politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » With Zac continuing to trail some Tory voices are questioning the Crosby-inspired campaign
Pick your metaphor. Canine or feline. The folklore surrounding Tory election guru Lynton Crosby has both “dead cats” and “dog whistles”.
Read the full story here
The issue is Don and his disingenuity not a generalised principle.
As I have stated plenty of times before, it is Khan who has raised the issue of racial quotas - and if anything reeks of racial profiling, it is that. It is Khan who has made an issue of his Muslimness by saying that electing him would send a "message". It is Khan who has made an issue about how he will tackle Muslim extremists, even though there is no evidence that he ever done so in the past and some evidence that he has been and continues to be a bit too cosy with some of them. Having raised these issues, he should have been challenged on them but Goldsmith has not done that and I think it a pity because there are questions which Khan should answer.
Khan is not the worst Labour candidate we could have had but he is not the best. I think he lacks good judgment. But he is energetic and, with luck, won't be a disaster. Whether he will be what London needs I doubt - and that is a pity. Goldsmith would not be a disaster either but he is certainly not the best candidate the Tories could have produced. Personally, I'd have been happy to have had Boris continue. Mayor suits him perfectly. He is overrated as an MP and as a future Leader of the Tories.
Khan is better than Livingstone.
The political background is broadly the same.
Last time it was 51.5:48:5
Looks like it might be a close Labour win.
Both candidates lack anything special. We were spoilt with Boris, and were with Cameron before he lost the plot.
Back to the unremarkable for a while all round in every Party.
Welterweight is one of the strongest divisions.
An MP is preparing to name the “celebrity threesome” couple in the House of Commons , the Telegraph can disclose, as a Scottish newspaper published the identities of the mystery couple behind the injunction.
Lynton Crosby - "The 'niquab issue' was something I learnt about when I read the media like most people," - "I have watched with bemusement suggestions I was running the campaign or somehow on the campaign team. I wasn't".
Honestly, this desire to invade everyone's privacy over everything is beyond tiresome. It's really quite troubling.
Having said that, Jonathan's post upthread succinctly summarises the position, which is why Sadiq is likely to win. TBH I'm struggling to see why anyone should be particularly concerned about this; he's a decent enough candidate, even if he has made a silly pledge on fares. In particular, he's a far, far more acceptable figure than Livingstone.
Edited extra bit: That said, it probably would've been a better line if someone who didn't keep banging on about his own books had written it...
I wonder what Corbyn thinks.
2 The Tories need a very strong candidate to overcome London's inherent Labour skew
3 Good to see our friends on the left still respect Sir Lynton - do they respect Lord Livermore?
4 Also good to see our friends on the left writing off Sir Lynton as a failing has been...
5 If Zac hadn't done leaflets targeting specific ethnic groups he'd be accused of ignoring them.
6 The main focus should be going after 'Jeremy Corbyn's candidate Sadiq Khan' - which it appears the leaflet does.....
Suggests London lost 2.11% of voters in 2013-14 and 1.24% the following year.
Boris v Ken was almost exactly 2m voter, so what would be 67,000 voters lost if that was it, or more like double that if the average was extrapolated over the electoral period.
Er, no, it's Surrey County Council. Get in touch with Mary Lewis. She is VERY good.
No wonder I've barely noticed despite following it for weeks.
Lab 2673
Con 2663
LDem 1801
Green 1521
UKIP 1427
TUSC 308
Others 525
Note 1 Labour in Halton and 1 Conservative in a by election in Rutland elected unopposed .
Wolverhampton Tettenhall Regis ward has 2 Conservative candidates for 1 seat !!!!
Then there is the Trinity International Restricted Share Plan, administered by Barclays Wealth Trustees (Guernsey) Ltd, another offshore trustee.
Wouldn't want to get left behind by the Guardian, would it?
And the second, counter-intuitively, is to tell someone but in such a way that they assume it's a huge joke e.g. announcing to the office that you're having a passionate affair with the office cleaner. Everyone assumes that it can't possibly be true and dismisses it, when in reality...... etc.
You might want to take a closer look at the Labour party
"They refer to a strategy based on playing the man not the ball; issuing innuendos and smears rather than fighting on the issues" Ring any bells? It really should unless you don't care what Labour did and do.
" intrusive, patronising and divisive tactics”" - mhhh - I suggest you could look again at your own party.
While you are at it can you can get Labour to sort out it's problem with anti semites - that might be a bit of a task though.
It will require the abandonment of the milk-and-water multiculturalism still so beloved of many, and the adoption of a far more muscular approach to integration.
- Humphrey Appleby (and possibly Francis Bacon)
Miss Vance, Twitter appears awash with people shrieking outrage at Philips and his 'Islamophobia'.
/Endeth smug bastard mode/
I'm not sure how easy integration will be even if we had the will. Even more concerning I don't think enough people do have the will. Given that, we are simply storing up more and more problems for ourselves.
The full article is well worth reading.
Will he also reveal his assets held overseas eg offshore.
I seem to recall Boris and other London candidates published their tax returns at a previous election.
People can use facts selectively to sustain an argument and can do so because they have an agenda. The way to deal with this is to point out the missing facts and show how weak/spurious/inadequate the argument is*. But that would take a bit of work and engagement. So those who cannot be bothered to defeat a poor argument with a better one resort to ad hominem insults to bypass the whole concept of argument and debate. These are the tactics of the babyish, the scared, the inadequates and the bullies - of which there are far too many around in positions of influence.
* One of the best examples of this was Deborah Lipstadt's demolition of David Irving in a libel trial. It took a lot of time and effort and money but his claim to be an academic historian (albeit one with horrible views) was utterly destroyed as a result.
Hillary is miles ahead in the votes over Bernie.
The Tories won a MAJORITY.
Trevor Phillips and Maajid Nawaz speak the truth.
@MrHarryCole: Zinger in @timesredbox: "With the air of someone still desperately rummaging in a filing cabinet" Corbyn will publish tax return "very soon"
The more fundamental point is that the Canadian Tories tried the anti-Islamist stuff, and it didn't work at all, even in heavily white and non-Islamic Canada.
Leaving aside the minor detail is how credible is it that Trevor Phillips, until reasonably recently the Chair of the Campaign for Racial Equality is a racist ?
Boris Johnson earned just short of £900,000 from his freelance work on top of his six-figure mayoral salary in the first three years at City Hall, figures published by the Conservative mayor revealed yesterday, bringing his total earnings for the period to close to £1.3m.
His freelance earnings were £363,000 the year before he became mayor, when he was still an MP with a £55,000 salary. His full earnings over the past four years are just under £1.7m. The scale of Johnson's earnings will fuel claims by his rival Ken Livingstone that the Conservative candidate stands to significantly benefit from chancellor George Osborne's decision to scrap the 50p top rate of tax – a move that Johnson strongly lobbied for.
The release of the earnings data raises the possibility of demands on future MPs to reveal their tax arrangements, and could set a precedent at the next general election for a more open, US-style contest.
The figures were published after Johnson made a public commitment during a mayoral debate on BBC2's Newsnight on Wednesday in an attempt to settle a row with Livingstone over their respective tax arrangements in an increasingly bitter contest ahead of elections next month. Johnson called Livingstone a "fucking liar" in a lift the day before.
But figures eventually released by Livingstone – after an initial refusal to do so – showed that over four years the Labour mayoral candidate paid himself dividends worth £125,555 from Silveta Ltd, the company he owns with his wife, on which he paid just £23,730 in corporation tax – which at 20% is significantly lower than the income tax he would have paid.
The figures, verified by an accountant, show Livingstone took £342,041 over the period from a combined income for employment, "interest", company dividends, and his pension. Total tax paid over the period was £113,861, comprising £90,131 in income tax between 2007-2008 and 2010/2011 and the £23,730 in corporation tax . However, the figures do not show the true scale of his earnings since these were channelled through the company.