Dominic Raab has resigned to keep his promise to do so if Tolley made adverse findings against him, but he says Tolley’s judgement is flawed and the threshold for “bullying” has been set too low for proper ministerial oversight. This does not feel like a like drawn
ETA: Ah, per Twitter thread: '“Line” not “like”'. Could Pesto not have managed to lose five characters from his original tweet to fit it all in one? Left us guessing, could have been so much more exciting: drawn weapon, drawn carriage, drawn face, drawn poison, drawn drawbridge.... What is a 'drawn like' anyway?
E2TA: Oh - first?
Sunak didn’t tell Raab to resign, I understand from No10 sources. Some Tory MPs I’ve spoken to this morning say this makes it an honourable resignation - others wondering if it makes the PM just a commentator at the side of his own govt.
Any moment now I expect to read how the rabid Remainers in the tofu-eating wokerati who have hegemony in the senior echelons of the Civil Service have brought down a decent, honourable man.
..The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment imposes on the states the same limitations the First Amendment had always imposed on the Congress.[22] This "elementary proposition of law" was confirmed and endorsed time and time again in cases like Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U. S. 296, 303 (1940)[a] and Wooley v. Maynard (1977).[b][25] The central liberty that unifies the various clauses in the First Amendment is the individual's freedom of conscience:[26]..
Though you have a point that nothing can be entirely ruled out with the current nutters on the bench.
arewere Dominic Raab and Suella Braverman. With friends like these...I expect his political career ends at the next GE
Opportunity now for Sunak to replace him with a communicator who can help put party on a GE footing. Given his previous record with government management I think he’ll fluff it, but that’s what he should do.
I once had a boss (2 levels above me) who was renowned for giving very direct feedback, if people came in unprepared for meetings or who wasted his time. I knew many people who were very nervous in advance of their meetings with him. He did get results for the business and I believe he has been promoted a couple of times since. I learnt that if you came in fully prepared and could demonstrate you had left no stone unturned that there was nothing to be nervous of. Does the approach of radiating some level of fear to get results count as bullying?
Personally I think Mordaunt (or Badenoch) need to be placed in the DPM role but certainly given Rishi’s treatment of Mordaunt at the reshuffle I can’t see that happening.
That is, exposing/drawing attention to a subordinates failings, in front of others. Even worse is doing it in front of *their* subordinates.
As far as the exercise of religion in schools is concerned, there is no bar on that. What is at issue is the state mandating the exercise of a particular religion.
LAB: 44% (-1)
CON: 31% (+1)
LDEM: 10% (-)
GRN: 5% (+1)
A Claimant who described himself as “a problem gambler” has lost his claim against Star Sports, a Mayfair bookmaker, for the return of betting losses incurred whilst he was in a “betting frenzy”.
[ big snip]
All cases are fact specific. However, the importance of this case lies in the restatement of the principle that in the context of a bookmaker’s relationship with a customer there exists, absent an assumption of responsibility, no tortious or contractual duty to prevent a customer from causing themselves economic loss.
Legal challenge to FDA approval of mifepristone could have implications for women’s reproductive health across the country
Good bosses may give you a good bollocking in private, but very rarely in front of others. They will also only blame you for things that were within your control.
I've worked with mostly good bosses, some impatient or intimidating, but no bullies as line managers. My main PhD supervisor was a bully, but I learned to deal with him and he had limited options to get to me (as I wasn't a staff member and working on my project, not his - he couldn't sack or discipline me unless I did something demonstrably against university rules or failed to meet the PhD requirements, which were assessed by others and I demonstrably did meet). He definitely bullied some of his staff.
On the subject of Thailand being a little toasty, I actually like the languor of serious heat. Tho 40C is pushing it….
On the other hand I still prefer sun and heat to 7C and raining - as in London right now
The Leave/Remain thing is a red herring here - I suspect it's a generational clash.
The CBI appears to be in total need of reform. A second allegation of rape now although not aimed at anyone named publicly so far.
Jeeez. That would be a record surely
If one is misfortune and two begins to look careless, what is three?
Even in the social media era, the idea that a report produced mid afternoon one day that gets a result before midmorning the next day is a sign of dithering is absurd.
It's when there is a sustained pattern of such behaviour - and exacerbated if it's specific to targeted individuals.
The peak is actually forecast a bit lower at 39C.
Remember Bozo removed a lot of the best qualified candidates in 2019..
Also, it's unfair based on what we know to characterise the decision as not having been made by Sunak yesterday if the decision was to do as Malmesbury suggested (which seems to me pretty likely).
Parts of Spain are becoming uninhabitable
Accusations were made, an investigation held, and the target resigned when the findings were against them. What need to sack prior to investigation outcome, and how is it an indictment of the process when it worked?
People may still disagree with the findings, as Raab does, but it still led to his ouster.
...Of course, this must be done within reasonable bounds. Mr Tolley concluded that I had not once, in four and a half years, sworn or shouted at anyone, let alone thrown anything or otherwise physically intimidated anyone, nor intentionally sought to belittle anyone. I am genuinely sorry for any unintended stress or offence that any officials felt, as a result of the pace, standards and challenge that I brought to the Ministry of Justice. That is, however, what the public expect of Ministers working on their behalf...
Apparently it has just been published.
Anyone got a link ?
FWIW I believe these two things can both be true: Raab was abrasive and demanding AND bitter Remainers used that to fuck him over, as a leading Brexiteer
No link I can see yet.
..This approach to confidentiality means that the report is not as factually detailed as it might otherwise have been; that is in my view the correct outcome. The public interest in maintaining the principle of confidentiality, in this instance and for future investigations of this nature, hugely outweighs any interest that anyone may have in the full extent of the factual detail...
Churchill was probably a bit of a bully. Action this day! Lots of fine politicians are bossy and pushy. It comes with the territory.
We need to see the damn report
"176. In summary, I have found as follows:
(1) In relation to the DExEU Complaint:
(a) The DPM’s conduct cannot be characterised as offensive, malicious or
insulting. It was experienced as intimidating, in the sense of excessively
demanding. I could not make a finding as to whether it was in fact
intimidating in this sense. There was no evidence to suggest any abuse
or misuse of power.
(b) The DPM did not intend any adverse effect on others.
(c) No-one drew to the DPM’s attention that his conduct was in any way
(d) He did not know and could not reasonably have been aware of what is
said to have been the impact of his conduct on certain individuals."
The problem with most politicians (of all stripes) is that they seem to believe that the standards expected of those in the mortal realm do not apply to their divine activities. There needs to be more done to remind them that the laws that they expect others to live with also apply to them.
3-5 business days.
Website has the letter scanned out of Aberdeen bound for Heathrow a week ago, And then? Nothing! Customer service lady apologetic, said after a recent cyber attack their scanning system is not working. So they are selling tracking, but can't actually track!
Said they don't get scan data from Romania anyway (despite selling it) so has no idea if it is in Romania or Heathrow but "should be". It isn't counted as lost for another month so they don't care...
I obtained 2 copies of my tax residency certificate. At this rate I will be on Ryanair to Bucharest with that copy...