Having been away and reviewed the news articles I do think the MP has a point. The news article referred to is OK. There is a semblance of balance including extensive quotes from the minister, howeve… (View Post)
What disappoints me is that there seems to me to be an acceptable range of views. From the scientific man has xy chromosome and woman xx, natural as in seen in nature, to the sex / sexuality has a mu… (View Post)
My brother in Cheshire is group 6 and had it today. But where I live near Bristol they are on group 3 and 4. I wouldn't read too much into it. I would expect there is some scrutiny to have at least o… (View Post)
I saw Gove's letter a start of a negotiation. He clearly goes beyond reasonable, but the idea is ludicrous that Article 16 was accidentally invoked (Barnier saw it as a clear error), alongside the ot… (View Post)