Sure. But analogously, if you put a lot of time into hilariously inaccurate exposition about every day life in Tibet to people who have spent decades in Tibet when you yourself have never been east o… (View Post)
Here we go again You've had 14 years to rehearse this, and this is all you've got? And I thought the Paris Olympics committee were useless. You could go with Keir is great which he obviously isn't (a… (View Post)
What's the point of anything on a long enough timescale? What with deriding the opening ceremony and watching Pidcock mtbing I feel that my investment in the whole thing of £0.00 has been repaid alre… (View Post)
Yes. It was billed as the most significant act of violence since Hiroshima. I had entirely forgotten about it until I had to decipher sassytempt. (View Post)