I'm sorry to hear you've been threatened Nick. However would you rather have some "random" person intervene in a genuine attempt to save your life, as happened fruitlessly with Jo Cox, or w… (View Post)
And if this protester had attacked the Chancellor would you have so sanguine? She was within 10 feet of Hammond. We can all be very measured miles away from the event but in the split second I'd want… (View Post)
I think the Twateratti and allies may find Field enjoys more support than they think. If you disrupt an official function and attempt to confront a government minister, causing a breach of the peace,… (View Post)
Let us pray .... Dear Lord we your humble and miserable servants of PB do beseech you to consider the thread writers of this site and pray that you place a pair of wicked sinners - Boris Johnson and … (View Post)
No no and no again !! .... JackW is not for turning. No more Sir. Enough already. Get the bloody job done. No best of three. No diversion or evasion. Get a bloody grip and get the job done !! (View Post)