An extraordinary proportion of the "LibDem/Tory new marginals" are really three-way (LD/Tory/Lab) marginals, with currently far more campaigning energy coming from Labour, and Tories appare… (View Post)
Why would anyone expect to see political posters from a train anyway? The view from trains is almost entirely the back of houses, green and virtually uninhabited countryside - or HS2 construction wor… (View Post)
My own memory of "marmelise" in 1950s Liverpool is that the word was practically always spoken in a cod-Irish accent, and with emphasis on the word's last syllabus. So: "Oi'll marmelOI… (View Post)
It's not just Didcot and Wantage. Throughout the Oxfordshire Dissident Triangle (Witney, Banbury, Woodstock/Bicester and West Oxford) there's only LD and Labour posters up. When we moved here 25 year… (View Post)
You had heating? I grew up with one coal fire and a couple of paraffin heaters. And permanent frost on the inside of the windows from November to March. And I wasn't poor, because in the late 1940s t… (View Post)