Poor Chris Philp. Not only is he being blamed by his own colleagues for suggesting the now binned cut to the 45% tax rate. But his statement at a Conference meeting that companies with fewer than 500 employees will be exempt from all business regulations has been seized upon, with some claiming that it means a complete free-for-all: companies able to discriminate, sell dangerous goods, send children up chimneys and so forth.
Must be Hunt then.
HoL can delay crap that was not in a manifesto.
You're a generous soul, @Cyclefree .
Gone full Zammo since I filed this. https://twitter.com/rafaelbehr/status/1577316732670296064
*to other parties
Approve 11% (-6)
Disapprove 72% (+8)
This is worse than it ever got under Johnson.
This Tory conference is so amazingly messy I still can't believe it's real. Ministers going completely rogue, MPs barely here but still throwing shade left, right & centre, Tory members downing champagne while half laughing/half crying "we're all f***ed". It's WILD
We're crap at the actual numbers in the accounts or if it's going to go bust, but on this we're shit hot....
Edit: just to clear it up, what we do
'In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.'
So, there's a degree of work, but not all covering....
That could be extremely useful...
We need a GE now.
"Trump asked one of his lawyers to tell [Archives] in early 2022 that Trump had returned all materials, but the lawyer declined because he was not sure the statement was true."
When you don't pay your lawyers...
Them: "How dare you call us apologists for Russian fascism!"
Russian Fascism: "Thank you very much for all the apologism you are doing for us
Putin’s spokesman says the Kremlin considers it “very positive” that @elonmusk is “looking for ways out of the situation around Ukraine” https://t.me/rian_ru/180357</i>
If they get an extension beyond that it will because they have actually recovered some poise and judgement.
Women prefer some jobs, men prefer others.
"The gender balance of the veterinary profession has changed dramatically in the last 30 to 40 years and having once been very much in the minority, women now account for almost 60 % of practicing vets registered with the RCVS. This is a statistic is likely to increase even further considering that almost 80 % of students enrolling in the veterinary degree course are female.
Men still outnumber women in medicine, but not in the specialism of General Practice. It only counts if men are on top in the more prestigious professions, so work is still to be done. Men outnumbering women in the poorer-paid professions will never be a problem.
As I say - complete nervous breakdown.
The new team of bonkers bat people are just looking for any cost they can slash to justify tax cuts for big business.
✅stability of supply and price
❌debt and deficit - this will cost a LOT
Here's extract from this morning's interview https://twitter.com/samcoatessky/status/1577251420876820481 https://twitter.com/SamCoatesSky/status/1577324656016621571/photo/1
Inflation -76*
Economy -75*
Immig. -65
Tax -64*
NHS -62*
Housing -53*
Welfare -45
Crime -43
Transport -39
Brexit -39
Environ. -35
Education -27
Unemploy. -15
Defence +8
Terrorism +27
*worst since tracker began in Jun 2019
https://yougov.co.uk/topics/economy/trackers/how-the-government-is-handling-the-economy-in-the-uk https://twitter.com/YouGov/status/1577327506595643399/photo/1
And this
Red Wall Voting Intention (3-4 Oct.):
Labour 61% (+12)
Conservative 23% (-11)
Reform UK 3% (-4)
Liberal Democrat 7% (+2)
Green 4% (–)
Other 2% (+1)
Changes +/- 19-20 Sept.
https://redfieldandwiltonstrategies.com/latest-red-wall-voting-intention-3-4-october-2022 https://twitter.com/RedfieldWilton/status/1577327686430511104/photo/1
Now they mouth off on twitter like everyone else it makes them seem like dweebs and fools.
Truss has gifted them all back to Starmer on a plate it seems
“This might sound very strange coming from somebody who spent my entire summer break campaigning for Rishi Sunak to be PM”
Unheard of.
Johnson must be wetting himself. His plan to make Truss leader knowing she would be an utter disaster cannot have gone better.
The attempt to shift position means they won't be trusted if they reverse, but there's no benefit to pushing on either if no one believes it. So she's stuck.
He describes the Tories as "the most feckless, irresponsible group of incompetents ever let loose in government"
Any change before then would make the Tories a laughing stock. Getting rid of an unsuitable leader is one thing, but you can't spend 2 months choosing a replacement and depose them immediately. The fact that Liz Truss won meant all the alternatives are worse.
Caring, cleaning, catering and personal services, for example, are female dominated and tend to be very poorly paid.
Actually- forget the UK. Is there any new PM anywhere who has soiled themselves so utterly so quickly? What happened next?
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
War - that's what they need.
Personally I don't think Johnson will come back. But if he does, his personal image won't be sufficient on its own.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for a political party that is so out of touch with public opinion
Windfall taxes
Reducing tax for the wealthy
Scrapping ban on bankers bonuses
Threatening to pay less than inflation in benefits
Confirmation that pensioners will receive inflation increases next Apr
Utter and complete insanity and conservative mps must look back to Sunak's warnings and despair at the membership
I can only wish Starmer and labour well and to be honest it is an affront that the next GE is 2 more years away
I will find it difficult to vote for labour but at this moment in time I would do anything to see the back of this shameful government and indeed my vote is irrelevant in view of the scale of a labour landslide
Or tell us about That Necklace.
When we see the SECR in the accounts, we take it at face value. We have no knowledge, skill or experience to challenge what they say so we put it in without comment.
I'm an auditor (accountant) not an energy consultant......
(and therein lies the problem)
Anyway, I was hoping therefore that this means that soon M as well as S (in SME) will be audit exempt. Sooner you get rid of the non-indepedent audit for Medium sized entities the better.
What they didn’t have was a search warrant but, as previously explained, they didn’t need one.
Kemi Badenoch says using the word “coup” over MPs and cabinet ministers “speaking our minds” is “inflammatory”. But dismisses talk of a cabinet split and says Truss doesn’t mind differing opinions until a policy is laid out.
“We’re not zombies, we’re not automatrons.”
5m on UC.
You wanna definitely lose 5m votes, Liz?
If they get told they need to sign at any price, Norway friendly as they may be will rinse us
The pandemic which saw so many people receiving benefits (and the problems therein applying for them) has changed the perceptions on so called benefit scroungers.
But at the moment they will be losing a lot there too.
What a perfect description
Bassetlaw, Ashfield and Dudley North are the hardest seats for Lab amongst the Yougov redwall selection.
They'd all go, so would stuff that's not polled but should be very very red wall like NE Derbyshire.
I'm getting close to my limit with him. I have more books to read - my family, knowing my interest, have bought me loads - but I'm not sure I'm up to it.