'Is a depressing look into the lefty mantra of despair, failure and lack of will to make things better'.
There are two examples in that 20 of the utterly absurd hyperbole the left use to criticise the coalition's policies on benefits.
We have an academic talking about a return to the poor laws. Going back to pre the first state benefits in 1912. I mean FFS what a completely ridiculous position to hold.
FPT: Mr. Hugh, there are tons of free books available, typically of older works, through things like Project Gutenberg (or the Sacred Texts website).
Of course, you can also spend very small sums to enjoy my books (such as Sir Edric's Temple) too.
Edited extra bit: FPT: Mr. Llama, funnily enough, it is, but both Bane of Souls and Journey to Altmortis have been removed from Kobo. That was part of the zealous purge that happened after a few self-published books contained seriously dodgy material. I should get in touch with them about it, actually...
Anyway, those two books can be bought through Smashwords, and the ePub format will work fine on a Kobo eReader.
Cheers to you and Mr. Eagles for the kind words. [On comedy, I'm planning to write 2-3 Sir Edric stories, release them separately for a similar price then bundle them into a trilogy or suchlike. That'll make more sense, I think, for the physical version. I'm also contemplating naming an incompetent general Julius].
By Gove, what is The Sun and Sir Michael Wilshaw up to?
The chief inspector of schools has launched a bitter attack on whingeing teachers. Sir Michael Wilshaw said the profession had too many “serial complainers”
And here I was thinking that teachers were just serial Labour voters.
By Gove, what is The Sun and Sir Michael Wilshaw up to?
The chief inspector of schools has launched a bitter attack on whingeing teachers. Sir Michael Wilshaw said the profession had too many “serial complainers”
And here I was thinking that teachers were just serial Labour voters.
The most amazing thing about #20 is that the Iranians still have some F14s airworthy. They've had thirty years without US support and have managed to keep some in the air, although their combat capability should be in some doubt.
The oldest of the planes is approaching 40 years old.
The UFOs probably looked at the F14s and said: "WTF is that! Quick, get back to base on Alpha Centauri and tell them we've seen a strange flying object, held together with spit and wax".
Ladbrokes have a couple of extra Irish political markets up (year of next GE and next government). I still think the 5/2 on Lab being part of the next governing coalition and the 5/6 on Labour getting over 11.5 seats are the best value odds they have on offer.
By Gove, what is The Sun and Sir Michael Wilshaw up to?
The chief inspector of schools has launched a bitter attack on whingeing teachers. Sir Michael Wilshaw said the profession had too many “serial complainers”
And here I was thinking that teachers were just serial Labour voters.
I never thought I would say this but I do think this site needs more lefties. Perhaps this Tim character of which you all speak so fondly might grace is with his presence.
Would you be willing to consider postal vote fraud?
Not getting worried then, Neil
I'll send my Northern Ireland contacts down there to sort things out
I could lay off my entire Brighton Pavilion exposure at a profit thanks to Mark Senior's generosity in odds but it's more fun (and incentive) to keep them open.
Would you be willing to consider postal vote fraud?
Not getting worried then, Neil
I'll send my Northern Ireland contacts down there to sort things out
I could lay off my entire Brighton Pavilion exposure at a profit thanks to Mark Senior's generosity in odds but it's more fun (and incentive) to keep them open.
I await the endless posts and tweets from our hysterical colleagues re: Labour's surge in YouGov.
I'm sure Dan Hodges will have plenty to say. In truth, the polls have barely moved for months.
Two rules among the vast majority of posters on here regarding polls:
Rule 1: If it is a good poll for the Tory Party - It feels right, swingback, sub-sectioned to death, polling crossover, all bow to the Messiah Hodges, Tory Majority nailed on, Broken Sleazy Labour on the slide, compare it to whatever month brings the biggest rise in Tory percentage/largest fall in Labour percentage, mention gold standard, Ed is crap
Rule 2: If it is not good for the Tory Party....err.....look squirrel.
I never thought I would say this but I do think this site needs more lefties. Perhaps this Tim character of which you all speak so fondly might grace is with his presence.
It's been a Rightwing site as long as I've been reading. The centre of PB is way WAY to the Right of the UK political Centre ground, always has been, just accept it for what it is.
I mean the comments of course, not the leaders which are almost always analytical and unbiased (when Mike Smithson writes them).
Fair enough. Why is this? I don't find UKPR to be particularly skewed either way.
@MarkKleinmanSky: EXCLUSIVE: Bernie Ecclestone expected to face trial over payments made during sale of F1, German prosecutor to announce as soon as Thursday.
I never thought I would say this but I do think this site needs more lefties. Perhaps this Tim character of which you all speak so fondly might grace is with his presence.
It's been a Rightwing site as long as I've been reading. The centre of PB is way WAY to the Right of the UK political Centre ground, always has been, just accept it for what it is.
I mean the comments of course, not the leaders which are almost always analytical and unbiased (when Mike Smithson writes them).
Fair enough. Why is this? I don't find UKPR to be particularly skewed either way.
No idea. It's the same on sites like the Guardian. Rightwingers are drawn there like moths to a flame. Some give the impression that a new column from someone like Polly Toynbee is the highlight of their week, the way they pile in to the comments.
Perhaps lefties just have lives to get on with.
In the same way Conhome seems to attract hordes of UKIP posters. Then again, most days on here these days is like Conhome with the odd betting tip thrown in.
Not complaining by the way. It makes fascinating observing.
I never thought I would say this but I do think this site needs more lefties. Perhaps this Tim character of which you all speak so fondly might grace is with his presence.
It's been a Rightwing site as long as I've been reading. The centre of PB is way WAY to the Right of the UK political Centre ground, always has been, just accept it for what it is.
I mean the comments of course, not the leaders which are almost always analytical and unbiased (when Mike Smithson writes them).
And yet I see the place as swamped with lefty nutters - with very few voices of sanity and reason. Neither of us are neutral benchmark observers.
Osama Bin Laden is a zombie, and leads the Axis of Evil UnDead
Ah, but Julia Dietze is out of her uniform and down to her stockings and sussies within the first 10 mins of Iron Sky. Being sucked out of an airlock, you understand, as an entirely plausible part of the storyline.
In the interests of scientific research I shall watch it again before comparing it with Osombie.
Oops quickly following the Tories immigration claims falling to pieces (because the stats collection is a joke) their claims on crime figures begins to fall to pieces (because the stats collection is a joke).
I await the endless posts and tweets from our hysterical colleagues re: Labour's surge in YouGov.
I'm sure Dan Hodges will have plenty to say. In truth, the polls have barely moved for months.
Hasn't Dan Hodges already declared that his Party has won the election, thanks to his leader David Cameron's EU referendum "pledge"?
I fear he can hardly stake a claim to being Nostradamus - he also said David won the Labour leadership election, and said Murray would lose the Wimbledon final.
Oops quickly following the Tories immigration claims falling to pieces (because the stats collection is a joke) their claims on crime figures begins to fall to pieces (because the stats collection is a joke).
Oops quickly following the Tories immigration claims falling to pieces (because the stats collection is a joke) their claims on crime figures begins to fall to pieces (because the stats collection is a joke).
One of the linked articles is of major importance, and quite extraordinary.
I refer of course to number 14.
Conventional wisdom - at least amongst the ignorati, but also amongst some serious observers such as William Littlewood - is that all that QE risks a massive inflationary effect which, although it hasn't quite showed up yet, may be about to do so unless we are very careful. So it is pretty extraordinary to see the IMF warning of deflation.
Are we about to see a reversal of the tapering policy in the US? Or is the US Cinderella and the Eurozone still the ugly sister?
I must admit, Nick Robinson's musical faux pas on the Daily Politics did cause me to chuckle. Almost as funny as Ed Balls' jib-pulling as he desperately tried to stay still and avoid a Strangelovian auto-reflex hand gesture at PMQ's.
I must admit, Nick Robinson's musical faux pas on the Daily Politics did cause me to chuckle. Almost as funny as Ed Balls' jib-pulling as he desperately tried to stay still and avoid a Strangelovian auto-reflex hand gesture at PMQ's.
It was great, and gave me a great excuse to put in some subtle music references into nighthawks
With The Sun front paging the fact the Tory Party is now third in their Euro poll, is it a change of tact by News International? David Cameron is "plunged into a crisis" apparently.
Apart from betting (and who commenting on PB cares about that, eh?) the Euros are important only in their impact on real politics.
They will cause all sorts of Tory belly rumbles. Heck, Dave might have to send some more GoHome vans out, or even have to flounce out of another meeting somewhere in Europe!
I agree that such an outcome would make Conservatives panic. But that is nothing special - indeed it is the default position for many of them.
Apart from betting (and who commenting on PB cares about that, eh?) the Euros are important only in their impact on real politics.
They will cause all sorts of Tory belly rumbles. Heck, Dave might have to send some more GoHome vans out, or even have to flounce out of another meeting somewhere in Europe!
I agree that such an outcome would make Conservatives panic. But that is nothing special - indeed it is the default position for many of them.
Well it should do. They've won the last three Euro elections since 1999.
Apart from betting (and who commenting on PB cares about that, eh?) the Euros are important only in their impact on real politics.
They will cause all sorts of Tory belly rumbles. Heck, Dave might have to send some more GoHome vans out, or even have to flounce out of another meeting somewhere in Europe!
I frequently offer bets on here, but the likes of @ScottP seem to lack the cojones to put their money where their mouth is...
my first first! I can now retire to the pavillion.
Nazi space aliens explains a lot.
Where is Tapestry when you need him!
There are two examples in that 20 of the utterly absurd hyperbole the left use to criticise the coalition's policies on benefits.
We have an academic talking about a return to the poor laws. Going back to pre the first state benefits in 1912. I mean FFS what a completely ridiculous position to hold.
Mr. Eagles, you're My Fairy King.
FPT: Mr. Hugh, there are tons of free books available, typically of older works, through things like Project Gutenberg (or the Sacred Texts website).
Of course, you can also spend very small sums to enjoy my books (such as Sir Edric's Temple) too.
Edited extra bit: FPT: Mr. Llama, funnily enough, it is, but both Bane of Souls and Journey to Altmortis have been removed from Kobo. That was part of the zealous purge that happened after a few self-published books contained seriously dodgy material. I should get in touch with them about it, actually...
Anyway, those two books can be bought through Smashwords, and the ePub format will work fine on a Kobo eReader.
Cheers to you and Mr. Eagles for the kind words. [On comedy, I'm planning to write 2-3 Sir Edric stories, release them separately for a similar price then bundle them into a trilogy or suchlike. That'll make more sense, I think, for the physical version. I'm also contemplating naming an incompetent general Julius].
so, sorry cannot help.
The chief inspector of schools has launched a bitter attack on whingeing teachers.
Sir Michael Wilshaw said the profession had too many “serial complainers”
And here I was thinking that teachers were just serial Labour voters.
http://bit.ly/1cqlpFr [££]
I'd probably get beaten up for my Crystal Swing cd collection.
The oldest of the planes is approaching 40 years old.
The UFOs probably looked at the F14s and said: "WTF is that! Quick, get back to base on Alpha Centauri and tell them we've seen a strange flying object, held together with spit and wax".
That really is a right ticking off at Assembly.
20 minutes for Aguero to get 2 or 3 for you!
I could lay off my entire Brighton Pavilion exposure at a profit thanks to Mark Senior's generosity in odds but it's more fun (and incentive) to keep them open.
Rival far right groups to fading BNP now issuing warnings to BNP candidates & officers they could be liable for Griffin/party debts
Hopefully there can be a prompt u-turn on that.
YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Labour lead back up to six points: CON 33%, LAB 39%, LD 10%, UKIP 12%
Doesnt this make you want to vote for her despite our bet?
@Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, will join striking teachers on a picket line in Brighton on 17 October.
I'm sure Dan Hodges will have plenty to say. In truth, the polls have barely moved for months.
5 Man City goals at 13/2
Have you multiplied
*Innocent Face*
Time to do some research on the odds.
Priceless Matt pic.twitter.com/w0huz8WcRy
I may take some time off when Bosnia joins if last time was anything to judge from!
Rule 1: If it is a good poll for the Tory Party - It feels right, swingback, sub-sectioned to death, polling crossover, all bow to the Messiah Hodges, Tory Majority nailed on, Broken Sleazy Labour on the slide, compare it to whatever month brings the biggest rise in Tory percentage/largest fall in Labour percentage, mention gold standard, Ed is crap
Rule 2: If it is not good for the Tory Party....err.....look squirrel.
Not complaining by the way. It makes fascinating observing.
There seems to be no shortage of them talking to each other about how right wing everything is...
This is, of course, true. I saw a documentary about it called Iron Sky:
It is a truly unforgettable film. On so many levels.
Osama Bin Laden is a zombie, and leads the Axis of Evil UnDead
Neither of us are neutral benchmark observers.
Stig Abell @StigAbell 2m
Our poll tonight has Tories coming third in Euro elections. Would be the first time party has finished outside top two in national election.
In the interests of scientific research I shall watch it again before comparing it with Osombie.
Don't you just love the Home Office (and Tories were claiming that the "Court Jester" had tamed them ~ some hope)
Ping them and their response is always the same.
One of the linked articles is of major importance, and quite extraordinary.
I refer of course to number 14.
Conventional wisdom - at least amongst the ignorati, but also amongst some serious observers such as William Littlewood - is that all that QE risks a massive inflationary effect which, although it hasn't quite showed up yet, may be about to do so unless we are very careful. So it is pretty extraordinary to see the IMF warning of deflation.
Are we about to see a reversal of the tapering policy in the US? Or is the US Cinderella and the Eurozone still the ugly sister?
That poll was Jan 2013 and had
Lab 38
Con 27
LD 12
Yeah, it's a no brainer.
TSE advised it a while ago, with hindsight might not have been the best at 2.75- anyway Paddy has upped the odds on said bet:
Single: Labour to poll fewer votes and win more seats than Conservatives @ 8/1 (9.0)
Fill your boots.
And to admit they don't have said cojones
Political mouthiness, betting cowardice dot com?