I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
I think they'll go for someone from industry, to push the economic risks of leaving the EU angle to the fore.
The problem with someone from industry is that they can be accused of having a vested interests. They'd have to pick them well so it's not a company that benefits from cheap labour or EU grants.
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
"This new campaign, Vote Leave, is funded by major Conservative donor and City millionaire Peter Cruddas, John Mills, Labour's biggest private financial backer, and Stuart Wheeler, for years a Tory donor but more recently a supporter of UKIP."
"The expectation is that they will spend up to £20m, around half the amount the Tories spent in the 12 months before the election. And it will fold in three existing campaign groups: Conservatives for Britain, Business for Britain and the Labour Leave campaign."
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
I think they'll go for someone from industry, to push the economic risks of leaving the EU angle to the fore.
A spokesmen from big business (such as the CBI and IoD) might not necessarily help them.
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
I think they'll go for someone from industry, to push the economic risks of leaving the EU angle to the fore.
The problem with someone from industry is that they can be accused of having a vested interests. They'd have to pick them well so it's not a company that benefits from cheap labour or EU grants.
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
I think they'll go for someone from industry, to push the economic risks of leaving the EU angle to the fore.
A spokesmen from big business (such as the CBI and IoD) might not necessarily help them.
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
I think they'll go for someone from industry, to push the economic risks of leaving the EU angle to the fore.
The problem with someone from industry is that they can be accused of having a vested interests. They'd have to pick them well so it's not a company that benefits from cheap labour or EU grants.
@bbclaurak: New referendum campaign 'Vote Leave - Take Control' going live right now - more on @bbcnews in a min
@bbclaurak: Campaign has politicians and money from Tory and Labour MPs and donors, and UKIPs Douglas Carswell and cash from Stuart Wheeler
Already a member of Leave.EU - I will join Vote Leave now as well.
If you find it, could you send me a link to Vote Leave now.
I might sign up
Of course I will. I'd be delighted and honoured to campaign alongside you.
I'd like to think my campaigning skills are pretty good, as my ability to analyse how it is on the ground (as evidenced by my reports from West Yorkshire during the election campaign)
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
Am I right in thinking that Scotland cannae dae it 'cause they didnae qualify?
I don't think Gibralter can make it either, but all the other British teams are in. Better Together indeed (at least until the Welsh knock us out of another tounament!)
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
Eddie Izzard. Grant from EAstenders. job done
Eddie Izzard, Mark Oaten, Reverend Underpants.
Steve Coogan, Martin Freeman and Emma Thompson would also be a great help.
@bbclaurak: Blimey - within minutes Lord Harris has just pulled out of Business for Britain - one of groups that's part of Vote Leave
Harris was part of Business for Britain. They had a policy of wait and see but with a leaning towards Leave if Cameron didn't get substantial reform. It may be he eels that joining a Leave umbrella group at this point when nobody knows what Cameron will finally achieve is pre-emptory.
Obviously I would say he is wrong but it is possible he has a logical and consistent reasoning behind pulling out.
@bbclaurak: New referendum campaign 'Vote Leave - Take Control' going live right now - more on @bbcnews in a min
@bbclaurak: Campaign has politicians and money from Tory and Labour MPs and donors, and UKIPs Douglas Carswell and cash from Stuart Wheeler
Already a member of Leave.EU - I will join Vote Leave now as well.
If you find it, could you send me a link to Vote Leave now.
I might sign up
Of course I will. I'd be delighted and honoured to campaign alongside you.
I'd like to think my campaigning skills are pretty good, as my ability to analyse how it is on the ground (as evidenced by my reports from West Yorkshire during the election campaign)
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
A self acclaimed Quisling at that, given that you were not the original target of the comment but chose to adopt that shroud yourself.
I hope the Remain campaign take a leaf out of this new group's book and have a campaign based around impressive independent politicians. If they go down the celebrity route over something as important as our country's future, then it will seriously diminish their side.
I think they'll go for someone from industry, to push the economic risks of leaving the EU angle to the fore.
The problem with someone from industry is that they can be accused of having a vested interests. They'd have to pick them well so it's not a company that benefits from cheap labour or EU grants.
@bbclaurak: New referendum campaign 'Vote Leave - Take Control' going live right now - more on @bbcnews in a min
@bbclaurak: Campaign has politicians and money from Tory and Labour MPs and donors, and UKIPs Douglas Carswell and cash from Stuart Wheeler
Already a member of Leave.EU - I will join Vote Leave now as well.
If you find it, could you send me a link to Vote Leave now.
I might sign up
Of course I will. I'd be delighted and honoured to campaign alongside you.
I'd like to think my campaigning skills are pretty good, as my ability to analyse how it is on the ground (as evidenced by my reports from West Yorkshire during the election campaign)
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
@bbclaurak: New referendum campaign 'Vote Leave - Take Control' going live right now - more on @bbcnews in a min
@bbclaurak: Campaign has politicians and money from Tory and Labour MPs and donors, and UKIPs Douglas Carswell and cash from Stuart Wheeler
Already a member of Leave.EU - I will join Vote Leave now as well.
If you find it, could you send me a link to Vote Leave now.
I might sign up
Of course I will. I'd be delighted and honoured to campaign alongside you.
I'd like to think my campaigning skills are pretty good, as my ability to analyse how it is on the ground (as evidenced by my reports from West Yorkshire during the election campaign)
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
Am I right in thinking that Scotland cannae dae it 'cause they didnae qualify?
There's really no point following the Scottish men's national team, the game in Scotland is on its knees and the club competition is utterly bereft of entertainment or quality.
The women's team are our better hope for both European and World Cup wins (not just qualification, actual wins). Qualification for Euro 2017 is pretty much certain and the team is not far off being capable of winning. By 2019, I'm quite hopefully Scotland can look for a top 4 finish in the World Cup.
@bbclaurak: New referendum campaign 'Vote Leave - Take Control' going live right now - more on @bbcnews in a min
@bbclaurak: Campaign has politicians and money from Tory and Labour MPs and donors, and UKIPs Douglas Carswell and cash from Stuart Wheeler
Already a member of Leave.EU - I will join Vote Leave now as well.
If you find it, could you send me a link to Vote Leave now.
I might sign up
Of course I will. I'd be delighted and honoured to campaign alongside you.
I'd like to think my campaigning skills are pretty good, as my ability to analyse how it is on the ground (as evidenced by my reports from West Yorkshire during the election campaign)
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
No one who favours bashing the French can be considered a Quisling.
An argument often cited by cretins on here, so easily dismissed it is embarrassing for them
Care to explain what is cretinous about it?
Because the places that are heavily populated by immigrants cannot help but have large population of people who are pro immigrant, being immigrants themselves..
Tim used this terrible argument all the time regarding polls showing people in London being wildly in favour of immigration, and other left wingers on here, some who are also Tories, regurgitate it.. most people in London are the children of immigrants or are from other parts of the UK.. they are either closely related to immigrants or are "immigrants" themselves
The places next door to those populated by immigrants are generally anti immigration... precisely because they see the dramatic changes to their nearby towns and don't want it to happen where they live, or have moved from those towns to escape
I gave the example of Upminster and Hornchurch, where I live, compared to Barking. I can guarantee that v few people indeed move from U&H to B but plenty move in the opposite direction. I would think it rings true from most outer London towns compared to those 5 miles inward.
I've made immigration something of a hobby, changing my country of residence 6 times over my life, have both UK and US citizenship, and I'm not in favor of mass immigration, particularly if they won't integrate.
When I lived in Yorkshire as a kid, Bradford was mainly white. When I left there 10 years later in the late 60s, it was mainly what we then called 'pakis'.
There's nothing theoretical about white flight. You see the results of it here all the time.
Us Northern Ireland lads welcome anyone who wants to join in and follow our wee team in France.
At a nice little moment like this, I pause for reflection. I think of all the people who want us to cease to exist as a country, some of whom who thought they could bomb us out, others who just tried to patronise us out of existence.....
You failed. Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it you losers.
Interesting that Carswell isn't backing the group that Farage and Banks set up.
Perceptive... I thought after being called autistic, threatened with deselection by banks after having a blazing row with him, Carswell would have been all over it
Am I right in thinking that Scotland cannae dae it 'cause they didnae qualify?
There's really no point following the Scottish men's national team, the game in Scotland is on its knees and the club competition is utterly bereft of entertainment or quality.
The women's team are our better hope for both European and World Cup wins (not just qualification, actual wins). Qualification for Euro 2017 is pretty much certain and the team is not far off being capable of winning. By 2019, I'm quite hopefully Scotland can look for a top 4 finish in the World Cup.
Am I right in thinking that Scotland cannae dae it 'cause they didnae qualify?
There's really no point following the Scottish men's national team, the game in Scotland is on its knees and the club competition is utterly bereft of entertainment or quality.
The women's team are our better hope for both European and World Cup wins (not just qualification, actual wins). Qualification for Euro 2017 is pretty much certain and the team is not far off being capable of winning. By 2019, I'm quite hopefully Scotland can look for a top 4 finish in the World Cup.
There was once an NFL Europe team called the Scottish Claymores. Maybe that's worth a try
Still seething after the Panorama program this week. That even by the standards of the BBC has to rate as one of the most disgraceful pieces of journalism in its history. All the dirty tricks were pulled, treating Leon Brittan and Harvey Proctor as victims, the attempt to divide the Metropolitan police in the investigation. I'm not Tom Watson's biggest fan by far, but he has done a lot of good work on the child abuse in this country, and was disgracefully attacked during the program. But the worst treatment of all was of Chris Fay, who had 3 shots fired at his house as a warning, and probably knows more than anyone about the goings on at the Elm Guest House. Its a great pity that he has got a conviction against his name for property fraud. The treatment of So vile (Savile) as I like to call him was equally reprehensible - hang on a minute Ceri Thomas and all your wretched helpers with that program, so vile committed these acts over FIVE DECADES and a lot of them in the confines of the BBC. So why should we pay taxpayers money for you to try and discredit the whole idea of a Westminster Paedophile Ring, and oh well the abuse was historical, as if that somehow lessens the heinous crimes that were committed. BBC journalists of the past like Harry Carpenter, David Coleman, Henry Longhurst et al would be turning in their grave at what the BBC has become, a truly wretched organisation that regularly distorts the facts to suit its own agenda.
I'm off to Rome this weekend, a much needed trip, and can't wait to cram as much as possible into a mad 48 hours!
An argument often cited by cretins on here, so easily dismissed it is embarrassing for them
Care to explain what is cretinous about it?
Because the places that are heavily populated by immigrants cannot help but have large population of people who are pro immigrant, being immigrants themselves..
Tim used this terrible argument all the time regarding polls showing people in London being wildly in favour of immigration, and other left wingers on here, some who are also Tories, regurgitate it.. most people in London are the children of immigrants or are from other parts of the UK.. they are either closely related to immigrants or are "immigrants" themselves
The places next door to those populated by immigrants are generally anti immigration... precisely because they see the dramatic changes to their nearby towns and don't want it to happen where they live, or have moved from those towns to escape
I gave the example of Upminster and Hornchurch, where I live, compared to Barking. I can guarantee that v few people indeed move from U&H to B but plenty move in the opposite direction. I would think it rings true from most outer London towns compared to those 5 miles inward.
I've made immigration something of a hobby, changing my country of residence 6 times over my life, have both UK and US citizenship, and I'm not in favor of mass immigration, particularly if they won't integrate.
When I lived in Yorkshire as a kid, Bradford was mainly white. When I left there 10 years later in the late 60s, it was mainly what we then called 'pakis'.
There's nothing theoretical about white flight. You see the results of it here all the time.
Don't mention 'White flight' it isn't happening,we keep getting told.
I could tell you different with the area I live in Bradford,it's happened.
@bbclaurak: New referendum campaign 'Vote Leave - Take Control' going live right now - more on @bbcnews in a min
@bbclaurak: Campaign has politicians and money from Tory and Labour MPs and donors, and UKIPs Douglas Carswell and cash from Stuart Wheeler
Already a member of Leave.EU - I will join Vote Leave now as well.
If you find it, could you send me a link to Vote Leave now.
I might sign up
Of course I will. I'd be delighted and honoured to campaign alongside you.
I'd like to think my campaigning skills are pretty good, as my ability to analyse how it is on the ground (as evidenced by my reports from West Yorkshire during the election campaign)
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
No one who favours bashing the French can be considered a Quisling.
Am I right in thinking that Scotland cannae dae it 'cause they didnae qualify?
There's really no point following the Scottish men's national team, the game in Scotland is on its knees and the club competition is utterly bereft of entertainment or quality.
The women's team are our better hope for both European and World Cup wins (not just qualification, actual wins). Qualification for Euro 2017 is pretty much certain and the team is not far off being capable of winning. By 2019, I'm quite hopefully Scotland can look for a top 4 finish in the World Cup.
There was once an NFL Europe team called the Scottish Claymores. Maybe that's worth a try
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
"ICM polled 1,947 people online on the evening of 7 October 2015. This is the first poll to look at the EU issue since David Cameron’s Conference Speech. The top line is that 44% of people would vote to remain a member of the EU, 39% would vote to leave (excluding ‘Don’t Knows’ it changes to 53% voting to remain, 47% voting to leave).
However, if you ask people to imagine that that, after the negotiations, the supremacy of EU law over UK law remains as it is now, there is clear shift towards ‘leave’. 43% say they would vote to leave the European Union, 38% say they would vote to remain (excluding ‘Don’t Knows’ it changes to 47% voting to remain, 53% voting to leave).
When asked how they view the EU, only 32% say that they strongly support the European Union project and are almost sure to vote to stay. 54% say that they either think that the European Union is bad for Britain and Europe and are almost sure to vote to leave (34%) or that they would like to leave the EU but are worried about the effect on jobs and living standards so may vote to stay (20%).
The public remain thoroughly unconvinced by the rationale for the Single Market. Just 29% of the public agree with the statement ‘Common EU rules make trade and business easier, and the Single Market is good for jobs and living standards’. 57% agree with the statement ‘We can trade and cooperate with Europe without giving away permanent control over the economy to politicians we can't vote out’ (excluding ‘Don’t Knows’ it changes to 66% against 34%)."
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
I don't loathe anything about it. It;s just not a country. Bits of Lithuania, bits of Germany, bits of Bohemia, bits of Ukraine, bits of Belarus and pretending to be an actual place. It's much like England, an artificial nation.
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
I think the football has got in the way ;-)
It is not Polands fault. Scotland lost a lot of matches on the way to tonight's match. Theirs was a zombie campaign before the Polish coup-de-grace.
Whatever his condition is with his eyes, it seems to be exacerbated by him taking off his specs. Dunno why he's been told to do it because the blinking looks a hell of a lot worse than wearing glasses does.
I don't think Hosie has it quite right with Putin/Syria here. Russia's plan is not to leave a void, it is to strengthen the regional bad but not mad dictator Assad.
Pretty much the opposite of US/UK involvment in Iraq.
Whatever his condition is with his eyes, it seems to be exacerbated by him taking off his specs. Dunno why he's been told to do it because the blinking looks a hell of a lot worse than wearing glasses does.
Whatever his condition is with his eyes, it seems to be exacerbated by him taking off his specs. Dunno why he's been told to do it because the blinking looks a hell of a lot worse than wearing glasses does.
Is it related to his stroke ?
Wasn't aware he had had a stroke but I've seen him do the "take off the glasses" thing a few times starting on Election Night. And it always looks bloody stupid. He doesn't blink when he keeps his glasses on.
I don't know where he got the advice, if he thinks it might help him to the SNP leadership after Sturgeon but, frankly, there isn't going to be any leader other than Humza Yousaf, so I don't know what he's trying to be honest.
He justs end up looking stupid. Constant blinking does not come across well.
Whatever his condition is with his eyes, it seems to be exacerbated by him taking off his specs. Dunno why he's been told to do it because the blinking looks a hell of a lot worse than wearing glasses does.
Is it related to his stroke ?
Wasn't aware he had had a stroke but I've seen him do the "take off the glasses" thing a few times starting on Election Night. And it always looks bloody stupid. He doesn't blink when he keeps his glasses on.
I don't know where he got the advice, if he thinks it might help him to the SNP leadership after Sturgeon but, frankly, there isn't going to be any leader other than Humza Yousaf, so I don't know what he's trying to be honest.
He justs end up looking stupid. Constant blinking does not come across well.
It looks an involuntary tic, but taking off the glasses does not help.
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
I don't loathe anything about it. It;s just not a country. Bits of Lithuania, bits of Germany, bits of Bohemia, bits of Ukraine, bits of Belarus and pretending to be an actual place. It's much like England, an artificial nation.
All nations are artificial to some extent, we just choose different points, events and peoples as justifications for whatever tribe we feel closest to. Declaring it unreal, as you have with Britain in the past to my great irritation, is worse than merely insulting them as it shows no respect for others defining themselves and their cultural and national identity as you declare it invalid. Despicable opinion.
The Polish governing party is seemingly heading for a serious defeat on 25th October. The latest poll puts them on 19% compared to 39% at the last election:
Poland should be nuked. They have nothing worth preserving and no longer deserve to exist. Also Ireland. What's the point of having nuclear weapons if we refuse to use them.
I like Poland, what do you loathe about it so much?
I don't loathe anything about it. It;s just not a country. Bits of Lithuania, bits of Germany, bits of Bohemia, bits of Ukraine, bits of Belarus and pretending to be an actual place. It's much like England, an artificial nation.
All nations are artificial to some extent, we just choose different points, events and peoples as justifications for whatever tribe we feel closest to. Declaring it unreal, as you have with Britain in the past to my great irritation, is worse than merely insulting them as it shows no respect for others defining themselves and their cultural and national identity as you declare it invalid. Despicable opinion.
Good night all.
Good night to you and good riddance to Dair and his crass comments.
Goldsworth West (Woking) result: CON - 40.0% (+7.0) LDEM - 38.0% (+0.4) LAB - 11.4% (+1.3) UKIP - 10.6% (-8.6)
The changing nature of the UKIP vote continues apace (they got 23.3% and second place in Bolsover). @election_data tweeted that he thought they would have 12 seats on an election held tomorrow.
Four Russian cruise missiles fired at Syria from the Caspian Sea landed in Iran
I think the vow promised Scotland to qualify for all future tournaments.
I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote, probable Leave due to my old clients in the financial services and banking industries.
The question is do you want a Quisling on your side?
Obviously I would say he is wrong but it is possible he has a logical and consistent reasoning behind pulling out.
Not sure the poll in the Express with Out on 53% has been mentioned yet:
I've asked Survation (The Express' usual pollster) if they did this poll, but will be until morning until I find out if they have, as I'm off to bed.
The women's team are our better hope for both European and World Cup wins (not just qualification, actual wins). Qualification for Euro 2017 is pretty much certain and the team is not far off being capable of winning. By 2019, I'm quite hopefully Scotland can look for a top 4 finish in the World Cup.
When I lived in Yorkshire as a kid, Bradford was mainly white. When I left there 10 years later in the late 60s, it was mainly what we then called 'pakis'.
There's nothing theoretical about white flight. You see the results of it here all the time.
At a nice little moment like this, I pause for reflection. I think of all the people who want us to cease to exist as a country, some of whom who thought they could bomb us out, others who just tried to patronise us out of existence.....
You failed. Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it you losers.
I'm off to Rome this weekend, a much needed trip, and can't wait to cram as much as possible into a mad 48 hours!
I could tell you different with the area I live in Bradford,it's happened.
You can donate here
However, if you ask people to imagine that that, after the negotiations, the supremacy of EU law over UK law remains as it is now, there is clear shift towards ‘leave’. 43% say they would vote to leave the European Union, 38% say they would vote to remain (excluding ‘Don’t Knows’ it changes to 47% voting to remain, 53% voting to leave).
When asked how they view the EU, only 32% say that they strongly support the European Union project and are almost sure to vote to stay. 54% say that they either think that the European Union is bad for Britain and Europe and are almost sure to vote to leave (34%) or that they would like to leave the EU but are worried about the effect on jobs and living standards so may vote to stay (20%).
The public remain thoroughly unconvinced by the rationale for the Single Market. Just 29% of the public agree with the statement ‘Common EU rules make trade and business easier, and the Single Market is good for jobs and living standards’. 57% agree with the statement ‘We can trade and cooperate with Europe without giving away permanent control over the economy to politicians we can't vote out’ (excluding ‘Don’t Knows’ it changes to 66% against 34%)."
Poland is actually rather lovely!
Pretty much the opposite of US/UK involvment in Iraq.
Nandy looks constantly on the verge of tears
I don't know where he got the advice, if he thinks it might help him to the SNP leadership after Sturgeon but, frankly, there isn't going to be any leader other than Humza Yousaf, so I don't know what he's trying to be honest.
He justs end up looking stupid. Constant blinking does not come across well.
Conservative GAIN Goldsworth West (Woking) from Liberal Democrat.
Good night all.
Britain Elects @britainelects
Liberal Democrat HOLD Goldsworth East (Woking).
The Tories held Sandford earlier too.
Figures from the earlier result:
Goldsworth West (Woking) result:
CON - 40.0% (+7.0)
LDEM - 38.0% (+0.4)
LAB - 11.4% (+1.3)
UKIP - 10.6% (-8.6)
The changing nature of the UKIP vote continues apace (they got 23.3% and second place in Bolsover). @election_data tweeted that he thought they would have 12 seats on an election held tomorrow.