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The LDs would fancy their chances if Parish resigns –



  • FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,559
    edited April 2022
    The thing I find offensive about the 'anti war' letter in Germany is not that it was anti war but that it wasn't anti war. If you insist on pacifism fine. But their whole focus was on encouraging Ukrainians to surrender but at no point mentioning what Germany should do about its funding of the Russian war effort by buying oil and gas.
  • Labour 1997 anniversary.

    Things can only get better. Not long to wait now.

    Things did get better.

    And now...
    "I think one day we'll get back to that" - Tony Blair.
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,918
    edited April 2022
    Ashcroft seems desperate to ignore his own poll data .

    Apparently he thinks if Bozo gives a proper apology it will help get Red Wall voters back onside .
  • CatManCatMan Posts: 3,020
    Labour are saying what Neil Parish did might actually have been illegal after all
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,647
    nico679 said:

    Ashcroft seems desperate to ignore his own poll data .

    Apparently he thinks if Bozo gives a proper apology it will help get Red Wall voters back onside .
    A Nick Clegg style video?
  • Re: Tiverton - A lot depends on who the Cons pick. They need to forget any thoughts of a parachute and pick a local councillor type.

    Also worth mentioning that whoever is elected will be the last MP for the current incarnation of the seat. Two-thirds of it becomes a reincarnated Honiton seat with a chunk of the current East Devon, while the remaining third goes into the brand new Tiverton and Minehead seat.
  • I think if you were Labour you would know there was more to do for sure but realise how far they have come in such little time to be ahead on issues like this

    A disastrous poll for the Tories.
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    stodge said:

    🥀 The secret Labour/Lib Dem elections pact has been revealed.

    Read my letter and the questions that Sir Keir Starmer must answer 👇

    ROFL they are desperate. What about the Tory/BXP pact at GE19?

    I suspect Oliver Dowden has now realised he will be the scapegoat for the poor Conservative performance and the seat losses on Thursday and he will be publicly sacked by the Prime Minister.
    I thought that was Sunak's job?
    You are correct. The Labour Party havn’t dug the dirt and hollowed out Sunak, they have been passengers the Boris Team has destroyed Sunak, so that in the reshuffle in two weeks Truss can be Chancellor for remainder of Parliament, and Patel to Foreign Secretary, and as Wallace is good friend of Boris, Boris may like him to be leader if he can’t be it himself, he could promote Ben Wallace to Home Office in couple of weeks, give Ben a chance to shine in one of the great ministry’s of state,
  • An 8 point lead on the economy for Labour from Ashcroft. Government spending, 15 point lead. Improving living standards, 30 point lead (!)

    This is landslide territory
  • And a 7 point lead on crime. Tories lead by 6 points on national security.
  • All of which helps to explain why, forced to choose between the Johnson-led Conservatives and a Starmer-led Labour Government, my poll had the latter ahead by a 14-point margin.

    20 point lead, nailed on
  • SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 17,281

    Foxy's suggestion for electing Lords from local governments reminds me of the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution:

    The Seventeenth Amendment (Amendment XVII) to the United States Constitution established the direct election of United States senators in each state. The amendment supersedes Article I, §3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which senators were elected by state legislatures. It also alters the procedure for filling vacancies in the Senate, allowing for state legislatures to permit their governors to make temporary appointments until a special election can be held.

    The amendment was proposed by the 62nd Congress in 1912 and became part of the Constitution on April 8, 1913, on ratification by three-quarters (36) of the state legislatures.
    Is it possible that, once Lords were elected, there would be an effort to change the laws in order to elect them directly? (I have no opinion on whether electing Lords, directly or indirectly, would improve your legislature, not knowing enough about how your upper House operates, now.)

    (At least one senator, Boies Penrose, was delighted by the change to direct elections. He thought his reputation was so bad that the Pennsylvania legislature would not have dared to elect him. But the people did, in 1914.)

    Believe Penrose's problem with PA legislature was that Democrats & Progressives dominated at least the state house following 1912 general election. Republicans certainly lost ground in PA in US House that year, and Theodore Roosevelt won the Keystone State's popular & electoral votes.

    BTW here are result of 1914 election for US Senate in Pennsylvania (source wiki)
    > Boies Penrose (Republican) 46.76%
    > Gifford Pinchot (Progressive) 24.22%
    > A. Mitchell Palmer (Democratic) 23.97%
    > Frederick Whiteside (Socialist) 3.41%
    > Madison Larkin (Prohibition) 1.58%
    > A. S. Landis (Socialist Labor) 0.06%

    Boies Penrose was THE Republican Boss of Pennsylvania before AND after this election (a position he inherited from his mentor Matthew Quay) Far from your stereotypical ward-heeler, he was a Harvard graduate from a wealthy family. His machine was centered in Philadelphia - then a GOP stronghold - allied with political allies across the state.

    He'd taken a political kicking in 1912 at the height of Teddy's Roosevelt's Bull Moose campaign. But he rebounded quickly - as the 1914 results attest.

    BTW, his two main rivals were also historically important beyond this particular race.

    > Gifford Pinchot was one of TR's closest allies, indeed his firing as US Chief Forester precipitated Roosevelt's break with William Howard Taft, Teddy's hand-picked successor as POTUS. (There's a national forest named for GP in WA State, as Jim well knows I'm sure).

    > A Mitchell Palmer went on to become Woodrow Wilson's Attorney General, and is most famous for the "Palmer Raids" against radicals during the immediate post-WW1 "Red Scare". FYI his chief deputy in this was none other than J Edgar Hoover.

  • SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 17,281

    Re: Tiverton - A lot depends on who the Cons pick. They need to forget any thoughts of a parachute and pick a local councillor type.

    Also worth mentioning that whoever is elected will be the last MP for the current incarnation of the seat. Two-thirds of it becomes a reincarnated Honiton seat with a chunk of the current East Devon, while the remaining third goes into the brand new Tiverton and Minehead seat.

    Tories will select a woman - in line with new policy - unless they've taken total leave of their senses.

    Not sure about UK, but this is a tested, often successful technique in US, employed required by both parties.
  • nico679 said:

    Ashcroft seems desperate to ignore his own poll data .

    Apparently he thinks if Bozo gives a proper apology it will help get Red Wall voters back onside .
    The Red Wall is gone - and Ashcroft polling implies a Labour landslide
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,128

    Foxy said:

    More serious than #Growlergate

    Johnson: Press conference 25-3-2020. ““Patrick, on the numbers of people who have the disease asymptomatically, there was a study I saw quoted from some Oxford academics saying that as many as 50% may have had it asymptomatically”

    He knew. He lied.

    The public inquiry - when it finally happens - will be box office.

    Let's hope they pick someone of impeccable qualifications to chair it.

    Cyclefree! Assisted by Sunil. The rest of us can carry on comparing cricket averages 🙂
    Whoa! I am flattered - but why me??
  • A big 8000 sample poll ahead of the local elections from @LordAshcroft

    On 10 issues, Lab lead on 9.

    Having the right approach to immigration
    Conservatives 27%
    Labour 37%

    Rwanda policy though is such a success, PB Tories told me so!
  • stodgestodge Posts: 13,660

    Hey @stodge! How are you doing

    Not too bad, my friend.
  • rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 61,542
    edited April 2022

    An 8 point lead on the economy for Labour from Ashcroft. Government spending, 15 point lead. Improving living standards, 30 point lead (!)

    This is landslide territory

    And yet next Friday evening I strongly suspect we will all be debating why the Tory vote has not collapsed in local elections as expected given partygate, cost of bread etc etc etc.
  • An 8 point lead on the economy for Labour from Ashcroft. Government spending, 15 point lead. Improving living standards, 30 point lead (!)

    This is landslide territory

    And yet next Friday evening I strongly suspect we will all be debating why the Tory vote has not collapsed in local elections as expected given partygate, cost of bread etc etc etc.
    I for one am not making any predictions beyond hoping that Wandsworth goes Labour as I think it will
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,918

    nico679 said:

    Ashcroft seems desperate to ignore his own poll data .

    Apparently he thinks if Bozo gives a proper apology it will help get Red Wall voters back onside .
    The Red Wall is gone - and Ashcroft polling implies a Labour landslide
    We can only hope . This government must rank as the worst of all time with the most corrupt unprincipled PM in living memory.

  • In a bid to win back lost voters who backed leave, Starmer signalled the party’s attempts to move away from the rows over EU membership. He said that the government’s refusal to cut VAT from household energy bills meant they had missed “a genuine Brexit benefit the whole country can get behind”.
  • Hey @nico679 hope you are doing well

    Poll shows voters would pick Starmer over Boris… via @mailplus
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    Foxy said:

    More serious than #Growlergate

    Johnson: Press conference 25-3-2020. ““Patrick, on the numbers of people who have the disease asymptomatically, there was a study I saw quoted from some Oxford academics saying that as many as 50% may have had it asymptomatically”

    He knew. He lied.

    The public inquiry - when it finally happens - will be box office.

    Let's hope they pick someone of impeccable qualifications to chair it.

    Cyclefree! Assisted by Sunil. The rest of us can carry on comparing cricket averages 🙂
    Whoa! I am flattered - but why me??
    Reading all the cricket chat on here makes your eyes bleed too doesn’t it? Now stop fussing and help Cyclefree prepare for Inquiry of the century, we are all relying on you for the right result after the fairest summoning up
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,918

    Hey @nico679 hope you are doing well

    I’m doing good thanks . I’ll be even happier if the Tories completely bomb next Thursday . I’m in two minds about Bozo , Labour have their best chance at the GE with the lying clown still in no 10 , but I’m sick of the sight of him and want that smug look wiped off his face and him shown the door as soon as possible !
  • According to a new poll by Lord Ashcroft, when asked to choose between a Conservative Government led by Boris Johnson and a Labour Government led by Sir Keir Starmer, 57 per cent of people backed Starmer, and 43 per cent backed Johnson. Time for change.

    14 points!
  • In our focus groups, longer-standing Conservatives, including those who had never been Johnson enthusiasts, often argued that it was time to move on. First-time Tories in “red wall” seats were on the whole more critical – perhaps because they were the most surprised and disappointed. They had thought of him as a maverick but not a liar or a lawbreaker, and some believed the episode showed him to be part of an elite that looked down on them rather than – as they had felt in 2019 – on their side against the political establishment.

    And ultimately this is why the Red Wall is lost. They won't trust the Tories again
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    Poll shows voters would pick Starmer over Boris… via @mailplus

    The Mail front page is out, and wot? No Red Rayner anywhere on front page! We’ve been suspecting all weekend this special Mail operation has going the same way as Putin’s, now this confirms it.

    So what do we make of the front page built around Tory Party Chairman’s “Boris and democracy getting stitched up by secret pact” whinge? The Paper isn’t looking very independent of Tory HQ right now 🤣 And it’s a front page ultra defensive rather than attacking, in fact it’s next Sundays front page a week early. Do they really fear such a wipe out they have to prepare the ground for one ? A few days ago the most trusted electionolgists didn’t feel it would be much worse than 300 losses for Conservatives, do Tories have more recent data from canvassing to want to whinge and moan about unfair result so early?
  • mwadamsmwadams Posts: 3,535

    🥀 The secret Labour/Lib Dem elections pact has been revealed.

    Read my letter and the questions that Sir Keir Starmer must answer 👇

    ROFL they are desperate. What about the Tory/BXP pact at GE19?

    Is this the secret election pact they were quite open about a month or so ago?

    Is it going to somehow be worse for the Tories than we expect? This is desperate stuff
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202
    mwadams said:

    🥀 The secret Labour/Lib Dem elections pact has been revealed.

    Read my letter and the questions that Sir Keir Starmer must answer 👇

    ROFL they are desperate. What about the Tory/BXP pact at GE19?

    Is this the secret election pact they were quite open about a month or so ago?
    It probably goes down in the history books, if Boris hadn’t surrounded himself with cheerleaders, a better performing government might have given the Tories a chance when the election came.
  • We must say, holding the Hartlepool election when Labour did was one of the dumbest decisions of the last decade
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    This has a real 1996 desperate fag end feel. CCHQ complaining that the opposition parties are... ganging up on them? It's... politics... stroll on.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    Counterpoint to all the Westminster is dreadful stuff. Women in Westminster this week, by and large Tory women made themselves heard, worked together supportively and succeeded in their aims to have action taken. I know it might not seem like it but I'd call that progress.
  • theProletheProle Posts: 1,103
    For anyone wondering what sort of innocent search for tractor porn could have lead the unfortunate Mr Parish to click the wrong link, I'd imagine this must have been what he was really after - featuring as it does 1750 majestic throbbing brake horses (you really need sound to fully appreciate this video in all it's majestic glory) powering the greatest of all vehicles. I'd cheerfully watch the full 22 minutes of this clip perched on the green benches, rather than attend to a tedious "debate" where everyone reads out their prepared statements then does what the whips tell them to do.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 43,012

    Pagan2 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    To improve the HoL, simply remove the power of PM’s patronage, and leave it to an Appointments Commission.

    Each parliamentary term, appoint 30 peers in proportion to a party’s vote taken at the last election, and a further 20 cross-benchers.

    That will encourage parties to appoint 21 year old "Lords" and "Ladies".
    While you are setting up an appointments commission why not define the makeup you want in the lords,

    20% scientists
    10% IT bods
    30% from business 15% big and 15% small
    20% legal professions
    10% charity sector
    10% medical

    Each has national bodies that could submit suggestions for consideration by the committee
    I've proposed something like that in the past.

    I might also automatically allow in - if they want - ex PMs, and perhaps ex FSs and HSs is they served in post for more then (say) a couple of years.
    Typical no road sweepers , till operators , joiners, plumbers etc. Just another gravy train from that lot.
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