Broadley Common, Epping Upland and Nazing on Epping Forest (Con Defence)
Result of last election to council (2014): Conservatives 37, Residents 12, Liberal Democrats 3, Independents 2, United Kingdom Independence Party 2, Green 1, Labour 1 (Conservative majority of 16)
Result of ward at last election (2011):
The demands for a second referendum would be immense and the UK government would still be in a position to insist on it. Just another example of the holes that Salmond is digging for himself. I wonder which way he will be voting?
The Yes campaign make Gulf War II look like a masterpiece of forward planning.
So why indeed are they not bombing the **** out of them? Since Pol Pot and his friends hung up their cattle prods, arguably the most evil and despicable people on the planet (and it is not like there is not a lot of competition).
Congratulations on your piece. It made very important points. This is Srebrenica all over again.
The greens and tees are roped but the fairways are not, It'll be interesting how it goes.
Retweeted by Kay Burley
Sky News Newsdesk @SkyNewsBreak · 17m
U.S. military official says President #Obama considering airstrikes in #Iraq to help deliver aid to thousands of refugees fleeing #ISIS
At breakfast I commented on the Cambodian tribunal verdicts, and described ISIS as Khymer Rouge with prayer mats, wanting their own year zero.
The seat was also fought in May this year and won by the Conservatives
Con 864 UKIP 576 Lab 172 LD 138
But the difference between ISIS and other Islamist groups like Hamas is one of ability and equipment, the intent is the same.
Read Hamas charter and weep:
I have sympathy for the Palestinians, but none for their chosen leaders.
A Saudi lobby telling the Americans what to do? Surely not, I thought only Israel did this.
ISIS have the same Wahabist version of Islam that the Saudis promulgate, via their wealth. Saudi Arabia should be told to get stuffed. We should save the Yazidis and the Christians and the Kurds and all those who don't want to live under a genocidal regime.
BTW I referred to the Hamas charter a few days ago in response to a NP comment.
For whatever reason I happened to read a bit more than usual - the more Importance of Being Ernst references the better I say
FTR - Aberdeen fans appear to be car beeping a 5-2 aggregate loss - Is this a normal kind of behaviour in the rest of the UK???
ISIS almost make the Nazis look humane
I've been around a few years and I can't remember such a series like this.
Wot Next? Flying Saucers from Mars.
24 hours news cycle + Internet
Keep Calm and Carry On
RN is probably right - polls should now be ignored until after the holiday period.
UKIP warning was ignored, and now they are pouring in:
It doesn't say kill the IDF, or kill the settlers, or kill the zionists or even kill the Israelis. It says kill the Jews wherever you find them. It is a charter for genocide. At least Hitler used euphemisms such as final solution or special treatment. Hamas are not so mealy mouthed.
Basically - that's all and only what's happened - there's always crazy stuff going on in the middle east - never anything of note.
Although the missing plane was a really good one (and apparently still not solved!)
2014 - great year for the unemployed with a Tv.
less than 9 months to go
OK, So Saddam was off his trolley, as anyone who had read the Amnesty International reports at that time would agree on.
But Saddam wouldn't have done anything that the US/UK wouldn't have liked. Nuts he was, but not totally.
He had a couple of sons who made up for that.
And we did supply, the UK, arms and weapons systems to Iraq that were superior to the arms that our soldiers had at the time of the first Iraq war.
As an aside, the supergun story dominated my life for a while as a schoolboy.
Difficult to provide an affidavit if you are dead.
I mean, I can see the argument that Boris as leader would drag back people to the Tories (though even that's debateable), but why would Boris simply standing as an MP draw people in?
I am still waiting for Mr. Rohkz to justify his original claim. I can't imagine why its taking him so long, surely he must have had weapons and systems in mind when he posted it.
We're literally on the Pimms!!!!
Let the Unemployed and Tory Journos unite!!!!!
My friend's father worked for Sheffield Forgemasters, when the Matrix-Churchill trial collapsed, we were convinced his father was working for MI6, for a while, everyone thought my friend's Dad was like James Bond.
I suppose #Life_ina_market_town you would be more than willing to accept dhimmi status in an Islamic theocratic state. You really are a poor specimen in even suggesting it, unless that is you are a fanatical muslim yourself.
Chris Ship @chrisshipitv 1m
The Sun agrees with Nick> RT @Sun_Politics: EXCL: Don't Nick drug users: DPM wants to end imprisonment of some users:
I just don't really understand why someone who wasn't going to vote Tory last week would decide to this week just because Boris was standing (unless you were actually in the constituency he was standing in, obviously). I mean it's not like people didn't already know that Boris was a Tory.
Mind you, the Germans built them the chemical plants and made a fortune in the process.
EDIT: Oh wait, maybe I missed the joke.
People like Boris (he's the most popular politician in the country)
Boris is about the rejoin the parliamentary party
People will want to vote for the Tory party, 'cause Boris is back
Gaza - never part of Jordan but was captured from the Egyptians. [Sceptics-and-kin are easily confused.]
St Helena "over-spec'ed" airport cannot take Voyager nor Globemaster-III (at least not fully tanked/loaded as it is designed for 737s) and I would not wish to be on a A400M Euro-Turkey when the former aircraft would have made the journey from Ascenscion (only 60-NM further via the great circle) more safely...!
The UK has 228 front-line MBTs. Four are dedicated for driver training: The rest are split between Type-56 Regiments (and you can now do the math)....
Israel is crass, but no more than Hamas. Hamas 'may' have been elected but they then executed approx 1000 Fatah officials.
Finally, as an observation:
Israel should not show ancient M109 howitzers bombing Gaza (as thick Al-Beeb journalists will call this 'tank-fire'). Instead - despite the 'La-la' protestations of Lib-Dhimmie-dom (and Warsi) the UK and US should speed-up integration of "Dual-Mode Brimstone". If drones were used to target rocket launchers using said missile then civilian casualties would be lessened. As Phil Woolas signed up to buying the Israeli/Raphael Hermes drone (a.k.a. Watchkeeper) such a deal would benefit most decent people and please Labour eejits....
Not even a swallow, let alone a summer.
"It means there has been a 25 per cent increase in the number of charges against Romanians this year."
Pouring, is it? Really?
Woman navy officer sunk by seaman. Heave-ho for Jolly Rodgerer
Indeed they were, in 2006 if I recall. Anyone know what the parliamentary term is in Gaza? At the back of my mind is the thought that there were supposed to have been some elections in 2012 but they got cancelled for some reason.
I hope to do some threads on it.
dr_spyn said:
» show previous quotes
Twas on the good ship Venus...
I'll shut up, one of my naval jokes got me dumped a few years ago.
She's got a lovely navel uniform?
Also he has barely posted anything about trains for months, a couple of photos of a Cross Rail station and that is about it. Worrying.