Re Ruth Davidson, I believe she may be the first UK party leader to be younger than me. (Unless anyone can tell me there's been another born from 1976 onwards?)
I know she's been in post 2 years, but it never occurred to me until now. I may have reached my "don't policemen look young these days..." moment!
Re Ruth Davidson, I believe she may be the first UK party leader to be younger than me. (Unless anyone can tell me there's been another born from 1976 onwards?)
I know she's been in post 2 years, but it never occurred to me until now. I may have reached my "don't policemen look young these days..." moment!
Here we go again. According to today’s Daily Express, leaving the European Union is the only way to ‘save the NHS’. According to the Prime Minister, remaining a member of the european club is the only way to guarantee the United Kingdom’s security.
I suppose it is too much to hope that everyone, on both sides of this increasingly-wearisome argument, will pipe down and cease being so damn stupid? Of course it is. We will be stuck with more – much more – of this until such time as the bleedin’ poll is called and held. This may be the best reason for having the referendum as soon as possible.
I think prison needs to be hard, but fair. Chris Grayling banning books was a daft move, and counterproductive - but I'm with Philip Davies on TV for prisoners.
God no, since they introduced TVs in cells, the number of prison suicides declined.
Well there certainly shouldn't be a penny spent on PPV, and apparently if a prisoner smashes a TV up they get a new one !
But they have to pay for it from their prison wages/allowances they get from the outside.
PPV they don't, Pay TV (ie Sky) sometimes is the only option, where there isn't a decent freeview signal, but the cost is borne by the private prison contractor not the taxpayer
So where does the private contractor get his money from?
The private contractor charges the MOJ at the rate of providing freeview
OK so taxpayers ARE paying, thanks.
Only for the freeview element, the contractor is subsidising the cost of Sky.
I guess I'll have to spell it out. The private contractor gets his money from the taxpayer, whether he gives the cons steak or gruel we're paying for it.
Yes we are paying for Freeview or gruel as you put it. If the contractor gives steak then that's not at our cost.
OK, help me out - who is paying?
He thinks the contractor does it out of kindness, free SKY and all the steak you can eat.
I know she's been in post 2 years, but it never occurred to me until now. I may have reached my "don't policemen look young these days..." moment!