Why is it that the US’s vaunted constitutional protections, separations of powers and independent institutions we have heard so much about over the years have just dissolved like wet tissue?
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
American police shoot Americans on the regular
Yes but those ones are scum, right? Mostly Mexican drug dealers, or worse Canadians shipping fentanyl.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Stuffed in the UK - no armed forces to speak of and fewer than 100,000,000 million people...
But yes - what actually happen if Trump tried to declare war on Canada?
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Stuffed in the UK - no armed forces to speak of and fewer than 100,000,000 million people...
But yes - what actually happen if Trump tried to declare war on Canada?
FWIW I don't think invading Canada is likely in the foreseeable future. However, what is becoming highly likely is a series of actions against less popular internal targets than Canadians - there are lots of these - which will fairly rapidly amount to an attempted coup. It is of course arguable that a coup, in particular targeting the rule of law, is already in process.
The more this is so, the greater is the chance of an attempted counter-coup, in which, if it occurred, I think the armed forces are bound to be a part along with civil leadership.
It seems to me that the first, Trump's attempted coup, is becoming likely, and the second unlikely but not impossible.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
Watching heads explode as Black Helicopters full of Federal Ninjas start going after Real Americans would be... interesting.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
Who the F flagged this, I just pointed out that Trump has a comic genius. Which he does. Yes Trump can be a bit abrasive, but he is also witty and wry, and a great dancer
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Americans don't really have a culture of street protests or civil disobedience, you'd need strong leadership from an organised protest movement as we saw in the Civil rights era and that would take time to set up. The armed forces have seen some high profile personnel changes at the top with the goal of ensuring fealty to Trump. I am quite pessimistic about chances of preventing a descent into an outright autocratic regime in the US - people have been way too naive about the robustness of the US system, underestimating its vulnerability to malign actors. Most likely Trump doesn't want to be a dictator, he's too needy for that. But if he changes his mind, or is replaced by someone who wants to go there, God help us.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
Who the F flagged this, I just pointed out that Trump has a comic genius. Which he does. Yes Trump can be a bit abrasive, but he is also witty and wry, and a great dancer
His "comic genius" is very similar to yours. An egotistical and insecure twat having people laughing at how weird and stupid they are isn't really complimentary.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
Great header by the way. Very much matches my views - there is no robust constitutional fix to electing really bad people.
Hence the reference to Rome.
The Roman republic died of attempted Legalism - instead of reforming to actually deliver to the bulk of the Roman people, the autocrats clung to The Law. So along came the Populares who got the Head Count behind them......
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You are forgetting the 50%+ of Americans that voted for Trump as President.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
Birds of a feather and all that.
Yes, I could imagine that Trump would admire McGregor.
Welcome back, Cyclefree and thanks for the header.
One other thing it might usefully have gone into in more detail is yesterday's invocation of the Alien Enemies Act (what remains of the Sedition Acts of 1798), in the deportation, without any court proceeding, of over 200 unnamed Venezuelans (alleged, without evidence being provided, of being gang members).
https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/21 Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being of the age of fourteen years and upward, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as alien enemies. The President is authorized in any such event, by his proclamation thereof, or other public act, to direct the conduct to be observed on the part of the United States, toward the aliens who become so liable; the manner and degree of the restraint to which they shall be subject and in what cases, and upon what security their residence shall be permitted, and to provide for the removal of those who, not being permitted to reside within the United States, refuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish any other regulations which are found necessary in the premises and for the public safety...
Invoking it in peacetime goes against two centuries of precedent, and goes against the obvious interpretation of the statute. The administration ignored a court order to halt the deportation - which was not to the individuals' country of origin, but to a El Salvadorean jail, where inmates regularly die in captivity.
Under the act, any foreign national, including those legally resident, could be treated in this manner, should the administration so decide.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
The White House is hosting Conor McGregor today, who the Irish High Court ruled four months ago assaulted and raped a woman.
Press Secretary Karoline Levitt says the Trump Administration "couldn't think of a better guest to have on St Patrick's Day."
He will be meeting Trump later.
Jeez. I spent hours getting the spelling of The Taayohsqueech𐰴𐰆𐰔שчёё-lywheeshohgisoch''ea-hschnooᚨᛟᛁ𐰴𐰆𐰔שפךчёёzvääghwwowowowowo (the proper name of the Irish premier) EXACTLY RIGHT and all you can do is get sniffy
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
A force of southern black soldiers could be sent in. If they refuse to fight, the good ole boys back home will deal with them.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Americans don't really have a culture of street protests or civil disobedience, you'd need strong leadership from an organised protest movement as we saw in the Civil rights era and that would take time to set up. The armed forces have seen some high profile personnel changes at the top with the goal of ensuring fealty to Trump. I am quite pessimistic about chances of preventing a descent into an outright autocratic regime in the US - people have been way too naive about the robustness of the US system, underestimating its vulnerability to malign actors. Most likely Trump doesn't want to be a dictator, he's too needy for that. But if he changes his mind, or is replaced by someone who wants to go there, God help us.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
The White House is hosting Conor McGregor today, who the Irish High Court ruled four months ago assaulted and raped a woman.
Press Secretary Karoline Levitt says the Trump Administration "couldn't think of a better guest to have on St Patrick's Day."
He will be meeting Trump later.
Jeez. I spent hours getting the spelling of The Taayohsqueech𐰴𐰆𐰔שчёё-lywheeshohgisoch''ea-hschnooᚨᛟᛁ𐰴𐰆𐰔שפךчёёzvääghwwowowowowo (the proper name of the Irish premier) EXACTLY RIGHT and all you can do is get sniffy
It's Teasock. Liz Truss told me, and she should know.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
Who the F flagged this, I just pointed out that Trump has a comic genius. Which he does. Yes Trump can be a bit abrasive, but he is also witty and wry, and a great dancer
According to the mastermind of the new regime, Peter Thiel Moreover, a direct path forward is prevented by America’s constitutional machinery. By “setting ambition against ambition” with an elaborate system of checks and balances, it prevents any single ambitious person from recon- structing the old Republic. America’s founders enjoyed a freedom of action far surpassing that of America’s subsequent politicians. Eventually, ambitious people would come to learn that there is little one can do in politics and that all merely political careers end in failure. The intellectual paralysis of self- knowledge has its counterpoint in the political paralysis embedded in our open system of government. Still, there are more possibilities for action than first appear, precisely because there are more domains than those enumerated by the conventional legal or juridical system. Roberto Calasso reminds us of the alternative thread, in The Ruin of Kasch."
More can be found in his "Straussian Moment", autocrat's manifesto.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Americans don't really have a culture of street protests or civil disobedience, you'd need strong leadership from an organised protest movement as we saw in the Civil rights era and that would take time to set up. The armed forces have seen some high profile personnel changes at the top with the goal of ensuring fealty to Trump. I am quite pessimistic about chances of preventing a descent into an outright autocratic regime in the US - people have been way too naive about the robustness of the US system, underestimating its vulnerability to malign actors. Most likely Trump doesn't want to be a dictator, he's too needy for that. But if he changes his mind, or is replaced by someone who wants to go there, God help us.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Americans don't really have a culture of street protests or civil disobedience, you'd need strong leadership from an organised protest movement as we saw in the Civil rights era and that would take time to set up. The armed forces have seen some high profile personnel changes at the top with the goal of ensuring fealty to Trump. I am quite pessimistic about chances of preventing a descent into an outright autocratic regime in the US - people have been way too naive about the robustness of the US system, underestimating its vulnerability to malign actors. Most likely Trump doesn't want to be a dictator, he's too needy for that. But if he changes his mind, or is replaced by someone who wants to go there, God help us.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
The White House is hosting Conor McGregor today, who the Irish High Court ruled four months ago assaulted and raped a woman.
Press Secretary Karoline Levitt says the Trump Administration "couldn't think of a better guest to have on St Patrick's Day."
He will be meeting Trump later.
Jeez. I spent hours getting the spelling of The Taayohsqueech𐰴𐰆𐰔שчёё-lywheeshohgisoch''ea-hschnooᚨᛟᛁ𐰴𐰆𐰔שפךчёёzvääghwwowowowowo (the proper name of the Irish premier) EXACTLY RIGHT and all you can do is get sniffy
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
How can the descendents of Irish immigrants to America complain about immigrants in Ireland? Seems a bit inconsistent.
That logic leads to a very dark place. People are free to have political opinions that contradict their parents' thoughts and actions.
That's not the point. It just suggests a monumental lack of self awareness not to see that complaining about immigration while residing in a country created by immigration, including one's own forebears, is ridiculous. Besides, anyone who identifies as "Irish American" has already identified themselves with their parents' actions, otherwise they'd just be "American".
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
A little like this ?
South Korean people have been protesting EVERY DAY since Yoon was released last week. The country expects the Constitutional Court's ruling on Yoon's impeacement case early next week. https://x.com/yejinjgim/status/1900931292385964459
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
How can the descendents of Irish immigrants to America complain about immigrants in Ireland? Seems a bit inconsistent.
That logic leads to a very dark place. People are free to have political opinions that contradict their parents' thoughts and actions.
That's not the point. It just suggests a monumental lack of self awareness not to see that complaining about immigration while residing in a country created by immigration, including one's own forebears, is ridiculous. Besides, anyone who identifies as "Irish American" has already identified themselves with their parents' actions, otherwise they'd just be "American".
American's are acutely sensitive about their 'National heritage', while simultaneously having fuck all clue about history or geography
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Go you.
50mn people is 0.6% of the global population, so even if Kinabalu were claiming to be somewhere in the top 99.4% of people, intelligence wise, which he isn't, would it be an especially controversial claim?
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
I didn't flag this and there's no point now as two other posters have already done so. Conor McGregor is a disgusting sack of s***, and Trump inviting McGregor for Paddy's day demonstrates a mind broken by age related neurological disease rather than for comedic effect.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
I didn't flag this and there's no point now as two other posters have already done so. Connor McGregor is a disgusting sack of s***, and Trump inviting McGregor for Paddy's day demonstrates a mind broken by age related neurological disease rather than for comedic effect.
But he's sharp at pre-fight press conferences, apparently.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
Who the F flagged this, I just pointed out that Trump has a comic genius. Which he does. Yes Trump can be a bit abrasive, but he is also witty and wry, and a great dancer
I'd say you should. Always straining. You'll get a hernia.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
nothing funny about the evil barsteward, you have a weird sense of humour
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
To be fair though, we're talking about press conferences with people who have a long history of sustaining head injuries. It's a low bar.
Not sure how sharp the conversation will have been in the Oval Office, but certainly some pricks.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
How can the descendents of Irish immigrants to America complain about immigrants in Ireland? Seems a bit inconsistent.
That logic leads to a very dark place. People are free to have political opinions that contradict their parents' thoughts and actions.
That's not the point. It just suggests a monumental lack of self awareness not to see that complaining about immigration while residing in a country created by immigration, including one's own forebears, is ridiculous. Besides, anyone who identifies as "Irish American" has already identified themselves with their parents' actions, otherwise they'd just be "American".
America wasn't created by immigration. The Pequot didn't send out a request for service workers to join their economy.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
I didn't flag this and there's no point now as two other posters have already done so. Connor McGregor is a disgusting sack of s***, and Trump inviting McGregor for Paddy's day demonstrates a mind broken by age related neurological disease rather than for comedic effect.
But he's sharp at pre-fight press conferences, apparently.
Shocking taste in suits, mind.
Well I suppose razor sharp repartee rights any adjudicated sexual assault wrongs. My bad.
On the point of Canada, they've had population growth of 17% over the last 10 years, 41.5m from 35.5m in just 10 years. We think it's bad here but the equivalent would be going from 64.6m to 75.6m, we're struggling with 68.8m this year, imagine an additional 7m immigrants who bring little to no incremental economic value to the nation. Canada is at the forefront of the liberal experiment on immigration of low skill, low value workers even more than we are. Carney may be able to farm anti-Trump sentiment for a while longer but eventually that runs out and Canada still has a huge migration issue.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
How can the descendents of Irish immigrants to America complain about immigrants in Ireland? Seems a bit inconsistent.
That logic leads to a very dark place. People are free to have political opinions that contradict their parents' thoughts and actions.
That's not the point. It just suggests a monumental lack of self awareness not to see that complaining about immigration while residing in a country created by immigration, including one's own forebears, is ridiculous. Besides, anyone who identifies as "Irish American" has already identified themselves with their parents' actions, otherwise they'd just be "American".
America wasn't created by immigration.
Yes, that was down to tectonic forces.
If you're trying to draw a distinction between colonisation and immigration, then you have a semantic point. But little more than that, since the United States were largely peopled by immigration.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
How can the descendents of Irish immigrants to America complain about immigrants in Ireland? Seems a bit inconsistent.
That logic leads to a very dark place. People are free to have political opinions that contradict their parents' thoughts and actions.
That's not the point. It just suggests a monumental lack of self awareness not to see that complaining about immigration while residing in a country created by immigration, including one's own forebears, is ridiculous. Besides, anyone who identifies as "Irish American" has already identified themselves with their parents' actions, otherwise they'd just be "American".
America wasn't created by immigration. The Pequot didn't send out a request for service workers to join their economy.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Go you.
50mn people is 0.6% of the global population, so even if Kinabalu were claiming to be somewhere in the top 99.4% of people, intelligence wise, which he isn't, would it be an especially controversial claim?
Not at all - it's good to understand where he places himself, in particular in the country under discussion, the US.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
To be fair though, we're talking about press conferences with people who have a long history of sustaining head injuries. It's a low bar.
Not sure how sharp the conversation will have been in the Oval Office, but certainly some pricks.
It (the UFC) is a multi-million dollar industry. Have you seen any of them.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
And he used the platform to attack the Irish government over immigration:
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
How can the descendents of Irish immigrants to America complain about immigrants in Ireland? Seems a bit inconsistent.
That logic leads to a very dark place. People are free to have political opinions that contradict their parents' thoughts and actions.
That's not the point. It just suggests a monumental lack of self awareness not to see that complaining about immigration while residing in a country created by immigration, including one's own forebears, is ridiculous. Besides, anyone who identifies as "Irish American" has already identified themselves with their parents' actions, otherwise they'd just be "American".
America wasn't created by immigration. The Pequot didn't send out a request for service workers to join their economy.
Donald Drumpf doesn't sound very American to me.
Peter Thiel is clearly descended from Abraham Lincoln, too,, like Roosevelt.
They, in turn, were descended from thousands of years of Native People.
All reasonably mature checks and balances/good chaps/constitutional/democratic/rule of law states have two further elements governing them, once it is a given that it is possible to elect a person or government which recognises none of these.
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
Americans don't really have a culture of street protests or civil disobedience, you'd need strong leadership from an organised protest movement as we saw in the Civil rights era and that would take time to set up. The armed forces have seen some high profile personnel changes at the top with the goal of ensuring fealty to Trump. I am quite pessimistic about chances of preventing a descent into an outright autocratic regime in the US - people have been way too naive about the robustness of the US system, underestimating its vulnerability to malign actors. Most likely Trump doesn't want to be a dictator, he's too needy for that. But if he changes his mind, or is replaced by someone who wants to go there, God help us.
IN Nazi Germany the civil power had goals and aspirations that largely matched those of the Wermacht, so getting the country to go to war was not that hard. I simply cannot situation where American troops invade Canada to try to subdue the population as the 51st state or Greenland, for that matter.
UPDATE: Chief Judge Boasberg schedules a hearing for 4p today on the government’s notice and the plaintiffs’ response, notes that the gov’t “shall be prepared to provide answers to the questions raised by Plaintiffs on page 6 of their Response.”
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Go you.
50mn people is 0.6% of the global population, so even if Kinabalu were claiming to be somewhere in the top 99.4% of people, intelligence wise, which he isn't, would it be an especially controversial claim?
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
I thought it was his prowess in fights that explained his success rather than him being a bit of a card beforehand.
On the point of Canada, they've had population growth of 17% over the last 10 years, 41.5m from 35.5m in just 10 years. We think it's bad here but the equivalent would be going from 64.6m to 75.6m, we're struggling with 68.8m this year, imagine an additional 7m immigrants who bring little to no incremental economic value to the nation. Canada is at the forefront of the liberal experiment on immigration of low skill, low value workers even more than we are. Carney may be able to farm anti-Trump sentiment for a while longer but eventually that runs out and Canada still has a huge migration issue.
Canada does, however, have a lot of space, something which is more of a premium in the UK (well England, at least).
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
I thought it was his prowess in fights that explained his success rather than him being a bit of a card beforehand.
Yet another topic you seem to be unacquainted with.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
Juvenal, Juvenile - I can see why DJT is confused.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
I didn't flag this and there's no point now as two other posters have already done so. Connor McGregor is a disgusting sack of s***, and Trump inviting McGregor for Paddy's day demonstrates a mind broken by age related neurological disease rather than for comedic effect.
But he's sharp at pre-fight press conferences, apparently.
Shocking taste in suits, mind.
Well I suppose razor sharp repartee rights any adjudicated sexual assault wrongs. My bad.
I'm not really up with it, as I lost interest some time ago in sports which directly promote CTE. But I note 'rapist' is trending on X.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Go you.
"Smarter than the Trump base"
Now there's a club that's slightly bigger than Mensa.
On the point of Canada, they've had population growth of 17% over the last 10 years, 41.5m from 35.5m in just 10 years. We think it's bad here but the equivalent would be going from 64.6m to 75.6m, we're struggling with 68.8m this year, imagine an additional 7m immigrants who bring little to no incremental economic value to the nation. Canada is at the forefront of the liberal experiment on immigration of low skill, low value workers even more than we are. Carney may be able to farm anti-Trump sentiment for a while longer but eventually that runs out and Canada still has a huge migration issue.
Canada does, however, have a lot of space, something which is more of a premium in the UK (well England, at least).
It does and it doesn't, the habitable part of the country isn't that large and their cities are very densely populated. Vancouver has a similar population density to London and as a Londoner I'm quite comfortable in saying that London is over populated and we need a halt on immigration into London asap, though with rent prices as they are I expect this is already happening.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
I thought it was his prowess in fights that explained his success rather than him being a bit of a card beforehand.
Yet another topic you seem to be unacquainted with.
Indeed. Like you and American politics. Horses for courses.
On the point of Canada, they've had population growth of 17% over the last 10 years, 41.5m from 35.5m in just 10 years. We think it's bad here but the equivalent would be going from 64.6m to 75.6m, we're struggling with 68.8m this year, imagine an additional 7m immigrants who bring little to no incremental economic value to the nation. Canada is at the forefront of the liberal experiment on immigration of low skill, low value workers even more than we are. Carney may be able to farm anti-Trump sentiment for a while longer but eventually that runs out and Canada still has a huge migration issue.
It's interesting that there was an enormous spike in immigration just after COVID in Canada, in the same way there was in the UK. Their stats are dominated by people from India.
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
I thought it was his prowess in fights that explained his success rather than him being a bit of a card beforehand.
Yet another topic you seem to be unacquainted with.
Indeed. Like you and American politics. Horses for courses.
History is full of nasty thugs who were sharp.
Stalin really enjoyed violent bank robberies (think shoot everyone) chasing the ladies and was life and soul of the party. In fact, the young Stalin was the real life mad and funky bandit from the spaghetti westerns.
On the point of Canada, they've had population growth of 17% over the last 10 years, 41.5m from 35.5m in just 10 years. We think it's bad here but the equivalent would be going from 64.6m to 75.6m, we're struggling with 68.8m this year, imagine an additional 7m immigrants who bring little to no incremental economic value to the nation. Canada is at the forefront of the liberal experiment on immigration of low skill, low value workers even more than we are. Carney may be able to farm anti-Trump sentiment for a while longer but eventually that runs out and Canada still has a huge migration issue.
Canada does, however, have a lot of space, something which is more of a premium in the UK (well England, at least).
It does and it doesn't, the habitable part of the country isn't that large and their cities are very densely populated. Vancouver has a similar population density to London and as a Londoner I'm quite comfortable in saying that London is over populated and we need a halt on immigration into London asap, though with rent prices as they are I expect this is already happening.
Not sure that’s true
Coastal British Columbia has a climate very similar to the UK. Vast areas of it are undeveloped (which is great as it means wonderful untouched forests and beaches etc)
BC by itself is huge. Bigger than France. They could easily squeeze in another 10 million (not that they should - they just could)
On the point of Canada, they've had population growth of 17% over the last 10 years, 41.5m from 35.5m in just 10 years. We think it's bad here but the equivalent would be going from 64.6m to 75.6m, we're struggling with 68.8m this year, imagine an additional 7m immigrants who bring little to no incremental economic value to the nation. Canada is at the forefront of the liberal experiment on immigration of low skill, low value workers even more than we are. Carney may be able to farm anti-Trump sentiment for a while longer but eventually that runs out and Canada still has a huge migration issue.
Canada does, however, have a lot of space, something which is more of a premium in the UK (well England, at least).
It does and it doesn't, the habitable part of the country isn't that large and their cities are very densely populated. Vancouver has a similar population density to London and as a Londoner I'm quite comfortable in saying that London is over populated and we need a halt on immigration into London asap, though with rent prices as they are I expect this is already happening.
London isn't particularly densely populated. Only three boroughs gave higher density than the area I live in Edinburgh, and it's primarily 4 storey tenements with a park.
Almost half think Trump sympathizes with Russia in Ukraine war
https://thehill.com/homenews/5198477-trump-russia-ukraine-poll/ Nearly half of American voters think President Trump favors Russia over Ukraine, according to a new poll taken as his administration tries to broker a deal between the countries to end their war. Just 8 percent of respondents in the NBC News poll said they think Trump is on Ukraine’s side in the war, which started three years ago with Russia’s invasion of its neighbor, even as 61 percent said they personally back Ukraine in the conflict. Two percent of respondents said they are more sympathetic to Russia, and 35 percent said they favor neither side. About a third of respondents said they think Trump is neutral in the conflict — a position the president has stressed (sic)...
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
I thought it was his prowess in fights that explained his success rather than him being a bit of a card beforehand.
Yet another topic you seem to be unacquainted with.
Indeed. Like you and American politics. Horses for courses.
As I recall you were in the Rory Stewart camp of insightful political commentators on the US election.
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Go you.
He didn't say he's smarter than them. He's saying they've been brainwashed.
I don't know that I would use the word "brainwashed", but it seems undeniable that there is a MAGA core that have swallowed a lot of propaganda, who believe Trump really won in 2020, Putin's a nice guy, Jan 6 was a false flag operation, etc. How should we refer to this group of people who believe a set of "alternative facts"?
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
I didn't flag this and there's no point now as two other posters have already done so. Connor McGregor is a disgusting sack of s***, and Trump inviting McGregor for Paddy's day demonstrates a mind broken by age related neurological disease rather than for comedic effect.
But he's sharp at pre-fight press conferences, apparently.
Shocking taste in suits, mind.
Well I suppose razor sharp repartee rights any adjudicated sexual assault wrongs. My bad.
I'm not really up with it, as I lost interest some time ago in sports which directly promote CTE. But I note 'rapist' is trending on X.
I was a little shy in my description for the benefit of the lawyers ( just in case).
Perhaps - but perhaps who actually enforces the laws? My own opinion is that even if Trump declared war on Canada, US troops would not actually invade, but I'm not 100 % sure.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
If they disobeyed orders they could be shot...
Could be, but by other Americans shooting their own? Its a hideous thought.
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Opposition from who, by what means?
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
I think within the GOP, to be honest but also don't forget that the USA is not like the UK - its 50 separate states too.
I don't think Trusk will have any issue with ordering Federal agents to suppress any State or local 'insurgents'
Whether they would comply is still an open question
I think that's the point. For all the hyperbole about Nazis I don't see Americans being the same as 1930's brainwashed Germans.
You'd hope not. But Trump's Maga base is well and truly brainwashed and that's about 50m people.
So by your own estimation you are much smarter than at the very least 50m people on the planet and coming up to 15% of the population of the US.
Go you.
He didn't say he's smarter than them. He's saying they've been brainwashed.
I don't know that I would use the word "brainwashed", but it seems undeniable that there is a MAGA core that have swallowed a lot of propaganda, who believe Trump really won in 2020, Putin's a nice guy, Jan 6 was a false flag operation, etc. How should we refer to this group of people who believe a set of "alternative facts"?
Is it a MAGA contention that Jan 6th was false flag? I thought they were all (pardoned) heroes?
I have not posted much recently because it seems everything is upside down, predicting what comes next is impossible and with the exception of Reform, who I oppose with a passio, I am resigned to just watching and waiting to see how politics evolves
Interesting I received some oranges from Asda from Spain with not for the EU on the label
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
For those who don't know, Conor McGregor is pretty much insane. He seems to think he *is* his character from the hilariously bad remake of Roadhouse. Think sociopath with no impulse control and knowingly happy about it.
A Trump sort of guy. Perhaps the Tates could make up the numbers. Cor that'd be some get together. Imagine the pin sharp repartee.
Have you ever seen Conor McGregor's performances at pre-fight press conferences. Sharper than the vast majority of his peers, and hence his success.
I thought it was his prowess in fights that explained his success rather than him being a bit of a card beforehand.
Yet another topic you seem to be unacquainted with.
Indeed. Like you and American politics. Horses for courses.
History is full of nasty thugs who were sharp.
Stalin really enjoyed violent bank robberies (think shoot everyone) chasing the ladies and was life and soul of the party. In fact, the young Stalin was the real life mad and funky bandit from the spaghetti westerns.
Then he discovered politics.
Yes, Stalin at the Palladium I'd probably go see. Trump, no. Not even if it was free.
As the great Pratchett had Vimes ask "Who watches the watchers?"
For all the bluster and misbehaviour, I think we are rapidly approaching the point where opposition to this shit starts in earnest. At least I hope we are.
Until, and less, the GOP decide they have had enough the lunacy will continue.
Even then it may be too far gone
Whether they would comply is still an open question
One is the armed forces, and the other is the ability of 100,000,000 million people to take to the streets, go on strike amd generally engage in civil disobedience.
But yes - what actually happen if Trump tried to declare war on Canada?
I saw a quote from someone recently that said watching the Trump phenomena they now understand how Jim Jones got 900 people to drink poison
Trump invited Conor McGregor, the Reform-y Tomm-eh esque UFC dude in to the WH and the Oval Office, for St Paddy's Day, and left the Teseaichoichscshuckseoischyeiaghhrshffffqooowooo fuming half a mile down the road
I know Donald Trump is not always to everyone's taste, on PB, but he can be fucking funny
Homan: "We're not stopping. I don't care what the judges think. I don't care what the left thinks. We're coming."
(And thanks Cyclefree. I was vaguely aware of the law firm thing but did not understand why it was so important).
The more this is so, the greater is the chance of an attempted counter-coup, in which, if it occurred, I think the armed forces are bound to be a part along with civil leadership.
It seems to me that the first, Trump's attempted coup, is becoming likely, and the second unlikely but not impossible.
The White House is hosting Conor McGregor today, who the Irish High Court ruled four months ago assaulted and raped a woman.
Press Secretary Karoline Levitt says the Trump Administration "couldn't think of a better guest to have on St Patrick's Day."
He will be meeting Trump later.
"The 40,000,000 Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."
"That which pleases the Prince has the force of law" was invented by a Roman jurist.
The Roman republic died of attempted Legalism - instead of reforming to actually deliver to the bulk of the Roman people, the autocrats clung to The Law. So along came the Populares who got the Head Count behind them......
One other thing it might usefully have gone into in more detail is yesterday's invocation of the Alien Enemies Act (what remains of the Sedition Acts of 1798), in the deportation, without any court proceeding, of over 200 unnamed Venezuelans (alleged, without evidence being provided, of being gang members).
Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being of the age of fourteen years and upward, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as alien enemies. The President is authorized in any such event, by his proclamation thereof, or other public act, to direct the conduct to be observed on the part of the United States, toward the aliens who become so liable; the manner and degree of the restraint to which they shall be subject and in what cases, and upon what security their residence shall be permitted, and to provide for the removal of those who, not being permitted to reside within the United States, refuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish any other regulations which are found necessary in the premises and for the public safety...
Invoking it in peacetime goes against two centuries of precedent, and goes against the obvious interpretation of the statute.
The administration ignored a court order to halt the deportation - which was not to the individuals' country of origin, but to a El Salvadorean jail, where inmates regularly die in captivity.
Under the act, any foreign national, including those legally resident, could be treated in this manner, should the administration so decide.
According to the mastermind of the new regime, Peter Thiel
Moreover, a direct path forward is prevented by America’s constitutional
machinery. By “setting ambition against ambition” with an elaborate system
of checks and balances, it prevents any single ambitious person from recon-
structing the old Republic. America’s founders enjoyed a freedom of action
far surpassing that of America’s subsequent politicians. Eventually, ambitious
people would come to learn that there is little one can do in politics and that
all merely political careers end in failure. The intellectual paralysis of self-
knowledge has its counterpoint in the political paralysis embedded in our
open system of government.
Still, there are more possibilities for action than first appear, precisely
because there are more domains than those enumerated by the conventional
legal or juridical system. Roberto Calasso reminds us of the alternative thread, in The Ruin of Kasch."
More can be found in his "Straussian Moment", autocrat's manifesto.
Go you.
He's the only person currently able to command that.
South Korean people have been protesting EVERY DAY since Yoon was released last week. The country expects the Constitutional Court's ruling on Yoon's impeacement case early next week.
Shocking taste in suits, mind.
Not sure how sharp the conversation will have been in the Oval Office, but certainly some pricks.
If you're trying to draw a distinction between colonisation and immigration, then you have a semantic point. But little more than that, since the United States were largely peopled by immigration.
Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...
Ruthless efficiency has been left for Elon to sort out.
They, in turn, were descended from thousands of years of Native People.
UPDATE: Chief Judge Boasberg schedules a hearing for 4p today on the government’s notice and the plaintiffs’ response, notes that the gov’t “shall be prepared to provide answers to the questions raised by Plaintiffs on page 6 of their Response.”
Here are those questions:
But I note 'rapist' is trending on X.
Now there's a club that's slightly bigger than Mensa.
Stalin really enjoyed violent bank robberies (think shoot everyone) chasing the ladies and was life and soul of the party. In fact, the young Stalin was the real life mad and funky bandit from the spaghetti westerns.
Then he discovered politics.
Russia and allies were target of International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine
Coastal British Columbia has a climate very similar to the UK. Vast areas of it are undeveloped (which is great as it means wonderful untouched forests and beaches etc)
BC by itself is huge. Bigger than France. They could easily squeeze in another 10 million (not that they should - they just could)
Nearly half of American voters think President Trump favors Russia over Ukraine, according to a new poll taken as his administration tries to broker a deal between the countries to end their war.
Just 8 percent of respondents in the NBC News poll said they think Trump is on Ukraine’s side in the war, which started three years ago with Russia’s invasion of its neighbor, even as 61 percent said they personally back Ukraine in the conflict.
Two percent of respondents said they are more sympathetic to Russia, and 35 percent said they favor neither side.
About a third of respondents said they think Trump is neutral in the conflict — a position the president has stressed (sic)...
Good afternoon, PB 👍
I don't know that I would use the word "brainwashed", but it seems undeniable that there is a MAGA core that have swallowed a lot of propaganda, who believe Trump really won in 2020, Putin's a nice guy, Jan 6 was a false flag operation, etc. How should we refer to this group of people who believe a set of "alternative facts"?
I have not posted much recently because it seems everything is upside down, predicting what comes next is impossible and with the exception of Reform, who I oppose with a passio, I am resigned to just watching and waiting to see how politics evolves
Interesting I received some oranges from Asda from Spain with not for the EU on the label
Are Spain producing non EU range of exports ?