FTSE100 boss pay up 10%. Nice work if you can get it.
Even I'm starting to get uncomfortable with this. And I'm quite dry.
So long as it doesn't come from the public purse and so long as these firms don't get bailed out if they get into trouble, who cares? I doubt they're getting value for money, but that's hardly our problem. If shareholders don't complain, that's their luck out.
FTSE100 boss pay up 10%. Nice work if you can get it.
Even I'm starting to get uncomfortable with this. And I'm quite dry.
So long as it doesn't come from the public purse and so long as these firms don't get bailed out if they get into trouble, who cares? I doubt they're getting value for money, but that's hardly our problem. If shareholders don't complain, that's their luck out.
A lot of people care that their pay continues to go up and up and up in the stratosphere - for little discernible improvement in performance that they can tell - whilst theirs stagnates or creeps up by measly amounts. The optics are terrible.
It's a problem for the Right because things like this, untouched, can fuel socialism.
Totally O/t, but the BBC has a feature on a “hacking conference (or two) in the US, under the heading Hackers for Hilary, which includes the quote "another hacker told me: “You’ve got one guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You’ve got one lady who knows what she’s talking about, but then she’s really not on our side.”
Why do parents like grammar schools? They believe the kids will get a better education. They do, because you have fewer of the rowdy, I don't want no education refuseniks. I suspect a driving force behind parents paying.
Why do kids like grammar schools? They don't necessarily, they generally prefer to stay with their mates. I went to the local grammar school from a council estate in 1960, and received both discouraging banter and grudging admiration from my previous school friends. But there was no disparagement of achievement.
My son and daughter went to a comprehensive where the attitude was different. Being a 'boffin' was to be mocked and looked down on. Possibly a social change, mixed with a little jealousy.
The ideal would be streamed, subject-based comprehensives, as was suggested earlier. Even my lderly grammar streamed as a matter of course.
I have friends who went to streamed grammar schools but at my school 450 pupils 11-18 only allowed two classes, about 30 each, equal abilities. Only about four of the 60 in my year went to univ., none got to Oxbridge. No need to disparage achievement if there's little or no achievement!
I just think grammars belong in the dark ages. Somewhat larger schools, with the same discipline and with streaming, are the best way forward. Plus a kick up the arse for the many Labour local authorities which seem to do less well than London.
Cricket, for anyone who cares about the ICC rankings (probably nobody):
If all remaining matches in the current Eng-Pak, WI-Ind and SL-Aus series are draws, the top of the rankings will be:
Eng 110 Aus 110 Ind 108 Pak 107
I think we are the best test nation right now, Australia have been shown up against Sri Lanka. Interesting and a bit odd to see South Africa outside the top 5.
Root and Cook have to get half their runs in "English conditions", I think Cook would comfortably average over 50 if he was Australian, but being English means your technique will be superior (especially to seam) as the ball moves around more than the flat tracks of Aus.
Even I'm starting to get uncomfortable with this. And I'm quite dry.
No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no no no no no
There's no limit
It's a problem for the Right because things like this, untouched, can fuel socialism.
If I were a business chap, I'd probably just link my pay to everyone else's. Whenever I got a pay rise, so would they, of equal proportion.
Of course, some soulless materalists are greedier than me.
If all remaining matches in the current Eng-Pak, WI-Ind and SL-Aus series are draws, the top of the rankings will be:
Eng 110
Aus 110
Ind 108
Pak 107
"another hacker told me: “You’ve got one guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You’ve got one lady who knows what she’s talking about, but then she’s really not on our side.”
I just think grammars belong in the dark ages. Somewhat larger schools, with the same discipline and with streaming, are the best way forward. Plus a kick up the arse for the many Labour local authorities which seem to do less well than London.
Root and Cook have to get half their runs in "English conditions", I think Cook would comfortably average over 50 if he was Australian, but being English means your technique will be superior (especially to seam) as the ball moves around more than the flat tracks of Aus.