So much for ensuring they remain politically neutral on the issue of Brexit...If you are for it, you get the heave ho, if you are against it, well carry on old chap..
The BCC really have blown their own feet off with this. If they had just said nothing other than entitled to their personal opinion, but as an organisation we try to stay neutral, lets call it the BBC Tw@tter policy on neutrality, it would have all blown over by now.
Labour seem to be completely and utterly irrelevant and anonymous regarding the whole EUref debate.
If they were to judge it on it's own merits rather than as proxy opposition to the Tories, they would likely conclude that it facilitates many of the things they complain loudest about most of the time.
A Labour vote for remain is a vote for low wages, a free market in healthcare, international tax shuffling, German style 'austerity' etc.
Just had a very amusing conversation with my man in France.
The French are spitting with how Cameron f**ked up the negotiations. They wanted him to propose something sensible that worked for everyone - on immigration, on benefits and everything else. They would have then ganged up on Germany and delivered it.
But Cameron went for the "I'm alright, Jack, approach" and tried to wing the whole thing. Result - in their view - is there is a real chance that Brexit may happen. (But he confirmed that they will make a big and generous offer to Scotland)
Will they offer a eurozone bailout to scortland ? Will anyone stay alive after a eurozone bailout in scotland to tell the tale?
Just had a very amusing conversation with my man in France.
The French are spitting with how Cameron f**ked up the negotiations. They wanted him to propose something sensible that worked for everyone - on immigration, on benefits and everything else. They would have then ganged up on Germany and delivered it.
But Cameron went for the "I'm alright, Jack, approach" and tried to wing the whole thing. Result - in their view - is there is a real chance that Brexit may happen. (But he confirmed that they will make a big and generous offer to Scotland)
Did he say what he had in mind as a solution on immigration and benefits that worked for everyone. It sounds good!
Just had a very amusing conversation with my man in France.
The French are spitting with how Cameron f**ked up the negotiations. They wanted him to propose something sensible that worked for everyone - on immigration, on benefits and everything else. They would have then ganged up on Germany and delivered it.
But Cameron went for the "I'm alright, Jack, approach" and tried to wing the whole thing. Result - in their view - is there is a real chance that Brexit may happen. (But he confirmed that they will make a big and generous offer to Scotland)
Did he say what he had in mind as a solution on immigration and benefits that worked for everyone. It sounds good!
So much for ensuring they remain politically neutral on the issue of Brexit...If you are for it, you get the heave ho, if you are against it, well carry on old chap..
The BCC really have blown their own feet off with this. If they had just said nothing other than entitled to their personal opinion, but as an organisation we try to stay neutral, lets call it the BBC Tw@tter policy on neutrality, it would have all blown over by now.
No, they really haven't blown off any feet with this. Only the most obsessive Leavers cannot understand the problem with the director-general of the organisation expressing a view in an official speech, in his capacity as director-general, when the organisation had a formal position that they were neutral.
What's more, the obsession by the Leavers with nonsense such as this is incredibly counter-productive. Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks. The only foot-shooting has been in the Leave camp.
If the outers are whining again then it's another day won by IN
I have seen it - and can confirm its magnificence. All the more magnificent for having a Long-tailed Shrike in the gardens. The very bird I had been trying to see a few days earlier, when the vessel I was in had a gearbox malfunction. In the Middle of the Minch. With a force 6 making us all as green as our waterproofs, it resulted in a full-on air sea rescue - helicopter, lifeboat, diverted bulk carrier to give us some shelter in their lee, the works. (Those aboard were particular exasperated, as another 800 yards west and the lifeboat would have towed us to South Uist where the bird was. Instead....)
So much for ensuring they remain politically neutral on the issue of Brexit...If you are for it, you get the heave ho, if you are against it, well carry on old chap..
The BCC really have blown their own feet off with this. If they had just said nothing other than entitled to their personal opinion, but as an organisation we try to stay neutral, lets call it the BBC Tw@tter policy on neutrality, it would have all blown over by now.
No, they really haven't blown off any feet with this. Only the most obsessive Leavers cannot understand the problem with the director-general of the organisation expressing a view in an official speech, in his capacity as director-general, when the organisation had a formal position that they were neutral.
What's more, the obsession by the Leavers with nonsense such as this is incredibly counter-productive. Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks. The only foot-shooting has been in the Leave camp.
If the outers are whining again then it's another day won by IN
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Nah. The will see the side that Farage and IDS are on and vote the opposite.
You're confusing Islington labour with the WWC. I'm not sure if that's deliberate or that you never come into contact with the WWC.
Suburban Leicester is not Islington! Farage has consistently failed to get elected wherever he has stood. He is unpopular everywhere.
The WWC is much more varied in its opinions, and also more knowledgeable and nuanced than PB kippers assume.
Suburban Leicester may not be Islington but its not a council estate either. I would suggest you are the least qualified to speak on behalf of the WWC than anybody on this site. You speak of them with disdain.
On the contrary the Saffron Estate, and New Parks are some of the biggest council estates in the East Midlands, and form much of suburban Leicester. I never speak badly of the WWC, indeed I think them far more knowledgeable and subtle in their political opinions than you give them credit for!
I give them far more credit than you because I am WWC, millions of people have voted UKIP in recent years - who do you think these people are?
I've news for you, not everybody earns 6 figures a year and has a gold plated pension, go and patronise somebody who doesn't think you're a pompous arse.
What a dogbreath of an ignoramous you are. I come from a long line of pit workers and have a modest pension. For what that is worth.
Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks.
Well, quite.
@JananGanesh: There is no sign that Leavers have had 41 years to prepare for this referendum. My column in tomorrow's FT
So much for ensuring they remain politically neutral on the issue of Brexit...If you are for it, you get the heave ho, if you are against it, well carry on old chap..
The BCC really have blown their own feet off with this. If they had just said nothing other than entitled to their personal opinion, but as an organisation we try to stay neutral, lets call it the BBC Tw@tter policy on neutrality, it would have all blown over by now.
No, they really haven't blown off any feet with this. Only the most obsessive Leavers cannot understand the problem with the director-general of the organisation expressing a view in an official speech, in his capacity as director-general, when the organisation had a formal position that they were neutral.
What's more, the obsession by the Leavers with nonsense such as this is incredibly counter-productive. Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks. The only foot-shooting has been in the Leave camp.
If the outers are whining again then it's another day won by IN
This bloke has no more influence than the bloke in the pub, BCC are totally irrelevant. No idea why or if he was pressured.
I mean, they threw the kitchen sink at the guy. He still leads (albeit narrowly)
Can we talk about Rubio 12%!!
Under threshold.
Don't forget Trump always underperforms the opinion polls by 5 points. So Michigan could be very close, Trump could pull a Louisiana and have the postal votes to save him, but even if he wins on postal votes that would be his last hurrah.
The further in time after the Fox debate you go, the smaller the share of the postal vote sent before the debate.
Anyway tomorrow night we will see if Trump has any hopes in Florida and Ohio.
BTW, if the same optimistic chap who just bet £226 on Jessie Ventura 4 POTUS @ 999/1 is by some remote chance lurking on PB - well, just to let you know there's now another £20 available.
I don't think you answered the other day.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks.
Well, quite.
@JananGanesh: There is no sign that Leavers have had 41 years to prepare for this referendum. My column in tomorrow's FT
67.23% voted for the EEC in 1975.
Now? Barely 50%...
The UK has not integrated in Europe. Our direction of travel is clear. We are becoming more and more unimpressed with Europe over time. How did it all go so terribly wrong, do you think, Remainers?
BTW, if the same optimistic chap who just bet £226 on Jessie Ventura 4 POTUS @ 999/1 is by some remote chance lurking on PB - well, just to let you know there's now another £20 available.
I don't think you answered the other day.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
What's the phrase? Picking up pennies in front of the bulldozer?
Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks.
Well, quite.
@JananGanesh: There is no sign that Leavers have had 41 years to prepare for this referendum. My column in tomorrow's FT
67.23% voted for the EEC in 1975.
Now? Barely 50%...
The UK has not integrated in Europe. Our direction of travel is clear. We are becoming more and more unimpressed with Europe over time. How did it all go so terribly wrong, do you think, Remainers?
The key elements of that draft statement, seen by Reuters are:
Turkey to readmit all “irregular”migrants crossing into Greek islands from Turkey; For every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands, one Syrian refugee will be resettled from Turkey to the EU member states; The EU will completely evacuate refugees from the Greek islands, readmitting only those who crossed into the islands after a date to be determined; The EU will accelerate the lifting of visa requirements for Turkish citizens in the Schengen zone, so that this takes place, at the latest, by the end of June 2016; The EU and Turkey will cooperate in any joint endeavours to establish humanitarian safe areas inside Syria; The EU will provide Turkey with an extra 3bn Euros (on top of the 3bn Euros already made available) to help Turkey deal with Syrian refugees through to the end of 2018.
According to Reuters, the statement also makes reference to steps in the process of negotiating Turkish accession to the European Union.
Sounds like the EU is bending over to taking a right pounding like a dock-side you know what from Turkey.
Could be a boost for leave.
so basically every migrant who makes it over is returned and replaced on a 1-for-1 basis by a migrant from Turkey. Hmmh.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Nah. The will see the side that Farage and IDS are on and vote the opposite.
You're confusing Islington labour with the WWC. I'm not sure if that's deliberate or that you never come into contact with the WWC.
Suburban Leicester is not Islington! Farage has consistently failed to get elected wherever he has stood. He is unpopular everywhere.
The WWC is much more varied in its opinions, and also more knowledgeable and nuanced than PB kippers assume.
Suburban Leicester may not be Islington but its not a council estate either. I would suggest you are the least qualified to speak on behalf of the WWC than anybody on this site. You speak of them with disdain.
On the contrary the Saffron Estate, and New Parks are some of the biggest council estates in the East Midlands, and form much of suburban Leicester. I never speak badly of the WWC, indeed I think them far more knowledgeable and subtle in their political opinions than you give them credit for!
I give them far more credit than you because I am WWC, millions of people have voted UKIP in recent years - who do you think these people are?
I've news for you, not everybody earns 6 figures a year and has a gold plated pension, go and patronise somebody who doesn't think you're a pompous arse.
What a dogbreath of an ignoramous you are. I come from a long line of pit workers and have a modest pension. For what that is worth.
Well its worth nothing actually. The relevance of pit workers and pensions to your constant stream of abuse is puzzling. You're a very disappointed old man, no need to shout at everybody.
The key elements of that draft statement, seen by Reuters are:
Turkey to readmit all “irregular”migrants crossing into Greek islands from Turkey; For every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands, one Syrian refugee will be resettled from Turkey to the EU member states; The EU will completely evacuate refugees from the Greek islands, readmitting only those who crossed into the islands after a date to be determined; The EU will accelerate the lifting of visa requirements for Turkish citizens in the Schengen zone, so that this takes place, at the latest, by the end of June 2016; The EU and Turkey will cooperate in any joint endeavours to establish humanitarian safe areas inside Syria; The EU will provide Turkey with an extra 3bn Euros (on top of the 3bn Euros already made available) to help Turkey deal with Syrian refugees through to the end of 2018.
According to Reuters, the statement also makes reference to steps in the process of negotiating Turkish accession to the European Union.
Sounds like the EU is bending over to taking a right pounding like a dock-side you know what from Turkey.
Could be a boost for leave.
so basically every migrant who makes it over is returned and replaced on a 1-for-1 basis by a migrant from Turkey. Hmmh.
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
Does anyone know if this comment beneath the article is true? jimstinks 3h ago 143 144 There is a statue of Queen Vic in Liverpool where it appears, if you look from the correct angle, that she has a penis.
BTW, if the same optimistic chap who just bet £226 on Jessie Ventura 4 POTUS @ 999/1 is by some remote chance lurking on PB - well, just to let you know there's now another £20 available.
I don't think you answered the other day.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
You lay all the candidates at various points, and build up a "Green" on the field of in the £226 layers case of £226,000. Now you might think this is useless, after all all the runners are in there but hey ho, you then ask for Jesse Ventura to be added as a runner. The name sounds exciting and he was in politics... he was also involved in wrestling, and perhaps he'd like a shot at Trump who was also involved in WWE once.
You then Lay Jesse Ventura and you are making £0 if Jesse Ventura becoming president. The true odds of Jesse Ventura becoming president are a hell of alot longer than 1000-1.
Whoever has backed Jesse Ventura at 1000-1 has a terrible bet.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
I was clearly talking about Labour supporters (not everyone I know), and I reiterate I do not know a single Labour supporter who plans to vote LEAVE. You can disbelieve me as long as you like.
Just had a very amusing conversation with my man in France.
The French are spitting with how Cameron f**ked up the negotiations. They wanted him to propose something sensible that worked for everyone - on immigration, on benefits and everything else. They would have then ganged up on Germany and delivered it.
But Cameron went for the "I'm alright, Jack, approach" and tried to wing the whole thing. Result - in their view - is there is a real chance that Brexit may happen. (But he confirmed that they will make a big and generous offer to Scotland)
Did he say what he had in mind as a solution on immigration and benefits that worked for everyone. It sounds good!
He didn't, but I got the impression it involved Germany paying more
BTW, if the same optimistic chap who just bet £226 on Jessie Ventura 4 POTUS @ 999/1 is by some remote chance lurking on PB - well, just to let you know there's now another £20 available.
I don't think you answered the other day.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
What's the phrase? Picking up pennies in front of the bulldozer?
Picking pennies in front of the bulldozer would be laying out Jeb Bush at 410.0 tbh.
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
Does anyone know if this comment beneath the article is true? jimstinks 3h ago 143 144 There is a statue of Queen Vic in Liverpool where it appears, if you look from the correct angle, that she has a penis.
I actually travelled through the Mersey Rail Tunnel a few weeks back when I "did" Merseyrail from Chester to James Street, as well as Lime Street to James Street clockwise (after my first trip to Liverpool Lime Street in November, when I walked to the Waterfront and returned on Merseyrail from James Street to Lime Street). Platform 2 at James Street is rather "interesting"
BTW, if the same optimistic chap who just bet £226 on Jessie Ventura 4 POTUS @ 999/1 is by some remote chance lurking on PB - well, just to let you know there's now another £20 available.
I don't think you answered the other day.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
What's the phrase? Picking up pennies in front of the bulldozer?
The key elements of that draft statement, seen by Reuters are:
Turkey to readmit all “irregular”migrants crossing into Greek islands from Turkey; For every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands, one Syrian refugee will be resettled from Turkey to the EU member states; The EU will completely evacuate refugees from the Greek islands, readmitting only those who crossed into the islands after a date to be determined; The EU will accelerate the lifting of visa requirements for Turkish citizens in the Schengen zone, so that this takes place, at the latest, by the end of June 2016; The EU and Turkey will cooperate in any joint endeavours to establish humanitarian safe areas inside Syria; The EU will provide Turkey with an extra 3bn Euros (on top of the 3bn Euros already made available) to help Turkey deal with Syrian refugees through to the end of 2018.
According to Reuters, the statement also makes reference to steps in the process of negotiating Turkish accession to the European Union.
Sounds like the EU is bending over to taking a right pounding like a dock-side you know what from Turkey.
Could be a boost for leave.
so basically every migrant who makes it over is returned and replaced on a 1-for-1 basis by a migrant from Turkey. Hmmh.
I guess the attraction, for the EU and Greek side, is that it takes away the incentive to make the "irregular" journey. If people stop doing that then there are no replacements after the initial swap.
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
Does anyone know if this comment beneath the article is true? jimstinks 3h ago 143 144 There is a statue of Queen Vic in Liverpool where it appears, if you look from the correct angle, that she has a penis.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
Glad I went to Tunisia in 2012, doubt I'd go there now
This is the sort of war isis is waging. They are appalled at the thought of places like Tunisia entering the modern world.
Thank God for the Russians. At least one European country is run properly.
I noticed the Syrian Arab Army are on the outskirts of Palmyra now with the elite Tiger Forces now redeployed there. Recently Russian military transport traffic through the Bosporus has markedly increased. A lot of new trucks, tanks and artillery are coming to Syria. This is likely the build up for a major campaign that will liberate Raqqa as well as retake Idlib and Aleppo from our Al Qaeda 'friends'.
Given the Tories won the last election it will not be Labour votes which decide the referendum anyway but Remain winning enough Tory voters. The latest EU referendum poll had the Tories split down the middle, 2015 Tory voters narrowly back Leave while present Tory voters narrowly back Remain
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
Does anyone know if this comment beneath the article is true? jimstinks 3h ago 143 144 There is a statue of Queen Vic in Liverpool where it appears, if you look from the correct angle, that she has a penis.
I actually travelled through the Mersey Rail Tunnel a few weeks back when I "did" Merseyrail from Chester to James Street, as well as Lime Street to James Street clockwise (after my first trip to Liverpool Lime Street in November, when I walked to the Waterfront and returned on Merseyrail from James Street to Lime Street). Platform 2 at James Street is rather "interesting"
The Mersey Rail Tunnel has the largest gradient of any passenger line in the country, 1 in 27, I believe, and as you know James Street and Hamilton Square in Birkenhead were the world's first deep-level underground stations, far deeper than anything in London, and the first accessed by lifts.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
You've got it right, Donald. Most people in the country align with a bundle of attitudes marked 'socialist' or a bundle marked 'conservative'; politicos are a poor sample. Most conservatives in this sense are for Leaving. And they will get off their armchairs and they will swarm to the polling stations. Xenophobia is a key motivator. This is their big day. They feel they've been ignored for years.
Does anyone recall how the 'army vote' in the indyref was strongly pro-Union? I'm talking about families with a member in the army now or who'd had someone in the army at some time during the past 40 years. The social scene. Royal British Legion and so on. Much of the Boys' Brigade. Help for Heroes. Did anyone see a YES sticker next to a Help For Heroes one? Because I didn't.
Well, whaddayaknow, the army vote this time is for Leave. I don't think there have been any "scientific" (*cough*) polls of that demographic. Pollsters are too busy norming for rubbish data such as how people voted in the general election, or factoring in how people would assess their own likelihood of voting. But down where the cool kids hang out, everyone knows that to find out the mood in the army you go to a site called ARRSE.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
The key elements of that draft statement, seen by Reuters are:
Turkey to readmit all “irregular”migrants crossing into Greek islands from Turkey; For every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands, one Syrian refugee will be resettled from Turkey to the EU member states; The EU will completely evacuate refugees from the Greek islands, readmitting only those who crossed into the islands after a date to be determined; The EU will accelerate the lifting of visa requirements for Turkish citizens in the Schengen zone, so that this takes place, at the latest, by the end of June 2016; The EU and Turkey will cooperate in any joint endeavours to establish humanitarian safe areas inside Syria; The EU will provide Turkey with an extra 3bn Euros (on top of the 3bn Euros already made available) to help Turkey deal with Syrian refugees through to the end of 2018.
According to Reuters, the statement also makes reference to steps in the process of negotiating Turkish accession to the European Union.
Sounds like the EU is bending over to taking a right pounding like a dock-side you know what from Turkey.
Could be a boost for leave.
Usual EU regard to practicalities. €6 bn and counting!
The key elements of that draft statement, seen by Reuters are:
Turkey to readmit all “irregular”migrants crossing into Greek islands from Turkey; For every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands, one Syrian refugee will be resettled from Turkey to the EU member states; The EU will completely evacuate refugees from the Greek islands, readmitting only those who crossed into the islands after a date to be determined; The EU will accelerate the lifting of visa requirements for Turkish citizens in the Schengen zone, so that this takes place, at the latest, by the end of June 2016; The EU and Turkey will cooperate in any joint endeavours to establish humanitarian safe areas inside Syria; The EU will provide Turkey with an extra 3bn Euros (on top of the 3bn Euros already made available) to help Turkey deal with Syrian refugees through to the end of 2018.
According to Reuters, the statement also makes reference to steps in the process of negotiating Turkish accession to the European Union.
Sounds like the EU is bending over to taking a right pounding like a dock-side you know what from Turkey.
Could be a boost for leave.
so basically every migrant who makes it over is returned and replaced on a 1-for-1 basis by a migrant from Turkey. Hmmh.
I guess the attraction, for the EU and Greek side, is that it takes away the incentive to make the "irregular" journey. If people stop doing that then there are no replacements after the initial swap.
True - that's the only upside I can see (although though I did note that clause 2 relates to Syrians, not "irregular migrants")
But no visa requirements for Turks post June 2016 + €6bn in funding
BTW, if the same optimistic chap who just bet £226 on Jessie Ventura 4 POTUS @ 999/1 is by some remote chance lurking on PB - well, just to let you know there's now another £20 available.
I don't think you answered the other day.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
I'm *risking* £20k to win £20 - except I'm not actually taking any risk.
Basically, I'm judging he has <0.1% chance of becoming POTUS and there's 0% capital cost to me.
If you lay candidate A, then his odds go out before candidate B's odds shoot in - then lay candidate B before his odds go out & candidate C's odds shoot in - then Lay C etc etc, you end up with a large theoretical trading profit on candidates who you haven't laid.
If someone wants to back candidate Z at 999/1, I can lay him up to the total amount laid on candidates A, B & C
I have no capital cost - I'm just deciding *not* to bet on Jessie ventura 4 potus
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in? '
Just ignore the prat.
Let's tear them all down, and replace them with a suitably modern strong female leader. Suggestions on a postcard please
NMark Senior..Every single Electrician I employed on my last film shoot played golf every weekend..that would be about ten of did a fair number of the Prop..Scene crew members..every one of them is WWC
Given the Tories won the last election it will not be Labour votes which decide the referendum anyway but Remain winning enough Tory voters. The latest EU referendum poll had the Tories split down the middle, 2015 Tory voters narrowly back Leave while present Tory voters narrowly back Remain
If Remain relies only on Tories it'll be very difficult; if they can get the 70% pro-Remain Labour vote to turn out, it'll be less difficult. I don't think it's being partisan to say that - just that if there's a pool of millions of voters who are mostly on your side in a close race, it may be decisive whether you can get them to vote.
If the outers are whining again then it's another day won by IN
That's one way of looking at it, but haven't they been whining for 20 years? I think they will go whine whine whine, swarm, swarm, swarm. They feel aggrieved, and it's obvious what they can do about it. It's not like in a general election, when few of them would seriously want Nige at No.10.
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
I actually travelled through the Mersey Rail Tunnel a few weeks back when I "did" Merseyrail from Chester to James Street, as well as Lime Street to James Street clockwise (after my first trip to Liverpool Lime Street in November, when I walked to the Waterfront and returned on Merseyrail from James Street to Lime Street). Platform 2 at James Street is rather "interesting"
The Mersey Rail Tunnel has the largest gradient of any passenger line in the country, 1 in 27, I believe, and as you know James Street and Hamilton Square in Birkenhead were the world's first deep-level underground stations, far deeper than anything in London, and the first accessed by lifts.
I think 1in 28 is present at Bow Road on London's District line, as well as at the entrance to Ealing Common Depot, just outside Acton Town station.
The Ecclesbourne Valley Railway reckon their self-contained Wirksworth to Ravenstor branch is 1 in 27.
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
Does anyone know if this comment beneath the article is true? jimstinks 3h ago 143 144 There is a statue of Queen Vic in Liverpool where it appears, if you look from the correct angle, that she has a penis.
NMark Senior..Every single Electrician I employed on my last film shoot played golf every weekend..that would be about ten of did a fair number of the Prop..Scene crew members..every one of them is WWC
Middle class don't play golf, they all go to the footy these days, because WWC certainly can't afford the ticket prices at Arsenal, Chelsea, Man Utd. You can't beat a bit of stereotyping... ;-)
In all seriousness, golf's popularity is way way down...
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in?
Does anyone know if this comment beneath the article is true? jimstinks 3h ago 143 144 There is a statue of Queen Vic in Liverpool where it appears, if you look from the correct angle, that she has a penis.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
Haha! Circa 62k registered RL players in UK, c4m golfers. You think up North is like a Lowry painting don't you? Crazy.
NMark Senior..Every single Electrician I employed on my last film shoot played golf every weekend..that would be about ten of did a fair number of the Prop..Scene crew members..every one of them is WWC
I did not know that all those Farage loving UKIP voting golf club bar males ( who think women should be barred from membership ) were WWC not retired army officers .
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
Thanks for this, I've had a rubbish day and this has cheered me up no end!
Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
I'd be happy to put money that the ratio will be nearer 70-30 than 80-20, i.e. that more than 25% of those who consider themselves to be "Labour voters" will vote Leave.
You are probably right about Labour members, though.
I actually travelled through the Mersey Rail Tunnel a few weeks back when I "did" Merseyrail from Chester to James Street, as well as Lime Street to James Street clockwise (after my first trip to Liverpool Lime Street in November, when I walked to the Waterfront and returned on Merseyrail from James Street to Lime Street). Platform 2 at James Street is rather "interesting"
The Mersey Rail Tunnel has the largest gradient of any passenger line in the country, 1 in 27, I believe, and as you know James Street and Hamilton Square in Birkenhead were the world's first deep-level underground stations, far deeper than anything in London, and the first accessed by lifts.
I think 1in 28 is present at Bow Road on London's District line, as well as at the entrance to Ealing Common Depot, just outside Acton Town station.
The Ecclesbourne Valley Railway reckon their self-contained Wirksworth to Ravenstor branch is 1 in 27.
Given the Tories won the last election it will not be Labour votes which decide the referendum anyway but Remain winning enough Tory voters. The latest EU referendum poll had the Tories split down the middle, 2015 Tory voters narrowly back Leave while present Tory voters narrowly back Remain
If Remain relies only on Tories it'll be very difficult; if they can get the 70% pro-Remain Labour vote to turn out, it'll be less difficult. I don't think it's being partisan to say that - just that if there's a pool of millions of voters who are mostly on your side in a close race, it may be decisive whether you can get them to vote.
Clearly Remain will need Labour voters, LD voters, Green and SNP voters but they cannot rely on those voters alone as combined they are less than the present total of Tory plus UKIP voters. To win Remain has to get about 45% of Tory voters to win even a narrow victory
We need to play a man's game after a 'ard day down t'pit. None of your posh nancy boy middle class games like yer fancy Southern golf what wi' its racism and t'xenophobia. Nay lad, it's down to watch Cas sock it to em for us and then some grand pints ah bitter. At least we ave summat in common.
NMark Senior..Every single Electrician I employed on my last film shoot played golf every weekend..that would be about ten of did a fair number of the Prop..Scene crew members..every one of them is WWC
I did not know that all those Farage loving UKIP voting golf club bar males ( who think women should be barred from membership ) were WWC not retired army officers .
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in? '
Just ignore the prat.
Let's tear them all down, and replace them with a suitably modern strong female leader. Suggestions on a postcard please
Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks.
Well, quite.
@JananGanesh: There is no sign that Leavers have had 41 years to prepare for this referendum. My column in tomorrow's FT
67.23% voted for the EEC in 1975.
Now? Barely 50%...
The UK has not integrated in Europe. Our direction of travel is clear. We are becoming more and more unimpressed with Europe over time. How did it all go so terribly wrong, do you think, Remainers?
I would wait for the ballots to be counted before making that claim.
We need to play a man's game after a 'ard day down t'pit. None of your posh nancy boy middle class games like yer fancy Southern golf what wi' its racism and t'xenophobia. Nay lad, it's down to watch Cas sock it to em for us and then some grand pints ah bitter. At least we ave summat in common.
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in? '
Just ignore the prat.
Let's tear them all down, and replace them with a suitably modern strong female leader. Suggestions on a postcard please
NMark Senior..Every single Electrician I employed on my last film shoot played golf every weekend..that would be about ten of did a fair number of the Prop..Scene crew members..every one of them is WWC
I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. Not every golf course is an exclusive country club.
Sorry to worry Remainers - who seem to dominate the Thread-leaders - but I reckon many Labour voters will be asking which side Cameron-Osborne are for, and will vote the opposite. Simples.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
As I said upthread, it will depend on the types of Labour voters. Greater London, core cities, Scotland, Meryside, they'll vote massively for Remain. Hull, Blackburn, Sandwell, South Yorkshire (outside Sheffield), South Tyneside, it'll be rather different..
That's a really old poll, I expect cruz will win comfortably.
Although primaries are better for Trump, I agree.
It's PR-ish (20% threshold) anyhow.
I think that poll, whatever the actual outcome, puts Trump over the 1237 line for the first time in my model. Just waiting for Huffpost to make it into a CSV file...
So much for ensuring they remain politically neutral on the issue of Brexit...If you are for it, you get the heave ho, if you are against it, well carry on old chap..
The BCC really have blown their own feet off with this. If they had just said nothing other than entitled to their personal opinion, but as an organisation we try to stay neutral, lets call it the BBC Tw@tter policy on neutrality, it would have all blown over by now.
No, they really haven't blown off any feet with this. Only the most obsessive Leavers cannot understand the problem with the director-general of the organisation expressing a view in an official speech, in his capacity as director-general, when the organisation had a formal position that they were neutral.
What's more, the obsession by the Leavers with nonsense such as this is incredibly counter-productive. Every day spent whingeing about how unfair life is, is one less day to try to actually persuade people that the advantages of Brexit outweigh the risks. The only foot-shooting has been in the Leave camp.
If the outers are whining again then it's another day won by IN
Despite the thread headline its the leavers who are the reservoir dogs standing in a circle holding guns on each other. I'm sure Farage would like to cut Carswell's ear off but I cannot make out who is lying in an ever growing pool of blood. Possibly Boris.
Hmm, the plot thickens, if Boris was right then it is a disgrace. The more stories that emerge like this we are entitled to wonder what they are hiding:
That's a really old poll, I expect cruz will win comfortably.
Although primaries are better for Trump, I agree.
It's PR-ish (20% threshold) anyhow.
I think that poll, whatever the actual outcome, puts Trump over the 1237 line for the first time in my model. Just waiting for Huffpost to make it into a CSV file...
How do you assess his %chances of the nomination now?
Owen Jones: "Is a Queen Victoria statue offensive? It’s about time we debated our colonial past." - More importantly, Is there a safe space we can lock up this numpty in? '
Just ignore the prat.
Let's tear them all down, and replace them with a suitably modern strong female leader. Suggestions on a postcard please
Caroline Lucas?
Golda Meir?
Merkel, the destroyer of nations...
If they are protesting Queen Victoria then Golda Meir would not even get on the plinth
' No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
Still stuck in the 1950's, you need to get out.
That's why they complain that East Europeans are taking their jobs. Thank God, the East Europeans are here. I had to pay a plumber £105 at 11pm for 10 minutes work ! He wanted paid by credit card before he would even come.
He is maybe playing golf now with a lot of time in hand.
Hit a "wedding" again?
If they were to judge it on it's own merits rather than as proxy opposition to the Tories, they would likely conclude that it facilitates many of the things they complain loudest about most of the time.
A Labour vote for remain is a vote for low wages, a free market in healthcare, international tax shuffling, German style 'austerity' etc.
Will anyone stay alive after a eurozone bailout in scotland to tell the tale?
Can we talk about Rubio 12%!!
Under threshold.
The whole "Should I back Cruz or Kasich" as the Anti-Trump here probably wins Trump it though.
@JananGanesh: There is no sign that Leavers have had 41 years to prepare for this referendum. My column in tomorrow's FT
Currently 54% IN
Alternatively, Peyton is the next tube stop from Peytonstone on the Central line
So Michigan could be very close, Trump could pull a Louisiana and have the postal votes to save him, but even if he wins on postal votes that would be his last hurrah.
The further in time after the Fox debate you go, the smaller the share of the postal vote sent before the debate.
Anyway tomorrow night we will see if Trump has any hopes in Florida and Ohio.
But you are betting 2000p (£20) and will make a profit of 2p if you are right.
How is that worth the time and risk of getting it wrong?
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
Now? Barely 50%...
The UK has not integrated in Europe. Our direction of travel is clear. We are becoming more and more unimpressed with Europe over time. How did it all go so terribly wrong, do you think, Remainers?
Liverpool has two.
You then Lay Jesse Ventura and you are making £0 if Jesse Ventura becoming president. The true odds of Jesse Ventura becoming president are a hell of alot longer than 1000-1.
Whoever has backed Jesse Ventura at 1000-1 has a terrible bet.,_Calcutta.jpg
Trump probably wins Michigan However:
@Thewhiterabbit has already taken advantage of Hills now pulled market, but there is enough doubt in the polling to make him a lay at 1.12 in my view:
I've risked £10 to win £79.13.
I noticed the Syrian Arab Army are on the outskirts of Palmyra now with the elite Tiger Forces now redeployed there. Recently Russian military transport traffic through the Bosporus has markedly increased. A lot of new trucks, tanks and artillery are coming to Syria. This is likely the build up for a major campaign that will liberate Raqqa as well as retake Idlib and Aleppo from our Al Qaeda 'friends'.
Does anyone recall how the 'army vote' in the indyref was strongly pro-Union? I'm talking about families with a member in the army now or who'd had someone in the army at some time during the past 40 years. The social scene. Royal British Legion and so on. Much of the Boys' Brigade. Help for Heroes. Did anyone see a YES sticker next to a Help For Heroes one? Because I didn't.
Well, whaddayaknow, the army vote this time is for Leave. I don't think there have been any "scientific" (*cough*) polls of that demographic. Pollsters are too busy norming for rubbish data such as how people voted in the general election, or factoring in how people would assess their own likelihood of voting. But down where the cool kids hang out, everyone knows that to find out the mood in the army you go to a site called ARRSE.
Here are the best figures I could find:
Remain 8.3%
Leave 75.8%
Tending towards leave 10.1%
Tending towards remain 1.5%
Not eligible/don't know/don't care/haven't decided 4.3%
And, sorting that data out:
clearly stated view:...............................Leave 90%, Remain 10%
clearly stated view or leaning:..............Leave 90%, Remain 10%
But no visa requirements for Turks post June 2016 + €6bn in funding
Basically, I'm judging he has <0.1% chance of becoming POTUS and there's 0% capital cost to me.
If you lay candidate A, then his odds go out before candidate B's odds shoot in - then lay candidate B before his odds go out & candidate C's odds shoot in - then Lay C etc etc, you end up with a large theoretical trading profit on candidates who you haven't laid.
If someone wants to back candidate Z at 999/1, I can lay him up to the total amount laid on candidates A, B & C
I have no capital cost - I'm just deciding *not* to bet on Jessie ventura 4 potus
The Ecclesbourne Valley Railway reckon their self-contained Wirksworth to Ravenstor branch is 1 in 27.
In all seriousness, golf's popularity is way way down...
Golf's In A Hole – Can It Ever Recover?
' No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
Still stuck in the 1950's, you need to get out.
Wishful think I'm afraid. The dislike of UKIP and Farage is far far greater in my experience. I was a member till Corbyn arrived and I literally do not know one person who intends to vote LEAVE. Granted there is not much enthusiasm for the EU but by June 23rd I expect Labour voters will vote at least 70-30 for Remain and probably nearer 80-20 if I were putting money on it.
Out of interest where do you live and what is your job?
If you don't know a single person voting Leave I'd suggest you inhabit a very narrow world.
Given=---[=-=-=-=-]-=-=-------------=/ I live in the North West and I'm retired. You think You have no idea about me but believe I inhabit a very narrow world because it suits your political agenda. On the other hand you seem to believe you are speaking on behalf of the WWC. I have news for you, you're not, you are speaking for a minority of the WWC that vote UKIP.
I'm not speaking for anybody, just pointing out I'm WWC. The majority of ukip voters are WWC, not the other way round.
I know plenty of people that vote for all sorts of political parties and will vote In and Out. I play golf regularly with a lily livered liberal, he's a lovely man, always pays up. If you don't know anybody voting Out, roughly 50% of the population, you need to pull the curtains from time to time.
No one from the WWC plays golf regularly , Rugby League perhaps but not golf .
Haha! Circa 62k registered RL players in UK, c4m golfers. You think up North is like a Lowry painting don't you? Crazy.
You are probably right about Labour members, though. Except in Scotland!
I think that poll, whatever the actual outcome, puts Trump over the 1237 line for the first time in my model. Just waiting for Huffpost to make it into a CSV file...
I'm sure Farage would like to cut Carswell's ear off but I cannot make out who is lying in an ever growing pool of blood. Possibly Boris.
Real men morris dance, of course.
The same East Europeans are creating for her party a little local difficulty.
Just what have you done.
He is maybe playing golf now with a lot of time in hand.
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