Last night we had the second Democratic Party Presidential debate and the tragic events of Paris were discussed. Clinton’s past record came under scrutiny, first her support for the 2003 Iraq War (which Sanders said helped the rise of ISIS) and her tenure as Secretary of State. She came through all of this largely unscathed.
Clinton looks nailed on, but still months to go before the primaries.
My pre-race piece is up here:
Bloody atrocious weather this morning.
'In the end, the decadence of Merkel, Holland, Cameron et al will cost you your world and everything you love' …
The writer of the main article in the previous thread is a Tory. He obviously does not want an electoral pact within the opposition for obvious reasons. FPTP should be buried.
Can I ask those here in PB who have followed the timeline this : When the football was going on, there were loud bangs outside, at least two, we were told it was the suicide bomber.
Who was he killing then ? If the spectators were the target, they were still inside surely ?
1. A group of lunatics perform an outrage. They CLAIM to do it in the name of Islam
2. Moderate Muslims as outraged as everyone else denounces the attacks but are forced to defend their religion which they say is peaceful.
3. These moderate Muslims are then attacked by the likes of Phillips for defending the indefensible
You would have expected Phillips of all people to be more aware of the dangers of racial and religious intolerance
These people are not true muslins but they will be seen as such
One possible exception might be that if the Greens stay on the left, they're politically probably closer to the Labour leader than most of the Labour Party, and they might want to endorse Corbyn in return for a clear run in half a dozen seats. But absent the LibDems unexpectedly getting their shit together the Greens are probably better pitching for the centre.
1 with a ticket was supposed to get in and explode himself.
Other 2 were to wait for ensuing panic and prople running for exits to be greeted at 2 nearest exits by 2 further suicides.
According to ITN last night.
Security guard stopping bomber with ticket going in saved hundreds of lives but lost his own.
Remember the TdF Grand Depart in 2014 to be followed this year by the Tour de Yorkshire with wallops of public funding from the area's development agencies.
"Grandiosity refers to an unrealistic sense of superiority—a sustained view of oneself as better than others that causes the narcissist to view others with disdain or as inferior—as well as to a sense of uniqueness: the belief that few others have anything in common with oneself and that one can only be understood by a few or very special people. - Yorkshire and Yorkshire men in one paragraph.
Why don't you get your priorities sorted? Start with innocent people dying.
One forgives your jealousy. It's not every part of the UK that gave the world Constantine the Great, who probably did more than any other man to define Europe's culture.
Fine - but what has he done to reverse it?
The only thing you can really say about articles like this from Phillips is that it's appropriate that she writes for the Mail. It would be interesting to reprint some of their articles from another time when they also tried to stop the influx of refugees describing them as 'strange looking peope with whom we have nothing in common'.
I wonder how well-briefed the Republican candidates would be under similar pressure?
On a day like today for you to bleat about Islamophobia is frankly indecent. It is entirely rational to fear a belief system, one strand of which inspires people to carry out acts of such barbarity as happened in Paris on Friday, in Paris in January, on the Brussels-Paris train, in Brussels in the attack on the synagogue, in Toulouse and in countless other places.
(Retreats from hail of classical history argument)
"The way stateless Jews are pouring into the country is a disgrace....
Edited extra bit: as an aside, it's interesting to note that the Danubian general-emperors who ended the Crisis of the Third Century pretty much all came from the Balkans.
you mean you CHOSE Bedford ?
I'm going to hit the bottle early today !
People are disquieted about Muslims because they're the ones, by and large, who are cutting people's heads off, shooting people and blowing them up. You can't wibble that they're not 'true' Muslims - that's just sophistry.
Let's think about the poor sods who have been variously killed, maimed and crippled in the name of 'Islam' before we worry about the phantom backlash.
By the way, treating women better these days Roger?
"The West cannot win this thing, with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people but not targeting the ideology, of intervening effectually overseas and not intervening at all when it comes to the remorseless Islamization and self-segregation of large segments of their own countries."
Or read Alex Massie's article, which I quoted yesterday:-
"They may hate us for what we do but, more significantly, they despise us – all the western world – for who we are and how we live. This is so obvious by now that it risks seeming banal but it demands restating because, even now, even after all this, there remain too many people who deny the truth."
Or listen to the spokesman from the Quilliam Foundation on Radio 4's Sunday programme this morning who explained the Islamist ideology, how it is made up and how it is used by the Islamists to separate Muslims from the rest.
War has come to us and we will have to give them no quarter. We will have to give them the measure and more than the measure of what they have done to us, the free world and all of us in it, until they are no more than a stain in the sand.
And may the dead rest in peace.
"On a day like today for you to bleat about Islamophobia is frankly indecent."
Not nearly as indecent as to use an attack like this to fan the flames of hatred as Melanie Phillips and many on here are trying to do. Fortunately The French are so far being much more sanguine and the hysterical Islamaphobia is mainly being heard here.
virtuearsehole signalling in the press and the wider internet today."Islamaphobia at a time like this is a fake concern. Islamaphobia didn't kill 120 people. It didn't kill anyone. "
Well read the article that was being discussed and all will become clear
Trying to ban Islamaphobia is like trying to bad Arachnophobia.
The near universal reaction of most decent people has been sadness, solidarity with the victims, a desire not to blame our fellow innocent Muslims, compassion and a desire to extirpate this evil from our midst
The only person being hysterical here, frankly, is you with your desperate attempts to avoid describing in plain words what has happened and attack those concerned by what has happened, even those who have not written what you think they have written.
As Andrew Cummins wrote, Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, used by cowards, to manipulate morons.
These people are not stupid. They are not trying to provoke a mass pogrom of their fellow religionists, which they know will not happen.
The reaction they want is the reverse of that - more appeasement by the frightened political elites in Europe, allowing more scope for segregation and cultural separatism which are the things that will really drive radicalisation in the long term. And it is a long numbers game they are playing.
That whole article just had me nodding at almost every phrase.
There is no chance of Islamists being persuaded or deradicalised by any action that a Western government, organisation or individual can take.
However if mainstream Islam could reach out and work with those who have had their world view perverted by Islamism and could find a way of taking action against those who profess to be followers of Islam but who have been corrupted - then there might be a long-term solution to be found.
This is probably wishful thinking on my part. But I really cannot conceive of any EU or US or UK or French action that can bring about the defeat of Islamism. Killing their leaders won't achieve it. Cutting off their finances won't achieve it. Islamists won't listen to a word that a Westerner will say - but there might be those within Islam more broadly who can find a way forward.
I am not an Islamaphobe (though I am totally against all religions) - however I am proud to identify as an Islamistaphobe. It is an evil, corrupt mindset - and one that needs to be tackled.
And I am not playing that game.
I have always found that strange.
"a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things"
I would use other desciptions as whatever they are coward does not seem correct.
Marco Rubio has got her number ..he has a sunny affable disposition , like Bill Clinton and Reagan ,is a slick operator , is young , dynamic and Kennedy-esque; what's more he is in the zeitgeist and an obvious winner
"The near universal reaction of most decent people has been sadness, solidarity with the victims, a desire not to blame our fellow innocent Muslims, compassion and a desire to extirpate this evil from our midst"
Yes it was Steyn. I took the author from Mike K's post.
I would suggest you read back through yesterday's posts (including those written by you) like I stupidly did this morning and you'l get an idea of where te thought came from!
Defeating Salafism will take decades, cost lives and a good deal of money. We'll also have to deal with the cultural appeasers, bien pensant wankers and that vocal minority who transfer their own self-loathing onto Western society as a whole.
Now, is it a tiny minority who even tacitly support? I'm sure it is, im not about to start looking askance at every potentially Muslim person I see, but while not overreacting is important, I don't see how it helps anyone to deny there is a very real problem with millions of people supporting this kind of thing, as their hatred of us is exacerbated by our actions sometimes but exists regardless of our actions, so getting rid of IS wont stop the same feeling giving rise to the next group of vicious gits. Most virtue signalling is arsehole signalling.
He has written a good book on the subject: "From Fatwa to Jihad". Worth reading.
I see it mentioned elsewhere a lot - where are all these Muslims who don't sympathise? Maybe it's fear of a backlash from their own side/Uncle Tomism. I've no idea as this isn't my peer group - but whilst this group says little and does less, it's going to be a problem for their faith.
"The near universal reaction of most decent people has been sadness, solidarity with the victims, a desire not to blame our fellow innocent Muslims, compassion and a desire to extirpate this evil from our midst"
What a difference a day makes..........
"If Muslims in the West are not willing to accommodate themselves to the values, mores, laws and culture of the West then they are free to find somewhere more accommodating. But I am sick to the back teeth of us having to accommodate practices and so-called cultures which are barbaric in the name of some ludicrous and completely misdescribed diversity and non-discrimination."
I do think there is so something in the self loathing argument in western society, where we fear what our own populations may do or think too much.
There is one positive thing to come out of this , Londoners are not going to elect a muslim as Mayor , especially when he is associated with a left wing loon like Corbyn