The Pope is in a critical condition: Mars turns direct tomorrow (Sunday) at 07:29 GMT. … (View Post)
Didn't you forget the parts of Germany, Poland, and Finland that are under the iron heel of Russian occupation, funnily enough also since 1945? (View Post)
Could there be a PB Prediction Competition where everyone picks an outcome to which they think they'd assign a much higher probability than everyone else would? E.g. if somebody feels the RoC and PRC… (View Post)
What are you referring to? Anybody can call themselves a doctor. Unfortunately it's not a protected term. There are many thousands of wallies who have never come anywhere near getting a doctorate [*]… (View Post)
I don't know if there is good reason to believe they are at greater than average risk of being raped in men's prisons. Let's assume there is. But there are probably other categories of blokes too who… (View Post)