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  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910

    BenM said:

    GIN1138 said:

    Not sure what you mean.

    Scotland can have it's own currency and call it the Pound if it wants. Everyone is agreed about that.

    What Scotland can't have is a currency union with the rest of the UK and continue to use the GBP backed by the Bank of England.

    It can. And it will, should the referendum be won by Yes.

    What the rest of the UK electorate thinks is irrelevant.
    Not to the politicians who want to get elected to Westminster.

    It will be a very "brave" politician who stands up and says "we lied, yes you should underwrite the risks of the banks of the country that has just rejected us"

    They have managed to lie on a daily basis up till now so what would be different
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Good to hear Cameron has given the malignant midget a slap.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910
    edited August 2014
    Patrick said:

    Was just chatting with a friend who lives in Glasgow. He used to think a clear NO. Now thinks it is close - but still NO. He's very clear though that this whole thing has absolutely split the country in two - and not in a good way. 'Half the country's going to be severely pissed off in a month'.

    So...we came up with a great idea: Literally split Scotland in half. The southern half gets to stay in the UK, the northern half gets their lefty bankruptopia. What's not to like?

    The numbers for YES in the southern half are huge for one, including me. The movement is all to YES so it will not be a concern in any case.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    malcolmg said:

    BenM said:

    GIN1138 said:

    Not sure what you mean.

    Scotland can have it's own currency and call it the Pound if it wants. Everyone is agreed about that.

    What Scotland can't have is a currency union with the rest of the UK and continue to use the GBP backed by the Bank of England.

    It can. And it will, should the referendum be won by Yes.

    What the rest of the UK electorate thinks is irrelevant.
    Not to the politicians who want to get elected to Westminster.

    It will be a very "brave" politician who stands up and says "we lied, yes you should underwrite the risks of the banks of the country that has just rejected us"

    They have managed to lie on a daily basis up till now so what would be different
    You mean like on non-existent EU legal advice, or the support for a 2 question referendum?
  • SmarmeronSmarmeron Posts: 5,099
    I really loathe the way some people think that because some Muslims become terrorists, all Muslims are suspects.
    Anyone who points to the stupidity of this view, comes in for an attack by the same people who wail at injustices heaped on bankers by a "few bad apples"
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''Being attractive to Muslim voters does NOT mean being supportive of or turning a blind eye to barbarism committed by Muslims here or abroad''.

    Hmmmn. Nobody wants to be more attractive to muslim voters than George Galloway. Look at what he is saying.

  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    Cyclefree said:

    Of course EdM should slap down this silly woman

    What for?
  • SocratesSocrates Posts: 10,322
    Neil said:

    SeanT said:

    MikeK said:

    Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.

    What a f*cking disgusting woman.

    Rape, slavery, beheadings, appalling and sadistic cruelty for the sake of it, bloodcurdling threats to wipe out all of the west - and this is the same as silly lefties fighting Franco?

    "So why is it that just because some Muslims, youngsters, wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    The Conservatives should be ALL OVER THIS. Miliband should be forced to disown her, and throw her out of the party.

    Her point is that people should not be vilifying all muslims for the actions of a tiny minority. She probably had people who call for the internment without trial of muslim men in mind.
    That wasn't her point at all. She wasn't saying that all Muslims should not be tarred by those going to fight for ISIS. She was defending those fighting for ISIS. Hers is a sick, disgusting woman. The fact that lefties are prepared to defend such crap while considering "people can have concerns about groups of Romanian men moving next door" just shows their utter moral hypocrisy.
  • state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,749
    Smarmeron said:

    I really loathe the way some people think that because some Muslims become terrorists, all Muslims are suspects.
    Anyone who points to the stupidity of this view, comes in for an attack by the same people who wail at injustices heaped on bankers by a "few bad apples"

    Who are these people you talk about and i am not sure the MP was making the argument you make in your first sentence . Wasn't she talking about not assuming muslims who go to Syria are terrorists ?
  • SocratesSocrates Posts: 10,322
    Cyclefree said:

    taffys said:

    ''Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.''

    The shape of things to come?

    Labour may have a difficult time keeping both the muslim vote and the white working class vote onside.

    I really loathe the assumption that to keep the Muslim vote you have to be in favour of - or at least not critical of - ISIS.That is to fall into the ISIS way of thinking - that they represent all Muslims round the world and are the true face of Islam. I expect most Muslims here feel the same way.

    Of course EdM should slap down this silly woman and the other who was urging the trashing of stores stocking Jewish goods. But Labour will find itself in a dangerous cul de sac if it holds back on criticism of or action against ISIS for fear of alienating Muslim voters. Does it really want to be seen as the pro-ISIS party?

    Just to be clear, I don't think that it is. But it does need to be more proactive in (a) criticising those of its MPs and supporters who come out with such grotesque statements; and (b) making it clear that being attractive to Muslim voters does NOT mean being supportive of or turning a blind eye to barbarism committed by Muslims here or abroad.
    Labour doesn't just avoid criticising conservative Islam. It goes to bat for them in attacking anyone that criticises it. If they had any moral decency at all, they would kick this woman out the party.
  • malcolmg said:

    Patrick said:

    Was just chatting with a friend who lives in Glasgow. He used to think a clear NO. Now thinks it is close - but still NO. He's very clear though that this whole thing has absolutely split the country in two - and not in a good way. 'Half the country's going to be severely pissed off in a month'.

    So...we came up with a great idea: Literally split Scotland in half. The southern half gets to stay in the UK, the northern half gets their lefty bankruptopia. What's not to like?

    The numbers for YES in the southern half are huge for one, including me. The movement is all to YES so it will not be a concern in any case.
    No. I am going to be Governor of the UK Province of Southern North Britain in one month's time. And I'm going to banish you to that rock. We'll countenance no nitty 5th columnists in my fair British land.
  • state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,749
    If MR Salmond and the SNP really want a currency union with the rest of the UK then all they have to do is vote to stay in the Union.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    malcolmg said:

    Patrick said:

    Was just chatting with a friend who lives in Glasgow. He used to think a clear NO. Now thinks it is close - but still NO. He's very clear though that this whole thing has absolutely split the country in two - and not in a good way. 'Half the country's going to be severely pissed off in a month'.

    So...we came up with a great idea: Literally split Scotland in half. The southern half gets to stay in the UK, the northern half gets their lefty bankruptopia. What's not to like?

    The numbers for YES in the southern half are huge for one, including me .
    Link to poll?

    Since you make the assertion - I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen as a vacuous blowhard, eh?
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''What for?''

    For making excuses for those going to fight for ISIS??
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    Socrates said:

    That wasn't her point at all. She wasn't saying that all Muslims should not be tarred by those going to fight for ISIS.

    Yes, she was. See for example this:

    "I think just the fact that some people have gone out does not question the loyalty of ninety nine nine point nine percent [sic] of British Muslims to Britain. So I think it is important to separate those two things."
    Socrates said:

    She was defending those fighting for ISIS. Hers is a sick, disgusting woman.

    To be clear about her views on ISIS let's refer to her twitter statement:

    "For avoidance of doubt Isis is evil. Not Islamic in any way form or shape."
  • Ed Miliband has appointed the first ever shadow Minister for Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls.

    Seema Malhotra, the Labour MP for Feltham and Heston, will be working with the party’s Women’s Safety Commission drawing up new laws to be implemented if it wins next year’s general election.

    As part of the shadow Home Secretary’s team, she will work on issues including female genital mutilation, forced marriage, sexual violence, trafficking and prostitution.
  • SocratesSocrates Posts: 10,322
    hucks67 said:

    SeanT said:

    MikeK said:

    Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.

    What a f*cking disgusting woman.

    Rape, slavery, beheadings, appalling and sadistic cruelty for the sake of it, bloodcurdling threats to wipe out all of the west - and this is the same as silly lefties fighting Franco?

    "So why is it that just because some Muslims, youngsters, wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    The Conservatives should be ALL OVER THIS. Miliband should be forced to disown her, and throw her out of the party.

    This is from Yasmins twitter acount

    Yasmin Qureshi @YasminQureshiMP · Aug 24

    For avoidance of doubt Isis is evil. Not Islamic in any way form or shape.

    "ISIS are evil, it's just the ones fighting for them that are misunderstood"?
  • TheWatcherTheWatcher Posts: 5,262

    Ed Miliband has appointed the first ever shadow Minister for Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls.

    Seema Malhotra, the Labour MP for Feltham and Heston, will be working with the party’s Women’s Safety Commission drawing up new laws to be implemented if it wins next year’s general election.

    As part of the shadow Home Secretary’s team, she will work on issues including female genital mutilation, forced marriage, sexual violence, trafficking and prostitution.

    Don't existing laws tackle violence against women and children?
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''Labour doesn't just avoid criticising conservative Islam. It goes to bat for them in attacking anyone that criticises it.''

    You should be criticising UKIP. It is up to them to shout this from the rooftops in every working class constituency.

    The conservatives clearly aren't bothering.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216

    If MR Salmond and the SNP really want a currency union with the rest of the UK then all they have to do is vote to stay in the Union.

    It's funny how the obvious escapes them in their pursuit of their "old man in a hurry" dream - perhaps the youth of Scotland will rescue them from their folly?

    As my granny was fond of observing "there's no fool like an old fool"..
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''There is no retraction from that. She thinks the man who beheaded James Foley is the same as George Orwell.''

    Oooh...cracking headline for a blog.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. Eagles, and violence again men and boys?
  • Ed Miliband has appointed the first ever shadow Minister for Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls.

    Seema Malhotra, the Labour MP for Feltham and Heston, will be working with the party’s Women’s Safety Commission drawing up new laws to be implemented if it wins next year’s general election.

    As part of the shadow Home Secretary’s team, she will work on issues including female genital mutilation, forced marriage, sexual violence, trafficking and prostitution.

    Don't existing laws tackle violence against women and children?
    Nope, not all of them. I was reading somewhere, that it wasn't a crime until recent, to take a British citizen abroad for the purpose of FGM.
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    I did like Four Lions but is it time for a Day Today special on muslims?

    "This muslim has disguised himself as an oasis in the desert. The b@stard."
  • SmarmeronSmarmeron Posts: 5,099
    Pretty much that was what she was saying in the linked article The assumption that every Muslim traveling to Syria, should be made stateless until they can prove their innocence, while non Muslims who travel there, are all freedom fighters and humanitarians.
  • Neil said:

    I did like Four Lions but is it time for a Day Today special on muslims?

    "This muslim has disguised himself as an oasis in the desert. The b@stard."

    I loved that film. Is he a martyr or is he a jalfrezi.
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    SeanT said:

    Just for the avoidance of doubt, mind.

    For the avoidance of doubt maybe we should intern her without trial?

    Because noone has ever said anything stupid that could be used against them afterwards, have they?
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited August 2014
    Neil said:

    I did like Four Lions but is it time for a Day Today special on muslims?

    "This muslim has disguised himself as an oasis in the desert. The b@stard."

    Mind you who needs the Day Today, we have Nigel4England, who said, then retracted the claim that the EDL and Nick Griffin, were right when it came to Muslims.

    Plus, I (TSE) had to decide which side I was on, as if I my love of the gays and extravagant footwear doesn't tell you which side I'm on.

    I'm assuming he was trolling.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    Wee Dougie:

    Last night, we witnessed the second and final television debate between Alistair Darling and Alex Salmond. The Guardian’s instant poll suggested two outcomes. First, that after a weak first debate, Salmond put in a stronger performance. Second, the debate had no apparent impact on voting intentions.

    So it appears that like the other “game-changers” – the white paper, the European elections, the anniversary of Bannockburn and the Commonwealth Games – it has come and gone without the game being much changed.
  • volcanopetevolcanopete Posts: 2,078
    Not much of a debate last night,more a shouting match.Football far more enlightening.
    And it goes 57-43,the same as it ever was,just more noise.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    edited August 2014
    SeanT said:

    Neil said:

    SeanT said:

    MikeK said:

    Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.

    What a f*cking disgusting woman.

    Rape, slavery, beheadings, appalling and sadistic cruelty for the sake of it, bloodcurdling threats to wipe out all of the west - and this is the same as silly lefties fighting Franco?

    "So why is it that just because some Muslims, youngsters, wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    The Conservatives should be ALL OVER THIS. Miliband should be forced to disown her, and throw her out of the party.

    Her point is that people should not be vilifying all muslims for the actions of a tiny minority. She probably had people who call for the internment without trial of muslim men in mind.
    No, she explicitly compared people who fight for ISIS to "youngsters, [who] wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    There is no retraction from that. She thinks the man who beheaded James Foley is the same as George Orwell.

    She is part of a diseased subculture in the British Left which covertly or overtly supports or appeases violent Islamism. She is representative of a cancer in British politics.
    They might just be gap year students yah?

    Syria the new Nepal?

    Good to see the Muslim sympathisers joking about it all, wonder if they'd be laughing about Islamic terrorists if one of their family just had his head lopped off by one

    Extreme bad taste
  • SeanT said:

    I'd like to see lefties expressing the same tolerance for a rightwing MP who was forced to begin a tweet with the phrase,

    "for the avoidance of doubt, the Nazis were evil"

    as a result of that MP having expressed some *ambiguous* remarks on the evilness of Nazis and the genocide of the Jews.

    Of course, lefties would rush to defend this MP. Of course they would. Just to avoid any doubt.

    Didn't Aidan Burley have to do exactly that?
  • Ishmael_XIshmael_X Posts: 3,664
    I had hoped that Foley might be a turning point, in the sense that there might have been a feeling that British muslims going to Syria were a load of relatively harmless wannabe numpties who got to make the tea while the big boys did the beheading and stuff, and that that feeling would now be sharply dispelled.

    Judging by today's very funny but very unhelpful Matt the feeling is still there:
  • NinoinozNinoinoz Posts: 1,312
    Neil said:

    SeanT said:

    MikeK said:

    Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.

    What a f*cking disgusting woman.

    Rape, slavery, beheadings, appalling and sadistic cruelty for the sake of it, bloodcurdling threats to wipe out all of the west - and this is the same as silly lefties fighting Franco?

    "So why is it that just because some Muslims, youngsters, wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    The Conservatives should be ALL OVER THIS. Miliband should be forced to disown her, and throw her out of the party.

    Her point is that people should not be vilifying all muslims for the actions of a tiny minority. She probably had people who call for the internment without trial of muslim men in mind.
    Really? TSE happily trashes Catholics (including myself) for the actions of a few, very often not even in this country.

    He then says British Muslims in ISIS (and child groomers) are nothing to do with him.

    A little consistency is required here.
  • In natworld, this another Southern Tory Jessie

    Paddy Power Politics ‏@pppolitics 1m

    Despite Alex Salmond winning the debate, one Northern England punter placed £10,000 on the Socts to vote NO to independence (1/6) #indyref
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910

    Ed Miliband has appointed the first ever shadow Minister for Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls.

    Seema Malhotra, the Labour MP for Feltham and Heston, will be working with the party’s Women’s Safety Commission drawing up new laws to be implemented if it wins next year’s general election.

    As part of the shadow Home Secretary’s team, she will work on issues including female genital mutilation, forced marriage, sexual violence, trafficking and prostitution.

    Window dressing crap rather than tackle real issues.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    The Economist:

    Thus the optimistically titled “cross-examination” segment descended into something resembling an altercation at the 17th hole of St Andrews; two weary-looking, slightly paunchy middle-class men yelling at each other, the debate’s rather insipid moderator looking on like a mutely embarrassed caddy.

    Mr Salmond may have mongered his way to victory in the snap poll, but it is not clear whether the debate will have much of an effect on the referendum itself. Despite Mr Darling’s clear advantage in the first one, the “yes” campaign’s polling numbers actually improved in its aftermath. John Curtice, the nearest thing Scotland’s referendum has to a referee, told a BBC interviewer that the second would likely be similarly tangential in effect.
  • Ninoinoz said:

    Neil said:

    SeanT said:

    MikeK said:

    Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.

    What a f*cking disgusting woman.

    Rape, slavery, beheadings, appalling and sadistic cruelty for the sake of it, bloodcurdling threats to wipe out all of the west - and this is the same as silly lefties fighting Franco?

    "So why is it that just because some Muslims, youngsters, wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    The Conservatives should be ALL OVER THIS. Miliband should be forced to disown her, and throw her out of the party.

    Her point is that people should not be vilifying all muslims for the actions of a tiny minority. She probably had people who call for the internment without trial of muslim men in mind.
    Really? TSE happily trashes Catholics (including myself) for the actions of a few, very often not even in this country.

    He then says British Muslims in ISIS (and child groomers) are nothing to do with him.

    A little consistency is required here.
    No, I trash all organised religions.

    Unlike you, I've said, anyone committing criminal acts should be prosecuted, not protected, like the Catholic Church appears to do do with their child abusers, ditto those in the Muslim community who have done the same.

    Perhaps you have evidence that I have something to do with ISIS and or child groomers.

    Don't be shy now.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910

    malcolmg said:

    BenM said:

    GIN1138 said:

    Not sure what you mean.

    Scotland can have it's own currency and call it the Pound if it wants. Everyone is agreed about that.

    What Scotland can't have is a currency union with the rest of the UK and continue to use the GBP backed by the Bank of England.

    It can. And it will, should the referendum be won by Yes.

    What the rest of the UK electorate thinks is irrelevant.
    Not to the politicians who want to get elected to Westminster.

    It will be a very "brave" politician who stands up and says "we lied, yes you should underwrite the risks of the banks of the country that has just rejected us"

    They have managed to lie on a daily basis up till now so what would be different
    You mean like on non-existent EU legal advice, or the support for a 2 question referendum?
    No I mean like "more powers " , "Better together ", "sharing and pooling" , "we are not privatising the NHS"
  • TheWatcherTheWatcher Posts: 5,262

    In natworld, this another Southern Tory Jessie

    Paddy Power Politics ‏@pppolitics 1m

    Despite Alex Salmond winning the debate, one Northern England punter placed £10,000 on the Socts to vote NO to independence (1/6) #indyref

    Expect malcolmg to call him a turnip.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    F1: perhaps surprisingly (I didn't realise this) Whitmarsh was still technically team principal of McLaren, until today:

    Less surprisingly, the FIA aren't going to take action against Rosberg:
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910
    Patrick said:

    malcolmg said:

    Patrick said:

    Was just chatting with a friend who lives in Glasgow. He used to think a clear NO. Now thinks it is close - but still NO. He's very clear though that this whole thing has absolutely split the country in two - and not in a good way. 'Half the country's going to be severely pissed off in a month'.

    So...we came up with a great idea: Literally split Scotland in half. The southern half gets to stay in the UK, the northern half gets their lefty bankruptopia. What's not to like?

    The numbers for YES in the southern half are huge for one, including me. The movement is all to YES so it will not be a concern in any case.
    No. I am going to be Governor of the UK Province of Southern North Britain in one month's time. And I'm going to banish you to that rock. We'll countenance no nitty 5th columnists in my fair British land.
    Patrick, you will still be choking on your haggis, neeps and tatties pie my friend.
  • I'm shocked, shocked, by this.

    The Ministry of Justice has been fined £180,000 for "serious failings" in the handling of confidential data.

    The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) said the penalty was related to the loss of a hard drive containing the details of almost 3,000 prisoners at Erlestoke prison in Wiltshire.

    The disk was not encrypted.

    The records, lost in 2013, included material on organised crime, prisoners' health and drug misuse, and information about inmates' victims and visitors.

    After a similar incident in 2011, in which the details of 16,000 prisoners was lost on a disk that was not protected, the Ministry of Justice issued the Prison Service with new back-up hard drives that could be encrypted.

    However, the government body failed to explain to employees that the encryption option had to be switched on manually.
  • state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,749
    Its rather funny that Mrs Thatcher can go through a reasoned argument about society and how we live together and Lefties ignore everything in it bar ' there is no such thing a society' , how Jeremy Clarkson can make a long joke about BBC impartiality tied to public sector strikes and all Lefties hear is ' line up strikers to be shot' but immediatly go into every sentence of what their own MP says about Syria and ISIS so they can pretend all she is saying is 'don't assume all Muslims are bad' -(We don't btw)
  • SmarmeronSmarmeron Posts: 5,099
    The vilification of an entire religious group, and the subsequent treatment of those people, by first denying them their rights, then their humanity was indeed a terrible crime.
    You would never get away with that these days, as there are very few Nazis left, and their thinking is long discredited.
  • Mr. Patrick, rather like 'bankruptopia'.

    Me too. It's up there with 'kleptocracy'.
    Socrates said:

    Cyclefree said:

    taffys said:

    ''Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.''

    The shape of things to come?

    Labour may have a difficult time keeping both the muslim vote and the white working class vote onside.

    I really loathe the assumption that to keep the Muslim vote you have to be in favour of - or at least not critical of - ISIS.That is to fall into the ISIS way of thinking - that they represent all Muslims round the world and are the true face of Islam. I expect most Muslims here feel the same way.

    Of course EdM should slap down this silly woman and the other who was urging the trashing of stores stocking Jewish goods. But Labour will find itself in a dangerous cul de sac if it holds back on criticism of or action against ISIS for fear of alienating Muslim voters. Does it really want to be seen as the pro-ISIS party?

    Just to be clear, I don't think that it is. But it does need to be more proactive in (a) criticising those of its MPs and supporters who come out with such grotesque statements; and (b) making it clear that being attractive to Muslim voters does NOT mean being supportive of or turning a blind eye to barbarism committed by Muslims here or abroad.
    Labour doesn't just avoid criticising conservative Islam. It goes to bat for them in attacking anyone that criticises it. If they had any moral decency at all, they would kick this woman out the party.
    You see...that's the problem, right there.
  • NinoinozNinoinoz Posts: 1,312

    Neil said:

    I did like Four Lions but is it time for a Day Today special on muslims?

    "This muslim has disguised himself as an oasis in the desert. The b@stard."

    Mind you who needs the Day Today, we have Nigel4England, who said, then retracted the claim that the EDL and Nick Griffin, were right when it came to Muslims.

    Plus, I (TSE) had to decide which side I was on, as if I my love of the gays and extravagant footwear doesn't tell you which side I'm on.

    I'm assuming he was trolling.
    Speaking of monkeys, didn't The King Fahd Academy in Acton, London, teach that Jews and Christians were exactly that?

    And didn't Muslims disrupt what was essentially a funeral cortege in Wootton Bassett?

    And TSE wonders why Muslims aren't popular.
  • New Thread
  • state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,749
    Smarmeron said:

    The vilification of an entire religious group, and the subsequent treatment of those people, by first denying them their rights, then their humanity was indeed a terrible crime.
    You would never get away with that these days, as there are very few Nazis left, and their thinking is long discredited.

    Seems to be a few in Iraq and Syria
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910

    In natworld, this another Southern Tory Jessie

    Paddy Power Politics ‏@pppolitics 1m

    Despite Alex Salmond winning the debate, one Northern England punter placed £10,000 on the Socts to vote NO to independence (1/6) #indyref

    A very stupid one who obviously has too much money. Very very poor odds given the current position , but if you are stupid and viewing it via newspapers in England he probably thinks he will make a pittance.
    In short a real TURNIP.
  • NinoinozNinoinoz Posts: 1,312

    Ninoinoz said:

    Neil said:

    SeanT said:

    MikeK said:

    Another ISIS lover, this time another Labour MP - who would have guessed.

    What a f*cking disgusting woman.

    Rape, slavery, beheadings, appalling and sadistic cruelty for the sake of it, bloodcurdling threats to wipe out all of the west - and this is the same as silly lefties fighting Franco?

    "So why is it that just because some Muslims, youngsters, wrongly go out to fight a cause that they think is the right cause, like for example we had in Franco's fascism [sic] we had young men in this country who went there to fight against him"

    The Conservatives should be ALL OVER THIS. Miliband should be forced to disown her, and throw her out of the party.

    Her point is that people should not be vilifying all muslims for the actions of a tiny minority. She probably had people who call for the internment without trial of muslim men in mind.
    Really? TSE happily trashes Catholics (including myself) for the actions of a few, very often not even in this country.

    He then says British Muslims in ISIS (and child groomers) are nothing to do with him.

    A little consistency is required here.
    No, I trash all organised religions.

    Unlike you, I've said, anyone committing criminal acts should be prosecuted, not protected, like the Catholic Church appears to do do with their child abusers, ditto those in the Muslim community who have done the same.

    Perhaps you have evidence that I have something to do with ISIS and or child groomers.

    Don't be shy now.
    I have plenty to show that BBC covered up child abuse in their organisation.

    And we now know the Tory Party is up to its neck in the same racket.

    BTW, do you wish PBers to raise money to send you to Iraq to deliver your views on organised religion personally to ISIS?
  • George Galloway on twitter saying that Better Together should sack Darling and appoint him, Brown or Murphy as boss. :)
  • Not only does Cameron not have guts to debate Salmond, he does have balls to even watch Salmond debate Darling.
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