Cowardly selfishness is perfectly sustainable as a small independent nation. Ireland has a selfish neutrality foreign policy and a selfish tax abuse economic policy, and has done for years. (View Post)
The only way Russia can semi-win this is if the entire West buckles. Unfortunately for Putin the British refuse to do this, because they are seeking payback for Skripal and Litvinenko. It was truly s… (View Post)
Russia's economy is completely fucked and the only thing propping up the ruble is very high interest rates relative to other economies. Once the West ups interest rates to contain inflation, the Russ… (View Post)
The UK government has done nothing to undermine it. It is not the UK insisting on putting up a post-Brexit border. If you want to avoid disturbances to the peace process, maybe the US can start comme… (View Post)
This isn't 1960. The vast majority of employees in the country work in the office. Lorry drivers, mechanics, fishermen and agricultural workers are a tiny share of the modern workforce. The biggest c… (View Post)