Today's sentence already referred for being Unduly Lenient. Hard to see how, the judge was very clear in his remarks, he gave the maximum possible given his age and discount for a guilty plea. (View Post)
Yes, I was just talking about the potential for a by election in Helsby earlier today to a colleague, Reform are going to be all over the seat like a rash. (View Post)
But hanging really is too good for this creature. He doesn't deserve it to be over quickly. he deserves to rot in jail, with the occasional attempt by another lifer to off him. May he never know a da… (View Post)
The outbuildings of my previous house were wrecked by Storm Arwen in 2021. 103mph is no joke. Miraculously the roof stayed on, unlike some of the neighbours. Power and water were out for nearly a wee… (View Post)
They need to get the Sunderland lot over to get that boxed off. The Returning officer would have it verified in under an hour and be feet up having a brew. They're just slacking. (View Post)