Wires crossed. I was trying to say "there are very few obligations on UK businesses under the Modern Slavery Act (MSA)": essentially, big companies just have to tell us what they're doing a… (View Post)
"No business can survive on 20-30% of previous turnover. " This claim is commercially illiterate. Of course lots of businesses can survive on 20% of turnover. More importantly, peak capacit… (View Post)
"The death toll continues to mount. " What a contemptibly cheap, fake-news, journalistic cliche. Even Trump couldn't distort the truth so despicably. From one point of view, ALL death tolls… (View Post)
Catholic over-70s ALL made their First Communion before lay people were allowed to drink communion wine: we simply took the host (the bread wafer, for the benefit of any pagans reading this). My expe… (View Post)
It's short-sighted to blame Swinson for the Revoke policy. The policy was put to the annual conference, and passed overwhelmingly with scarcely a hint of dissent. It's a classic example - common in a… (View Post)