Of all the things to worry about in Britain right now, the monarchy is not in my top 100.
I'm more concerned with the fact that about 78,000 largely male elderly voters got to choose an uncharismatic dishcloth and impose her as PM, frankly.
You are surprised that those elderly men voted for a blonde woman who wears well-fitted dresses, (allegedly) kinky jewellery, and who promised them the world on a plate and all for free?
I thought you understood the world better than that.
[Note to PB: The Oxford comma above was used as an act of rebellion]
I am not surprised. Annoyed. As I was when they did it with Boris and May. The Tory party is behaving as if Britain is their private rotten borough.
What an exceedingly sexist view of events you're both putting your names to.
So have any PBers been to see the Queen or is it all mouth and no trousers on here?
Eabhal (in Edinburgh) and Casino_Royale (London) have both paid their respects in person, while Garethofthevale is currently in The Queue.
There may be others I have missed.
It would be unseemly to ask for photographic evidence, such as a selfie in Westminster Hall. As well as futile: apart from the risk of being ejected, we don't know what they look like anyway.
Very much looking forward to reading the next @amnesty report which I’m sure will be very critical of Russia for fighting in Ukrainian cities like Kherson and Kupiansk and not out in the countryside (where superior Ukrainian systems can hit them accurately).
Another point on Tesla and why the UK is a natural fit and nowhere in the EU will now work. The EU approved subsidy programme requires IP transfer/sharing with the EU, lots of companies including Tesla will never do that. Outside of the EU we can build a subsidy programme that doesn't require it and attract those high value jobs and exports we're currently lacking and put the companies in areas where the likes of Slovenia are competing in living standards.
Kwasi must do whatever it takes, this is up to a million very well paid jobs at stake over the next decade. It's the difference between the UK being a huge net exporter of EVs and being a huge net importer.
Tesla has a de facto IP transfer policy as it has vowed that it will not enforce its patents.
Very much looking forward to reading the next @amnesty report which I’m sure will be very critical of Russia for fighting in Ukrainian cities like Kherson and Kupiansk and not out in the countryside (where superior Ukrainian systems can hit them accurately).
Given that Amnesty has been far more prolific in its criticism of Russia's conduct in this campaign than it has of Ukraine's, that's a rather pathetic comment.
The point about U.K./US poverty is that there are many people who live in poverty here, who wouldn’t in Sunil countries because they follow different policies to us. Poverty is a political choice.
Poverty in the USA is off the European dial. You see people - lots of people - in places like Mississippi or Alabama who are living in African conditions. Derelict Trailer parks in the middle of nowhere with burned out cars and piles of trash. You drive past and think “Christ when did they all move out?”
And then you realise - they are still living there. Kids come out and play by the cars
Poverty in the UK is worse than in much of northern Europe - Germany, Denmark, Holland, etc. Possibly worse than France but I’m not sure. There are some grim old suburbs in France
Poverty in the UK is about the same as Italy, I’d say. Not terrible but not great. But they have better sun and nicer towns and we have better football and nicer food
And the wealthy bits of the UK - eg inner london - are far wealthier than anywhere comparable in Italy
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
This is a bizarre but surprisingly revealing perspective on the war from a Wagner member.
'And again, in continuation of the unfolding discussion, in particular in the comments to my humble opinion above, people began to ask quite a reasonable question - how is it that the mobilization carried out in Ukraine helps to change the situation at the front, and mobilization here is unlikely to change anything?!
Let's be honest. That a considerable part, let it be 50%, who are not/were military personnel of Ukraine and other passionaries, hereinafter referred to by us as national battalions and other paramilitary formations of the enemy - these are persons born either at the exact turn of the years 1991, or in already independent Ukraine and they have almost nothing in common within the union state with Russia.
No matter how wrong we consider them to be, and even if they are, in their understanding they are in their holy war, for them the enemy is attacking in their eyes. They manifest a forced consolidation of society, which is supported by the elites of Ukraine, which, in turn, looks convincing against the general background.
We have not yet succeeded in achieving such a consolidation of society. Our people, for the most part, cannot understand the goals and objectives of the ongoing events, as well as see decisive actions in the future that will not lead to a repetition of the situation with the Kyiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions.
No matter how anti-communist I am, I can rightly say that the elites of the Soviet regime were more convincing within the vector of their military-political actions. With their participation and personal sacrifices, they could show the people that this is our war, and if necessary, we will lie down here all together, be it a soldier or a minister. Now there is no such unity, and not because the people are different, because the elites are different, only a few of which are ready to put everything on this altar of freedom, which borders on death.'
My mother often used the phrase but it was in the 1950s and it was "all mouth and trousers", then. That is the trappings of authority without the wit to use it. All mouth and no trousers suggests a nudist on the loose. I think it's often mixed up with fur coat and no knickers - used in Merseyside.
Yes, I nearly went with "all fur coat and no knockers" - which is one of my mum's, but decided it wasn't quite right for this.
"Fur coat, no knickers" is surely the correct phrasing?
I once had a girlfriend who wore a fur coat around London - and nothing underneath. For an evening and a dare. So she was literally fur coat and no knickers
She was beautiful and 19, she stole the fur coat from her mum
Very much looking forward to reading the next @amnesty report which I’m sure will be very critical of Russia for fighting in Ukrainian cities like Kherson and Kupiansk and not out in the countryside (where superior Ukrainian systems can hit them accurately).
Given that Amnesty has been far more prolific in its criticism of Russia's conduct in this campaign than it has of Ukraine's, that's a rather pathetic comment.
My mother often used the phrase but it was in the 1950s and it was "all mouth and trousers", then. That is the trappings of authority without the wit to use it. All mouth and no trousers suggests a nudist on the loose. I think it's often mixed up with fur coat and no knickers - used in Merseyside.
Yes, I nearly went with "all fur coat and no knockers" - which is one of my mum's, but decided it wasn't quite right for this.
"Fur coat, no knickers" is surely the correct phrasing?
Ah ok! I've been mishearing then - my mum has a strong accent.
Very much looking forward to reading the next @amnesty report which I’m sure will be very critical of Russia for fighting in Ukrainian cities like Kherson and Kupiansk and not out in the countryside (where superior Ukrainian systems can hit them accurately).
Given that Amnesty has been far more prolific in its criticism of Russia's conduct in this campaign than it has of Ukraine's, that's a rather pathetic comment.
I know humour sometimes comes across poorly online, especially sarcasm, but surely this is a dig at Amnesty?
I find it intriguing that the phrases all mouth and trousers and all mouth and no trousers can both be used to describe the same thing. Indeed all mouth does the trick too, so what have the trousers really got to do with anything?
A bit more on the history here, it is all "relatively" recent.
Another point on Tesla and why the UK is a natural fit and nowhere in the EU will now work. The EU approved subsidy programme requires IP transfer/sharing with the EU, lots of companies including Tesla will never do that. Outside of the EU we can build a subsidy programme that doesn't require it and attract those high value jobs and exports we're currently lacking and put the companies in areas where the likes of Slovenia are competing in living standards.
Kwasi must do whatever it takes, this is up to a million very well paid jobs at stake over the next decade. It's the difference between the UK being a huge net exporter of EVs and being a huge net importer.
Whether Tesla, or a Korean manufacturer - though the latter are building multiple battery plants in Europe already. Energy costs as well as (US) federal subsidies seem to be part of the reason for Tesla looking at producing its batteries for Europe in the US.
Brexit undoubtedly has hampered severely the chances of the UK getting a share of the major manufacturing investments decided on over the last five years. There isn’t much time left to recover some of that.
I agree with you on the urgency of this. For me it’s one of the bigger consequences of Brexit.
Another hotel breakfast observation: Haggis is a better alternative to black pudding.
The best black pudding is delicious, but I often find poor versions of it. Can’t say I’ve thought of haggis for breakie, sounds interesting.
Boudin noir. Beats black pudding every time imo.
I like BP but I agree haggis is a great alternative.
Black pudding is great.
Have you tried German Blood Sausage?
I haven't found haggis to be well suited to cooking in small portions, unless cook -> portion -> freeze -> reheat, which is a pfaff.
Haggis can come in sausage format to be sliced and fried a bit like Lorne sausage. Here is an example - not tried the brand, but I assume something similar could be sliced and frozen with those separator sheets between the slices, like one does with home made hamburgers.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
The alt-right seem to be working themselves into a frenzy, but most "left-leaning" American I know are looking on and going "WTF???". It seems very one-sided with rifles and bibles being waved around
There’s only one side seriously threatening civil war if they don’t get their way here.
Leon’s perseverating over lefty Twitter loudmouths notwithstanding.
A melancholy fact I learned yesterday. Suicide rates rise in the 40s, dip, then rise from the 70s on and peak in the over 85s
So if suicide was less prevalent in earlier times it might be simply that most people died of natural causes before they reached a truly miserable old age
Mr. Pete, Breivik was roundly condemned for his far right, fascist murderous lunacy... not sure what point you're attempting to make.
Fascism and communism are wretched. The right is far happier to condemn the madness of fascism than the left is the evil of socialism, hence why Corbyn was on Labour's backbenches.
For every Corbyn on the Labour benches the Conservatives have a Terry Dicks. (Best to quote dead Conservative MPs on that score- although if pushed Chope, Bridgen, Philip Davies ... require special mentions).
Another point on Tesla and why the UK is a natural fit and nowhere in the EU will now work. The EU approved subsidy programme requires IP transfer/sharing with the EU, lots of companies including Tesla will never do that. Outside of the EU we can build a subsidy programme that doesn't require it and attract those high value jobs and exports we're currently lacking and put the companies in areas where the likes of Slovenia are competing in living standards.
Kwasi must do whatever it takes, this is up to a million very well paid jobs at stake over the next decade. It's the difference between the UK being a huge net exporter of EVs and being a huge net importer.
Tesla has a de facto IP transfer policy as it has vowed that it will not enforce its patents.
But that's still under their control.
If it enforced patents now having said that it wouldn’t that would be a problem in court. The commitment is very clear. In any case, there are significant limits to the extent to which IP is forcibly transferable within Europe. Most European countries, including the UK, are far more pro-patent than the US, for example. Outside of the life sciences, it’s almost impossible for any kind of patent holder to get an injunction against infringers in the US; in Europe - and Germany, in particular - it’s standard practice.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
It’s terrible optics I agree, but as a policy it’s probably the right thing to do. A good chunk of police expenditure in the US would be better spent on public amenities & social workers.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
To be fair fox news is just a reaction to the underlying problems in american society
Good point. Especially as is so bloody hard to poach eggs properly at home for some reason.
Fried is easy, scrambled I can do better than 90% of hotels, poached - nah!
Poaching does take some practise, but can be done.
Non-stick pan. Water just boiling. Drop in the egg. When it releases from the bottom it's done.
All poaching technique tips pale into insignificance compared with one factor: fresh eggs are easy to poach and hold together, old eggs are hard to poach and fall apart.
If you have no source of reliably fresh eggs, reach to the back of the supermarket shelf, and scour all the different kinds of egg on the shelves for the ones with the longest date.
These polls while still having the monarchy ahead are out of date.
A Yougov poll in the last few days has 64% wanting to keep the monarchy, with the monarchy miles ahead with Tories and LDs and even ahead amongst Labour voters and under 25s.
Another poll has 63% thinking Charles will make a good King
Momentary hiccups, given the current situation. See what it is like in a year.
The thought of President Johnson or President Blair will be enough to make little difference. Having a royal family is a key part of British identity
Hmm, you're suddenly admitting your great hero for the last few years is, erm ...
Royal Families are profoundly un-British. Goes against the self-respect, love of freedom, the Cromwellian tradition, Nonconformism that made modern Britain. A supposed English patriot such as you would indubitably go back to the proper old tradition of the elected Kings of Anglo-Saxon times.
Rubbish, we are not America, America is a freedom loving, ultra capitalist nation founded by Puritan nonconformists and with a strong Cromwellian tradition against monarchy and aristocracy that led to the American revolution. The UK is a heritage and tradition loving nation that loves its NHS and has a significant welfare state to moderate the capitalist economy and which loves its royal family too. Indeed so much we returned to a monarchy as soon as we could after Cromwell
Also, people would FIGHT for a monarchy. I would.
Very few people in a military context kill (and die) because they love the royal family, the country or the PM.
The only reliable way to make people do it is unit cohesion hence why military training so intensely suppresses the individual identity in favour of the group.
"[He'd] always thought that heroes had some special kind of clockwork that made them go out and die famously for god, country and apple pie, or whatever particular delicacy their mother made. It had never occurred to him that they might do it because they'd get yelled at if they didn't".
I was trying to think what Nam classic that came from!
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Yes, and the Black Lives Matter protests were “largely peaceful”
We can see all this with our own eyes. We are not blind
This seems to be the new soft left approach to the culture wars. Simple denial. The wars are not happening. Or if they are happening they are only happening in the minds of mad Americans. Woke is a fantasy etc
It’s a bold tactic as it flies in the face of basic fucking reality, but who knows
Imagine having this wee twat ranting his rage filled, dishonest, revisionist crap at you 24/7? That's what PB is for!
Seriously, what is the point in you? You don't ever post anything remotely interesting, or useful, or intelligent, you don't contribute to discussion. A bot could do a better job.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
To be fair fox news is just a reaction to the underlying problems in american society
Fox news is pure poison. This causality thing is used to defend the Murdoch press here in the UK but you can't deny that they deliberately prey on prejudice, at the very least.
Another hotel breakfast observation: Haggis is a better alternative to black pudding.
The best black pudding is delicious, but I often find poor versions of it. Can’t say I’ve thought of haggis for breakie, sounds interesting.
Boudin noir. Beats black pudding every time imo.
I like BP but I agree haggis is a great alternative.
Black pudding is great.
Have you tried German Blood Sausage?
I haven't found haggis to be well suited to cooking in small portions, unless cook -> portion -> freeze -> reheat, which is a pfaff.
Haggis can come in sausage format to be sliced and fried a bit like Lorne sausage. Here is an example - not tried the brand, but I assume something similar could be sliced and frozen with those separator sheets between the slices, like one does with home made hamburgers.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
The alt-right seem to be working themselves into a frenzy, but most "left-leaning" American I know are looking on and going "WTF???". It seems very one-sided with rifles and bibles being waved around
There’s only one side seriously threatening civil war if they don’t get their way here.
Leon’s perseverating over lefty Twitter loudmouths notwithstanding.
So Biden calling Republican voters “fascists” and “white supremacists” and thereby suggesting they can be democratically ignored was…. a peace offering? Or it didn’t happen?
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Defund the police may be madness, but so is keeping funding them with military levels of guns and weapons, which is a bigger problem in the US than unfunded police departments. Don't hear quite so much criticism of that type of madness.
Everything we’ve seen and heard from the Truss government strongly indicates that its driving force is all about making the rich richer in the hope that some of this wealth will trickle down to everyone else. It’s definitely a coherent strategy. Whether it’ll work is another matter entirely. My guess is that we’ll just end up a lot more like the US - undoubtedly the best country in the world in which to be seriously well-off, but not so great for the rest.
Another hotel breakfast observation: Haggis is a better alternative to black pudding.
Why choose? I’d want them both.
The ideal choice would be 1 or more (or all) of
Black Pudding
White Pudding
A discovery I made a while back was slicing a couple of bits of white sausage, frying it lightly in butter till it's starting to go a little crisp at the edges, then stirring it through a ragu while it's cooking. Gives a lovely subtle flavour and richness to the ragu.
Imagine having this wee twat ranting his rage filled, dishonest, revisionist crap at you 24/7? That's what PB is for!
Seriously, what is the point in you? You don't ever post anything remotely interesting, or useful, or intelligent, you don't contribute to discussion. A bot could do a better job.
This is unexpectedly harsh, Horse. TUD often posts literate and subtle observations.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Indeed, the cuts in police numbers by our socialist government over the last twelve years is an outrage.
Another point on Tesla and why the UK is a natural fit and nowhere in the EU will now work. The EU approved subsidy programme requires IP transfer/sharing with the EU, lots of companies including Tesla will never do that. Outside of the EU we can build a subsidy programme that doesn't require it and attract those high value jobs and exports we're currently lacking and put the companies in areas where the likes of Slovenia are competing in living standards.
Kwasi must do whatever it takes, this is up to a million very well paid jobs at stake over the next decade. It's the difference between the UK being a huge net exporter of EVs and being a huge net importer.
Whether Tesla, or a Korean manufacturer - though the latter are building multiple battery plants in Europe already. Energy costs as well as (US) federal subsidies seem to be part of the reason for Tesla looking at producing its batteries for Europe in the US.
Brexit undoubtedly has hampered severely the chances of the UK getting a share of the major manufacturing investments decided on over the last five years. There isn’t much time left to recover some of that.
I agree with you on the urgency of this. For me it’s one of the bigger consequences of Brexit.
The point now is that the EU has got a sub optimal subsidy programme so we can, outside of the EU, act separately and come up with a better one. A plan on energy prices would also be very useful right now.
Another hotel breakfast observation: Haggis is a better alternative to black pudding.
The best black pudding is delicious, but I often find poor versions of it. Can’t say I’ve thought of haggis for breakie, sounds interesting.
Boudin noir. Beats black pudding every time imo.
I like BP but I agree haggis is a great alternative.
Black pudding is great.
Have you tried German Blood Sausage?
I haven't found haggis to be well suited to cooking in small portions, unless cook -> portion -> freeze -> reheat, which is a pfaff.
Haggis can come in sausage format to be sliced and fried a bit like Lorne sausage. Here is an example - not tried the brand, but I assume something similar could be sliced and frozen with those separator sheets between the slices, like one does with home made hamburgers.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Yes, and the Black Lives Matter protests were “largely peaceful”
We can see all this with our own eyes. We are not blind
This seems to be the new soft left approach to the culture wars. Simple denial. The wars are not happening. Or if they are happening they are only happening in the minds of mad Americans. Woke is a fantasy etc
It’s a bold tactic as it flies in the face of basic fucking reality, but who knows
I am glad that our left-wing friends are so blasé about the non-existence / insignificance of the march of woke. It is heartening to know that when it's all reversed, they'll be so relaxed and unconcerned about it all.
Imagine having this wee twat ranting his rage filled, dishonest, revisionist crap at you 24/7? That's what PB is for!
Seriously, what is the point in you? You don't ever post anything remotely interesting, or useful, or intelligent, you don't contribute to discussion. A bot could do a better job.
I provided an opportunity for you to repeat the same whine several times, you should be grateful for that.
Another point on Tesla and why the UK is a natural fit and nowhere in the EU will now work. The EU approved subsidy programme requires IP transfer/sharing with the EU, lots of companies including Tesla will never do that. Outside of the EU we can build a subsidy programme that doesn't require it and attract those high value jobs and exports we're currently lacking and put the companies in areas where the likes of Slovenia are competing in living standards.
Kwasi must do whatever it takes, this is up to a million very well paid jobs at stake over the next decade. It's the difference between the UK being a huge net exporter of EVs and being a huge net importer.
Tesla are partially in Berlin so they can poach engineering and production talent from Porsche and BMW at Leipzig. There is no similar location in the UK so it would have to be very hefty bribe to satiate the alt-right nutter with the hair weave.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Indeed, the cuts in police numbers by our socialist government over the last twelve years is an outrage.
Likewise the increase in police numbers by the SNP* some years back.
*Admittedly requested by the ScoTories, as the SNP were a minority. But the SNP could have found some other party with its pet project to get the right permutation and combination of votes to get their budget through, as happened in other years.
Dr. Foxy, the suicide comparison was to centuries ago (Ian Mortimer's Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration England) which was published around 3-5 years ago.
I am not sure that it is valid. Suicide was considered a mortal sin, so often hushed up or put down as an accident, and indeed still is in some cultures.
My mother often used the phrase but it was in the 1950s and it was "all mouth and trousers", then. That is the trappings of authority without the wit to use it. All mouth and no trousers suggests a nudist on the loose. I think it's often mixed up with fur coat and no knickers - used in Merseyside.
Yes, I nearly went with "all fur coat and no knockers" - which is one of my mum's, but decided it wasn't quite right for this.
"Fur coat, no knickers" is surely the correct phrasing?
Ah ok! I've been mishearing then - my mum has a strong accent.
Another point on Tesla and why the UK is a natural fit and nowhere in the EU will now work. The EU approved subsidy programme requires IP transfer/sharing with the EU, lots of companies including Tesla will never do that. Outside of the EU we can build a subsidy programme that doesn't require it and attract those high value jobs and exports we're currently lacking and put the companies in areas where the likes of Slovenia are competing in living standards.
Kwasi must do whatever it takes, this is up to a million very well paid jobs at stake over the next decade. It's the difference between the UK being a huge net exporter of EVs and being a huge net importer.
Tesla are partially in Berlin so they can poach engineering and production talent from Porsche and BMW at Leipzig. There is no similar location in the UK so it would have to be very hefty bribe to satiate the alt-right nutter with the hair weave.
I thought hair weaves were almost obligatory for alt right nutters?
Imagine having this wee twat ranting his rage filled, dishonest, revisionist crap at you 24/7? That's what PB is for!
Seriously, what is the point in you? You don't ever post anything remotely interesting, or useful, or intelligent, you don't contribute to discussion. A bot could do a better job.
This is unexpectedly harsh, Horse. TUD often posts literate and subtle observations.
Horsey is projecting all his rage towards the SNP for ‘stealing’ Lab voters which messes up his SKSICAWBPM calculations.
Soon it will be a good time for people on the West side of London to take a visit to Kew Gardens a few times. I find it a bit underwhelming during the summer except for the glasshouse, but because the trees are of such diverse types and densely planted, the panoply of colour changes between September and November can be quite stunning. A perfect place to think and reflect about things in an autumnal way.
Everything we’ve seen and heard from the Truss government strongly indicates that its driving force is all about making the rich richer in the hope that some of this wealth will trickle down to everyone else. It’s definitely a coherent strategy. Whether it’ll work is another matter entirely. My guess is that we’ll just end up a lot more like the US - undoubtedly the best country in the world in which to be seriously well-off, but not so great for the rest.
Is the US the best place to be seriously well-off or "just" to become seriously well-off?
So have any PBers been to see the Queen or is it all mouth and no trousers on here?
She's in my heart and my mind. But queue for 24 hours? You can **** right off!
I'm surprised @Leon hasn't gone. Running out of time!
I’m walking around the Plaza Nueva in the September sun of Seville. Bit difficult
What got me about Seville when I went there was all the orange trees. They were everywhere, along with huge numbers of squashed oranges on the roads. A sight you’ll never, ever see in the UK!
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
The alt-right seem to be working themselves into a frenzy, but most "left-leaning" American I know are looking on and going "WTF???". It seems very one-sided with rifles and bibles being waved around
There’s only one side seriously threatening civil war if they don’t get their way here.
Leon’s perseverating over lefty Twitter loudmouths notwithstanding.
So Biden calling Republican voters “fascists” and “white supremacists” and thereby suggesting they can be democratically ignored was…. a peace offering? Or it didn’t happen?
Confused now
He called MAGA that. Which is spot on 100% correct. Again, this pathetic crybabying about the truth.
Can I put it on the record here that I have NOT been to see the Queen's coffin! I'm physically incapable of travelling to London and even if I were not I wouldn't!
However Mrs C says somewhat wistfully if she could she might. Go and queue I mean. I don't think when it came to it she would though!
Dr. Foxy, the suicide comparison was to centuries ago (Ian Mortimer's Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration England) which was published around 3-5 years ago.
I am not sure that it is valid. Suicide was considered a mortal sin, so often hushed up or put down as an accident, and indeed still is in some cultures.
Also a crime in state law, sometimes with forfeiture of property to the crown. Hence, if that applied, juries tried to cover it up out of concern for the family, unless the suicide had done it maliciously - e.g. to get out of something. Although I forget the details, the legal penalties for suicide were very different in C19 Scots and English law, and that has to be borne in mind by historians when interpreting the raw stats of suicide verdicts.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Yes, and the Black Lives Matter protests were “largely peaceful”
We can see all this with our own eyes. We are not blind
This seems to be the new soft left approach to the culture wars. Simple denial. The wars are not happening. Or if they are happening they are only happening in the minds of mad Americans. Woke is a fantasy etc
It’s a bold tactic as it flies in the face of basic fucking reality, but who knows
I am glad that our left-wing friends are so blasé about the non-existence / insignificance of the march of woke. It is heartening to know that when it's all reversed, they'll be so relaxed and unconcerned about it all.
Classic gaslighting. Whilst it often works on financially confortable boomers may not work on a much poorer younger generation
Everything we’ve seen and heard from the Truss government strongly indicates that its driving force is all about making the rich richer in the hope that some of this wealth will trickle down to everyone else. It’s definitely a coherent strategy. Whether it’ll work is another matter entirely. My guess is that we’ll just end up a lot more like the US - undoubtedly the best country in the world in which to be seriously well-off, but not so great for the rest.
Is the US the best place to be seriously well-off or "just" to become seriously well-off?
The wealthy in the US get the very best of just about everything the world has to offer in terms of things like healthcare, education, technology, culture, food etc. You get what you pay for - and you pay a hell of a lot.
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Indeed, the cuts in police numbers by our socialist government over the last twelve years is an outrage.
You are missing the point. There is an active campaign in the US to defund the police. Now it may be that what they really mean is reducing spending on police and increasing it elsewhere. But it's clearly a dog whistle for anarchism and likely to provoke a reaction. Maybe that's the idea if you work in the culture wars industry?
So have any PBers been to see the Queen or is it all mouth and no trousers on here?
She's in my heart and my mind. But queue for 24 hours? You can **** right off!
I'm surprised @Leon hasn't gone. Running out of time!
I’m walking around the Plaza Nueva in the September sun of Seville. Bit difficult
What got me about Seville when I went there was all the orange trees. They were everywhere, along with huge numbers of squashed oranges on the roads. A sight you’ll never, ever see in the UK!
It’s pretty much a perfect city in mid September. The heat has ebbed. Most of the annoying tourists have gone and now it’s just seasoned, cultured flaneurs like me. It’s 25C with pure blue skies
I’m going to see THE ARCHIVE OF THE INDIES then I’m going to have a fuck off delicious lunch in one of the best tapas bars, and then, quite pleasingly drunk, I will fly home to Blighty tonight, in time for the Funeral. Sorted
Forgot to add: and when I’m drunk on cava and at Seville airport I might knock out a Knappers Gazette column on “what a nice time I had in Seville and this is what it means about Whatever the fuck” and make myself £400 in an hour
Dr. Foxy, the suicide comparison was to centuries ago (Ian Mortimer's Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration England) which was published around 3-5 years ago.
I am not sure that it is valid. Suicide was considered a mortal sin, so often hushed up or put down as an accident, and indeed still is in some cultures.
Seems a bit rough that suicides (the want to be dead) and vampires (the undead) were both buried with stakes through the heart and/or in unmarked graves at crossroads. Tough crowd.
NEW: income inequality in US & UK is so wide that while the richest are very well off, the poorest have a worse standard of living than the poorest in countries like Slovenia ft.com/content/ef2654…
Essentially, US & UK are poor societies with some very rich people.
This is very important work and chimes absolutely with my own experience. The UK and US are great countries to be rich in. They are not great countries to be poor in. But perhaps more importantly, they are not great countries to have average incomes in, either. Anyone who has travelled will know that the average person in most EU countries has a far higher standard of living than the average person here. And our new government thinks the answer to this is more of the same voodoo medicine that got us here. Madness.
It's interesting seeing the responses. Even here, there's been some messenger-shooting, or attempts to unpick details.
Which is odd, because it does chime with people's experience of visiting not-Britain. It also matches the sense that 2016-9 was driven by the feeling that Britain wasn't delivering a good life for lots of its citizens. (Right target, possibly wrong culprit fingered.)
Even the Truss-Kwarteng prescription- City reptiles may not do much for the UK as a whole, but we need their taxes- speaks of a certain weakness.
So before starting on solutions, how do we collectively accept there is a problem without Talking Britain Down?
An investigator speaks: The very first thing you have to do, if you genuinely want to resolve a problem, is describe it accurately.
Not pretend it doesn't exist.
Or that it's not as bad as you think.
Or that it will go away if you do nothing.
Or that describing it accurately is talking Britain / organization down.
Avoidance techniques / not facing up to harsh reality / focusing on anything but the problem / consoling yourself with the things you do well are very very common human reactions but they are disastrous when you have real problems. Which is why you need ruthless hard-edged people unafraid to describe problems accurately and unflinchingly and speak truth to power.
Can somebody explain the appeal of sitting in a queue for hours to walk past a coffin for thirty seconds
Personally I don’t get it . I think for some it’s a case of being able to say they were there and a good bit for a dinner conversation. I’m beginning to think it’s turning into the mourners version of Woodstock !
So have any PBers been to see the Queen or is it all mouth and no trousers on here?
She's in my heart and my mind. But queue for 24 hours? You can **** right off!
I'm surprised @Leon hasn't gone. Running out of time!
I’m walking around the Plaza Nueva in the September sun of Seville. Bit difficult
What got me about Seville when I went there was all the orange trees. They were everywhere, along with huge numbers of squashed oranges on the roads. A sight you’ll never, ever see in the UK!
It’s pretty much a perfect city in mid September. The heat has ebbed. Most of the annoying tourists have gone and now it’s just seasoned, cultured flaneurs like me. It’s 25C with pure blue skies
I’m going to see THE ARCHIVE OF THE INDIES then I’m going to have a fuck off delicious lunch in one of the best tapas bars, and then, quite pleasingly drunk, I will fly home to Blighty tonight, in time for the Funeral. Sorted
Forgot to add: and when I’m drunk on cava and at Seville airport I might knock out a Knappers Gazette column on “what a nice time I had in Seville and this is what it means about Whatever the fuck” and make myself £400 in an hour
So have any PBers been to see the Queen or is it all mouth and no trousers on here?
She's in my heart and my mind. But queue for 24 hours? You can **** right off!
I'm surprised @Leon hasn't gone. Running out of time!
I’m walking around the Plaza Nueva in the September sun of Seville. Bit difficult
What got me about Seville when I went there was all the orange trees. They were everywhere, along with huge numbers of squashed oranges on the roads. A sight you’ll never, ever see in the UK!
It’s pretty much a perfect city in mid September. The heat has ebbed. Most of the annoying tourists have gone and now it’s just seasoned, cultured flaneurs like me. It’s 25C with pure blue skies
I’m going to see THE ARCHIVE OF THE INDIES then I’m going to have a fuck off delicious lunch in one of the best tapas bars, and then, quite pleasingly drunk, I will fly home to Blighty tonight, in time for the Funeral. Sorted Forgot to add: and when I’m drunk on cava and at Seville airport I might knock out a Knappers Gazette column on “what a nice time I had in Seville and this is what it means about Whatever the fuck” and make myself £400 in an hour
Can somebody explain the appeal of sitting in a queue for hours to walk past a coffin for thirty seconds
Personally I don’t get it . I think for some it’s a case of being able to say they were there and a good bit for a dinner conversation. I’m beginning to think it’s turning into the mourners version of Woodstock !
Some sense as usual, thanks nico.
People can do what they want but some of my friendship group are seemingly annoyed that I am not interested in going to see the Queen.
Incidentally, why does the hot water dispenser in the hotel breakfast have "CAUTION: HOT WATER" on it. It's an urn for hot water. Of course it has hot water inside it. Why do we need to be warned about something we are expecting?
Despite reports to the contrary, Victor Meldrew is alive and well.
I think we need to get a little perspective on the Queue.
Let's say 100 people file past every minute. That is 6000 per hour. That is 144,000 per day That is 860,000 over six days
860,000 is approximately 1.3% of the UK population or 1 in 78 people. Still a lot and noteworthy given the queuing time but a fairly small minority of the population.
Another hotel breakfast observation: Haggis is a better alternative to black pudding.
The best black pudding is delicious, but I often find poor versions of it. Can’t say I’ve thought of haggis for breakie, sounds interesting.
Boudin noir. Beats black pudding every time imo.
I like BP but I agree haggis is a great alternative.
Black pudding is great.
Have you tried German Blood Sausage?
I haven't found haggis to be well suited to cooking in small portions, unless cook -> portion -> freeze -> reheat, which is a pfaff.
Haggis can come in sausage format to be sliced and fried a bit like Lorne sausage. Here is an example - not tried the brand, but I assume something similar could be sliced and frozen with those separator sheets between the slices, like one does with home made hamburgers.
Putting things in a roll now seems to be the go to cuisine rather than deep frying in Glasgow. This helpfully combines the two by the look of it.
I walked past the farmers market this morning as they were setting up. Guy was just unloading lots of trays of his own haggis and black pudding. But I was strong and resisted the urge!
Mr. Pete, was it Mr. Leon or Mr. Royale who constructed the kneeling police, or the desire of the former Met Commissioner to explicitly have an anti-white hiring practice?
The culture was cooked up and prosecuted by the left, who are aghast that the right have the temerity to actually disagree with it.
Oh come off it Morris, and when we produce our very own Anders Brevik, we will regret the fuss we made over nothing.
If and when we produve our own Anders Brevik it will be precisley because of what Morris describes.
Nonsense, it is alt- right shock jocks like @Leon winding the coiled spring and stirring the pot.
So f*****' what if a footballer takes the knee?
The culture wars are pushing America close to actual civil war. But, sure, they don’t exist and they are all invented by the “alt right”
Yeah but the Civil War will happen because the faux outraged minority are vexing the majority.
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
Appalling but it is a mistake to think the problem only exists on the right. Defund the police is madness.
Defund the police may be madness, but so is keeping funding them with military levels of guns and weapons, which is a bigger problem in the US than unfunded police departments. Don't hear quite so much criticism of that type of madness.
I used to instinctively hate the calls to “defund the police” but I think I get that there is an element of sense in it. Defunding and making them consider their priorities and responses in the US might lead to less drastic encounters between the police and the public.
The clincher for me was watching a Netflix doc called 137 shots. The long and short of it is that a car with two black people in it drives quickly past a policeman in Cleveland one night and it backfires.
The policeman radios that he’s been shot at in a drive-by. The police catch up to the car and surround it and shoot 137 (minimum) times from feet away.
The reasons it made me consider more carefully defunding the US police were that having 15 police surrounding a car shooting (and they ended up shooting at each other thinking it was coming from the car) is overkill (pun unintended). If they had fewer officers then a stand off might have resulted in a less frenzied attack on the car. One of the officers at the end was standing on the car bonnet and fired about twenty times through the windshield.
The craziest thing was the footage of 67 police cars lit up racing after the car. 67! If you have 67 cars free to chase one car then something is wrong. If they had fewer resources then they would have to be more careful about how they approach situations and rather than shock and awe so the police feel invulnerable and thus don’t think cleverly they would have to act smarter and hopefully with less crazy consequences.
Spoiler alert below:
The victims in the car were unarmed. Nobody went to jail. One officer lost his job years later.
"Fur coat, no knickers" is surely the correct phrasing?"
I suspect my mother was an early feminist. Fur coat and knickers represent females over-reaching themselves, Mouth and trousers is definitely male.
Imagine having this wee twat ranting his rage filled, dishonest, revisionist crap at you 24/7? That's what PB is for!
Poverty in the USA is off the European dial. You see people - lots of people - in places like Mississippi or Alabama who are living in African conditions. Derelict Trailer parks in the middle of nowhere with burned out cars and piles of trash. You drive past and think “Christ when did they all move out?”
And then you realise - they are still living there. Kids come out and play by the cars
Poverty in the UK is worse than in much of northern
Europe - Germany, Denmark, Holland, etc. Possibly worse than France but I’m not sure. There are some grim old suburbs in France
Poverty in the UK is about the same as Italy, I’d
say. Not terrible but not great. But they have better sun and nicer towns and we have better football and nicer food
And the wealthy bits of the UK - eg inner london - are far wealthier than anywhere comparable in Italy
I heard a woman being interviewed a few years ago who explained how after watching Fox News her father became very angry. She disabled Fox News and her father no longer became angry.
People like Steve Bannon make the bullets for an angry and frustrated testosterone filled teenage virgin to shoot up a Congregationalist Chapel, or alternatively make him (and it is mainly him) so angry he feels the urge to drive his F100 truck through a crowd of black revellers.
'And again, in continuation of the unfolding discussion, in particular in the comments to my humble opinion above, people began to ask quite a reasonable question - how is it that the mobilization carried out in Ukraine helps to change the situation at the front, and mobilization here is unlikely to change anything?!
Let's be honest. That a considerable part, let it be 50%, who are not/were military personnel of Ukraine and other passionaries, hereinafter referred to by us as national battalions and other paramilitary formations of the enemy - these are persons born either at the exact turn of the years 1991, or in already independent Ukraine and they have almost nothing in common within the union state with Russia.
No matter how wrong we consider them to be, and even if they are, in their understanding they are in their holy war, for them the enemy is attacking in their eyes. They manifest a forced consolidation of society, which is supported by the elites of Ukraine, which, in turn, looks convincing against the general background.
We have not yet succeeded in achieving such a consolidation of society. Our people, for the most part, cannot understand the goals and objectives of the ongoing events, as well as see decisive actions in the future that will not lead to a repetition of the situation with the Kyiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions.
No matter how anti-communist I am, I can rightly say that the elites of the Soviet regime were more convincing within the vector of their military-political actions. With their participation and personal sacrifices, they could show the people that this is our war, and if necessary, we will lie down here all together, be it a soldier or a minister. Now there is no such unity, and not because the people are different, because the elites are different, only a few of which are ready to put everything on this altar of freedom, which borders on death.'
She was beautiful and 19, she stole the fur coat from her mum
*sobs existentially in Seville*
Non-stick pan. Water just boiling. Drop in the egg. When it releases from the bottom it's done.
A bit more on the history here, it is all "relatively" recent.
It’s not been universally welcomed in the party
‘It’s tone deaf in the extreme. We’re calling for pay restraint while uncapping bankers’ bonuses. It’s utterly toxic’
Maybe the right word is grace. I just feel very thankful.
Energy costs as well as (US) federal subsidies seem to be part of the reason for Tesla looking at producing its batteries for Europe in the US.
Brexit undoubtedly has hampered severely the chances of the UK getting a share of the major manufacturing investments decided on over the last five years. There isn’t much time left to recover some of that.
I agree with you on the urgency of this. For me it’s one of the bigger consequences of Brexit.
Leon’s perseverating over lefty Twitter loudmouths notwithstanding.
So if suicide was less prevalent in earlier times it might be simply that most people died of natural causes before they reached a truly miserable old age
If you have no source of reliably fresh eggs, reach to the back of the supermarket shelf, and scour all the different kinds of egg on the shelves for the ones with the longest date.
We can see all this with our own eyes. We are not blind
This seems to be the new soft left approach to the culture wars. Simple denial. The wars are not happening. Or if they are happening they are only happening in the minds of mad Americans. Woke is a fantasy etc
It’s a bold tactic as it flies in the face of basic fucking reality, but who knows
Confused now
I’m walking around the Plaza Nueva in the September sun of Seville. Bit difficult
*Admittedly requested by the ScoTories, as the SNP were a minority. But the SNP could have found some other party with its pet project to get the right permutation and combination of votes to get their budget through, as happened in other years.
Horsey is projecting all his rage towards the SNP for ‘stealing’ Lab voters which messes up his SKSICAWBPM calculations.
However Mrs C says somewhat wistfully if she could she might. Go and queue I mean. I don't think when it came to it she would though!
Er, I didn’t. And have never claimed that. Indeed I’ve explicitly said I’m not doing The Queue
Although I forget the details, the legal penalties for suicide were very different in C19 Scots and English law, and that has to be borne in mind by historians when interpreting the raw stats of suicide verdicts.
I’m going to see THE ARCHIVE OF THE INDIES then I’m going to have a fuck off delicious lunch in one of the best tapas bars, and then, quite pleasingly drunk, I will fly home to Blighty tonight, in time for the Funeral. Sorted
Forgot to add: and when I’m drunk on cava and at Seville airport I might knock out a Knappers Gazette column on “what a nice time I had in Seville and this is what it means about Whatever the fuck” and make myself £400 in an hour
My mistake. I thought you might be omnipresent.
@Casino_Royale last night for the best example.
Not pretend it doesn't exist.
Or that it's not as bad as you think.
Or that it will go away if you do nothing.
Or that describing it accurately is talking Britain / organization down.
Avoidance techniques / not facing up to harsh reality / focusing on anything but the problem / consoling yourself with the things you do well are very very common human reactions but they are disastrous when you have real problems. Which is why you need ruthless hard-edged people unafraid to describe problems accurately and unflinchingly and speak truth to power.
Horses for courses.
People can do what they want but some of my friendship group are seemingly annoyed that I am not interested in going to see the Queen.
Let's say 100 people file past every minute.
That is 6000 per hour.
That is 144,000 per day
That is 860,000 over six days
860,000 is approximately 1.3% of the UK population or 1 in 78 people. Still a lot and noteworthy given the queuing time but a fairly small minority of the population.
Until now. Looks like I'm heading out again....
The clincher for me was watching a Netflix doc called 137 shots. The long and short of it is that a car with two black people in it drives quickly past a policeman in Cleveland one night and it backfires.
The policeman radios that he’s been shot at in a drive-by. The police catch up to the car and surround it and shoot 137 (minimum) times from feet away.
The reasons it made me consider more carefully defunding the US police were that having 15 police surrounding a car shooting (and they ended up shooting at each other thinking it was coming from the car) is overkill (pun unintended). If they had fewer officers then a stand off might have resulted in a less frenzied attack on the car. One of the officers at the end was standing on the car bonnet and fired about twenty times through the windshield.
The craziest thing was the footage of 67 police cars lit up racing after the car. 67! If you have 67 cars free to chase one car then something is wrong. If they had fewer resources then they would have to be more careful about how they approach situations and rather than shock and awe so the police feel invulnerable and thus don’t think cleverly they would have to act smarter and hopefully with less crazy consequences.
Spoiler alert below:
The victims in the car were unarmed. Nobody went to jail. One officer lost his job years later.
When her Nana died it was the first time I had ever seen a dead person, but not unusual for Irish funerals at all.