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What an extraordinary first week for PM Truss –

SystemSystem Posts: 11,921
edited September 2022 in General
imageWhat an extraordinary first week for PM Truss –

Liz Truss is just ending her first full week as prime minister and what an extremely tricky challenge she has had to face. Rather than have a short honeymoon period where she could make herself better known she has had to stand aside and make supporting the new monarch her first priority.

Read the full story here



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    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    Early polling certainly shows Truss' help with energy costs has slightly boosted the Tory voteshare, though Labour remain clearly ahead.

    Most of the world leaders at the funeral next week will be heads of state though unlike Truss, the only other PMs there will be PMs of the other Commonwealth realms
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    NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,438
    HYUFD said:

    Early polling certainly shows Truss' help with energy costs has slightly boosted the Tory voteshare, though Labour remain clearly ahead.

    Most of the world leaders at the funeral next week will be heads of state though unlike Truss, the only other PMs there will be PMs of the other Commonwealth realms

    Yes, fair assessment. Opinium is the best hope for Mike's Tory lead bet, as it factors in a supposed Lab->Con swingback that doesn't seem to be happening in reality. Rather, there's a "Oh God, I'm a Tory but Boris??"->Tory swingback, which we've also seen on here.

    I quite like Truss - I always prefer serious types to the flamboyant sort. But she's not looking much like a winner yet.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    edited September 2022
    Carnyx said:

    That live stream is something else. Weirdly powerful. Moving.

    If I was editor of a Sunday newspaper I would be commissioning articles on what that queue and the live stream tells us about modern Britain and the deep ancestral roots that still stir.

    I think it shows sod all personally
    Really? Perhaps 1/2 million will queue this weekend. And that shows 'sod all'?
    Less than 1 per cent of the population? Doesn't show anything much either way.
    I really don't think so. Getting 1/100 of an entire population to do anything in coordinated fashion is pretty darn unusual.

    If 100,000 people go on a protest march on one hand that's virtually nothing, right? Less than a percent, why would any of us even report on such a non event? On the other hand that's an awful lot of people to do something together at the same time. It's actually really noteworthy.

    Even more than that queueing for hours, for whatever reason, is even more noteworthy. The idea it shows nothing because its less than 1% of the population is just silly.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    Truss who?
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    MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202
    On topic. Alternatively she wasn’t ready to burst out the traps with a poll boosting crisis plans - they are still not ready, particularly the business one, so imagine the intense pressure for details and delivery she would now be under without this media story to hide behind and work on it behind; her failure to be ready would have been the main headline instead.

    “a number of set piece events up and down the country where she could introduce herself to the nation.”

    If true then why did she completely spurn the chance to do that with her acceptance speech to party andPodium address the next day. She hardly said anything to introduce herself, apart from taking both opportunities to praise Boris, snub Rishi handshake and talk about Tory party the best party in the world, rather than UK best country in the world.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    Scott_xP said:

    6 hours in a queue for 6 seconds in front of a box

    I demand to know if people get more time when they pass Chairman Mao.

    I also hope someone is counting how many people are bowing.
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    Fascinating thread:

    Greg Yudin
    However, this discussion is significant. For the first time people start realizing that Putin is not invincible. Hard to overestimate how important this myth is for Russia. Belief that Putin will prevail no matter what paralyzes all independent action 12/25

    Greg Yudin
    Putin will not survive the military defeat in a war where he staked the whole country 25/25
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    I am hoping for Opinium Tory lead
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    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"
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    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    I think the PM has been wholly incidental this past week.

    We'll have to wait until a semblance of normality returns before we can make any judgement on her.
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    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    Rangers fans sing the national anthem in full voice, well done them
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    Macron spoke with King Charles III.

    Au téléphone avec Sa Majesté le Roi Charles III, je lui ai présenté les condoléances de la France pour le décès de sa mère, Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II. Lundi, je serai à Londres pour assister aux obsèques.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
  • Options
    NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,438

    Fascinating thread:

    Greg Yudin
    However, this discussion is significant. For the first time people start realizing that Putin is not invincible. Hard to overestimate how important this myth is for Russia. Belief that Putin will prevail no matter what paralyzes all independent action 12/25

    Greg Yudin
    Putin will not survive the military defeat in a war where he staked the whole country 25/25

    It's a pretty impressively open debate, even if it's just designed to let off steam.
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    Brexit Britain latest:

    Kwasi Kwarteng, chancellor, is seeking to scrap Britain’s cap on bankers’ bonuses - introduced after the 2008 financial crash - in a controversial move to boost the City of London’s global competitiveness.
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    Macron spoke with King Charles III.

    Au téléphone avec Sa Majesté le Roi Charles III, je lui ai présenté les condoléances de la France pour le décès de sa mère, Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II. Lundi, je serai à Londres pour assister aux obsèques.

    Any sign of KCIII resurrecting the claim to be King of France?
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    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    Macron spoke with King Charles III.

    Au téléphone avec Sa Majesté le Roi Charles III, je lui ai présenté les condoléances de la France pour le décès de sa mère, Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II. Lundi, je serai à Londres pour assister aux obsèques.

    Any sign of KCIII resurrecting the claim to be King of France?
    Macron is already Emperor of France in all but name, so that position is filled
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    Brexit Britain latest:

    Kwasi Kwarteng, chancellor, is seeking to scrap Britain’s cap on bankers’ bonuses - introduced after the 2008 financial crash - in a controversial move to boost the City of London’s global competitiveness.

    Well we might hold Cities of London and Westminster and Surrey yet, even if we still lose the redwall!
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    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,739
    edited September 2022
    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    I find this very amusing.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    I don't think that was about his wishes. His content has been relatively pro-monarchy in fact.

    I think the point is fewer and fewer people believe it is divinely ordained. You do. The Queen did. But not as many others now as there used to be. Does Charles even believe it?
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    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,811
    Will Truss take the opportunity to do initial meetings with other leaders in the day or two after the funeral, while they are in the country, or would that be considered uncouth?
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    VerulamiusVerulamius Posts: 1,477

    Macron spoke with King Charles III.

    Au téléphone avec Sa Majesté le Roi Charles III, je lui ai présenté les condoléances de la France pour le décès de sa mère, Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II. Lundi, je serai à Londres pour assister aux obsèques.

    This suggests that the French use of the word "obsèques" is more common than the English obsequies?
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    EPGEPG Posts: 6,602
    God wants this boy to be King and this boy to die under Russian bombs. Some god.
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    Sunil (and others) who are into trains, or maybe just historic funeral trains, should check out YouTube footage & etc. re: funeral train that took Bobby Kennedy from New York to Washington, DC following his assassination in 1968.

    Remember watching that train trip live on TV, after watching RFK's funeral in St Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, which I will never forget.

    The late Queen was shortchanged (in a sense) by not being transported in the manner royal, certainly her subjects and fellow humans were:

    Royals on Rails: The Inside Story of Britain's Royal Train (National Railway Museum)
  • Options
    HYUFD said:

    Early polling certainly shows Truss' help with energy costs has slightly boosted the Tory voteshare, though Labour remain clearly ahead.

    Most of the world leaders at the funeral next week will be heads of state though unlike Truss, the only other PMs there will be PMs of the other Commonwealth realms

    Ireland's Taoiseach (ie Prime Minister) Micheál Martin and President Michael D Higgins will come.
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    Brexit Britain latest:

    Kwasi Kwarteng, chancellor, is seeking to scrap Britain’s cap on bankers’ bonuses - introduced after the 2008 financial crash - in a controversial move to boost the City of London’s global competitiveness.

    Feels a bit like an unfriendly leak. I don't know whether this cap has dissuaded any wealth creating bankers from doing their wealth creating magic here. I'm open to the idea, but it's an odd one to float out there at the forefront.
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    CyclefreeCyclefree Posts: 25,269

    Brexit Britain latest:

    Kwasi Kwarteng, chancellor, is seeking to scrap Britain’s cap on bankers’ bonuses - introduced after the 2008 financial crash - in a controversial move to boost the City of London’s global competitiveness.

    Oh goody.

    We can add the Financial Crisis Horseman to join his mates - Plague, War and a Gas Famine.

    And just when the Chancellor has sacked the only senior Treasury civil servant who advised the government during the last financial crisis.
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    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,811

    Sunil (and others) who are into trains, or maybe just historic funeral trains, should check out YouTube footage & etc. re: funeral train that took Bobby Kennedy from New York to Washington, DC following his assassination in 1968.

    Remember watching that train trip live on TV, after watching RFK's funeral in St Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, which I will never forget.

    The late Queen was shortchanged (in a sense) by not being transported in the manner royal, certainly her subjects and fellow humans were:

    Royals on Rails: The Inside Story of Britain's Royal Train (National Railway Museum)

    I was astonished when our Amtrak host pointed out over the public address system Dealey plaza as we left Dallas on the train - you can see the Book depository & the grassy knoll, all from your train window.
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    nico679nico679 Posts: 5,675
    Surely Kwarteng wouldn’t be that stupid . In the middle of a cost of living crisis and people struggling he’d think removing the cap is a good look ! The general public don’t give a fig about the City of London’s global competitiveness .
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    Cyclefree said:

    Brexit Britain latest:

    Kwasi Kwarteng, chancellor, is seeking to scrap Britain’s cap on bankers’ bonuses - introduced after the 2008 financial crash - in a controversial move to boost the City of London’s global competitiveness.

    Oh goody.

    We can add the Financial Crisis Horseman to join his mates - Plague, War and a Gas Famine.

    And just when the Chancellor has sacked the only senior Treasury civil servant who advised the government during the last financial crisis.
    Oh come on @Cyclefree

    You know the bonus cap was a politically motivated bit of spite.

    You need proper regulation, attentive management and appropriate risk controls. If you have that what you pay good performers is irrelevant

  • Options
    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Only one fly in the ointment. God doesn't actually exist.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,739
    edited September 2022

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Only one fly in the ointment. God doesn't actually exist.
    Personally I think he ( she ? it ? ) does, but the creating force doesn't make royal appointments. Look to Einstein's view of God.
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    CyclefreeCyclefree Posts: 25,269
    nico679 said:

    Surely Kwarteng wouldn’t be that stupid . In the middle of a cost of living crisis and people struggling he’d think removing the cap is a good look ! The general public don’t give a fig about the City of London’s global competitiveness .

    The plan to reduce bank reserves is much more stupid.
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    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    Wrt Sweden, doesn't it say something odd about the country that for many years the only party willing to talk about the manifest increase in gang violence was the far-right? Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.
  • Options
    nico679 said:

    Surely Kwarteng wouldn’t be that stupid . In the middle of a cost of living crisis and people struggling he’d think removing the cap is a good look ! The general public don’t give a fig about the City of London’s global competitiveness .

    "Who cares whether it's a good policy or beneficial to the country. What matters is pandering to the lowest common denominator opinion."

    Aren't you opposed to populism?
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    ChrisChris Posts: 11,647
    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
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    Apparently my IQ is 107 so I’m average. I knew it
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    IQ is a very shallow and inadequate measure of intelligence, Horse.
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    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451
    Andy_JS said:

    Wrt Sweden, doesn't it say something odd about the country that for many years the only party willing to talk about the manifest increase in gang violence was the far-right? Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

    To be fair, they didn't just ignore the problem. They also called anyone who suggested there was a problem a racist.
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    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,739
    edited September 2022
    Cyclefree said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Brexit Britain latest:

    Kwasi Kwarteng, chancellor, is seeking to scrap Britain’s cap on bankers’ bonuses - introduced after the 2008 financial crash - in a controversial move to boost the City of London’s global competitiveness.

    Oh goody.

    We can add the Financial Crisis Horseman to join his mates - Plague, War and a Gas Famine.

    And just when the Chancellor has sacked the only senior Treasury civil servant who advised the government during the last financial crisis.
    Oh come on @Cyclefree

    You know the bonus cap was a politically motivated bit of spite.

    You need proper regulation, attentive management and appropriate risk controls. If you have that what you pay good performers is irrelevant

    Oh come on. Don't be naive. This is not the only bit of deregulation being planned for the City - reducing bank reserves is also being planned.

    As for thinking that bonuses go to good performers - that is unbelievably naive. It incentivises the sorts of behaviours which lie at the heart of so many scandals. And good regulation and some risk controls are not enough to mitigate this. You don't create the wrong incentives in the first place.

    This is Truss and Kwarteng applying a deregulation ideology to the City in the hope of generating tax revenues without any proper understanding of what went wrong in the first place or why. And critically that it was much of the deregulation which created the conflicts of interest which lie at the heart of pretty much every financial scandal there has ever been.
    I couldn't agree more. We seem to be heading back to some sort of turbo charged Thatcherite nightmare, exaept that Thatcher herself was in fact at an earlier stage of this ideological obsession. It's like 1986 meets 2006, as if nothing had failed since then, or shown itself to have any complexity.
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    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651
    Andy_JS said:

    Wrt Sweden, doesn't it say something odd about the country that for many years the only party willing to talk about the manifest increase in gang violence was the far-right? Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

    Gang violence and official corruption (and in fact also neo-Nazism) appear a lot in a lot of popular fiction in Sweden. It's like a "return of the oppressed", given the official and widely asserted ideology in that country of nicy-nicy and "lagom".
  • Options
    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651
    kle4 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    I don't think that was about his wishes. His content has been relatively pro-monarchy in fact.

    I think the point is fewer and fewer people believe it is divinely ordained. You do. The Queen did. But not as many others now as there used to be. Does Charles even believe it?
    If he stays in position long enough for coins to be minted with his mug on, expect some well wacky symbols on them.
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    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651

    IQ is a very shallow and inadequate measure of intelligence, Horse.

    Oh it's accurate, I've always been of average intelligence. My personality though, is exceptional
    @Horse - the notion that a person "has" an "IQ" in the way that you have DNA or a height is utter tosh.
    The same applies to the idea that it's anything other than idiotic to think there even exists such a thing as "general" intelligence. If you want to do better on those 20th century verbal-numerical-visuospatial pattern tests, just practise a bit and your score will shoot up.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
  • Options
    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (All Hail His Noodley Appendage) would beg to differ.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358

    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (All Hail His Noodley Appendage) would beg to differ.
    Have you not heard of the Pastafarian Right of Kings?
  • Options
    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    God doesn't exist, HYUFD.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,739
    edited September 2022

    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    God doesn't exist, HYUFD.
    Maybe HYUFD is in fact, God ?
  • Options
    RobDRobD Posts: 59,458

    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (All Hail His Noodley Appendage) would beg to differ.
    Who do you think made the Flying Spaghetti Monster? ;)
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    RobD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (All Hail His Noodley Appendage) would beg to differ.
    Who do you think made the Flying Spaghetti Monster? ;)
    It's flying spaghetti monsters all the way down.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    Yaroslav Trofimov

    For the first time, a video emerges of a recruitment talk for Wagner by Prigozhin in a Russian prison camp. Absolutely bonkers. “Nobody goes back behind bars. If you serve six months, you are free. If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it’s not for you, we execute you.”
  • Options
    rcs1000 said:

    RobD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (All Hail His Noodley Appendage) would beg to differ.
    Who do you think made the Flying Spaghetti Monster? ;)
    It's flying spaghetti monsters all the way down.
    And Elephants. Don't forget the elephants
  • Options
    rcs1000 said:

    Yaroslav Trofimov

    For the first time, a video emerges of a recruitment talk for Wagner by Prigozhin in a Russian prison camp. Absolutely bonkers. “Nobody goes back behind bars. If you serve six months, you are free. If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it’s not for you, we execute you.”

    Typical for Soviet punishment battalions circa 1944.
  • Options
    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 16,770
    edited September 2022
    Please do NOT jest about Godhead. As yours truly still has lingering trauma from a bus ride years ago across half of Louisiana (or so it seemed) with a locally-famous religious nut who announced (fifteen minutes into the trip) that he was not just God's prophet, but God himself.

    Really freaked me out, man.

    This particular manifestation & personification of The Divine was known as Holy Hubert, and was famous for haranguing crowds of LSU students in the company of another evangelist, Sister Sadie. Who specialized in tirades against the sin and debauchery of the student body (guilty as charged) punctuated by the hoots and hollers of godless LSU frat boys, a group that could give lessons in entitled depravity to Bullingtonians. The frat boys especially liked pretending they were looking up Sister Sadie's Jesus-freak maxi-dress, which always got a rise out of her (if nobody else).
  • Options

    rcs1000 said:

    Yaroslav Trofimov

    For the first time, a video emerges of a recruitment talk for Wagner by Prigozhin in a Russian prison camp. Absolutely bonkers. “Nobody goes back behind bars. If you serve six months, you are free. If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it’s not for you, we execute you.”

    Typical for Soviet punishment battalions circa 1944.
    Correction - should have said, Red Army penal brigades.
  • Options
    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?

  • Options
    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,112
    edited September 2022
    The Rest is Politics podcast with Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell. Question Time.

    1: is Liz Truss joining in the Royal Tour the first mistake of King Charles's reign or of Liz Truss's premiership?

    ... and so on. (and various podcast platforms)
  • Options

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    edited September 2022

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    I'm thinking about possibly going in the Queue. Depends how large it gets. 5 miles would be a bit too long.
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    I'm thinking about possibly going in the Queue. Depends how large it gets. 5 miles would be a bit too long.
    You should be able to convert queue length to waiting time by looking at how fast people pass the coffin. However, it looks to me like they are letting fewer in right now than earlier, so they pass the coffin in single file with gaps between groups. A friend chose to leave flowers at the palace instead.
  • Options
    Threat of cross-Channel power crunch as Britain and France rely on importing each other's energy (£££)
  • Options
    pingping Posts: 3,805
    edited September 2022

    Analyst on R5L’s wake up to money - tracking a basket of essential goods says price difference between Morrissons and Aldi is now 40%. Explained by Morrisons having to service a gigantic debt.

    Shop at Aldi, people.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Alternatively, you will always believe in fairies, and the Tory party.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    rcs1000 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Chris said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Nobody's believed in the divine right of monarchs for centuries.

    Satirical sock puppets may pretend to.
    God believes in it as he gives it and that is all that matters on that
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster (All Hail His Noodley Appendage) would beg to differ.
    Have you not heard of the Pastafarian Right of Kings?
    That applies only to the Italian Kingdom of Ethiopia.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017

    Threat of cross-Channel power crunch as Britain and France rely on importing each other's energy (£££)

    That applies to much of the whole European grid.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    The fallacy of sunk cost in respect of wars is particularly horrible.

    I went to a Russian border city, where I spoke with soldiers who retreated from Ukraine and pro-Kremlin Ukrainians who fled. “It can’t be in vain that so many of our guys have died. It just can’t be that all of this was in vain.”

    It can, and is true of at least one side in every war.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    One for @Dura_Ace
    Note the scooter at the end. :smile:

    This is a cyclist using his knowledge of physics and aerodynamics to gain a competitive advantage

    Michael Guerra unclips from his pedals, lies down on the seat and stretches out his legs to achieve ultimate aerodynamic efficiency.
  • Options

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    I think they said something about a previous queue stopping for an hour to allow cleaning. It would make sense to do it overnight.

    I'd also expected the queue to get shorter overnight, but perhaps some people also cannot really get time off work, and think the queue at the weekend will be horrendous?
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    rcs1000 said:

    Yaroslav Trofimov

    For the first time, a video emerges of a recruitment talk for Wagner by Prigozhin in a Russian prison camp. Absolutely bonkers. “Nobody goes back behind bars. If you serve six months, you are free. If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it’s not for you, we execute you.”

    Retired US general.
    As I’ve said on @cnn, Russia is incapable of adapting their army. There is no desire to professionalize, train, or lead a modern Army. This “Dirty Dozen” approach to soldier recruitment is a precursor to more battlefield failure. This is formalized fratricide.
  • Options
    SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,066
    Nigelb said:

    One for @Dura_Ace
    Note the scooter at the end. :smile:

    This is a cyclist using his knowledge of physics and aerodynamics to gain a competitive advantage

    Michael Guerra unclips from his pedals, lies down on the seat and stretches out his legs to achieve ultimate aerodynamic efficiency.

    Might have to try that on my commute :smile:

    Hadn't clocked until the end that the pedals were still going round like crazy, good skills getting clipped back in.

    I was slightly disappointed the mobility scooter driver didn't also give the technique a go :disappointed:
  • Options
    Nigelb said:

    The fallacy of sunk cost in respect of wars is particularly horrible.

    I went to a Russian border city, where I spoke with soldiers who retreated from Ukraine and pro-Kremlin Ukrainians who fled. “It can’t be in vain that so many of our guys have died. It just can’t be that all of this was in vain.”

    It can, and is true of at least one side in every war.

    It won’t be altogether in vain if that bewilderment and anger comes to be directed at Putin.
  • Options
    Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,466
    Nigelb said:

    One for @Dura_Ace
    Note the scooter at the end. :smile:

    This is a cyclist using his knowledge of physics and aerodynamics to gain a competitive advantage

    Michael Guerra unclips from his pedals, lies down on the seat and stretches out his legs to achieve ultimate aerodynamic efficiency.

    It can't be a competitive advantage because he's not a in a race - no dossard and he's on a fixie.

    I'm pretty sure it would get you chucked out of any UCI sanctioned event. cf "puppy paws" and "super tuck" are now banned in competition.
  • Options
    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    I think they said something about a previous queue stopping for an hour to allow cleaning. It would make sense to do it overnight.

    I'd also expected the queue to get shorter overnight, but perhaps some people also cannot really get time off work, and think the queue at the weekend will be horrendous?
    The bit I watched they paused the filing past whilst the guard was changed. Took about 2 or 3 minutes. Not sure how often they change them. And even using both sides it seems slower than need be without looking rushed.
  • Options
    ping said:


    Analyst on R5L’s wake up to money - tracking a basket of essential goods says price difference between Morrissons and Aldi is now 40%. Explained by Morrisons having to service a gigantic debt.

    Shop at Aldi, people.

    Good morning

    I heard that report as well and it is astonishing that Morrisons apparently have a 7 billion debt

    Shop anywhere but Morrisons would be the message

    5live also discussed Kwarteng's proposal to abolish city bonuses and it really does make you wonder if the conservative party have lost all it's instincts to govern

    It may be the right thing from a business sense, but the optics are shocking and hands yet another gift to labour

  • Options

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    I think they said something about a previous queue stopping for an hour to allow cleaning. It would make sense to do it overnight.

    I'd also expected the queue to get shorter overnight, but perhaps some people also cannot really get time off work, and think the queue at the weekend will be horrendous?
    The bit I watched they paused the filing past whilst the guard was changed. Took about 2 or 3 minutes. Not sure how often they change them. And even using both sides it seems slower than need be without looking rushed.
    I think they said on the TV yesterday that the guard is changed every twenty minutes.
  • Options

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,743

    ping said:


    Analyst on R5L’s wake up to money - tracking a basket of essential goods says price difference between Morrissons and Aldi is now 40%. Explained by Morrisons having to service a gigantic debt.

    Shop at Aldi, people.

    Good morning

    I heard that report as well and it is astonishing that Morrisons apparently have a 7 billion debt

    Shop anywhere but Morrisons would be the message

    5live also discussed Kwarteng's proposal to abolish city bonuses and it really does make you wonder if the conservative party have lost all it's instincts to govern

    It may be the right thing from a business sense, but the optics are shocking and hands yet another gift to labour

    I often pop into Morrisons as it is next to the hospital. It may well vary with what you put in your basket, but I have always found their prices competitive, particularly fruit and veg.
  • Options
    Well, there’s a surprise:

    Research on effects of school SARS-CoV-2 mitigation is complex and requires systematic analysis of available evidence, study design and quality, and causes for discrepancies.[1,2] Systematic reviews, including a Cochrane review, give balanced overviews.[3–5] From our European perspective, Gurdasani et al[6] has significant methodological limitations relevant to policy-making.

    First, the premise of a “global scientific consensus” is incorrect……

    …..In conclusion, COVID-19 school mitigation in UK and elsewhere is much more complex than suggested by [6], and the methods applied invalidate the criticism of the UK vs. relevant comparable countries.
  • Options

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    6 hours…
  • Options
    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    edited September 2022

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    I think they said something about a previous queue stopping for an hour to allow cleaning. It would make sense to do it overnight.

    I'd also expected the queue to get shorter overnight, but perhaps some people also cannot really get time off work, and think the queue at the weekend will be horrendous?
    The bit I watched they paused the filing past whilst the guard was changed. Took about 2 or 3 minutes. Not sure how often they change them. And even using both sides it seems slower than need be without looking rushed.
    I think they said on the TV yesterday that the guard is changed every twenty minutes.
    Yes they change every twenty minutes.
  • Options
    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    I very much hope @Casino_Royale went. It seemed like something he needed to do.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    edited September 2022

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    Six hours, I heard yesterday.
    And, as I then predicted to my mother, one apparently collapsed.

    (Edit) Here you are.
    While the soldiers rotate every 20 minutes, the hours of remaining completely still while standing are six-hours in length.

  • Options
    bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 9,203
    nico679 said:

    Surely Kwarteng wouldn’t be that stupid . In the middle of a cost of living crisis and people struggling he’d think removing the cap is a good look ! The general public don’t give a fig about the City of London’s global competitiveness .

    We’ve got a hardline libertarian government. They are that stupid.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    Dura_Ace said:

    Nigelb said:

    One for @Dura_Ace
    Note the scooter at the end. :smile:

    This is a cyclist using his knowledge of physics and aerodynamics to gain a competitive advantage

    Michael Guerra unclips from his pedals, lies down on the seat and stretches out his legs to achieve ultimate aerodynamic efficiency.

    It can't be a competitive advantage because he's not a in a race - no dossard and he's on a fixie.

    I'm pretty sure it would get you chucked out of any UCI sanctioned event. cf "puppy paws" and "super tuck" are now banned in competition.
    Luddites. 😊
  • Options

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    6 hours…
    Edit - I must have misunderstood a remark on TV yesterday - Nick Robinson on R4 just confirming the 20minutes comments above.
  • Options
    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    Nigelb said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    Six hours, I heard yesterday.
    And, as I then predicted to my mother, one apparently collapsed.

    (Edit) Here you are.
    While the soldiers rotate every 20 minutes, the hours of remaining completely still while standing are six-hours in length.

    Wrong. The watches are six hours and the officers are rotated every 20 minutes.
  • Options
    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    Nigelb said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    Six hours, I heard yesterday.
    And, as I then predicted to my mother, one apparently collapsed.

    (Edit) Here you are.
    While the soldiers rotate every 20 minutes, the hours of remaining completely still while standing are six-hours in length.

    It was a Gentleman at Arms (Archer) who collapsed. Those boys can be quite old.
  • Options
    EabhalEabhal Posts: 7,177
    TOPPING said:

    Nigelb said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    Six hours, I heard yesterday.
    And, as I then predicted to my mother, one apparently collapsed.

    (Edit) Here you are.
    While the soldiers rotate every 20 minutes, the hours of remaining completely still while standing are six-hours in length.

    It was a Gentleman at Arms (Archer) who collapsed. Those boys can be quite old.
    Offt. Looks very painful. Hope he is ok.
  • Options
    Quick recap of the big UK fireball last night:
    – videos show it lasted at least ~20s.
    – several eyewitnesses reported (via AMS system) booms/rumbles in the minute or so after.
    – not clear yet whether it was natural or debris (@UKMeteorNetwork experts working on that now).

  • Options
    EabhalEabhal Posts: 7,177

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    @TOPPING will know more than me but you can rock on your feet, scrunch your toes. You can see some of the Guards officers doing this.
  • Options
    TOPPING said:

    Nigelb said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    Six hours, I heard yesterday.
    And, as I then predicted to my mother, one apparently collapsed.

    (Edit) Here you are.
    While the soldiers rotate every 20 minutes, the hours of remaining completely still while standing are six-hours in length.

    Wrong. The watches are six hours and the officers are rotated every 20 minutes.
    Right, surely? Both “6 hours” (the watch) and “20 minutes” (the vigil at the coffin) are correct - they just refer to different things. No one is standing stock still by the coffin for 6 hours.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    kle4 said:

    Carnyx said:

    That live stream is something else. Weirdly powerful. Moving.

    If I was editor of a Sunday newspaper I would be commissioning articles on what that queue and the live stream tells us about modern Britain and the deep ancestral roots that still stir.

    I think it shows sod all personally
    Really? Perhaps 1/2 million will queue this weekend. And that shows 'sod all'?
    Less than 1 per cent of the population? Doesn't show anything much either way.
    I really don't think so. Getting 1/100 of an entire population to do anything in coordinated fashion is pretty darn unusual.

    If 100,000 people go on a protest march on one hand that's virtually nothing, right? Less than a percent, why would any of us even report on such a non event? On the other hand that's an awful lot of people to do something together at the same time. It's actually really noteworthy.

    Even more than that queueing for hours, for whatever reason, is even more noteworthy. The idea it shows nothing because its less than 1% of the population is just silly.
    But you're missing the point - you are drawing on such a large population in either case that you'd get the same results, from your very own logic, if 10%, or 50%, or 90% were royalist, curious, etc. In all cases the market, so to speak, is so restricted that the actual numbers are meaningless on a UK scale.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    Nigelb said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Ben Judah in UnHerd

    "Queen Elizabeth’s death marks the latest step away from divinely ordained monarchy, towards something else. No longer sacred, the European monarch would rather be a pilot, or a country gentleman interested in urban planning. Another step along the path we have travelled since the laying of hands on His Majesty to cure disease was suspended after Queen Anne. It is no longer possible to suspend disbelief. The magic — or rather the mindset — was gone. There have been tears for the Queen this week, but can we imagine the same for Prince William decades from now?"

    The monarch will always be divinely ordained, whatever liberal intellectuals may wish
    Alternatively, you will always believe in fairies, and the Tory party.
    There's also the slight problem that, *on the monarchy's own evidence*, it supports two different religions, or at least two very different varieties of non-RC Christianity, one north and the other south of the border. The English variety of Catholic episcopalianism, subordinating Church to State, is completely incompatible with Calvinist Presbyterianism. As indeed the history of the High Kirk of St Giles reminds us.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,017
    TOPPING said:

    Nigelb said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    Six hours, I heard yesterday.
    And, as I then predicted to my mother, one apparently collapsed.

    (Edit) Here you are.
    While the soldiers rotate every 20 minutes, the hours of remaining completely still while standing are six-hours in length.

    Wrong. The watches are six hours and the officers are rotated every 20 minutes.
    Take it up with the Indy.

  • Options
    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    Eabhal said:

    The Queue is 2.9 miles long, up half a mile from earlier in the evening. I'd have thought it would get shorter overnight but apparently not; perhaps too many had the same idea.

    The BBC's livestream showed only a handful passing the coffin, and a few seconds ago switched to an outside view. Have they stopped letting people in?


    OK, people are moving past the coffin again.
    How do those guards standing there stock still do it? How long is each shift?
    @TOPPING will know more than me but you can rock on your feet, scrunch your toes. You can see some of the Guards officers doing this.
    Yep all of those things. But 20 minutes is not very long at all relatively.
This discussion has been closed.