employment at roughly 10% at a guess, the rest in skilled/semi skilled light industry or retail. One or two wealthy pockets but mostly quite poor. House prices are low and so is immigration. Has voted Labour 1945-70 and again 1992-2010 (possibly with one other spell in between).
The workers are simply not interested in Corbyn. They even dislike him. They actually expressed interest in Miliband, but they were turned off in the election by the fact that the Labour candidate was a certifiable lunatic who thought the way to win an election in Mid-Staffordshire was to campaign on Labour's record on the NHS.
With rare exceptions the public sector are increasingly embarrassed by Corbyn's antics, and study their coffee mugs when people talk about him. He sometimes makes good points, they mumble, but...
Which leaves the prospect that Labour will come third if UKIP pick the candidate who spent half his time railing against the iniquities of the EU and half his time fighting to save the disabled children's playground.
Now Cannock is typical of many seats in the WM or even the north. It is the type of seat that Labour have got to win to take power, and challenge in to remain relevant. But here, Corbyn's leadership is causing them to disintegrate.
We've established Labour are writing off the south despite there being many winnable seats there. They are losing ground in the Midlands. If they are struggling in Cannock, I have no doubt they will struggle in the semi-rural north. Which raises the question - where and what can they win under Corbyn?
And that is why, whatever Smith's faults and inadequacies, it is desperately important that he should win, even if he then has to resign later in favour of someone better.
And to add to that - therefore this time there is a merit in a split. Because it could hardly make things worse but it might just conceivably salvage something.
Everything is perfectly timed for Momentum to take over whats left of the party in 2020...
But however loathsome the human being, it is not good for the soul to actively pray for somebody's death.
Do nothing
Resign the whip and continue as an independent
Help to form a new party
Join the Greens
Take the SNP whip
Join the Tories
Join the Lib Dems.
(roughly, I think, in that order of probability)
Basically everything that could have gone wrong for Labour has gone wrong, and the lesson is — ignore the warnings of PB Tories at your peril, they are always right.
1) They don't care. They're only interested in talking about the things they want to talk about about, sitting around a campfire and singing kum-by-ya
2) They don't want to engage with voters which don't share their views, and don't want to compromise to get their votes.
What is wrong with a cult? Wasn't Blair a cult (think of the absurd hero-worshipping of Blair in his first term) ?
What is wrong with "minders" imposing your views on the party? Didn't thugs escort an 82-year old out of the Labour Party conference and then have him arrested under terrorism legislation under Blair's regime? Didn't Blair's enforcers (at the very least) contribute to the suicide of David Kelly?
As in so many things. Jeremy is a well-meaning amateur. Blair is the real pro.
Jeremy needs to take a leaf or two out of Blair's book.
So in that sense anything is possible, depending on what their emotional response to failure and rejection might be? Assuming YouGov is right and Brind just is mendacious ramping, of course.
And if it were Hebrew, the Parliamentary party's complaints would be called the Lamentions of Jeremiah?
Corbyn is going to win in all categories of member #LabourLeadership https://t.co/ASi9Amcy5n https://t.co/ubdEXlPswZ
I wonder if they will gradually come to do that as they age or if electoral participation will drop off a cliff as the baby boomers die off?
The splitters would find it very difficult if not impossible to retain their Labour seats if another candidate branded Labour stood against them.
Any MP that has not already declared themselves an apostle of the great messiah is a sitting duck for deselection and will lose their seat anyway whatever they now try to do or say. They are already identified of course as they well know
Truly a damned either way.......no win situation......catch 22.
"Should I stay or should I go?"
I think some Birmingham seats might be less safe for Corbyn Labour than they have been in the past, but that's anecdotal, don't trust for betting purposes.
However, if a split starts then it will have its own momentum. The maths in both the PLP and the membership (at local and national level) would tip further and further against the mainstream, eroding the position of those still committed to standing and holding out.
[Not to mention the Jezbollah aren't very nice to people they dislike. If you had young kids, would you put your head above the parapet?].
Keep quiet, and be ready to pick up the pieces in 2020. If Corbyn's win is as big as implied by YouGov, there is no point in wasting energy by picking an unwinnable fight right now.
I don't think we'll here anything from Dan until after 2020. He is perfectly placed then.
Still, Paul Flynn has two jobs now - and wants to be handed string free money too.
They should split. They won't.
Right now, the yellows and purples aren't in place to capitalise. But they might be in four or nine years.
Blairism is dead as a political force inside Labour. Look at the embarrassing vote Liz Kendall got the last time. Even if (when) Corbyn loses badly the party is not going to swing back to being "intensely relaxed" about people getting wealthy, the introduction of private sector efficiencies into the provision of public services and reform of public sector services in the interests of the consumer rather than the producer. It just isn't.
So people like Chuka, Kendall and even the Yvette Coopers have really got a choice. Either they make a more congenial home that does believe in such things or they find something else to do other than politics. My guess is that as with the previous generation destroyed by Brown they will find better things to do with their time.
Clinton 41.9 .. Trump 45.3
'Teens arrested in Polish 'hate crime' murder probe'
Of course it's possible that one or more of them might actually be called Dave.
Fervent Corbynistas manage to surprise us on an almost daily basis. People's Momentum complaining about Momentum Trumpton/getting them suspended on Twitter is typical butthurt.
I'm glad to see that the Trumpton guys just restarted with another @. Old Holborn is on his 37th incarnation IIRC.
Her voters should be more motivated, for a start, while Trump is pitching to non-voters...
*That wasn't a pun.
First the Leave vote, then Trump.
And yet he still can't get elected to Parliament.
The Traingate row actually made Corbyn more popular with members https://t.co/0FD4JmuRfN
The standout number is Trump leading the 18-34 demographic by over 3 polnts ..
I think the case for/against will hinge on the ethnicity of the suspects.
London often seen as a Corbynite heartland but he's 55-45 ahead of Smith there, compared to 63-37 in the north.
The report suggests it was an attack motivated by race hate or xenophobia, whereas those parodied on here (that you dislike?) are those attacks by muslims on non muslims that are made to look as if there were no racial/religious motivation
If I was a betting man, I might be tempted to put a few Euro on him as next Labour leader.
His pitch to black voters is something I'm watching closely. It's such an intriguing angle/third rail stuff.
Staggering there hasn't been an instantaneous psychiatric evaluation.
There's a risk this'll look like white people can commit 'hate' crime*, whereas Muslim murderers are mentally ill loners**. I hope the scum involved get the book thrown at them.
*Hate crime is a stupid term.
**There is, of course, a white-Muslim overlap.