And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
I listened to "Any QUestions", from Bristol I think - if the Greens can't do well with an AQ audience from Bristol they might as well give up. On the flip side it's not exactly natural UKIP turf.
I am not sure UKIP's "support for the Tories" statement will endear them to those on the left of their targets. It could be taken as read by most, but seeing it spelled out makes it more "real"?
FFS....Sky reporting "Jihadi John" as a promising he wasn't, he went to one of the shittest universities in the UK and struggled to get a 2:2.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s a 2:2 was the normal degree in the UK. People were quite chuffed to get anything better. Indeed there is quite a list of eminent people who only managed Thirds - Barbara Castle- David Steel- Neil Kinnock - David Dimbleby - Edward Boyle - Jack Cunningham. Grade inflation has undermined perspectives so much.
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
A 2:1 is now the minimum to get on pretty much an graduate scheme of any standing.
Tell me about it.
The other big point to make is the internet. Students can now access a far wider breadth of research, and do it faster and easier than ever before
Actually it depends...and it is interesting point. The best institutions pay for basically full access to all the major journals out there via online access portals, and that is very expensive. The shitty ones don't.*
It is pertinent question that prospective students / parents should ask at open days, rather than being taken in by some shiny new library building and the general BS spin cycle.
* There is a very good Storyville episode about one of the guys behind Reddit who was arrested (and ultimately killed himself) for "stealing" the full catalogue of one such portal by placing a bot on the MIT network, with the intention of making it available to the whole world.
Presumably this is particularly pertinent for research-heavy (as opposed to practical-heavy) degrees? I certainly couldn't have done without access to online journals for my History degree. If I ran out of time to read the book on the reading list*, the original book review would suffice.
*which sounds like it would be impossible when you had an entire week to read 6-9 books and write an essay, but far more sensible when you have 20 cricket matches in trinity term
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
I listened to "Any QUestions", from Bristol I think - if the Greens can't do well with an AQ audience from Bristol they might as well give up. On the flip side it's not exactly natural UKIP turf.
It did sound a fairly packed audience, but Natalie was chalk and cheese better than earlier in the week.
Coburn was unbelievably bad. Like a sketchshow kipper in a Labour student comedy review. How did he get the gig? He should be kept locked in the cellar.
FFS....Sky reporting "Jihadi John" as a promising he wasn't, he went to one of the shittest universities in the UK and struggled to get a 2:2.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s a 2:2 was the normal degree in the UK. People were quite chuffed to get anything better. Indeed there is quite a list of eminent people who only managed Thirds - Barbara Castle- David Steel- Neil Kinnock - David Dimbleby - Edward Boyle - Jack Cunningham. Grade inflation has undermined perspectives so much.
Tell me about it.
The other big point to make is the internet. Students can now access a far wider breadth of research, and do it faster and easier than ever before
Actually it depends...and it is interesting point. The best institutions pay for basically full access to all the major journals out there via online access portals, and that is very expensive. The shitty ones don't.*
It is pertinent question that prospective students / parents should ask at open days, rather than being taken in by some shiny new library building and the general BS spin cycle.
* There is a very good Storyville episode about one of the guys behind Reddit who was arrested (and ultimately killed himself) for "stealing" the full catalogue of one such portal by placing a bot on the MIT network, with the intention of making it available to the whole world.
Does Corporeal really believe that 'research' involves just looking it up on't th'internet??
Where would Gallileo or Wren or Copernicus or Newton etc be if they had just relied on reading what other people had suggested - rather than think and experiment for themselves? Surely a University education is meaningless unless it trains you to think?
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
Paul Johnson, of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, said “Half of graduates will not be earning enough to pay back any less under the Labour policy than under the current policy. The group that will benefit from this £3bn package are the higher earning half of graduates, so those graduates who go to the best jobs will find their repayments will go down, whereas those who go to less good jobs will not find any difference in the repayments they will have to make''
So for this - ie a policy to help richer students - Labour are going to subvert and ruin pensions with all the unintended consequences of that.
They aren't very good for Labour...The divided one is a bit strange for Labour, generally I am always pretty impressed how Labour manage to keep on message.
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
Lewis says the policy ''is financially illiterate. If any other party was launching a policy that effectively meant poorer students would be subsidising City investment banking graduates, there would be protests in the streets.''
@FrancisUrquhart I am not sure that they are a good as they look for the Tories either? Strong leader, and ability to govern carry a certain expected incumbency effect, what percentage is open to discussion.
Farage UKIP would back the Tories deficit reduction plans to ensure the deficit is eliminated by 2018, they would also end ringfencing of overseas aid, axe HS2 and quit the EU
Quitting the EU would eliminate a lot of "overseas" aid too, £10bn a year net.
UKIP apparently want to join EFTA. That would mean they would pay around £15bn to the EU with no rebate.
Not at the moment they don't:
From UKIP's website:
///,i>– UKIP would not seek to remain in the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) or European Economic Area (EEA) while those treaties maintain a principle of free movement of labour, which prevents the UK managing its own borders.
And another idiotic post from Dair. Whilst I am in favour of EFTA membership, the idea that without it the EU would throw away the £80 billion balance of payments surplus they enjoy with us is frankly ludicrous.
The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK. It cares about maintaining the single market. Leaving the EU by choice will result is high tariffs and the only way back would be EFTA and a higher than average fee to join the single market.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
Perhaps worth a thread on how the rise of UKIP has detoxified the Tories....this poll suggests that could be a big plus for the blues in May
Alternatively it could be simply because neither of two LARGE parties like UKIP.
Well of course that is the real reason
UKIP weren't disliked as much 5-6 years ago, even though their policies then were probably more extreme and more wrong uns were involved.
They are only disliked now more because they are a threat
It's like saying to a bloke "do you like or dislike that really fit good looking guy over there?" and him saying "no opinion", then telling him that the hunk is his wifes personal trainer.. do you think he is more positive or negative about him?
"The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in human nature.
One is that by the very order of things such evils are not demonstrable until they have occurred: at each stage in their onset there is room for doubt and for dispute whether they be real or imaginary. By the same token, they attract little attention in comparison with current troubles, which are both indisputable and pressing: whence the besetting temptation of all politics to concern itself with the immediate present at the expense of the future.
Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: "If only," they love to think, "if only people wouldn't talk about it, it probably wouldn't happen." "
Tory and Labour between them lost 6,343,220 voters, which resulted in the Torys winning in 2010 despite getting nearly a million votes less than Kinnocks Labour polled in 1992.
This despite the electorate growing by nearly 2,5 million between 1992 and 2010. (2,341,722). That means nearly nine million voters have gone missing. (8,684,942)
If every single voter who voted in 2010 voted the same way in 2015, all UKIP need is 50% of those missing voters to turn out and vote for them to add to their 919,471 voters in 2010 to take their vote to over five million million 5,261,942. or 15.4% of the vote.
If, as well as this, 10% of voters who voted for other parties in 2010 switched to UKIP in 2015, that gives them another 2,876,813 votes bringing their total to 8,138,755 (or just under 24% of the popular vote)
Easy as that is it?
Look back through history, powerful nations decline but this can be masked for decades or even centuries as no other power exists to take them on. Then one emerges, and the nation collapses like a pack of cards - perhaps the fall of the Western Roman Empire is the best example of this.
And so it is with political parties, their votes go down every election, but they are still the big three and dominate the plains as the missing voters are silent, but the more the missing voters, the more savage the change when someone comes along and persuades the missing voters to vote for them.
It happens in physics and chemistry - you stretch and stretch a rubber band and nothing very much happens - and then it snaps. You heat a couple of compounds together - nothing happens for a while and then = KABOOM. Basically it occurs where systems can store energy up to a certain amount - and then releases it.
A good example was the after-effects of 'Black Wednesday'. The nation lost confidence in the Conservative Government (even though Labour policy was also to follow the Deutschmark) and no matter what they tried they couldn't regain it.
Dislike of Conservatives skews a little to the richest and the poorest, LDs and Labour fairly uniform, but UKIP is disliked by richer people more than poorer people.
"... their Ukiphobia is fuelled by something utterly unprogressive in nature: a disdain, even a disgust, for the little people, for those who still wave the national flag and eat chips, who still call their female colleagues ‘love’ and read a redtop, who aren’t PC and aren’t enamoured with the European Court of Human Rights. The elite’s self-conscious distancing of itself from the horde now finds its keenest expression in their panic about UKIP."
FFS....Sky reporting "Jihadi John" as a promising he wasn't, he went to one of the shittest universities in the UK and struggled to get a 2:2.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s a 2:2 was the normal degree in the UK. People were quite chuffed to get anything better. Indeed there is quite a list of eminent people who only managed Thirds - Barbara Castle- David Steel- Neil Kinnock - David Dimbleby - Edward Boyle - Jack Cunningham. Grade inflation has undermined perspectives so much.
Tell me about it.
The other big point to make is the internet. Students can now access a far wider breadth of research, and do it faster and easier than ever before
Actually it depends...and it is interesting point. The best institutions pay for basically full access to all the major journals out there via online access portals, and that is very expensive. The shitty ones don't.*
It is pertinent question that prospective students / parents should ask at open days, rather than being taken in by some shiny new library building and the general BS spin cycle.
* There is a very good Storyville episode about one of the guys behind Reddit who was arrested (and ultimately killed himself) for "stealing" the full catalogue of one such portal by placing a bot on the MIT network, with the intention of making it available to the whole world.
Does Corporeal really believe that 'research' involves just looking it up on't th'internet??
Where would Gallileo or Wren or Copernicus or Newton etc be if they had just relied on reading what other people had suggested - rather than think and experiment for themselves? Surely a University education is meaningless unless it trains you to think?
Not just that by any means.
But surely access to more information (and the easier you can find relevant info the better) is a benefit to the quality of research.
Where would Wren etc be if they had to start from scratch without any access to previous research.
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
Paul Johnson, of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, said “Half of graduates will not be earning enough to pay back any less under the Labour policy than under the current policy. The group that will benefit from this £3bn package are the higher earning half of graduates, so those graduates who go to the best jobs will find their repayments will go down, whereas those who go to less good jobs will not find any difference in the repayments they will have to make''
So for this - ie a policy to help richer students - Labour are going to subvert and ruin pensions with all the unintended consequences of that.
If you earn less than £21K you don't have to pay anything under either policy. That's why it makes no difference to their repayments.
Pernsion tax allowances are currently subverted. Why on earth should people earning over £150K a year get a 45% tax allowance on their pension contributions to encourage them to save for their old age! Let them have 20% like the rest of us.
Dislike of Conservatives skews a little to the richest and the poorest, LDs and Labour fairly uniform, but UKIP is disliked by richer people more than poorer people.
"... their Ukiphobia is fuelled by something utterly unprogressive in nature: a disdain, even a disgust, for the little people, for those who still wave the national flag and eat chips, who still call their female colleagues ‘love’ and read a redtop, who aren’t PC and aren’t enamoured with the European Court of Human Rights. The elite’s self-conscious distancing of itself from the horde now finds its keenest expression in their panic about UKIP."
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
Paul Johnson, of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, said “Half of graduates will not be earning enough to pay back any less under the Labour policy than under the current policy. The group that will benefit from this £3bn package are the higher earning half of graduates, so those graduates who go to the best jobs will find their repayments will go down, whereas those who go to less good jobs will not find any difference in the repayments they will have to make''
So for this - ie a policy to help richer students - Labour are going to subvert and ruin pensions with all the unintended consequences of that.
If you earn less than £21K you don't have to pay anything under either policy. That's why it makes no difference to their repayments.
Pernsion tax allowances are currently subverted. Why on earth should people earning over £150K a year get a 45% tax allowance on their pension contributions to encourage them to save for their old age! Let them have 20% like the rest of us.
Do you think they should pay the same tax rate too?
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
Paul Johnson, of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, said “Half of graduates will not be earning enough to pay back any less under the Labour policy than under the current policy. The group that will benefit from this £3bn package are the higher earning half of graduates, so those graduates who go to the best jobs will find their repayments will go down, whereas those who go to less good jobs will not find any difference in the repayments they will have to make''
So for this - ie a policy to help richer students - Labour are going to subvert and ruin pensions with all the unintended consequences of that.
If you earn less than £21K you don't have to pay anything under either policy. That's why it makes no difference to their repayments.
Pernsion tax allowances are currently subverted. Why on earth should people earning over £150K a year get a 45% tax allowance on their pension contributions to encourage them to save for their old age! Let them have 20% like the rest of us.
Do you think they should pay the same tax rate too?
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
Are you sure about that. Scotland had Aberdeen, Dundee, Robert Gordons, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Stirling. That's 9, which would indicate over 100 UK Wide.
FFS....Sky reporting "Jihadi John" as a promising he wasn't, he went to one of the shittest universities in the UK and struggled to get a 2:2.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s a 2:2 was the normal degree in the UK. People were quite chuffed to get anything better. Indeed there is quite a list of eminent people who only managed Thirds - Barbara Castle- David Steel- Neil Kinnock - David Dimbleby - Edward Boyle - Jack Cunningham. Grade inflation has undermined perspectives so much.
Tell me about it.
The other big point to make is the internet. Students can now access a far wider breadth of research, and do it faster and easier than ever before
Actually it depends...and it is interesting point. The best institutions pay for basically full access to all the major journals out there via online access portals, and that is very expensive. The shitty ones don't.*
It is pertinent question that prospective students / parents should ask at open days, rather than being taken in by some shiny new library building and the general BS spin cycle.
* There is a very good Storyville episode about one of the guys behind Reddit who was arrested (and ultimately killed himself) for "stealing" the full catalogue of one such portal by placing a bot on the MIT network, with the intention of making it available to the whole world.
Does Corporeal really believe that 'research' involves just looking it up on't th'internet??
Where would Gallileo or Wren or Copernicus or Newton etc be if they had just relied on reading what other people had suggested - rather than think and experiment for themselves? Surely a University education is meaningless unless it trains you to think?
Well, you need something to think about, don't you? I think most of those guys probably read the odd book at some stage. I believe Newton said something about standing on the shoulders of giants.
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
Paul Johnson, of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, said “Half of graduates will not be earning enough to pay back any less under the Labour policy than under the current policy. The group that will benefit from this £3bn package are the higher earning half of graduates, so those graduates who go to the best jobs will find their repayments will go down, whereas those who go to less good jobs will not find any difference in the repayments they will have to make''
So for this - ie a policy to help richer students - Labour are going to subvert and ruin pensions with all the unintended consequences of that.
If you earn less than £21K you don't have to pay anything under either policy. That's why it makes no difference to their repayments.
Pernsion tax allowances are currently subverted. Why on earth should people earning over £150K a year get a 45% tax allowance on their pension contributions to encourage them to save for their old age! Let them have 20% like the rest of us.
Do you think they should pay the same tax rate too?
No. They can afford more.
So, they're expected to contribute more tax, which is fine, but not be treated the same with pension allowances.
And we wonder why these people move money offshore.
Farage UKIP would back the Tories deficit reduction plans to ensure the deficit is eliminated by 2018, they would also end ringfencing of overseas aid, axe HS2 and quit the EU
Quitting the EU would eliminate a lot of "overseas" aid too, £10bn a year net.
UKIP apparently want to join EFTA. That would mean they would pay around £15bn to the EU with no rebate.
Not at the moment they don't:
From UKIP's website:
///,i>– UKIP would not seek to remain in the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) or European Economic Area (EEA) while those treaties maintain a principle of free movement of labour, which prevents the UK managing its own borders.
And another idiotic post from Dair. Whilst I am in favour of EFTA membership, the idea that without it the EU would throw away the £80 billion balance of payments surplus they enjoy with us is frankly ludicrous.
The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK. It cares about maintaining the single market. Leaving the EU by choice will result is high tariffs and the only way back would be EFTA and a higher than average fee to join the single market.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
They aren't very good for Labour...The divided one is a bit strange for Labour, generally I am always pretty impressed how Labour manage to keep on message.
I guess the difference is that Labour divisions have been more personal - Blair vs Brown, Miliband E vs Miliband D. These are much easier to identify with than divisions on the Tory side, where there hasn't really been an opposition figurehead since David Davis blew himself up.
And I Front page isn't exactly what Miliband would have hoped for.
The tuition fee promise may benefit some of the Sept 16 starters in England Wales and Scotland heve different systems). Most of these would be 16 or younger at May 15. Current students would not benefit.
Though on BBC AQ Bennett was the star (and Coburn the disaster) Natalie must have had excellent media training this week. Good on her!
I listened to "Any QUestions", from Bristol I think - if the Greens can't do well with an AQ audience from Bristol they might as well give up. On the flip side it's not exactly natural UKIP turf.
It did sound a fairly packed audience, but Natalie was chalk and cheese better than earlier in the week.
Coburn was unbelievably bad. Like a sketchshow kipper in a Labour student comedy review. How did he get the gig? He should be kept locked in the cellar.
Coburn won a four way contest between the Liberals, the Greens, UKIP and a third SNP seat by a few hundred votes out of all of Scotland. Fair play he won and whether UKIP thought he would win or not is almost irrelevant. He snuck in and has done nothing but send the small UKIP vote backward since he did.
Dislike of Conservatives skews a little to the richest and the poorest, LDs and Labour fairly uniform, but UKIP is disliked by richer people more than poorer people.
"... their Ukiphobia is fuelled by something utterly unprogressive in nature: a disdain, even a disgust, for the little people, for those who still wave the national flag and eat chips, who still call their female colleagues ‘love’ and read a redtop, who aren’t PC and aren’t enamoured with the European Court of Human Rights. The elite’s self-conscious distancing of itself from the horde now finds its keenest expression in their panic about UKIP."
FFS....Sky reporting "Jihadi John" as a promising he wasn't, he went to one of the shittest universities in the UK and struggled to get a 2:2.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s a 2:2 was the normal degree in the UK. People were quite chuffed to get anything better. Indeed there is quite a list of eminent people who only managed Thirds - Barbara Castle- David Steel- Neil Kinnock - David Dimbleby - Edward Boyle - Jack Cunningham. Grade inflation has undermined perspectives so much.
Tell me about it.
The other big point to make is the internet. Students can now access a far wider breadth of research, and do it faster and easier than ever before
Actually it depends...and it is interesting point. The best institutions pay for basically full access to all the major journals out there via online access portals, and that is very expensive. The shitty ones don't.*
It is pertinent question that prospective students / parents should ask at open days, rather than being taken in by some shiny new library building and the general BS spin cycle.
* There is a very good Storyville episode about one of the guys behind Reddit who was arrested (and ultimately killed himself) for "stealing" the full catalogue of one such portal by placing a bot on the MIT network, with the intention of making it available to the whole world.
Does Corporeal really believe that 'research' involves just looking it up on't th'internet??
Where would Gallileo or Wren or Copernicus or Newton etc be if they had just relied on reading what other people had suggested - rather than think and experiment for themselves? Surely a University education is meaningless unless it trains you to think?
Well, you need something to think about, don't you? I think most of those guys probably read the odd book at some stage. I believe Newton said something about standing on the shoulders of giants.
That was a condescending insult.
What he also said was that he thought constantly about a problem until a solution became clear.
And of course all the people who came before us had to be capable of original thought if they are to have shoulders worth standing on.
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
Are you sure about that. Scotland had Aberdeen, Dundee, Robert Gordons, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Stirling. That's 9, which would indicate over 100 UK Wide.
They aren't very good for Labour...The divided one is a bit strange for Labour, generally I am always pretty impressed how Labour manage to keep on message.
Agree the PLP is a model of unity others could learn from (yes, Tories, I mean you) - but Labour also has a phalanx of felled big beasts from the Blair/Brown years willing to sound off to a receptive press.
@Flightpath A great many discoveries come when the person is not consciously thinking on a problem.
Tell that to Newton. The Eureka moment? I know the benzine ring was supposedly discovered in a dream. I'm not sure Newtons quote is saying much that is different - ''I keep the subject constantly before me and wait 'till the first dawnings open slowly, by little and little, into a full and clear light.''
Farage UKIP would back the Tories deficit reduction plans to ensure the deficit is eliminated by 2018, they would also end ringfencing of overseas aid, axe HS2 and quit the EU
Quitting the EU would eliminate a lot of "overseas" aid too, £10bn a year net.
UKIP apparently want to join EFTA. That would mean they would pay around £15bn to the EU with no rebate.
Not at the moment they don't:
From UKIP's website:
///,i>– UKIP would not seek to remain in the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) or European Economic Area (EEA) while those treaties maintain a principle of free movement of labour, which prevents the UK managing its own borders.
And another idiotic post from Dair. Whilst I am in favour of EFTA membership, the idea that without it the EU would throw away the £80 billion balance of payments surplus they enjoy with us is frankly ludicrous.
The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK. It cares about maintaining the single market. Leaving the EU by choice will result is high tariffs and the only way back would be EFTA and a higher than average fee to join the single market.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
How much do the Mexicans pay?
A recent report:from Global Britain regarding the myths surrounding EU Withdrawal
@Flightpath Different in the case of Henri Poincaré (?) He had more or less resigned to admitting there was no solution, and was out walking with a friend when the solution appeared, he was so sure he carried on with his walk, then wrote it up when he returned
The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK. It cares about maintaining the single market. Leaving the EU by choice will result is high tariffs and the only way back would be EFTA and a higher than average fee to join the single market.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
LOL. I do love this garbage that Dair comes out with. Not only is it clear he doesn't have the first idea about the facts regarding our relationship with the EU - as shown by his wildly inaccurate estimate of what we would have to pay if we were a member of EFTA - but he also clearly has not the first idea about trade within or without the EU.
It is quite sometime since I have seen anyone quite so clueless posting about the EU.
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
Are you sure about that. Scotland had Aberdeen, Dundee, Robert Gordons, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Stirling. That's 9, which would indicate over 100 UK Wide.
The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK. It cares about maintaining the single market. Leaving the EU by choice will result is high tariffs and the only way back would be EFTA and a higher than average fee to join the single market.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
LOL. I do love this garbage that Dair comes out with. Not only is it clear he doesn't have the first idea about the facts regarding our relationship with the EU - as shown by his wildly inaccurate estimate of what we would have to pay if we were a member of EFTA - but he also clearly has not the first idea about trade within or without the EU.
It is quite sometime since I have seen anyone quite so clueless posting about the EU.
I am saying that the EU would decide what the UK's terms of trade will be. Switzerland found that out quite recently. And backed down. The EU does not allow a OECD country in Europe to trade with it without a single labour market and complete control over it's standards agencies and a hefty fee.
UKIP are in cloud cuckoo land if they think that would change. The EU will happily accept all its banking function for free if the UK leaves the EU.
FFS....Sky reporting "Jihadi John" as a promising he wasn't, he went to one of the shittest universities in the UK and struggled to get a 2:2.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s a 2:2 was the normal degree in the UK. People were quite chuffed to get anything better. Indeed there is quite a list of eminent people who only managed Thirds - Barbara Castle- David Steel- Neil Kinnock - David Dimbleby - Edward Boyle - Jack Cunningham. Grade inflation has undermined perspectives so much.
Tell me about it.
The other big point to make is the internet. Students can now access a far wider breadth of research, and do it faster and easier than ever before
Actually it depends...and it is interesting point. The best institutions pay for basically full access to all the major journals out there via online access portals, and that is very expensive. The shitty ones don't.*
It is pertinent question that prospective students / parents should ask at open days, rather than being taken in by some shiny new library building and the general BS spin cycle.
* There is a very good Storyville episode about one of the guys behind Reddit who was arrested (and ultimately killed himself) for "stealing" the full catalogue of one such portal by placing a bot on the MIT network, with the intention of making it available to the whole world.
Does Corporeal really believe that 'research' involves just looking it up on't th'internet??
Where would Gallileo or Wren or Copernicus or Newton etc be if they had just relied on reading what other people had suggested - rather than think and experiment for themselves? Surely a University education is meaningless unless it trains you to think?
Well, you need something to think about, don't you? I think most of those guys probably read the odd book at some stage. I believe Newton said something about standing on the shoulders of giants.
That was a condescending insult.
What he also said was that he thought constantly about a problem until a solution became clear.
And of course all the people who came before us had to be capable of original thought if they are to have shoulders worth standing on.
You seem to want it to be all one thing or the other. Original thought is of course vital, but no one has time to be able to rethink everything that has ever been thought.
Indeed you can trace the increase in speed of scientific development to how well research is recorded and shared.
@Dair Without giving a verdict on this case, it is frightening how often it can happen.
It seems a very difficult case, there's going to be some very difficult questions for her to answer given the age specification. Which by no means it's not true. The whole thing sounds terrible.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
Are you sure about that. Scotland had Aberdeen, Dundee, Robert Gordons, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Stirling. That's 9, which would indicate over 100 UK Wide.
England really, really hates educating its population.
According to the study that I showed earlier more english students than Scots get 5 good GCSEs and 50% go onto higher education compared to 30% in Scotland. Times have changed.
It might be alright if the other 70% picked up a good apprenticeship, but what evidence is there for that ?
I am saying that the EU would decide what the UK's terms of trade will be. Switzerland found that out quite recently. And backed down. The EU does not allow a OECD country in Europe to trade with it without a single labour market and complete control over it's standards agencies and a hefty fee.
UKIP are in cloud cuckoo land if they think that would change. The EU will happily accept all its banking function for free if the UK leaves the EU.
Actually no they would not. Any trade agreement would be made under the auspices of the WTO and more importantly would have to be acceptable to both sides. If you think the manufacturers and service companies of the EU are going to sit idly by whilst one of their largest and most significant export markets is closed off to them then you really are mad.
Now as I have said I personally would prefer EFTA membership as I am not hung up on immigration to the extent some are - but your scenario of the EU imposing high tarrifs on us is both politically and legally cloud cuckoo land.
You Europhiles are so desperate to stay in this failing backward bloc you will make up anything to try and con the population into believing that there is no alternative. Thankfully it is very easy to burst your balloon, especially when you chose to pick figures out of the air with no basis in fact at all.
Oh and your claim about the OECD is just laughable. The US, China and every other advanced economy in the world trades with the EU quite happily under WTO rules without a single labour market, control over the standards agencies or paying fees. Yet another example of your utter disregard for basic facts.
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
Are you sure about that. Scotland had Aberdeen, Dundee, Robert Gordons, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Stirling. That's 9, which would indicate over 100 UK Wide.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
We also didn't have 100+ universities in 1960/70's. Grade inflation, plus the standard of degrees are not equal across the institutions.
Are you sure about that. Scotland had Aberdeen, Dundee, Robert Gordons, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Stirling. That's 9, which would indicate over 100 UK Wide.
England really, really hates educating its population.
According to the study that I showed earlier more english students than Scots get 5 good GCSEs and 50% go onto higher education compared to 30% in Scotland. Times have changed.
It might be alright if the other 70% picked up a good apprenticeship, but what evidence is there for that ?
Personally, I think 30% is far closer to what the future requirements will need than 50%. The idea that 50% of jobs are going to need a degree is farcical.
It makes me laugh every time I hear Labourites say it.
I am saying that the EU would decide what the UK's terms of trade will be. Switzerland found that out quite recently. And backed down. The EU does not allow a OECD country in Europe to trade with it without a single labour market and complete control over it's standards agencies and a hefty fee.
UKIP are in cloud cuckoo land if they think that would change. The EU will happily accept all its banking function for free if the UK leaves the EU.
Actually no they would not. Any trade agreement would be made under the auspices of the WTO and more importantly would have to be acceptable to both sides. If you think the manufacturers and service companies of the EU are going to sit idly by whilst one of their largest and most significant export markets is closed off to them then you really are mad.
Now as I have said I personally would prefer EFTA membership as I am not hung up on immigration to the extent some are - but your scenario of the EU imposing high tarrifs on us is both politically and legally cloud cuckoo land.
You Europhiles are so desperate to stay in this failing backward bloc you will make up anything to try and con the population into believing that there is no alternative. Thankfully it is very easy to burst your balloon, especially when you chose to pick figures out of the air with no basis in fact at all.
Oh and your claim about the OECD is just laughable. The US, China and every other advanced economy in the world trades with the EU quite happily under WTO rules without a single labour market, control over the standards agencies or paying fees. Yet another example of your utter disregard for basic facts.
I'm Scottish. We have lots of water and electricity to sell to England of which they have next to no way to refuse and Scotland has the biggest PDO product on the planet.
Being in the EU is pretty much yay or nay to me. It makes no economic difference.
England on the other hand is an importer. It relies on importing goods to keep going and everyone that deals with England knows this. The EU will tell you exactly what I said - you accept all car imports or we close your factories and you deal with the job losses.
Meanwhile they make Minis and sell them everywhere because they own the trade mark. Same with the companies Nestle or Kraft or AkzoNobel bought over during Labours 13 years of destruction when most of the English economy that wasn't a bank went overseas.
Remember when ICI was a major British Company? No wonder the FTSE can't support UK pensions.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Ok so something else has come up. Pity that Compouter isn't here, his insight on the Rochdale labour party and of Danczuk in particular, would be most informative in this bizarre scandal.
Tax relief on pensions for higher earners would be cut to pay for Labour’s plan to reduce university tuition fees from a maximum of £9,000 to £6,000 a year, Ed Miliband announced today.
But a row broke out over whether his flagship policy would help better off graduates rather than the poorest. Some senior Labour figures are believed to have expressed such fears in private – including Ed Balls, the shadow Chancellor; Chuka Umunna, the shadow Business Secretary and Tristram Hunt, the shadow Education Secretary.
Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said Labour’s sums added up but the shake-up would not help the poorest half of graduates.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Oh wait...
I did ask you a while ago but you haven't answered yet, how much does Mexico pay to trade with the EU?
Ok so something else has come up. Pity that Compouter isn't here, his insight on the Rochdale labour party and of Danczuk in particular, would be most informative in this bizarre scandal.
I would be pretty sure that if you make any speculation about how Simon Danczuk ended up married to Karen that it wouldn't end well.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Oh wait...
I did ask you a while ago but you haven't answered yet, how much does Mexico pay to trade with the EU?
How much does Mexico rely on the EU for it's electricity and water? England already requires EU electricity. After Scottish Independence it will rely much more heavily on Scotland's leccy and soon, her water.
Did you know Scotland is 100% self-sufficient in renewable electricity most days of the year?
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Oh wait...
I did ask you a while ago but you haven't answered yet, how much does Mexico pay to trade with the EU?
After Scottish Independence it will rely much more heavily on Scotland's leccy
The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK. It cares about maintaining the single market. Leaving the EU by choice will result is high tariffs and the only way back would be EFTA and a higher than average fee to join the single market.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
LOL. I do love this garbage that Dair comes out with. Not only is it clear he doesn't have the first idea about the facts regarding our relationship with the EU - as shown by his wildly inaccurate estimate of what we would have to pay if we were a member of EFTA - but he also clearly has not the first idea about trade within or without the EU.
It is quite sometime since I have seen anyone quite so clueless posting about the EU.
I am saying that the EU would decide what the UK's terms of trade will be. Switzerland found that out quite recently. And backed down. The EU does not allow a OECD country in Europe to trade with it without a single labour market and complete control over it's standards agencies and a hefty fee.
UKIP are in cloud cuckoo land if they think that would change. The EU will happily accept all its banking function for free if the UK leaves the EU.
So have Switzerland backed down in the last fortnight or so then?
February 11, 2015 9:46 pm Swiss outline plans to curb immigration from EU
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Oh wait...
I did ask you a while ago but you haven't answered yet, how much does Mexico pay to trade with the EU?
After Scottish Independence it will rely much more heavily on Scotland's leccy
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
They don't really care. Even BMW which is actually exposed to the UK economy owns the rights to Mini. It's not good at all for the UK. You don't buy enough Mercs or Vdubs or even Beamers.
It;s just the typical English superiority complex.
Labour officials admitted the party had not conducted a distributional analysis – a Treasury exercise that assesses how a policy impacts different incomes – and were unable to say which groups would be left better off overall once the changes in fees, pensions and grants had been calculated.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Oh wait...
I did ask you a while ago but you haven't answered yet, how much does Mexico pay to trade with the EU?
After Scottish Independence it will rely much more heavily on Scotland's leccy
Without Scotland, your lights would go out.
Why would England rely much more heavily on Scottish generation?
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
They don't really care. Even BMW which is actually exposed to the UK economy owns the rights to Mini. It's not good at all for the UK. You don't buy enough Mercs or Vdubs or even Beamers.
It;s just the typical English superiority complex.
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
They don't really care. Even BMW which is actually exposed to the UK economy owns the rights to Mini. It's not good at all for the UK. You don't buy enough Mercs or Vdubs or even Beamers.
It;s just the typical English superiority complex.
Now we see it in all it's glory, the Scottish small man disease.
The problem with you Jocks is you can't drink, you can't fight and you can't play football.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
You mean the ones where a significant portion are built in the UK with UK workers where outside the EU, Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
Once again Dair ignores the balance of trade and balance of payments figures which show that were it not for our trade with the EU we would actually have a balance of payments surplus.
Yeah because without being in the EU suddenly England will make all the stuff it imports.
Oh wait...
I did ask you a while ago but you haven't answered yet, how much does Mexico pay to trade with the EU?
After Scottish Independence it will rely much more heavily on Scotland's leccy
Without Scotland, your lights would go out.
Why would England rely much more heavily on Scottish generation?
A link would be helpful......
Because it is currently subsidised. For example, Longannet Power Station pays £40m per annum to connect to the national grid while English coal stations in the South of England are paid £4m to connect. Scotland subsidises English electricity because of the Union. WIthout the Union you will need to pay more.
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
Garbage? Complete and utter deluded bollocks, I wish us English had been given a vote as to whether we want to keep the poncing twats.
Please vote us out. Stop your subsidy. Stop your economy dead in its tracks. Hopefully the Union will end before your lemming like decision to leave the EU happens as it will mean most business moves to Scotland.
The pre-announcement description made it pretty obvious she was accusing a brother. The rest and what's to follow will be a clusterfuck.
I get a horrid feeling that this isnt going to end well for Karen, shes going to be under an awful lot of pressure.
She will have to argue that her 10yo brother raped her. I would think that is entirely possible, I would expect a jury might find it unthinkable.
Unthinkable trumps possible.
Im thinking more about her mental state of mind. It is going to be an unfolding tragedy.
quality journalism as ever from the mail.
Maybe so, they may be following the story, but she is drawing attention to herself and egging the whole thing on. She seems to be embarking in a self destructive direction. I hope her husband can give her the support she's going to need over this next year.
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
They don't really care. Even BMW which is actually exposed to the UK economy owns the rights to Mini. It's not good at all for the UK. You don't buy enough Mercs or Vdubs or even Beamers.
It;s just the typical English superiority complex.
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
They don't really care. Even BMW which is actually exposed to the UK economy owns the rights to Mini. It's not good at all for the UK. You don't buy enough Mercs or Vdubs or even Beamers.
It;s just the typical English superiority complex.
Now we see it in all it's glory, the Scottish small man disease.
The problem with you Jocks is you can't drink, you can't fight and you can't play football.
Have you considered how that would sound if you replaced "Jocks" with "Blacks" or "Pakis". Perhaps you have and find it acceptable.
Labour officials admitted the party had not conducted a distributional analysis – a Treasury exercise that assesses how a policy impacts different incomes – and were unable to say which groups would be left better off overall once the changes in fees, pensions and grants had been calculated.
We are four years and ten months into this parliament, surely their manifesto is done and dusted and just ready to go to the printers. Hadnt their policies gone through all types of reviews?
Soon as it was announced, before anyone had done any analysis, i knew instinctively it wasnt really going to achieve anything meaningful, but then i know that we have a graduate tax in all but name, and only the higher paid graduates get to the point in which they actually pay it all back.
Ed Balls was the minister responsible for higher education prior to GE, surely he would have a finer understanding then most, and able to point out, that past the headline, this is a bit of a crappy policy that might not cope well under analysis.
*which sounds like it would be impossible when you had an entire week to read 6-9 books and write an essay, but far more sensible when you have 20 cricket matches in trinity term
Coburn was unbelievably bad. Like a sketchshow kipper in a Labour student comedy review. How did he get the gig? He should be kept locked in the cellar.
Where would Gallileo or Wren or Copernicus or Newton etc be if they had just relied on reading what other people had suggested - rather than think and experiment for themselves?
Surely a University education is meaningless unless it trains you to think?
The "support" is conditional on a referendum next year, but in political terms it needn't be that far from 2017 either?
@yurybarmin: #Nemtsov was shot dead right in front of the Kremlin. A group of men in a car stopped in front of him and fired 4 shots
Assassinations seldom work out the way people expect.
The group that will benefit from this £3bn package are the higher earning half of graduates, so those graduates who go to the best jobs will find their repayments will go down, whereas those who go to less good jobs will not find any difference in the repayments they will have to make''
So for this - ie a policy to help richer students - Labour are going to subvert and ruin pensions with all the unintended consequences of that.
A good friend of mine lives at the Nethergreen with her Dad, so we went there for NYE.
I am not sure that they are a good as they look for the Tories either?
Strong leader, and ability to govern carry a certain expected incumbency effect, what percentage is open to discussion.
It would also require a single Labour market.
The UK isn't Norway or what Scotland would be as an independent state. It doesn't have a surplus of natural resources the EU needs. Just the opposite, it has a near monopoly of Financial Services the EU would be happy to see move to other member states. And it would.
The whole UKIP and EUphobe Tory philosophy of somehow being able to dictate terms to the EU is so laughable that is makes every idiot arguing it look like the stupid moron they are. You don't beat the EU. You join, or you pay a fee to do business (and still pay some tariffs) or you miss out.
Just ask Switzerland how trying to dictate national soverei
UKIP weren't disliked as much 5-6 years ago, even though their policies then were probably more extreme and more wrong uns were involved.
They are only disliked now more because they are a threat
It's like saying to a bloke "do you like or dislike that really fit good looking guy over there?" and him saying "no opinion", then telling him that the hunk is his wifes personal trainer.. do you think he is more positive or negative about him?
Reassuring...but we can see where we are going with this.
"The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in human nature.
One is that by the very order of things such evils are not demonstrable until they have occurred: at each stage in their onset there is room for doubt and for dispute whether they be real or imaginary. By the same token, they attract little attention in comparison with current troubles, which are both indisputable and pressing: whence the besetting temptation of all politics to concern itself with the immediate present at the expense of the future.
Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: "If only," they love to think, "if only people wouldn't talk about it, it probably wouldn't happen." "
A good example was the after-effects of 'Black Wednesday'. The nation lost confidence in the Conservative Government (even though Labour policy was also to follow the Deutschmark) and no matter what they tried they couldn't regain it.
p.29, table 16
Dislike of Conservatives skews a little to the richest and the poorest, LDs and Labour fairly uniform, but UKIP is disliked by richer people more than poorer people.
"... their Ukiphobia is fuelled by something utterly unprogressive in nature: a disdain, even a disgust, for the little people, for those who still wave the national flag and eat chips, who still call their female colleagues ‘love’ and read a redtop, who aren’t PC and aren’t enamoured with the European Court of Human Rights. The elite’s self-conscious distancing of itself from the horde now finds its keenest expression in their panic about UKIP."
But surely access to more information (and the easier you can find relevant info the better) is a benefit to the quality of research.
Where would Wren etc be if they had to start from scratch without any access to previous research.
Pernsion tax allowances are currently subverted. Why on earth should people earning over £150K a year get a 45% tax allowance on their pension contributions to encourage them to save for their old age! Let them have 20% like the rest of us.
UKIP support here skews markedly on class lines. Poorer people identify more with UKIP.
p.31, table 17
As greenhouse gasses go, methane is CO2's bigger brother.
And we wonder why these people move money offshore.
Also the Greens seem to have more support amongst the upper classes. Do they realise the Greens will impoverish them?
What he also said was that he thought constantly about a problem until a solution became clear.
And of course all the people who came before us had to be capable of original thought if they are to have shoulders worth standing on.
A great many discoveries come when the person is not consciously thinking on a problem.
Less than 70 by the end of the seventies.
The Eureka moment? I know the benzine ring was supposedly discovered in a dream. I'm not sure Newtons quote is saying much that is different - ''I keep the subject constantly before me and wait 'till the first dawnings open slowly, by little and little, into a full and clear light.''
The Scaremongers Report The Scaremongers.pdf
Different in the case of Henri Poincaré (?) He had more or less resigned to admitting there was no solution, and was out walking with a friend when the solution appeared, he was so sure he carried on with his walk, then wrote it up when he returned
It is quite sometime since I have seen anyone quite so clueless posting about the EU.
Without giving a verdict on this case, it is frightening how often it can happen.
'The EU does not care about the value in trade of the UK'
The Germans do, you obviously haven't noticed all those expensive cars they sell here.
UKIP are in cloud cuckoo land if they think that would change. The EU will happily accept all its banking function for free if the UK leaves the EU.
Indeed you can trace the increase in speed of scientific development to how well research is recorded and shared.
One of the Republican leaders brothers was accused, and that dragged on for years it seemed.
(can't remember which one)
Yeah, that sounds like a strong negotiating position for the UK.
It might be alright if the other 70% picked up a good apprenticeship, but what evidence is there for that
Now as I have said I personally would prefer EFTA membership as I am not hung up on immigration to the extent some are - but your scenario of the EU imposing high tarrifs on us is both politically and legally cloud cuckoo land.
You Europhiles are so desperate to stay in this failing backward bloc you will make up anything to try and con the population into believing that there is no alternative. Thankfully it is very easy to burst your balloon, especially when you chose to pick figures out of the air with no basis in fact at all.
Oh and your claim about the OECD is just laughable. The US, China and every other advanced economy in the world trades with the EU quite happily under WTO rules without a single labour market, control over the standards agencies or paying fees. Yet another example of your utter disregard for basic facts.
Of course you are not. The Scots I know are all miles brighter than you.
It could of course be that there is less grade inflation in Scotland?
It makes me laugh every time I hear Labourites say it.
Being in the EU is pretty much yay or nay to me. It makes no economic difference.
England on the other hand is an importer. It relies on importing goods to keep going and everyone that deals with England knows this. The EU will tell you exactly what I said - you accept all car imports or we close your factories and you deal with the job losses.
Meanwhile they make Minis and sell them everywhere because they own the trade mark. Same with the companies Nestle or Kraft or AkzoNobel bought over during Labours 13 years of destruction when most of the English economy that wasn't a bank went overseas.
Remember when ICI was a major British Company? No wonder the FTSE can't support UK pensions.
Oh wait...
Unthinkable trumps possible.
Pity that Compouter isn't here, his insight on the Rochdale labour party and of Danczuk in particular, would be most informative in this bizarre scandal.
Tax relief on pensions for higher earners would be cut to pay for Labour’s plan to reduce university tuition fees from a maximum of £9,000 to £6,000 a year, Ed Miliband announced today.
But a row broke out over whether his flagship policy would help better off graduates rather than the poorest. Some senior Labour figures are believed to have expressed such fears in private – including Ed Balls, the shadow Chancellor; Chuka Umunna, the shadow Business Secretary and Tristram Hunt, the shadow Education Secretary.
Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said Labour’s sums added up but the shake-up would not help the poorest half of graduates.
Did you know Scotland is 100% self-sufficient in renewable electricity most days of the year?
February 11, 2015 9:46 pm
Swiss outline plans to curb immigration from EU
'Germany would tell us "accept all we sell you or we close the factories". And btw, we own the Trade Marks on your shit.'
So Mercedes,BMW,VW etc. don't make any money from the UK market.
You do spout some garbage.
It;s just the typical English superiority complex.
Labour officials admitted the party had not conducted a distributional analysis – a Treasury exercise that assesses how a policy impacts different incomes – and were unable to say which groups would be left better off overall once the changes in fees, pensions and grants had been calculated.
A link would be helpful......
The problem with you Jocks is you can't drink, you can't fight and you can't play football.
"Vladimir Putin's invisible empire"
"Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead"
Soon as it was announced, before anyone had done any analysis, i knew instinctively it wasnt really going to achieve anything meaningful, but then i know that we have a graduate tax in all but name, and only the higher paid graduates get to the point in which they actually pay it all back.
Ed Balls was the minister responsible for higher education prior to GE, surely he would have a finer understanding then most, and able to point out, that past the headline, this is a bit of a crappy policy that might not cope well under analysis.