His performance in the Oval Office last Friday has gone down very badly with Brits but punters seem unmoved. Sadly I think punters are right, his behaviour will not damage him with American voters, although I think the GOP nominee in 2008 will somebody named Trump or somebody related to the current President.
In some cases I can buy it, as certain roles as usually but not always in Cabinet - I'm thinking AG or Chief Secretary to the Treasury I think.
I am being a pedant, but this is PB.
It seems that Downing Street spoke to Zelensky this afternoon, before his latest statement.
Mandy is a highly experienced fixer, and he may now be playing a global role.
Starmer, is for a while, at the centre of things.
Well done Trumpdozer.
Macron taking one for the team there.
I know a few people don’t like him due to his view on Indy and a few other things.
However this bears reading and his final paragraph is quite correct.
News: The Trump administration has walked back its directive to fire probationary employees.
The reversal comes less than a week after a federal judge ruled that the terminations were probably illegal and after thousands of probationary employees were already let go.
How long till Canada just shut off electricity and oil supplies completely?
"I can beat that...."
The technical recession is based on the Biased Biden numbers which measure the fake economy not the Trusted Trump numbers which show the progress of the real economy.
To my mind maybe one of the best cover versions of any song ever, he took it and made it perfect
And if that's not enough, while searching for this video, I found another cover version of the same song, which - tho not quite as good - does feature a ravishingly pretty girl with a gorgeous voice.
Courage. We shall endure
He tells us this frequently. Believe him.
Policy Exchange report blames austerity for breakdown in policing and criminal justice
Note to Kemi – if you raise this at PMQs, Starmer will say it is your lot's fault. OK, when you raise this at PMQs.
Newsy: NRCC Chair Richard Hudson just very dramatically told members to put down their phones and listen, per source in room.
He said no one should be doing town halls. Likened it to 2017, said the protests at town halls and district offices are going to get even worse. Another congresswoman got up and complained that they’ve been picketing at her house and targeting her kid, this source says
As the traffic in fentanyl is entirely in the other direction, it's unclear how Canada is supposed to help with this goal.
Trump's overall net approval & on the economy are "historically awful... weak, weak, weak" going into a 1st address to Congress.
He has the 2nd worst net approval rating (+1 pts) on record. Beating only himself (2017). His net approval on the economy (-4 pts) is the worst.
Notice: The owner of ip4.me/ip6.me, Kevin Loch, passed away.
The Kevin M Loch Estate will be shutting down Kevin's websites in the near future [1st of April].
Round here we call that Tuesday...
Quite amusing.
This is magnificent:https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=green day time of your life videos&view=detail&mid=372DD26E6F1E453A637C372DD26E6F1E453A637C&ajaxhist=0
Where does this all end up ?
With Love……Meghan
Something to cheer you up in a troubled world
I genuinely like to think this is what we'd look and sound like if we all got in a bus and did an American roadtrip playing songs. The lead singer in the Floyd tee shirt is obviously @rcs1000. I am the handsome guy on the right in the baseball cap; I am pretty sure that's @kinabalu singing falsetto with insane curly hair on the left, and @kle4 is hiding on the far left doing keyboards
Richard Tyndall looking quietly cool on bass there, at the back
And @SeaShantyIrish2 reappears to do percussion on the right, good to see him fit and well
Still think Glen just edges it with his country and blue grass tinge
I wonder how much Green Day have made out of that one spectacular song? Millions, I expect
Lyrics from Kinabalu. Maybe !!
Doesn't Boris deserve his Churchillian moment in the sun? Trump, Vance, Boris and Zelensky would all go for that.
And I am not taking the piss.
I simply can't see a moderate Democrat except Buttigieg and maybe Prittzker living with the scale of anger in Blue America. She's the most effective and prominent of the more radical wing that may be the beneficiaries of a tea party-style revolt now Sanders is too old.
Plus, given the likely efforts of the Republicans to tilt an election in their favour, it may take a major crisis to elect a Democrat - so if you're picking one to go for it might as well be the long odds radical over one of the traditional-style party decides picks.
Of course that doesn't mean the most likely winner is whoever is annointed Trumpism's heir when you assume they aren't likely to allow a fully free and fair election in any true sense unless the project collapses. But then, if you think there's a real chance of that happening given the chaotic first six weeks then it probably won't be a moderate Democrat who is the beneficiary unless they're also very articulate and aggressive in denouncing Trump.
This is also brilliant, and I have a weird crush on the girl on the right. Weird because she's not amazingly pretty, but my God that voice, and her sweet, bashful smile at the end
And that's assuming we don't enter into a new world of war and recession.
Bob Dylan's Hard Rains A' Gonna Fall was one of Ferry's better covers. I hated his/ Roxy's version of Jealous Guy.
Best cover? Reg Dwight's version of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.
Will the US military obey an order to invade Canada?