In the States, places like California have this down to a tee re the hiring of non-English speaking speakers. Encouraging the use of Spanish in official and everyday signs is promoted as a sign of in… (View Post)
True, and from all accounts he does not seem a particularly likeable human being. There is also something distasteful about a much older man who had direct authority over his 'lover' having such an a… (View Post)
Happy to have the argument with you. A few things: - The Telegraph is not the omnipotent bearer of truth - it gets things wrong. - The issue with inflation is not inflation in general but core inflat… (View Post)
O/T, typical of The Guardian to do down a successful British export industry.... (View Post)
I would say many on the left not only think all you mention above are not only non-issues but also entirely acceptable, and indeed welcome, positions to hold. There are many on the left who would qui… (View Post)