We need to find a way of ending Trial by Social Media and the influence of the Social Justice Warriors who dominate certain parts of the interwebs.
Mob mentality is very damaging to debate at many levels of society - and the move to ban/curtail free speech because of perceived/imagined offense is very disturbing.
I don't know how to end it - but unless we find a way of restoring a sense of balance to the world, we are heading for a very unpleasant period.
I think that when someone tries to promote their internet hate campaign on here, they should be immediately confronted. That would be a start.
But some people - when confronted - start telling you to check your privilege or accusing you of oppressing them.
Pending his appeal, Evans has been convicted of a serious sexual offence. There are plenty of jobs from which people with such convictions are barred, but footballer isn't one of them.
Still stupid off him and Sheffield to try and pretend nothing had happened, far better he should have tried to get a job in football elsewhere. Doing it that way was always going to end in tears for both of them, sheer arrogance or stupidity or both.
She was born in Great Yarmouth, the daughter of an Austrian father and Filipina mother, who gave her, she says, “an immigrant work ethic” as well as an early love of music. “My dad came over from Austria when he was seven,” she says, “and mum came in the 1960s. The mentality was: ‘We’re here to work.’ If I didn’t work a 16-hour day, I couldn’t look my aunties in the eye. You’ve got to remember many of them are cleaners. There are no silver spoons. We are a family of grafters.”
Evans was found guilty and the decision is..apparently..final The SNP lost the Indyref..and they now want another one..seems some things are more binding than others..
50.001% would have been binding for ever.......
Doddery is all over the place , lunch too much for him as he is now mixing rape cases and referendum votes up , what a prat.
Pending his appeal, Evans has been convicted of a serious sexual offence. There are plenty of jobs from which people with such convictions are barred, but footballer isn't one of them.
Still stupid off him and Sheffield to try and pretend nothing had happened, far better he should have tried to get a job in football elsewhere. Doing it that way was always going to end in tears for both of them, sheer arrogance or stupidity or both.
But he hasn't been trying to get a job. His union asked for him to be allowed to train professionally in order to regain his fitness.
He hasn't sought a new contract at this stage.
To claim otherwise is to misrepresent the situation for some reason....
We need to find a way of ending Trial by Social Media and the influence of the Social Justice Warriors who dominate certain parts of the interwebs.
Mob mentality is very damaging to debate at many levels of society - and the move to ban/curtail free speech because of perceived/imagined offense is very disturbing.
I don't know how to end it - but unless we find a way of restoring a sense of balance to the world, we are heading for a very unpleasant period.
I think that when someone tries to promote their internet hate campaign on here, they should be immediately confronted. That would be a start.
But some people - when confronted - start telling you to check your privilege or accusing you of oppressing them.
It makes rational debate very, very difficult.
So we now to only be allowed to debate topics that old two names thinks are right and proper. When you planning to start burning the books JJ. You would not know free speech if you tripped over it.
MG.. so someone who was raised in a very working class environment..learnt to play classical music on a piano..released some succesful discs..made some dosh..joined a successful pop group.. made some more dosh.. became a self made millionaire..and expresses her opinion in a flamboyant way is "Thick..wow.. would that we were all as thick or talented.. The point is that you denied using her selfmade wealth as a weapon against her....
And this against someone living in the UK and paying taxes. Unlike say Sean Connery or Lewis Hamilton even, who do not have to worry about mansion taxes or any taxes since they live abroad outside the UK tax jurisdiction. Maybe we should start an anti Connery petition, or just a plain anti hypocrite petition. What a relief for poor Myleen that she never called anybody a 'ting tong'. Can you imagine the outcry?
Gordon will of course retire having banked three great achievements:-
In 1997/98 when he fought off Blair's attempt to get us to join the Euro In 2008/09 when he saved the World In 2014 when he single handedly saved the UK
She was born in Great Yarmouth, the daughter of an Austrian father and Filipina mother, who gave her, she says, “an immigrant work ethic” as well as an early love of music. “My dad came over from Austria when he was seven,” she says, “and mum came in the 1960s. The mentality was: ‘We’re here to work.’ If I didn’t work a 16-hour day, I couldn’t look my aunties in the eye. You’ve got to remember many of them are cleaners. There are no silver spoons. We are a family of grafters.”
Gordon will of course retire having banked three great achievements:-
In 1997/98 when he fought off Blair's attempt to get us to join the Euro In 2008/09 when he saved the World In 2014 when he single handedly saved the UK
oh and 2010 when he sank the Labour party
He did sink the British financial industry as well.
Get another job elsewhere in football? As I understand it, after the Twitter Frighteners were put on Sheffield - he's been told he can't get a job overseas either in football.
If his own friends can't give him a job - what hope does he have that another will take him on - evah? Not many.
Pending his appeal, Evans has been convicted of a serious sexual offence. There are plenty of jobs from which people with such convictions are barred, but footballer isn't one of them.
Still stupid off him and Sheffield to try and pretend nothing had happened, far better he should have tried to get a job in football elsewhere. Doing it that way was always going to end in tears for both of them, sheer arrogance or stupidity or both.
We need to find a way of ending Trial by Social Media and the influence of the Social Justice Warriors who dominate certain parts of the interwebs.
Mob mentality is very damaging to debate at many levels of society - and the move to ban/curtail free speech because of perceived/imagined offense is very disturbing.
I don't know how to end it - but unless we find a way of restoring a sense of balance to the world, we are heading for a very unpleasant period.
I think that when someone tries to promote their internet hate campaign on here, they should be immediately confronted. That would be a start.
But some people - when confronted - start telling you to check your privilege or accusing you of oppressing them.
It makes rational debate very, very difficult.
So we now to only be allowed to debate topics that old two names thinks are right and proper. When you planning to start burning the books JJ. You would not know free speech if you tripped over it.
What a strange post.
I don't try to block anyone from expressing their opinions.
Today I've challenged Bjo over his promotion of what I see as a pathetically vindictive internet hate campaign. I haven't tried to close down any discussion.
MG.. so someone who was raised in a very working class environment..learnt to play classical music on a piano..released some succesful discs..made some dosh..joined a successful pop group.. made some more dosh.. became a self made millionaire..and expresses her opinion in a flamboyant way is "Thick..wow.. would that we were all as thick or talented.. The point is that you denied using her selfmade wealth as a weapon against her....
And this against someone living in the UK and paying taxes. Unlike say Sean Connery or Lewis Hamilton even, who do not have to worry about mansion taxes or any taxes since they live abroad outside the UK tax jurisdiction. Maybe we should start an anti Connery petition, or just a plain anti hypocrite petition. What a relief for poor Myleen that she never called anybody a 'ting tong'. Can you imagine the outcry?
You are so bitter and twisted you cannot even tell the truth. Connery paid millions in tax in the UK and had a charity here as well. last I heard it was not compulsory to live in the UK and that people could choose where they wanted to live within certain parameters. Also how do you know she pays tax you dullard. Where the "ting tong " fits or means I have no clue , whole reply is barking.
We need to find a way of ending Trial by Social Media and the influence of the Social Justice Warriors who dominate certain parts of the interwebs.
Mob mentality is very damaging to debate at many levels of society - and the move to ban/curtail free speech because of perceived/imagined offense is very disturbing.
I don't know how to end it - but unless we find a way of restoring a sense of balance to the world, we are heading for a very unpleasant period.
I think that when someone tries to promote their internet hate campaign on here, they should be immediately confronted. That would be a start.
But some people - when confronted - start telling you to check your privilege or accusing you of oppressing them.
It makes rational debate very, very difficult.
So we now to only be allowed to debate topics that old two names thinks are right and proper. When you planning to start burning the books JJ. You would not know free speech if you tripped over it.
What a strange post.
I don't try to block anyone from expressing their opinions.
Today I've challenged Bjo over his promotion of what I see as a pathetically vindictive internet hate campaign. I haven't tried to close down any discussion.
Do even you know what you're on about any more?
You were advocating people not being allowed to have campaigns that you disagreed with. I may disagree with BJO's campaign but it is his right to be able to have one. Nobody is forcing you to support and if you feel so bad start your own against it. You are advocating exactly what you are whining about, step back and look at it.
Gordon will of course retire having banked three great achievements:-
In 1997/98 when he fought off Blair's attempt to get us to join the Euro In 2008/09 when he saved the World In 2014 when he single handedly saved the UK
oh and 2010 when he sank the Labour party
Don't forget he abolished 'Boom and Bust'. Which year was that?
Gordon will of course retire having banked three great achievements:-
In 1997/98 when he fought off Blair's attempt to get us to join the Euro In 2008/09 when he saved the World In 2014 when he single handedly saved the UK
oh and 2010 when he sank the Labour party
Hear, hear ! Gordon, not Flash, just Gordon !
The ultimate tribute was paid by Salmond the other day in a BBC interview. He said the three leaders' panicked "vow" could have been taken apart as they lacked credibility until Gordon came in and underwrote the vow. The die was cast !
Pending his appeal, Evans has been convicted of a serious sexual offence. There are plenty of jobs from which people with such convictions are barred, but footballer isn't one of them.
Still stupid off him and Sheffield to try and pretend nothing had happened, far better he should have tried to get a job in football elsewhere. Doing it that way was always going to end in tears for both of them, sheer arrogance or stupidity or both.
But he hasn't been trying to get a job. His union asked for him to be allowed to train professionally in order to regain his fitness.
He hasn't sought a new contract at this stage.
To claim otherwise is to misrepresent the situation for some reason....
Well it must be the media misrepresenting then as they said that he was asking to train and was looking to sign a £500K contract. I don't actually speak to him personally , do you.
We need to find a way of ending Trial by Social Media and the influence of the Social Justice Warriors who dominate certain parts of the interwebs.
Mob mentality is very damaging to debate at many levels of society - and the move to ban/curtail free speech because of perceived/imagined offense is very disturbing.
I don't know how to end it - but unless we find a way of restoring a sense of balance to the world, we are heading for a very unpleasant period.
I think that when someone tries to promote their internet hate campaign on here, they should be immediately confronted. That would be a start.
But some people - when confronted - start telling you to check your privilege or accusing you of oppressing them.
It makes rational debate very, very difficult.
So we now to only be allowed to debate topics that old two names thinks are right and proper. When you planning to start burning the books JJ. You would not know free speech if you tripped over it.
What a strange post.
I don't try to block anyone from expressing their opinions.
Today I've challenged Bjo over his promotion of what I see as a pathetically vindictive internet hate campaign. I haven't tried to close down any discussion.
Do even you know what you're on about any more?
You were advocating people not being allowed to have campaigns that you disagreed with. I may disagree with BJO's campaign but it is his right to be able to have one. Nobody is forcing you to support and if you feel so bad start your own against it. You are advocating exactly what you are whining about, step back and look at it.
I criticised him for promoting it here. I also said people should be confronted for promoting hate campaigns on here. I haven't suggested allowing or disallowing anything. You have made that up.
She was born in Great Yarmouth, the daughter of an Austrian father and Filipina mother, who gave her, she says, “an immigrant work ethic” as well as an early love of music. “My dad came over from Austria when he was seven,” she says, “and mum came in the 1960s. The mentality was: ‘We’re here to work.’ If I didn’t work a 16-hour day, I couldn’t look my aunties in the eye. You’ve got to remember many of them are cleaners. There are no silver spoons. We are a family of grafters.”
"The point she was making wasn’t a complicated one: any idiot can raise taxes; the problem is raising revenue. Ed’s touching faith in the paleo-Leftie delusion that soaking the rich will make things better for everyone else helps explain why so few people find him credible. A confiscatory levy such as the mansion tax won’t raise much money, but sends a message to the most enterprising and productive people in society that they would be better off elsewhere"
She also raised the issue of fiscal drag. Don't underestimate the woman!
Or do the twitter mob think she should just be a pretty girl selling frocks and singing pop songs? Heaven forbid she expresses political views. Leave that politics for the men dear, and put the kettle on!
MG.. so someone who was raised in a very working class environment..learnt to play classical music on a piano..released some succesful discs..made some dosh..joined a successful pop group.. made some more dosh.. became a self made millionaire..and expresses her opinion in a flamboyant way is "Thick..wow.. would that we were all as thick or talented.. The point is that you denied using her selfmade wealth as a weapon against her....
And this against someone living in the UK and paying taxes. Unlike say Sean Connery or Lewis Hamilton even, who do not have to worry about mansion taxes or any taxes since they live abroad outside the UK tax jurisdiction. Maybe we should start an anti Connery petition, or just a plain anti hypocrite petition. What a relief for poor Myleen that she never called anybody a 'ting tong'. Can you imagine the outcry?
We need to find a way of ending Trial by Social Media and the influence of the Social Justice Warriors who dominate certain parts of the interwebs.
Mob mentality is very damaging to debate at many levels of society - and the move to ban/curtail free speech because of perceived/imagined offense is very disturbing.
I don't know how to end it - but unless we find a way of restoring a sense of balance to the world, we are heading for a very unpleasant period.
I think that when someone tries to promote their internet hate campaign on here, they should be immediately confronted. That would be a start.
There should be no room for people and their internet hate campaigns on here. Its obviously far too post modern to start a campaign against them.
Well, it's been a miserable week for Ed Miliband. Surely the white-van thing can't drag on for another week, but even if it doesn't Ed's unwitting endorsement of the sentiment it was claimed to epitomize may now be all but impossible to displace. Where does Labour go from here? It could turn its fire on Myleene Klass to regain some momentum, but that might seem petty and not befitting a national party. There's the Budget next year where Ed could reassert himself. But on previous form - with Ozzy bestriding such occasions like a colossus - I'm not hopeful. I don't know.
Well, it's been a miserable week for Ed Miliband. Surely the white-van thing can't drag on for another week, but even if it doesn't Ed's unwitting endorsement of the sentiment it was claimed to epitomize may now be all but impossible to displace. Where does Labour go from here? It could turn its fire on Myleene Klass to regain some momentum, but that might seem petty and not befitting a national party. There's the Budget next year where Ed could reassert himself. But on previous form - with Ozzy bestriding such occasions like a colossus - I'm not hopeful. I don't know.
Well, it's been a miserable week for Ed Miliband. Surely the white-van thing can't drag on for another week, but even if it doesn't Ed's unwitting endorsement of the sentiment it was claimed to epitomize may now be all but impossible to displace. Where does Labour go from here? It could turn its fire on Myleene Klass to regain some momentum, but that might seem petty and not befitting a national party. There's the Budget next year where Ed could reassert himself. But on previous form - with Ozzy bestriding such occasions like a colossus - I'm not hopeful. I don't know.
Alternatively it will make no difference, and the world will go on.
MG.. so someone who was raised in a very working class environment..learnt to play classical music on a piano..released some succesful discs..made some dosh..joined a successful pop group.. made some more dosh.. became a self made millionaire..and expresses her opinion in a flamboyant way is "Thick..wow.. would that we were all as thick or talented.. The point is that you denied using her selfmade wealth as a weapon against her....
And this against someone living in the UK and paying taxes. Unlike say Sean Connery or Lewis Hamilton even, who do not have to worry about mansion taxes or any taxes since they live abroad outside the UK tax jurisdiction. Maybe we should start an anti Connery petition, or just a plain anti hypocrite petition. What a relief for poor Myleen that she never called anybody a 'ting tong'. Can you imagine the outcry?
Are you her Tax adviser ?
I don't care who her advisor is as long as its not the same one who advised Jimmy Carr.
Well, it's been a miserable week for Ed Miliband. Surely the white-van thing can't drag on for another week, but even if it doesn't Ed's unwitting endorsement of the sentiment it was claimed to epitomize may now be all but impossible to displace. Where does Labour go from here? It could turn its fire on Myleene Klass to regain some momentum, but that might seem petty and not befitting a national party. There's the Budget next year where Ed could reassert himself. But on previous form - with Ozzy bestriding such occasions like a colossus - I'm not hopeful. I don't know.
Apart from anecdotal amusement, these big turnouts partly reflect the proximity to Labour's fortress in Nottingham - we get lots of helpers from there. I wonder if proximity to strongholds is another factor in the marginal assessment - I'm convinced that we held our two by-elections near Manchester partly because of activists pouring out of the city. Conversely it will be easier going for the Tories where they have strong neighbouring seats.
If anyone is really interested in how much tax Myleene Klass has paid, they could check the accounts of her company (AvaHero Ltd, now closed, or her new company HarperBailey Ltd, due to post accounts in September)
Well, it's been a miserable week for Ed Miliband. Surely the white-van thing can't drag on for another week, but even if it doesn't Ed's unwitting endorsement of the sentiment it was claimed to epitomize may now be all but impossible to displace. Where does Labour go from here? It could turn its fire on Myleene Klass to regain some momentum, but that might seem petty and not befitting a national party. There's the Budget next year where Ed could reassert himself. But on previous form - with Ozzy bestriding such occasions like a colossus - I'm not hopeful. I don't know.
Alternatively it will make no difference, and the world will go on.
You have been saying these sorts of stories will make no difference for quite a while now. So the decline in Ed's ratings is just a coincidence, is it?
Pending his appeal, Evans has been convicted of a serious sexual offence. There are plenty of jobs from which people with such convictions are barred, but footballer isn't one of them.
Still stupid off him and Sheffield to try and pretend nothing had happened, far better he should have tried to get a job in football elsewhere. Doing it that way was always going to end in tears for both of them, sheer arrogance or stupidity or both.
It's a very difficult case and he maintains his innocence. I still don't understand how a woman can have sex with two men, one after another, and be sober enough to give consent to one but not the other.
John Rentoul @JohnRentoul 9m9 minutes ago What do you think when see English flag draped from window? Proud 10%, Why not? 27%, Uncomfortable 18%, Contempt 7%, Don't care 33%: YouGov
John Rentoul @JohnRentoul 9m9 minutes ago What do you think when see English flag draped from window? Proud 10%, Why not? 27%, Uncomfortable 18%, Contempt 7%, Don't care 33%: YouGov
Why all the fuss to try and appease that 10%?
May be Ed was just thinking of when he saw the Union Jack on Lewis' car...
Well, it's been a miserable week for Ed Miliband. Surely the white-van thing can't drag on for another week, but even if it doesn't Ed's unwitting endorsement of the sentiment it was claimed to epitomize may now be all but impossible to displace. Where does Labour go from here? It could turn its fire on Myleene Klass to regain some momentum, but that might seem petty and not befitting a national party. There's the Budget next year where Ed could reassert himself. But on previous form - with Ozzy bestriding such occasions like a colossus - I'm not hopeful. I don't know.
Alternatively it will make no difference, and the world will go on.
You have been saying these sorts of stories will make no difference for quite a while now. So the decline in Ed's ratings is just a coincidence, is it?
FWIW, my view is that the encounter with Klass did him no harm at all, given that what she said was rather stupid and nonsensical. However, the Thornberry business has been a massive own goal, and his handling of it just demonstrates that he is an effing disaster of a leader.
I hope people have noticed my use of my new favourite anagram today.
Weird Amid Bland.
I couldn't have invented a name with a more apt anagram than that.
Although I did come up with it myself today, I'm disappointed to discover that I was beaten to it; a "Nora_Titov" tweeted it to a hundred followers two weeks ago..
OT Anyone on here recommend a video editing software package? I'm trying to convert all my DVDs to soft copy. So I'm thinking of buying a streaming capture product that will suck the playback from the screen instead. I can also save streamed TV or interwebbery and use when I want to/on the device that suits me.
Any expertise on this subject most appreciated. I really resent buying DVDs and then being trapped in that format/rummaging about for the right disc when I want to skip about a boxset or bodge up my own favourite clips. I can do it with CDs easy-peasy.
I've used Audacity to fix weird Microsoft file property errors in audio files and it's fine for shareware - I prefer something more slick interface wise.
PS @DavidL - I think it was you who recommended giffgaff after your son subscribed for his new mobile - it's brilliant! He's got an excellent nose for a great deal and superb customer service
OT Anyone on here recommend a video editing software package? I'm trying to convert all my DVDs to soft copy. So I'm thinking of buying a streaming capture product that will suck the playback from the screen instead. I can also save streamed TV or interwebbery and use when I want to/on the device that suits me.
Any expertise on this subject most appreciated. I really resent buying DVDs and then being trapped in that format/rummaging about for the right disc when I want to skip about a boxset or bodge up my own favourite clips. I can do it with CDs easy-peasy.
I've used Audacity to fix weird Microsoft file property errors in audio files and it's fine for shareware - I prefer something more slick interface wise.
PS @DavidL - I think it was you who recommended giffgaff after your son subscribed for his new mobile - it's brilliant! He's got an excellent nose for a great deal and superb customer service
You can buy very cheap devices which include the editing software, I use a Grabby Terratec USB device using S Video as the input, it's much higher quality than the RCA yellow plug, I bought a much more expensive HD card but it doesn't work :-(
I put up a 40' flag pole in my garden when flying the St George's flag was all over the press as some BNP emblem. I saw red and thought Eff Em. I'm English and very proud of it.
So order placed, put it together [plastic covered aluminium] and dug a hole for the base/poured concrete - and fiddled about in the freezing rain trying to work out how to fix the toggles/guides. Cost about £250 IIRC - I lowered the flag for sad occasions, but otherwise one flew for 15yr until I moved. It was Platoland.
I think I went through about 6 flags during that time - all naval quality, not the flimsy things sold in supermarkets. I was very proud of it. It was quite a talking point at first as it was so unusual. I'm very pleased that it's become commonplace.
John Rentoul @JohnRentoul 9m9 minutes ago What do you think when see English flag draped from window? Proud 10%, Why not? 27%, Uncomfortable 18%, Contempt 7%, Don't care 33%: YouGov
I hope people have noticed my use of my new favourite anagram today.
Weird Amid Bland.
I couldn't have invented a name with a more apt anagram than that.
Although I did come up with it myself today, I'm disappointed to discover that I was beaten to it; a "Nora_Titov" tweeted it to a hundred followers two weeks ago..
"I still don't understand how a woman can have sex with two men, one after another, and be sober enough to give consent to one but not the other."
Socrates, I came new to this case when this week's story blew up, so I read up on some of the legal press stories. I had the same question, but the answer seems to be that MacDonald's longer interaction with her, in picking her up at the fast food place, inviting her back to the hotel and inviting her to have sex was judged by the jury to have been more reasonable assumption of both consent and capacity to give consent that merely a 'mind if I join in?'
OT Anyone on here recommend a video editing software package? I'm trying to convert all my DVDs to soft copy. So I'm thinking of buying a streaming capture product that will suck the playback from the screen instead. I can also save streamed TV or interwebbery and use when I want to/on the device that suits me.
Any expertise on this subject most appreciated. I really resent buying DVDs and then being trapped in that format/rummaging about for the right disc when I want to skip about a boxset or bodge up my own favourite clips. I can do it with CDs easy-peasy.
I've used Audacity to fix weird Microsoft file property errors in audio files and it's fine for shareware - I prefer something more slick interface wise.
PS @DavidL - I think it was you who recommended giffgaff after your son subscribed for his new mobile - it's brilliant! He's got an excellent nose for a great deal and superb customer service
You can buy very cheap devices which include the editing software, I use a Grabby Terratec USB device using S Video as the input, it's much higher quality than the RCA yellow plug, I bought a much more expensive HD card but it doesn't work :-(
For digitising DVDs there's some excellent software called 'MakeMKV'. As it's in beta (and has been for years) it's free too. It also handles Blu-Rays. You can then play the MKV files back using something like XBMC (now called Kodi) which is free too.
Mike - the last sentence of your fifth paragraph appears to be cut off prematurely. It should of course read "The SNP voted with the Tories, as did the numerically more significant Liberals"
It makes rational debate very, very difficult.
He hasn't sought a new contract at this stage.
To claim otherwise is to misrepresent the situation for some reason....
Maybe we should start an anti Connery petition, or just a plain anti hypocrite petition. What a relief for poor Myleen that she never called anybody a 'ting tong'. Can you imagine the outcry?
In 1997/98 when he fought off Blair's attempt to get us to join the Euro
In 2008/09 when he saved the World
In 2014 when he single handedly saved the UK
oh and 2010 when he sank the Labour party
If his own friends can't give him a job - what hope does he have that another will take him on - evah? Not many.
I don't try to block anyone from expressing their opinions.
Today I've challenged Bjo over his promotion of what I see as a pathetically vindictive internet hate campaign. I haven't tried to close down any discussion.
Do even you know what you're on about any more?
The ultimate tribute was paid by Salmond the other day in a BBC interview. He said the three leaders' panicked "vow" could have been taken apart as they lacked credibility until Gordon came in and underwrote the vow. The die was cast !
"The point she was making wasn’t a complicated one: any idiot can raise taxes; the problem is raising revenue. Ed’s touching faith in the paleo-Leftie delusion that soaking the rich will make things better for everyone else helps explain why so few people find him credible. A confiscatory levy such as the mansion tax won’t raise much money, but sends a message to the most enterprising and productive people in society that they would be better off elsewhere"
She also raised the issue of fiscal drag. Don't underestimate the woman!
Or do the twitter mob think she should just be a pretty girl selling frocks and singing pop songs? Heaven forbid she expresses political views. Leave that politics for the men dear, and put the kettle on!
Anyone seen the Sun on Sunday YouGov tables yet? I've got the Sunday Times one.
Gadfly's weekly YouGov chart update.
Last 12 months...
http://www.mediafire.com/view/8yyma1ni3z34set/YouGov polls 12 months to 23 November 2014.jpg#
Since the 2010 General election...
http://www.mediafire.com/view/3iq1l4i0nc6qodh/YouGov Polls since 2010 GE as of 23 November 2014.jpg#
Where does the rich b!tch live ?
The average London house is just over £ 500,000 !!!
Unpleasant, and misogynistic.
You have just failed Feminism 101.
Yup ! And shitting on everyone !!
66 +22
Are you a kipper?
The extremists go from bad to worse on this site ... well everywhere.
Poor show.
Wot? No English flags?
Nicole Scherzinger has just kissed Lewis Hamilton's helmet live on tv.
Weird Amid Bland.
I couldn't have invented a name with a more apt anagram than that.
Seriously though 66! What odds are you giving?
yours sincerely
Mo Shellshocker
What do you think when see English flag draped from window? Proud 10%, Why not? 27%, Uncomfortable 18%, Contempt 7%, Don't care 33%: YouGov
Why all the fuss to try and appease that 10%?
Loved seeing Hezza going out there to support him too. Seeing the union jack from the car and then hearing the national anthem: just fab fab fab.
I'm looking at this and it seems quite attractive and great value. Linky > movavi.com/suite/video-conversion.html
Any expertise on this subject most appreciated. I really resent buying DVDs and then being trapped in that format/rummaging about for the right disc when I want to skip about a boxset or bodge up my own favourite clips. I can do it with CDs easy-peasy.
I've used Audacity to fix weird Microsoft file property errors in audio files and it's fine for shareware - I prefer something more slick interface wise.
PS @DavidL - I think it was you who recommended giffgaff after your son subscribed for his new mobile - it's brilliant! He's got an excellent nose for a great deal and superb customer service
new thread
I put up a 40' flag pole in my garden when flying the St George's flag was all over the press as some BNP emblem. I saw red and thought Eff Em. I'm English and very proud of it.
So order placed, put it together [plastic covered aluminium] and dug a hole for the base/poured concrete - and fiddled about in the freezing rain trying to work out how to fix the toggles/guides. Cost about £250 IIRC - I lowered the flag for sad occasions, but otherwise one flew for 15yr until I moved. It was Platoland.
I think I went through about 6 flags during that time - all naval quality, not the flimsy things sold in supermarkets. I was very proud of it. It was quite a talking point at first as it was so unusual. I'm very pleased that it's become commonplace.
Props to anyone with this talent, @MrsB of this parish does great limericks and poems.
"Da demon vicar"
Socrates, I came new to this case when this week's story blew up, so I read up on some of the legal press stories. I had the same question, but the answer seems to be that MacDonald's longer interaction with her, in picking her up at the fast food place, inviting her back to the hotel and inviting her to have sex was judged by the jury to have been more reasonable assumption of both consent and capacity to give consent that merely a 'mind if I join in?'
Go Get Beers
Vagina Dildo
Easy clue, both past footballers
Glad to sort that out.