Very good advice. I would add one to Biden's list, which I have mentioned before, namely the growing investigation in how much he and his family benefited from influence peddling. Given the momentum … (View Post)
The direct parallel with Trump is Michael Curley, the Mayor of Boston, who kept getting elected despite it being widely accepted he was a crook and that he served actual jail time more than one. The … (View Post)
A classic example of 'you reap what you sow'. @Alanbrooke is right - we were promised all these things in 2016 and which never happened. The correct response to Trump being elected in 2016 should hav… (View Post)
We are probably 12+ months from an election and, importantly, it will be in 2024 whereas most people are thinking what is coming next in 2023. I think trying to predict the election now from where we… (View Post)
The whole American system is designed to build in compromise - hence the filibuster, the separation of powers etc. The idea is that you put in the checks so you do bring about a solution that is acce… (View Post)