The latest PB/PM TV Show is just out and rather than examine the detail of the budget seeks to look at its impact on the EURef and, of course, Osbo’s leadership ambitions. Also, of course, there’s a look at the latest “Super Tuesday” primaries and whether Hillary versus Trump is now a foregone conclusion.
Can any of our resident experts comment.
Can I now gift £4k/annum to my offspring, to put in a lifetime ISA, and get a 25% state uplift.
I was planning to do the gifting anyway, so a 25% uplift sounds too good to be true.
I think I will live another 7 years.
Since I can't think of anything policy-wise that would trigger it, one wonders if it's simply people looking at the candidates for his replacement and thinking "God, we didn't know we'd been born".
Great performance by Arsenal, v unlucky
Story of our season, we just don't take our chances
I don't think this analysis is quite correct. I think it is worth noting that a large proportion of "Latino's" in Florida aren't Mexican, they are Cuban and Puerto Rican, and the Cuban's are traditionally more GOP leaning. A quick look on wikipedia says Mexicans only make up 15% of the Latino's in Florida. So I am not sure "the wall" factor is quite so in play.
Trump also employs tonnes of people in Florida as well.
And defend properly ;-)
What wouldn't be the managers responsibility in your opinion?
On the Republican side with the withdrawal of Rubio the numbers tend to favor Trump. Republicans have a smorgasbord of winner take all, winner take most, and proportional primaries. The question becomes whether he can get the 1237 delegates before the convention, ensuring the nomination for him. Otherwise the Rules Committee will be involved at the convention.
An ABC/Washington Post poll surveyed 1,000 adults and asked if Donald Trump should win the nomination if he has the most delegates going into the RNC.
Should win - 53%
Pick someone else - 42%
No opinion - 5%
A brokered convention could be very dangerous for the Republicans. If, after the people have spoken - and spoken very loudly, primary turnout is up 35% or so - the back room boys at the convention choose someone else than the person with the most votes, that could be a disaster for the GOP.
Their interlocutor could well arrive via the FirthoForth with a couple of Carrier Groups and the Launch Codes in his back pocket.
He's going to slaughter Hills
Budget night - some Tories worried about disability benefit cuts, may stage EU related fight about tampon tax, furious about pro EU speech
I don't get the fuss over the sugar tax, personally I just guzzle tonnes of aspartime anyway
Trump doesn't give a shit.
Sadly no. “The creatures outside looked from Osborne to Brown, and from Brown to Osborne, and from Osborne to Brown again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
I bring up the sports analogy because the Americans are notoriously less tolerant of draws in sport than Europeans and don't seem to acknowledge the idea of an almost-winner.
Or have I misunderstood it.
Your analysis and vision on that was fine btw.
If the rules are completely torn up [along with all ballots] to coronate someone else entirely then there would be justifiable fireworks...
Which suggests to me that the GOP is going to come to terms with a Trump candidacy before the convention.
Looks to be the only one in doubt now.
The problem as I see it with a brokered convention is that everyone involved except Trump is a clear loser, and the average angry Republican voter would see an Establishment stitch-up which would most likely hand the election to Hillary.
One gets the impression that a fair few of the NRC would prefer Hillary to Trump as President. There probably would be riots if they tried to kick out the Donald now.
Then they get +£10k towards their deposit when they buy a house.
Not so good for those in their 30's/40's looking to buy their first house soon, unfortunately.
The domain name will be transfered when the group secure new hosting. The owner of the hosting package Graeme Ellis has resigned over disability cuts from the group and will no longer develop or host this site" EU Summit is tomorrow. Some leaders say that the latest plan is illegally tough, others that it doesn't go far enough in helping the migrants to resettle in the EU.
Javid and Malhotra are both dreadful at communicating respective messages.
"The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here."
Trouble in Paradise.
It is called borrowing - and we had enough of it under Brown, ta muchly.
So we should excuse the poor drinking something that is bad for them should we?
Ministers want to require Labour-affiliated union members to "opt in" to paying a levy to the party.
The political levy is disgusting, and, to steal a phrase, 'hits the poor the most'. Most Union members are not interested in the Labour party. Especially this Labour party.
If it is to be a sugar tax then it should be on all sugar containing foods, not just pop, and at a rate that influences behaviour. I cannot see it happening.
Wouldn't be a great loss - he has been an absolute pain since losing the leadership election 11 bloody years ago.
Also, funny how sugar tax seems to get thumbs up from the same people who attacked Osborne so vigorously over "pasty tax"...cos pasties are so so healthy.
That's just intellectually dishonest.
My new rule of thumb is that if my luvvie mate on fb whinges about it then it is a damn good thing.
He has been going crazy about the TU reforms.
My old rule of thumb was that if DD was against it, it was probably worth at least considering.
Did I just hear Sajid Javid correctly when he said he wouldn't be part of a government that cuts disability benefits? #newsnight