@MikeSmithson I would love to - in case you haven't noticed, I've stopped engaging with him. But if I'm accused of racism without any substantiation at all, and without action from the moderators, I'm going to call foul.
I suggest any aspiring Race theorist goes and reads your posts this morning, they really are a classic of the genre. How not to put a case when the research has undermined everything you post about.
The Glasgow facts were a delight weren't they.
PS. The people who count on here, including the ones laughing at you this morning always had my details.
It is true thoiugh that the BBC article showed the top 5 worst crime areas to be those that Socrates listed, and you changed it to put Glasgow in 3rd or 4th place then accused him of deceit
No, it's not true. The BBC articlenamed Glasgow as the most violent urban area in the UK, with London in second place and Belfast third. Thise London boroughs were top of th elocal authority lists. But you tell me a time when the East End and Sarf London (and Glasgow) were not violent places. It's in their DNA.
No you are wrong, sorry. Here is the listr I have copied from the bbc website
Is this fall in crime level real ? For so many crimes the Police don't appear to record them. If you experience any fraud for example, you are told to phone Actionfraud and they will only investigate if they feel it is warranted. I hear of many people who say that they don't bother to report crimes to Police, as they don't think they will investigate. If all crimes were reported on official statistics as they were say 30 years ago, I just wonder what they would reveal. This is not attacking one political party, as think both Labour and Tories have mucked around with the way crimes are recorded/reported.
I suggest any aspiring Race theorist goes and reads your posts this morning, they really are a classic of the genre. How not to put a case when the research has undermined everything you post about.
The Glasgow facts were a delight weren't they.
PS. The people who count on here, including the ones laughing at you this morning always had my details.
It is true thoiugh that the BBC article showed the top 5 worst crime areas to be those that Socrates listed, and you changed it to put Glasgow in 3rd or 4th place then accused him of deceit
No, it's not true. The BBC articlenamed Glasgow as the most violent urban area in the UK, with London in second place and Belfast third. Thise London boroughs were top of th elocal authority lists. But you tell me a time when the East End and Sarf London (and Glasgow) were not violent places. It's in their DNA.
No you are wrong, sorry. Here is the listr I have copied from the bbc website
Yes, Glasgow is not a local authority. These five are. They are all in London. London finishes second to Glasgow as the most violent urban area.
Read the whole article.
So no local authority area of Glasgow is a as violent as the five London authorities listed? But Glasgow as a whole is more violent than London? Is that right?
I suggest any aspiring Race theorist goes and reads your posts this morning, they really are a classic of the genre. How not to put a case when the research has undermined everything you post about.
The Glasgow facts were a delight weren't they.
PS. The people who count on here, including the ones laughing at you this morning always had my details.
It is true thoiugh that the BBC article showed the top 5 worst crime areas to be those that Socrates listed, and you changed it to put Glasgow in 3rd or 4th place then accused him of deceit
No, it's not true. The BBC articlenamed Glasgow as the most violent urban area in the UK, with London in second place and Belfast third. Thise London boroughs were top of th elocal authority lists. But you tell me a time when the East End and Sarf London (and Glasgow) were not violent places. It's in their DNA.
No you are wrong, sorry. Here is the listr I have copied from the bbc website
Yes, Glasgow is not a local authority. These five are. They are all in London. London finishes second to Glasgow as the most violent urban area.
Read the whole article.
So no local authority area of Glasgow is a as violent as the five London authorities listed? But Glasgow as a whole is more violent than London? Is that right?
Glasgow finishes above London. I am not sure whether Galsgow is sub-divided into local authorities in the way that London is.
Firstly, really enjoyed the PB drinks last week - great to see OGH and other "regulars" there as well as some new faces, in particular TSE - as one of his predecessors in looking after the site while Mike's away, just to say thanks for all your efforts and keep up the good work!
Can also reveal that I was one of those making wagers on Ukip's May 2 performance - will John O's money be safe?!
The by-election game is below and entries close next Wednesday at 7pm:
No, Glasgow City comes fourth in that list,Not below the five London Boroughs, but is more violent than London.
I am not arguing with the statistics, just that the BBC list didnt have Glasgow City in it, so Socrates wasnt cooking the books so to speak. The list that you posted, where did that come from?
The idea that places like Tower Hamlets, Newham and Hackney have not always been much more violent than other parts of London is a bit far fetched. Same with Lambeth and Lewisham.
"So some of the seepage from the yellows might be more than made up by the purples siphoning off the blue votes. "
It's like a slightly unpleasant paint mixer. Yet the fundamentals seem sound enough.
It is a mitigating far more than a truly positive force though. After May there's going to be some serious soul searching for Clegg and the lib dems too. That's inevitable.
The idea that places like Tower Hamlets, Newham and Hackney have not always been much more violent than other parts of London is a bit far fetched. Same with Lambeth and Lewisham.
Lambeth (Streatham) and Lewisham (Blackheath) had (have?) some up market areas I recent memory. A previous wave of immigration has degentrified these areas too.
Is this the right time to mention that I tipped Borussia to win the Champions League, here on pb, in the FIRST ROUND, after watching them play Man City for 20 mins?
At that point they were 21/1
I still don't think they will win it - Bayern look unstoppable - but they were clearly much much better than 21/1
Great call - it looks like a real passing of the baton. Germany takes over from Spain as the powerhouse of European football. What price them to win the World Cup next year?
As it turns out the authorities had a only one strong pointer from the outset, it was a Jihadist inspired attack, and went down that track almost exclusively within the first hours.
It may well be that the surviving brother will blame his sibling and the home-brewed attack story will carry through to the end. Dig deeper however, and it looks as if the US spotted the international link early. Four external nations were in contact with the Americans within 24 hours and it is becoming clear that the Russians had not only provided information on the now dead bomber some time ago but also other people including some in the Massachusetts area that they felt the Americans should watch. Other countries had supplied other names with it.
Thus the loner attack idea, that the US authorities appear to be taking as gospel needs very strong testing. Its a convenient story from a public relations point of view and also is a way of avoiding scrutiny of what the US authorities knew.
More worrying though is that previous killings in Boston that may have had a religious extremist motivation have been opened up again. One triple killing included a victim that was a friend of the dead bomber back in 2011. Co-incidence or did the authorities fail to put the information from the Russians in 2011 together with the killings?
Completely unrelated, it would be interesting to look back at the posters here and how the initial finger pointing (both at suspects and at other posters) in the hours after the attack may have correlated with their place on the political spectrum.
4 for Bayern last night and now 4 for Borussia. A passing of the baton indeed. Even when the English teams looked strong in europe they were not destroying their opposition like this.
Speaking personally I also much prefer the German style to the pass, pass pass of Barcelona which gets tedious after a while.
English teams will return to challenge them, if only because they are so damn rich.
And they will only ever get richer, in my book.
Sky will fight to the ends of the earth to keep the premiership - what is their whole network without it? they are the prem and the prem is them. And yet there's a list of companies with very deep pockets looking to get a slice of the action...
@MarkSenior "The last 4 ICM polls have found just 9 2010 Labour voters moving to UKIP"
Of course, because in 2010 Labour was down at core vote; no-one's going to pick up many of those.
The issue is whether significant proportions of 2010 Tory and LD voters, who a year ago intended to vote Labour, are now toying with UKIP instead. I think this is quite possible, and statistically not incompatible with either your or Mike's swing data from 2010. Labour needs most of the anti- government swing vote to win. But ther's little genuine passion for Labour out there, and my reading is that a chunk of voters that Labour needs are increasingly finding UKiP a more potent protest brew. Whether this sustains through to a GE is of course the $$$ question...
Completely unrelated, it would be interesting to look back at the posters here and how the initial finger pointing (both at suspects and at other posters) in the hours after the attack may have correlated with their place on the political spectrum.
You mean Tim (Al Qaeda is ot a problem as they kill more Muslims than non-Muslims), and other fellow travellers desperately hoping the perpetrators were "right wing extremists"? In fact, the Economist also had a quite outrageous piece on the matter - complete with bar charts.
4 for Bayern last night and now 4 for Borussia. A passing of the baton indeed. Even when the English teams looked strong in europe they were not destroying their opposition like this.
Speaking personally I also much prefer the German style to the pass, pass pass of Barcelona which gets tedious after a while.
There were a couple of seasons when Barcelona played the finest footbal I have ever seen; but once good teams worked out how to deal with them they did not have the wit to change things. However, I don't think I'll ever see a better side than that Barcelona 2009 - 2011 vintage. They were utterly sublime. And almost entirely home-grown.
Germany are 15/2 best priced. I'm on Belgium at 66/1 e/w
The atmosphere in that 80,000 stadium is tremendous.
That's a decent shout. But I wonder whether they are a team with 6 or 7 very good players and then a lot of mediocrity. Portugal might be a decent e/w bet in Brazil.
Mr. Dave, if sanctimonious, holier-than-thou claptrap were a source of energy we could run Britain on Caroline Lucas and still have enough left over to export to the continent.
4 for Bayern last night and now 4 for Borussia. A passing of the baton indeed. Even when the English teams looked strong in europe they were not destroying their opposition like this.
Speaking personally I also much prefer the German style to the pass, pass pass of Barcelona which gets tedious after a while.
There were a couple of seasons when Barcelona played the finest footbal I have ever seen; but once good teams worked out how to deal with them they did not have the wit to change things. However, I don't think I'll ever see a better side than that Barcelona 2009 - 2011 vintage. They were utterly sublime. And almost entirely home-grown.
Er, homegrown apart from Lionel Messi. Quite a significant exception.
I wonder if Barca and Real are just beginning to suffer - Rangers/Celtic style - from the lack of proper competition in their own league. The last team outside El Old Firm to win La Liga was Valencia in... 2003-4. Ten years ago.
Either way you can see why Barca and Real are keen on a proper pan-European league.
Messi has been with Barcelona since he was a boy. He speaks fluent Catalan.
4 for Bayern last night and now 4 for Borussia. A passing of the baton indeed. Even when the English teams looked strong in europe they were not destroying their opposition like this.
Speaking personally I also much prefer the German style to the pass, pass pass of Barcelona which gets tedious after a while.
There were a couple of seasons when Barcelona played the finest footbal I have ever seen; but once good teams worked out how to deal with them they did not have the wit to change things. However, I don't think I'll ever see a better side than that Barcelona 2009 - 2011 vintage. They were utterly sublime. And almost entirely home-grown.
I think that is fair comment Southam (and the Spanish team of that time was probably the best international side I have seen as well) but as they have got past their peak what was an occasional flaw has become an endemic problem. Sometimes the passing has become an alternative to incision. Inesta is absolutely key to their system and as he fades Barca are fading too.
Real are much more limited, lifted out of the ordinary by one of the best players of all time.
Still think that my money would be on Bayern for the final but that was seriously impressive tonight.
4 for Bayern last night and now 4 for Borussia. A passing of the baton indeed. Even when the English teams looked strong in europe they were not destroying their opposition like this.
Speaking personally I also much prefer the German style to the pass, pass pass of Barcelona which gets tedious after a while.
There were a couple of seasons when Barcelona played the finest footbal I have ever seen; but once good teams worked out how to deal with them they did not have the wit to change things. However, I don't think I'll ever see a better side than that Barcelona 2009 - 2011 vintage. They were utterly sublime. And almost entirely home-grown.
Er, homegrown apart from Lionel Messi. Quite a significant exception.
I wonder if Barca and Real are just beginning to suffer - Rangers/Celtic style - from the lack of proper competition in their own league. The last team outside El Old Firm to win La Liga was Valencia in... 2003-4. Ten years ago.
Either way you can see why Barca and Real are keen on a proper pan-European league.
Messi's effectively home-grown in Barce terms, he's been coming up through their youth system since the age of 10 or 11.
Germany are 15/2 best priced. I'm on Belgium at 66/1 e/w
The atmosphere in that 80,000 stadium is tremendous.
That's a decent shout. But I wonder whether they are a team with 6 or 7 very good players and then a lot of mediocrity. Portugal might be a decent e/w bet in Brazil.
Belgium have a superb group of mainly young players, they won't win in Brazil but are a great bet for the Euros in 2016
Firstly, really enjoyed the PB drinks last week - great to see OGH and other "regulars" there as well as some new faces, in particular TSE - as one of his predecessors in looking after the site while Mike's away, just to say thanks for all your efforts and keep up the good work!
Can also reveal that I was one of those making wagers on Ukip's May 2 performance - will John O's money be safe?!
The by-election game is below and entries close next Wednesday at 7pm:
The Election Game now covers 38 countries and all UK by-elections, and new players are very welcome.
Thanks and best wishes to all,
I know perfectly well where the Blairites 'reforming' zeal came from thanks.
It's like a slightly unpleasant paint mixer.
It is a mitigating far more than a truly positive force though.
After May there's going to be some serious soul searching for Clegg and the lib dems too.
That's inevitable.
As it turns out the authorities had a only one strong pointer from the outset, it was a Jihadist inspired attack, and went down that track almost exclusively within the first hours.
It may well be that the surviving brother will blame his sibling and the home-brewed attack story will carry through to the end. Dig deeper however, and it looks as if the US spotted the international link early. Four external nations were in contact with the Americans within 24 hours and it is becoming clear that the Russians had not only provided information on the now dead bomber some time ago but also other people including some in the Massachusetts area that they felt the Americans should watch. Other countries had supplied other names with it.
Thus the loner attack idea, that the US authorities appear to be taking as gospel needs very strong testing. Its a convenient story from a public relations point of view and also is a way of avoiding scrutiny of what the US authorities knew.
More worrying though is that previous killings in Boston that may have had a religious extremist motivation have been opened up again. One triple killing included a victim that was a friend of the dead bomber back in 2011. Co-incidence or did the authorities fail to put the information from the Russians in 2011 together with the killings?
Completely unrelated, it would be interesting to look back at the posters here and how the initial finger pointing (both at suspects and at other posters) in the hours after the attack may have correlated with their place on the political spectrum.
Speaking personally I also much prefer the German style to the pass, pass pass of Barcelona which gets tedious after a while.
And they will only ever get richer, in my book.
Sky will fight to the ends of the earth to keep the premiership - what is their whole network without it? they are the prem and the prem is them. And yet there's a list of companies with very deep pockets looking to get a slice of the action...
Of course, because in 2010 Labour was down at core vote; no-one's going to pick up many of those.
The issue is whether significant proportions of 2010 Tory and LD voters, who a year ago intended to vote
Labour, are now toying with UKIP instead. I think this is quite possible, and statistically not incompatible with either your or Mike's swing data from 2010. Labour needs most of the anti- government swing vote to win. But ther's little genuine passion for Labour out there, and my reading is that a chunk of voters that Labour needs are increasingly finding UKiP a more potent protest brew. Whether this sustains through to a GE is of course the $$$ question...
Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos told parliament today that the government was willing to 'exhaust every means available' in its claim."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2314025/Bankrupt-Greece-announces-IS-pursuing-claim-Germany-reparations-Nazi-occupation.html
Abu Qatada gets released tomorrow. I wonder if the Late Baroness Thatcher was in power if he would still be in the UK. I doubt it.
Real are much more limited, lifted out of the ordinary by one of the best players of all time.
Still think that my money would be on Bayern for the final but that was seriously impressive tonight.