I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
The same thoughts have often occurred to me - best epitomised by the late (not literally I hope) and much missed "tim" formerly of this parish who would post dozens and dozens of times each and every day, 7 days a week. How he found time to be a farmer and/or a wine merchant, etc at the same time is totally beyond me as is also the small matter of how he manages to fill his days since leaving us.
Because he was neither...11.1K tweets is how he fills his time...
With just over 450 followers, most of which are probably on this board
I'm surprised he doesn't have more to be honest. I understand that he's not popular here but he's pointed and funny on Twitter. Blairism doesn't sell these days, though.
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Read The Telegraph article linked to below.
Weedy Cameron has neither the balls to negotiate, nor the guts to stand up to Hollande. And this is the future of Remain - kowtowing to France and Germany.
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
You make a very good point and it perhaps explains why all these stay at home's care so much about their flag while others of us are in EU countries making a living....
Nearly every country in Europe is likely to use an English Director DOP special effects person or post production company if they have a campaign of sufficient size or complexity. We punch way above our weight. No other European country comes anywhere near.
Compare this to the States. There we need a work permit which adds a layer of complexity which no one can be bothered with and which therefore involves a certain duplicity in filling in forms and for all I know this might put some potential employers off.
I know this applies to several other branches of advertising and no doubt many other professions.......I think if more people were aware the enormous number of UK free lancers who are earning euros for HMRC they might stop seeing this referendum as merely a case of flying the flag
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
The same thoughts have often occurred to me - best epitomised by the late (not literally I hope) and much missed "tim" formerly of this parish who would post dozens and dozens of times each and every day, 7 days a week. How he found time to be a farmer and/or a wine merchant, etc at the same time is totally beyond me as is also the small matter of how he manages to fill his days since leaving us.
That reminded me to check in on his twitter account to see how he was getting on. What a sad sad f*ckker he is. He is angry with:- 1. Remain people for being useless 2. Labour Leaders for being useless 3. Corbyn for supporting IRA bombers 4. A newspaper for the cancer drugs fund 5. People anti Heathrow expansion 6. Leave campaign 7. John "Homeopathy works" McDonnell 8. Priti Patel 9. Momentum
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Yes absolutely.FFS what has come over him. I find it personally humiliating to see him traipsing around foreign capitals begging for scraps of support. I rated Cameron before "the deal" fiasco. Now he will be remembered alongside with Heath and Chamberlain.
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
The same thoughts have often occurred to me - best epitomised by the late (not literally I hope) and much missed "tim" formerly of this parish who would post dozens and dozens of times each and every day, 7 days a week. How he found time to be a farmer and/or a wine merchant, etc at the same time is totally beyond me as is also the small matter of how he manages to fill his days since leaving us.
That reminded me to check in on his twitter account to see how he was getting on. What a sad sad f*ckker he is. He is angry with:- 1. Remain people for being useless 2. Labour Leaders for being useless 3. Corbyn for supporting IRA bombers 4. A newspaper for the cancer drugs fund 5. People anti Heathrow expansion 6. Leave campaign 7. John "Homeopathy works" McDonnell 8. Priti Patel 9. Momentum
and that is just today.
That sounds entertaining. Can anyone help me out with tim's twitter name?
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Read The Telegraph article linked to below.
Weedy Cameron has neither the balls to negotiate, nor the guts to stand up to Hollande. And this is the future of Remain - kowtowing to France and Germany.
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
The same thoughts have often occurred to me - best epitomised by the late (not literally I hope) and much missed "tim" formerly of this parish who would post dozens and dozens of times each and every day, 7 days a week. How he found time to be a farmer and/or a wine merchant, etc at the same time is totally beyond me as is also the small matter of how he manages to fill his days since leaving us.
That reminded me to check in on his twitter account to see how he was getting on. What a sad sad f*ckker he is. He is angry with:- 1. Remain people for being useless 2. Labour Leaders for being useless 3. Corbyn for supporting IRA bombers 4. A newspaper for the cancer drugs fund 5. People anti Heathrow expansion 6. Leave campaign 7. John "Homeopathy works" McDonnell 8. Priti Patel 9. Momentum
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Yes absolutely.FFS what has come over him. I find it personally humiliating to see him traipsing around foreign capitals begging for scraps of support. I rated Cameron before "the deal" fiasco. Now he will be remembered alongside with Heath and Chamberlain.
Other European leaders can smell the desperation seeping from his every pore, and know that they can get away with anything now.
Nabavi will be along shortly to tell us that Cameron is playing a blinder, and he's impressed. The rest of us look on, aghast.
and it costs more.
Just had to get that off my chest. The difference really is phenomenal. The Asians are eating our lunch. How do they do it?
Their flight attendants earn half of the wage and have no pension rights.
It's not the staff it's the facilities. I'm basically in a DC10. No usb portal. Cramped. Wobbly chairs. Old plane. Just rubbish. That weird configuration where you sit opposite strangers. And they charge £3k for the privilege.
Eva air charge £2.5k and have fabulous individual podules, new planes, better departure times, endless food and wine.
Something is going wrong. And this is a major route. London Bangkok.
BA doesn't fly DC-10s (none of the major airlines fly them any more, except as freighters).
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
The same thoughts have often occurred to me - best epitomised by the late (not literally I hope) and much missed "tim" formerly of this parish who would post dozens and dozens of times each and every day, 7 days a week. How he found time to be a farmer and/or a wine merchant, etc at the same time is totally beyond me as is also the small matter of how he manages to fill his days since leaving us.
That reminded me to check in on his twitter account to see how he was getting on. What a sad sad f*ckker he is. He is angry with:- 1. Remain people for being useless 2. Labour Leaders for being useless 3. Corbyn for supporting IRA bombers 4. A newspaper for the cancer drugs fund 5. People anti Heathrow expansion 6. Leave campaign 7. John "Homeopathy works" McDonnell 8. Priti Patel 9. Momentum
As we're all swapping flying anecdotes, I will say I was impressed by Norwegian's cut-price planes to the US - unlike Ryanair and the like, they offer comfortable leg room, mass of seat-back entertainment without charge and ultra-modern aircraft with gizmos like button-operated cabin window shading. They are currently advertising flights to NY (one way) for £174... The downsides are that you pay extra if you have significant baggage, insist on a particular seat or demand airline food, all of which are meh as far as I'm concerned.
The most fun airline was in Kenya - forgotten their name now, but the pilot safety announcement was full of wisecracks like, "If you've not figured out how seatbelts work yet, you shouldn't be on this plane, so I can't be bothered to tell you".
Many years ago I was on a Bulgarian airline where the (large, grim) stewardess announced that “part of this flight is over water, but due to the excellent construction of this airplane you will not need lifejackets!"
Trying to build up courage to tell the missus i wany to join the Leave campaign. Posters leaflets etc. The trouble is that our Guardianisa neighbours will be horrified and she wont want that. Tips?
Trying to build up courage to tell the missus i wany to join the Leave campaign. Posters leaflets etc. The trouble is that our Guardianisa neighbours will be horrified and she wont want that. Tips?
Trying to build up courage to tell the missus i wany to join the Leave campaign. Posters leaflets etc. The trouble is that our Guardianisa neighbours will be horrified and she wont want that. Tips?
As we're all swapping flying anecdotes, I will say I was impressed by Norwegian's cut-price planes to the US - unlike Ryanair and the like, they offer comfortable leg room, mass of seat-back entertainment without charge and ultra-modern aircraft with gizmos like button-operated cabin window shading. They are currently advertising flights to NY (one way) for £174... The downsides are that you pay extra if you have significant baggage, insist on a particular seat or demand airline food, all of which are meh as far as I'm concerned.
The most fun airline was in Kenya - forgotten their name now, but the pilot safety announcement was full of wisecracks like, "If you've not figured out how seatbelts work yet, you shouldn't be on this plane, so I can't be bothered to tell you".
Many years ago I was on a Bulgarian airline where the (large, grim) stewardess announced that “part of this flight is over water, but due to the excellent construction of this airplane you will not need lifejackets!"
Also, if you're in the market for a private jet, can I recommend the Dassault Falcon. Really nicely made, and pretty quiet. You'd never guess they started making them over 20 years ago.
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Cameron's willingness to play the Maria Schneider role when heading off for his last tango really is selfless.
He probably butters himself up as well.
"et Francois, vous pouvez even choisir combien de subsidy pour sous CAP pour l'homme qui fabrique le beurre" purred the noble PM, lying back and thinking only of the national interest.
Also, if you're in the market for a private jet, can I recommend the Dassault Falcon. Really nicely made, and pretty quiet. You'd never guess they started making them over 20 years ago.
Also, if you're in the market for a private jet, can I recommend the Dassault Falcon. Really nicely made, and pretty quiet. You'd never guess they started making them over 20 years ago.
Dear Santa....
I tried that last year, Santa got me a Millennium Falcon instead - what a hunk of junk...
Yay.!! Totally unexpected declaration for Leave from a bloke in our office. A fluent Spanish speaker who has lived and worked in Spain. Aged about 30. Thinks it will help bring down house prices. There is hope. Not one other person has mentioned the referendum.
I have lived and worked in Norway and France and worked for a French company all over the world for 18 years. It is the difference between Europe and the EU. Lots of us love Europe and its people but hate the EU.
Trying to build up courage to tell the missus i wany to join the Leave campaign. Posters leaflets etc. The trouble is that our Guardianisa neighbours will be horrified and she wont want that. Tips?
As we're all swapping flying anecdotes, I will say I was impressed by Norwegian's cut-price planes to the US - unlike Ryanair and the like, they offer comfortable leg room, mass of seat-back entertainment without charge and ultra-modern aircraft with gizmos like button-operated cabin window shading. They are currently advertising flights to NY (one way) for £174... The downsides are that you pay extra if you have significant baggage, insist on a particular seat or demand airline food, all of which are meh as far as I'm concerned.
The most fun airline was in Kenya - forgotten their name now, but the pilot safety announcement was full of wisecracks like, "If you've not figured out how seatbelts work yet, you shouldn't be on this plane, so I can't be bothered to tell you".
Many years ago I was on a Bulgarian airline where the (large, grim) stewardess announced that “part of this flight is over water, but due to the excellent construction of this airplane you will not need lifejackets!"
Also, if you're in the market for a private jet, can I recommend the Dassault Falcon. Really nicely made, and pretty quiet. You'd never guess they started making them over 20 years ago.
Yay.!! Totally unexpected declaration for Leave from a bloke in our office. A fluent Spanish speaker who has lived and worked in Spain. Aged about 30. Thinks it will help bring down house prices. There is hope. Not one other person has mentioned the referendum.
I have lived and worked in Norway and France and worked for a French company all over the world for 18 years. It is the difference between Europe and the EU. Lots of us love Europe and its people but hate the EU.
Let's not go too far with this Europe loving. No true Brit can love Paris.
Trying to build up courage to tell the missus i wany to join the Leave campaign. Posters leaflets etc. The trouble is that our Guardianisa neighbours will be horrified and she wont want that. Tips?
Start by canvassing the neighbours. Tell them you were firmly for Remain - but then, you started to learn about the horrors of TTIP.... Remind them that John Hilary, Executive Director of War on Want, said: it is “An assault on European and US societies by transnational corporations.”
Public services - the NHS included - are supposed to be outside its remit. But UK Trade Minister Lord Livingston has admitted that talks about the NHS were still on the table.
Worried about GM foods? The direction of travel after TTIP will only be one way: 70 per cent of all processed foods sold in US supermarkets now containing genetically modified ingredients.
Then say you have to go, but as you do, get them to Google "Investor-State Dispute Settlements" (ISDS) - then you'll talk some more.... Should do the job in getting them all het up and confused.
There's a few PBers in Sussex, so fess up, which one of you was this
@sharpeangle: Sussex-based Hill's client bets £20,000,biggest political stake of 2016,on Zac Goldsmith to be London Mayor at 5/2.Now 15/8; Sadiq Khan 2/5.
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
4 monitors....
"My twitter account was hacked". I guess that's how that happens.
The most interesting part of Romney's speech was probably this:
Still, Romney vowed earlier in the speech not to endorse any particular candidate for the Republican nomination, and encouraged voters to use their vote wisely, relying on current polling to determine who they should support.
“Given the current delegate selection process, I’d vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio,” Romney said.
It's probably quite a sensible strategy for the Republican Establishment: encourage people to tactically get behind whichever candidate is best placed to stop Trump in each individual state, with the aim of the game simply being to deny Trump an overall majority of delegates so as to trigger a "hung" convention. It makes more sense than the "unite behind one anti-Trump candidate" anyway, since it's clear now that Cruz, Kasich and Rubio all reach deeper into various states/demographics individually than any of the other 3 could.
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Cameron's willingness to play the Maria Schneider role when heading off for his last tango really is selfless.
He probably butters himself up as well.
Make your crude mind up. Either he is supine before the French or he is using them as suggested in the Times to play at bad cop spreading scare stories. Meantime in the real world UK and France have sealed a $2bn deal to build next generation drones (multi use unmanned aircraft), which is exactly what our future armed forces and our tech industries will need. They were meeting at a WW1 war memorial, so keep the crudities coming.
'Sajid Javid looking even worse in explaining his volte face'
Just as a thought experiment, were Leave to get say a 10% poll lead, I wonder how many of these broken reeds would switch round again.
Javid finally found out that backing Remain was the wrong thing to do. However he could have executed his partial U-Turn much much better.
Javid fell for the "Leave will only be a handful of loons and fruitcakes" line. But 140 plus Tory MPs later, and with the polls perfectly balanced....it is rather different to the pitch he was given.
Muppet. He has put his career plans back a decade.
I looked at my posts today and was horrified by typos, formatting errors etc. Mostly because I post from a phone.
I lurk here mostly. And I spend too much time doing that. What I have never understood is how so many successful professional/business types here find the time. How do you do that?
Us intelligent types can multi task.
Plus I spend far too much of my working week either in taxis and long train journeys.
Lol. In my v busy professional working environment, to write 2 or 3 decent paras takes hours, esp as everything gets multiply peer reviewed. Writing a typical Nabavi post would take me half a day, if sources are to be properly checked etc. I can see how SeanT can rattle them off. But still, it is an investment of time. I think there are some folks here who if I was managing them might have a word in their ear about business use of t'interwebs.
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Cameron's willingness to play the Maria Schneider role when heading off for his last tango really is selfless.
He probably butters himself up as well.
Make your crude mind up. Either he is supine before the French or he is using them as suggested in the Times to play at bad cop spreading scare stories. Meantime in the real world UK and France have sealed a $2bn deal to build next generation drones (multi use unmanned aircraft), which is exactly what our future armed forces and our tech industries will need. They were meeting at a WW1 war memorial, so keep the crudities coming.
So, the drone deal will fall apart if we vote to leave? We would stop making "exactly what our armed forces and our tech industries will need" - because of what, French spite? Is that really your best shot at making a valid point?
Also, if you're in the market for a private jet, can I recommend the Dassault Falcon. Really nicely made, and pretty quiet. You'd never guess they started making them over 20 years ago.
Dear Santa....
I tried that last year, Santa got me a Millennium Falcon instead - what a hunk of junk...
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Cameron's willingness to play the Maria Schneider role when heading off for his last tango really is selfless.
He probably butters himself up as well.
Make your crude mind up. Either he is supine before the French or he is using them as suggested in the Times to play at bad cop spreading scare stories. Meantime in the real world UK and France have sealed a $2bn deal to build next generation drones (multi use unmanned aircraft), which is exactly what our future armed forces and our tech industries will need. They were meeting at a WW1 war memorial, so keep the crudities coming.
So, the drone deal will fall apart if we vote to leave? We would stop making "exactly what our armed forces and our tech industries will need" - because of what, French spite? Is that really your best shot at making a valid point?
The laws of physics say Nature abhors a vacuum, the inside of Flightpaths head disproves the laws of physics.
I'm probably wasting a good opportunity to say nothing here, but, from my strange puritan viewpoint, seeing people debate the relative merits of air flights is like watching a discussion of the relative merits of cow-pats.
Yay.!! Totally unexpected declaration for Leave from a bloke in our office. A fluent Spanish speaker who has lived and worked in Spain. Aged about 30. Thinks it will help bring down house prices. There is hope. Not one other person has mentioned the referendum.
I have lived and worked in Norway and France and worked for a French company all over the world for 18 years. It is the difference between Europe and the EU. Lots of us love Europe and its people but hate the EU.
Let's not go too far with this Europe loving. No true Brit can love Paris.
Ask any Frenchman and you will hear the same thing. Les Parisienes ne sont pas Francais
The "machine's" deception and nonsensical attack on Trump isn't really an attack on the candidate, it's an attack on conscientious, hardworking, patriotic Americans who know we need a revolution to stop the complicit politicians who are fundamentally transforming America. We found the revolutionary.
Donald Trump is the shock the Permanent Political Class needs to wake them up... to destroy their selfish cabal... to respect the will of the people... to make America safe and solvent... to make America great again.
Don't take the bait, Mr. Trump. It's not about you. It's about us. And we've got your back.
I think there are some folks here who if I was managing them might have a word in their ear about business use of t'interwebs.
I think you have hit on the key point here. Most of the heavy posters are either their own boss, or the next best thing
I for example have been my own boss for over 20 years, but even before that I was paid for the work delivered at the end of the week and no one cared what happened between 5pm Fridays as long as the deliverables arrived on time and to specification.
The most interesting part of Romney's speech was probably this:
Still, Romney vowed earlier in the speech not to endorse any particular candidate for the Republican nomination, and encouraged voters to use their vote wisely, relying on current polling to determine who they should support.
“Given the current delegate selection process, I’d vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio,” Romney said.
It's probably quite a sensible strategy for the Republican Establishment: encourage people to tactically get behind whichever candidate is best placed to stop Trump in each individual state, with the aim of the game simply being to deny Trump an overall majority of delegates so as to trigger a "hung" convention. It makes more sense than the "unite behind one anti-Trump candidate" anyway, since it's clear now that Cruz, Kasich and Rubio all reach deeper into various states/demographics individually than any of the other 3 could.
That is a threat to Trump. If he doesn't get a clear majority of delegates there will be no respect for his "moral victory" in getting a plurality. Of course, he'll run as an independent if they squeeze him out but that does you no good if you backed him.
Yay.!! Totally unexpected declaration for Leave from a bloke in our office. A fluent Spanish speaker who has lived and worked in Spain. Aged about 30. Thinks it will help bring down house prices. There is hope. Not one other person has mentioned the referendum.
I have lived and worked in Norway and France and worked for a French company all over the world for 18 years. It is the difference between Europe and the EU. Lots of us love Europe and its people but hate the EU.
Let's not go too far with this Europe loving. No true Brit can love Paris.
Ask any Frenchman and you will hear the same thing. Les Parisienes ne sont pas Francais
My blood pressure went up when I read the headline about the Oldham cabbie as well. And then I read down and saw that the Council claim that there is a significant problem with minicabs plying for hire. So, how do you police that? Esp bearing in mind some, erm controversies about cab firms in NW mill towns.
'Sajid Javid looking even worse in explaining his volte face'
Just as a thought experiment, were Leave to get say a 10% poll lead, I wonder how many of these broken reeds would switch round again.
Javid finally found out that backing Remain was the wrong thing to do. However he could have executed his partial U-Turn much much better.
Javid fell for the "Leave will only be a handful of loons and fruitcakes" line. But 140 plus Tory MPs later, and with the polls perfectly balanced....it is rather different to the pitch he was given.
Muppet. He has put his career plans back a decade.
To be fair this shows his poor judgement up at an early stage - saves messing about thinking he's a serious option later.
My blood pressure went up when I read the headline about the Oldham cabbie as well. And then I read down and saw that the Council claim that there is a significant problem with minicabs plying for hire. So, how do you police that? Esp bearing in mind some, erm controversies about cab firms in NW mill towns.
You don't try and entrap them by flagging down a cab in torrential rain where a good cabbie may have enough sympathy to bend the rules as an act of kindness.
Yay.!! Totally unexpected declaration for Leave from a bloke in our office. A fluent Spanish speaker who has lived and worked in Spain. Aged about 30. Thinks it will help bring down house prices. There is hope. Not one other person has mentioned the referendum.
I have lived and worked in Norway and France and worked for a French company all over the world for 18 years. It is the difference between Europe and the EU. Lots of us love Europe and its people but hate the EU.
May I wholeheartedly support that point of view in regard to Europe and its people and then the EU
Spot on.....
Edit- errr except the French of course ...cough...
My blood pressure went up when I read the headline about the Oldham cabbie as well. And then I read down and saw that the Council claim that there is a significant problem with minicabs plying for hire. So, how do you police that? Esp bearing in mind some, erm controversies about cab firms in NW mill towns.
You don't try and entrap them by flagging down a cab in torrential rain where a good cabbie may have enough sympathy to bend the rules as an act of kindness.
My blood pressure went up when I read the headline about the Oldham cabbie as well. And then I read down and saw that the Council claim that there is a significant problem with minicabs plying for hire. So, how do you police that? Esp bearing in mind some, erm controversies about cab firms in NW mill towns.
And when they say 'minicabs', its usually a big clue. Cough *rotherham* cough, say no more, pretend it wasnt happening. Taxi licensing is a touch old fashioned in this country, and by old fashioned, I mean there's no compromise on compliance. Local Authority enforcement is extremely strict.. and it is noticeable.
'Sajid Javid looking even worse in explaining his volte face'
Just as a thought experiment, were Leave to get say a 10% poll lead, I wonder how many of these broken reeds would switch round again.
Javid finally found out that backing Remain was the wrong thing to do. However he could have executed his partial U-Turn much much better.
Javid fell for the "Leave will only be a handful of loons and fruitcakes" line. But 140 plus Tory MPs later, and with the polls perfectly balanced....it is rather different to the pitch he was given.
Muppet. He has put his career plans back a decade.
To be fair this shows his poor judgement up at an early stage - saves messing about thinking he's a serious option later.
Yes. The Party may well have dodged a bullet by his anguished soul siding with Remain.
Daniel Horowitz @RMConservative 1h1 hour ago Right now Romney is doing Trumps a favor and giving him much needed momentum by making himself the face of opposition
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro 56m56 minutes ago Romney's brand of milquetoast politics will do nothing to harm Trump. Nothing.
And Trump's campaign knows it:
The HillVerified account @thehill 31m31 minutes ago JUST IN: Top Trump aide thanks Romney for "incredible endorsement" http://hill.cm/RV0TSOT
The most interesting part of Romney's speech was probably this:
Still, Romney vowed earlier in the speech not to endorse any particular candidate for the Republican nomination, and encouraged voters to use their vote wisely, relying on current polling to determine who they should support.
“Given the current delegate selection process, I’d vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio,” Romney said.
It's probably quite a sensible strategy for the Republican Establishment: encourage people to tactically get behind whichever candidate is best placed to stop Trump in each individual state, with the aim of the game simply being to deny Trump an overall majority of delegates so as to trigger a "hung" convention. It makes more sense than the "unite behind one anti-Trump candidate" anyway, since it's clear now that Cruz, Kasich and Rubio all reach deeper into various states/demographics individually than any of the other 3 could.
It makes sense with what they've got, but it risks putting off people by making them feel like they don't know who they'll end up getting if they don't vote Trump. I suspect people want to vote in a winner, not vote so that people can cook up a deal behind closed doors.
Trying to build up courage to tell the missus i wany to join the Leave campaign. Posters leaflets etc. The trouble is that our Guardianisa neighbours will be horrified and she wont want that. Tips?
Start by canvassing the neighbours. Tell them you were firmly for Remain - but then, you started to learn about the horrors of TTIP.... Remind them that John Hilary, Executive Director of War on Want, said: it is “An assault on European and US societies by transnational corporations.”
Public services - the NHS included - are supposed to be outside its remit. But UK Trade Minister Lord Livingston has admitted that talks about the NHS were still on the table.
Worried about GM foods? The direction of travel after TTIP will only be one way: 70 per cent of all processed foods sold in US supermarkets now containing genetically modified ingredients.
Then say you have to go, but as you do, get them to Google "Investor-State Dispute Settlements" (ISDS) - then you'll talk some more.... Should do the job in getting them all het up and confused.
Of course a Free Trade Agreement with NAFTA would be on similar terms! But never mind the full picture when you are canvassing. Use Project Fear...
Just listened to the charade with Hollande telling Cameron off like a naughty child.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
Cameron's willingness to play the Maria Schneider role when heading off for his last tango really is selfless.
He probably butters himself up as well.
Make your crude mind up. Either he is supine before the French or he is using them as suggested in the Times to play at bad cop spreading scare stories. Meantime in the real world UK and France have sealed a $2bn deal to build next generation drones (multi use unmanned aircraft), which is exactly what our future armed forces and our tech industries will need. They were meeting at a WW1 war memorial, so keep the crudities coming.
Politicians cobbling together an arms deal at a war memorial. Disgusting.
The solution was simple if plod had use sense with regard to the Oldham cabbie
Once shown he was a official cabbie then ok you do what a public spirited service provider would do and you were legitimate so not the ones we are targeting.
What I can't understand even though they progressed with this is why he got 6 points on his licence? Is that in the rules? Obviously must be under
section d subsection c part 1 d
Illegal activity is considered to have occurred by stopping to pick up drenched bloke in road when pissing down with rain....
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?
The background music sounds like the first bar of *suicide is painless*
Oh dear.
Any ideas why ?
Weedy Cameron has neither the balls to negotiate, nor the guts to stand up to Hollande. And this is the future of Remain - kowtowing to France and Germany.
Really a british PM humiliating himself and his nation before France ?
What ever happened self respect ?'
Cameron is a disgrace.
Nearly every country in Europe is likely to use an English Director DOP special effects person or post production company if they have a campaign of sufficient size or complexity. We punch way above our weight. No other European country comes anywhere near.
Compare this to the States. There we need a work permit which adds a layer of complexity which no one can be bothered with and which therefore involves a certain duplicity in filling in forms and for all I know this might put some potential employers off.
I know this applies to several other branches of advertising and no doubt many other professions.......I think if more people were aware the enormous number of UK free lancers who are earning euros for HMRC they might stop seeing this referendum as merely a case of flying the flag
1. Remain people for being useless
2. Labour Leaders for being useless
3. Corbyn for supporting IRA bombers
4. A newspaper for the cancer drugs fund
5. People anti Heathrow expansion
6. Leave campaign
7. John "Homeopathy works" McDonnell
8. Priti Patel
9. Momentum
and that is just today.
Nabavi will be along shortly to tell us that Cameron is playing a blinder, and he's impressed. The rest of us look on, aghast.
Just as a thought experiment, were Leave to get say a 10% poll lead, I wonder how many of these broken reeds would switch round again.
Howard Beale for President.
Maybe those looking to a brokered convention have decided he's the new it?
Frugality is my middle name
Public services - the NHS included - are supposed to be outside its remit. But UK Trade Minister Lord Livingston has admitted that talks about the NHS were still on the table.
Worried about GM foods? The direction of travel after TTIP will only be one way: 70 per cent of all processed foods sold in US supermarkets now containing genetically modified ingredients.
Then say you have to go, but as you do, get them to Google "Investor-State Dispute Settlements" (ISDS) - then you'll talk some more.... Should do the job in getting them all het up and confused.
However he could have executed his partial U-Turn much much better.
@sharpeangle: Sussex-based Hill's client bets £20,000,biggest political stake of 2016,on Zac Goldsmith to be London Mayor at 5/2.Now 15/8; Sadiq Khan 2/5.
To give some sort of context, the GOP are now in an even worse state than the Labour party.
They were meeting at a WW1 war memorial, so keep the crudities coming.
Muppet. He has put his career plans back a decade.
Those republicans who have already voted for Trump in droves.
Are they misogynistic racists?
Or are they just morons?
Don't forget Romney almost got beaten by Santorum 4 years ago.
However the big test for Trump is the Fox debate tonight.
Donald Trump, Don't Take the Bait
The "machine's" deception and nonsensical attack on Trump isn't really an attack on the candidate, it's an attack on conscientious, hardworking, patriotic Americans who know we need a revolution to stop the complicit politicians who are fundamentally transforming America. We found the revolutionary.
Donald Trump is the shock the Permanent Political Class needs to wake them up... to destroy their selfish cabal... to respect the will of the people... to make America safe and solvent... to make America great again.
Don't take the bait, Mr. Trump. It's not about you. It's about us. And we've got your back.
- Sarah Palin
I for example have been my own boss for over 20 years, but even before that I was paid for the work delivered at the end of the week and no one cared what happened between 5pm Fridays as long as the deliverables arrived on time and to specification.
That is a threat to Trump. If he doesn't get a clear majority of delegates there will be no respect for his "moral victory" in getting a plurality. Of course, he'll run as an independent if they squeeze him out but that does you no good if you backed him.
Fair point. :-)
Spot on.....
Edit- errr except the French of course
(Remember this guy publicly said he will castrate himself for Cruz.)
New Thread New Thread
LePage told radio host Howie Carr that his two daughters were born in Canada, and they had to be naturalized as U.S. citizens even though he was born in America.
Daniel Horowitz @RMConservative 1h1 hour ago
Right now Romney is doing Trumps a favor and giving him much needed momentum by making himself the face of opposition
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro 56m56 minutes ago
Romney's brand of milquetoast politics will do nothing to harm Trump. Nothing.
And Trump's campaign knows it:
The HillVerified account @thehill 31m31 minutes ago
JUST IN: Top Trump aide thanks Romney for "incredible endorsement" http://hill.cm/RV0TSOT
It makes sense with what they've got, but it risks putting off people by making them feel like they don't know who they'll end up getting if they don't vote Trump. I suspect people want to vote in a winner, not vote so that people can cook up a deal behind closed doors.
Once shown he was a official cabbie then ok you do what a public spirited service provider would do and you were legitimate so not the ones we are targeting.
What I can't understand even though they progressed with this is why he got 6 points on his licence? Is that in the rules? Obviously must be under
section d subsection c part 1 d
Illegal activity is considered to have occurred by stopping to pick up drenched bloke in road when pissing down with rain....
Yup it's a fair cop guv.