Around 70,000 people who voted in the leadership election did NOT vote Labour in May’s general election. 40,000 of them voted Green. Fully 92% of these Green voters backed Mr Corbyn. We estimate that the other non-Labour voters were: Liberal Democrats: 10,000; Conservatives: 3,000; Ukip: 3,000; other parties 6,000; did not vote 8,000.
Think this might be the list of non-voters (exc speaker, Sinn Fein, Tellers). Guessing that Reeves and Pickles are paired?
Couple of Shadow Cabinet members and the Mayoral candidate in there.
Abbott, Diane (Labour)
Berger, Luciana (Labour (Co-op))
Brake, Tom (Liberal Democrat)
Dakin, Nic (Labour)
Danczuk, Simon (Labour)
Day, Martyn (Scottish National Party)
Debbonaire, Thangam (Labour)
Ellman, Louise (Labour (Co-op))
Griffith, Nia (Labour)
Hamilton, Fabian (Labour)
Kaufman, Sir Gerald (Labour)
Khan, Sadiq (Labour)
Kinahan, Danny (Ulster Unionist Party)
Lewell-Buck, Emma (Labour)
Lewis, Ivan (Labour)
Mc Nally, John (Scottish National Party)
McDonnell, Alasdair (Social Democratic & Labour Party)
Nandy, Lisa (Labour)
O'Hara, Brendan (Scottish National Party)
Percy, Andrew (Conservative)
Pickles, Eric (Conservative)
Reeves, Rachel (Labour)
Shah, Naz (Labour)
Wilson, Phil (Labour)
Wilson, Sammy (Democratic Unionist Party)
Eventually it will come down to a rump of some parts of the British Isles and the various tax havens the UK taxpayer subsidises.
My impression one day before the second GOP debate is that currently Trump is sailing for the nomination and perhaps the presidency based on the strong polls he had over these past few days. The only flies in the ointment for Trump is Carson and Sanders, it speaks volumes that I read that the other campaigns and Wall Street are too terrified to attack him.
Anything major happen?
I am not sure why the French play ball here. They could easily say, you can build a fence at the mouth of the tunnel and on the beaches of Dover, Hastings.....
I note in the news today that Jeremy Corbyn is dissembling over whether he's an "In" or an "Out" for the EURef. I know that there are many sincere Outers on this board, so may I please prevail on you to urge Mr Corbyn to join you on the "Out" side. As a probable Inner, the guy makes my skin itch and, frankly, you're welcome to him...
Diane, Sadiq, Luciana and Lisa have no excuse given their willingness to accept shadow cabinet positions or mayoral candidacy.
Once she's gone, the justification for having a head of state that lives in an entirely different country in a different part of the world falls away almost completely.
First to invite the world
First to ignore its commitments to its neighbours
First to close its borders
First to threaten others to solve a problem it created
The divergence between the Labour leadership and Parliamentary Party is just inherently and dangerously unstable. Note to comrades on pbCOM- I did point this a few weeks ago. Nick Palmer disagreed with me..Nick said that Cornbyn would not appoint the likes of McDonnell to a senior post.
Most political parties have a leadership at odds with it's membership- after all most party members from any party are fruit loon cakes (and I put myself and my pb fraternity in that camp).
But the beauty of the Tory leadership system is that it has automatic stabilisers in situ- i.e. any leader must have at least a substantial backing of his MP's. With Labour's system you throw out the whole process to the swivel eyed loonies- and god knows what they're capable of. Well we know....Corbyn and McDonnell.
Labour did have the 35 MP bar to stop the party being taken over by ideological extremists. But thanks to Burnham's stupid gesture and the idiotic MP's who like to indulge in a spot of frivolity we now have Corbyn and McDonnell. Well done.
No debate, no ifs, no buts, just "following orders".
Now, how much grief do you think the French companies running the rail freight operation, 200,000+ business passengers commuting to and from their homes in Paris and London, and Eurotunnel shareholders would give to their government?
a) A little,
b) A total shitload that would make M. Hollande wish he'd never been born?
Ed Miliband, f's up Labour for a generation. Stunning.
The EU doesn't have any rules.
And these Green votes are primarily concentrated in seats that Labour already hold, overwhelmingly in predictable London places like Islington, Stoke Newington, Shoreditch etc.
Terrible positioning.
There has been only 1 poll, the ICM one, according to them 91% of 2015 CON voters still vote CON 3% going to LAB, 89% of 2015 LAB voters vote LAB 3% going to CON.
Basically the first 3 parties hold their drink quite OK, even UKIP at 84% retention with 7% going CON and 9% going LAB, but the LD are at 67% with 10% going CON and 14% going LAB and the Greens at 58% with 23% going LAB and 10% going LD.
Honestly, between thee and me, I will not divulge. But is part of you quite happy about the migrant chaos, and possibly hoping it all gets quite a bit worse. Because, (I think) you think, - this is only going to lead to BREXIT. Faced with the intoxicating choice of closing down borders, and knowing that it can be easily done, and shutting ourselves way from the chaos of Europe, voting OUT of the EU is a very easy choice.
"I am not sure why the French play ball here. They could easily say, you can build a fence at the mouth of the tunnel and on the beaches of Dover, Hastings.....
What law do you think the Hungarians are breaking?"
I can't say I'm happy about it, but there's no doubt it does help the cause of Brexit.
vs. Clinton
Clinton 49%
Bush 45%
Clinton 50%
Rubio 44%
Clinton 52%
Cruz 41%
Clinton 53%
Trump 40%
“Among Latino voters, Clinton outpaces Trump by 47 points, Cruz by 33 points, and Rubio and Bush by 30 points. President Barack Obama carried the Latino vote in 2012 over Republican nominee Mitt Romney by 44 points.”
vs. Biden
Biden 50%
Rubio 42%
Biden 50%
Bush 42%
Biden 54%
Cruz 39%
Biden 56%
Trump 38%
I guess they could mime or cross their fingers!
11-12% of Labour's c.9.4m vote is much much higher than 23% gain from the Greens 1.2m or so
The Green votes are also overwhelmingly located in areas that are useless to Labour as they already hold the seats. It applies in 21 of the 22 top areas for the Greens, and 16 of the seats are in London.
The Green vote is basically useless to Labour.
One of the big problems Corbyn has is that a lot of his supporters seem to live entirely on the Labour parties greatest hits, there is very little forward thinking and instead they try to take government back to how things were in the good old days...the 1950's. State owned everything, over funded NHS, lots of manufacturing, casual racism...well some of it was good to them anyway. They want to be voted in on the strength of Attlees work all those years ago, with little reference to the execrable Blair and Brown in between.
It's like the socialists in the UK are now the reactionaries, the NHS has to stay state owned, run and controlled in every fashion; the BBC has to stay exactly as it is even though it is falling behind US tv really badly now and people are stopping paying the licence fee in droves (in the group of people I know, I am the exception in paying); the trains have to be state owned even though they were a joke and passenger numbers were falling for decades. Surely there are some new ideas going around?
And as for his behaviour with the bags of sandwiches - well that was yet another bad decision in a week full of them. Even if he was offered them, to have accepted food intended for veterans and volunteers is just utterly wrong.
So it is that and his scruffy appearance that showed more disrespect in my eyes.
EDIT: although even if they all had voted with the opposition, the measure still would have passed comfortably.
Corbyn reminds me of Harold Steptoe in the two episodes where he is campaigning for the Labour party. Desperate to depose the Tories and sure he has the moral right to as well, ignoring the practicalities that people don't want to vote for it....even less so now.
Oh joy.
You will in all things to be moved, treated and debated in council, faithfully and truly declare your mind and opinion, according to your heart and conscience; and will keep secret all matters committed and revealed unto you, or that shall be treated of secretly in council'!!!!!!
Forget nuances, forget economic debate, the migrant crisis is going to provide enough nourishment for the Brexit campaign to win, and win handsomely. "
I can't say I'm happy about it, but there's no doubt it does help the cause of Brexit.
Though quite why he hasn't done that already on the salary+expenses your average MP of 30 years standing must have raked in, is a complete mystery.
That's interesting. I always thought she was an arch-wet, and very anti-Conservative.
Still impressed with the whipping operation: 323 Conservative MPs out of 331 (or 330 if you don't count Bercow) is darn good.
Why aren't you happy about it? The last year or so has shown exactly what some of us have been complaining about for ages.
Would you join today? Of course not, OUT is the only sensible answer if people are prepared to put silly tribalism and obduracy to one side.
What I must know is what he spends on haircuts, that's the important question. I never quite got why they wouldn't - they may well despise Corbyn's positioning on Ireland, but what harm voting against the government, futilely, on other matters?
That's just one element of the bonkersness of Jezza's Lab.
That makes me proud to be British.
I am a dull centrist that has never settled on one party, but I cannot see myself voting for Corbyn unless he compromises massively on several points....which would get him branded as a "Red Tory" by his own supporters and a tar and feathering for his efforts.
Labour can no longer chase votes, they have to lecture people into voting for them...which is just what the British people love, being told they are wrong.
That doesn't alter the fact that the British public show no significant appetite, at the present time, to change our system. Railing against the 'mainstream media' doesn't change that, and like most uses of that phrase is downright insulting to the public as it presupposes huge numbers don't really believe things they indicate they are (either in polling or in the fact that there is no popular republican movement among our political classes etc), they are just fooled all the time. It treats people like infants. The 'alternative media' will definitely show a different picture of the monarchy, as is their right, and there is definitely a market for it, you may think it is absolutely the truth in its depiction of the monarchy, but it doesn't make it reflective of a widespread desire to get rid of it - if it were, anti-monarchical sentiment would be much more visible no matter how much 'the establishment' tried to prevent it, as this is a free country and people can show it as much as they like.
Conservatives could still be the largest party with the NDP only a handful behind - could be possibly propped up by the Liberals? In any case, looks likely there will be another election soon (though we were saying that in early May!)
But I agree, the FTPA is not designed for governments bringing this type of motion.
He must have lost his voice at the weekend. Yes, that sounds about right as a poor excuse, for a pathetic man.