Iowa HD 100 Special Election Results With 100% reporting: 🔴 Blaine Watkins (R): 51.5% (2,749) 🔵 Nannette Griffin (D): 48.2% (2,574) This is a 24 point overperformance for Democrats from 2024, when th… (View Post)
Note that both Taiwan and S Korea developed domestic aircraft industries as a counterweight to US dependency. Taiwan in particular got rug pulled over the Lockheed F20 (Carter/Reagan). (View Post)
European customers should get together to threaten a boycott on any further purchases without software autonomy. For example, an Anglo-Italian MDF centre would be entirely feasible (an Italian team h… (View Post)
Applies also to those over the age of 8 Under-eights should not drink slushies containing glycerol, say doctors… (View Post)
There's a big element of truth in that, but while indispensable, Farage isn't his party, which attracts some of that vote. With less than a handful of MPs, there's no solid party core; post Farage, i… (View Post)