Do calm down chaps (or chapesses). In my experience, it really ISN'T standard operating practice for a normal loser (or even just number 2) to make a speech - though for a losing incumbent not to mak… (View Post)
No-one seems very interested about the debate within the LibDems on what's often misdescribed as "nimby areas". The social pressure for more housing is just as keen in the Cotswolds (where … (View Post)
A decade ago, there was a Tory councillor here (in Oxfordshire) who used to churn out that kind of crap. Mostly based on her bizarre antipathy to vegetarianism. She lost her seat the following year (… (View Post)
On the absence of tellers: The party I support had, for the first time in at least a quarter of a century, no tellers at our own polling station today. Because for all of that quarter-century till to… (View Post)