He’s not doing the stupid silent thing. And for an old leftie, he is pretty coherent: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5190322-berniesanders-elonmusk-threats/ Not much there I can fault. (View Post)
Bone fragments of oldest known human face in western Europe found in Spain Remains are of an adult member of an extinct species who lived up to 1.4m years ago, researchers say https://www.theguardian… (View Post)
Iowa HD 100 Special Election Results With 100% reporting: 🔴 Blaine Watkins (R): 51.5% (2,749) 🔵 Nannette Griffin (D): 48.2% (2,574) This is a 24 point overperformance for Democrats from 2024, when th… (View Post)