Today we heard something of a pulling rarity – a phone survey from Ipsos Mori – the first since March well before starmer became Labour leader. The firm is the only one still doing national phone political surveys which cost a huge amount more than online polling.
Also pushes Labour back under 40% as LD Remainers are more likely to vote Labour (outside of LD target seats) than mainly Leave voting Tories
I can't help feeling there's a bit of a logical flaw in this particular wheeze.
If I was polled I'd probably say I was satisfied with Starmer (or at least not dissatisfied with him) as he's clearly a marked improvement on Corbyn without having any intention of voting for him.
what I love is that he hasn’t grasped if he doesn’t use his ballot, that helps the Dems.
PS OOOOOH I see now you meant trains
Edit - actually, don’t answer, I don’t want to know!
Preliminary analysis of the Wisconsin Supreme Court vote that the GOP lost in an upset showed low usage of postal votes in rural Wisconsin and a big drop in turnout there as well.
Trump has loaded and gun and pointed it at his foot.
I know a number of married men who would answer 'good sense' in response to that.
Can't understand this one unless you read the last one?
Ted Heath?
I don’t think Heath has any statues erected to him, but I could be wrong.
And not infrequent now...
Craig is not for turning, I gather.
I don’t think this has been thought through, although I would like to be pleasantly surprised.
Major beat Kinnock when behind by 12pts in 92, although generally it was even in mid term. That's the only time the perceived dullard has won. He was the incumbent, which might have helped.
Also, I’m not totally sure Thatcher was seen as more charismatic than Callaghan, although I haven’t got definite figures on that.
For a start, it's only been done, as far as I can see, by IPSOS MORI since 1978, hence "since records began in 1978"
And when those records began, Maggie led Callaghan by between 5-6 points, (29-23 in Sep 78 and 30-25 the following April)
Red = VI lead
Navy = Net Satisfaction lead
Light Blue = Personality lead
Please God we all last that long.
“It’s a rolling public relations vehicle,” Bhatt said. “We end up having to bring out a gas can and jumper cables every time we want to drive it — it’s only used twice a year.”"
With no real welfare state, the urban poor in particular are going to be hit very hard. At least subsistence farmers can eat.
If Modi flings blame for Coronavirus on China...
On appeasers.
Actually, come to think of it, that would be a very good reason for blaming him.
He's kind of acting like he doesn't want to win this year. Hard to tell though with someone as dishonest as him exactly what he really wants.
Though nothing compared to the armoury at this school speech day...
She also gave a hedgehog a good shaking but neither creature came to any harm.
It is a part of New Zealand's history for good or ill
Modi still doing well
The thread was here
I think I made a mistake, Howard was not ahead in VI in Sep 04, it was May 04, and a tie in June. Not with IPSOS MORI though. I think the point still stands that he was losing on VI and NS but never on Personality
This is the graph for Blair vs Major, Hague and Howard
SAGE advisors never suggested a full lockdown - so why are they now trying to rewrite history?
Meanwhile he's trying to stop the subpoenas against his businesses in the Trump International Hotel emoluments case. Not much seems to be going right for him at the moment.
Condoleezza Rice has said he should lay off the tweeting. Has he thought of a nasty playground nickname for her yet?
Land rights are a big issue in NZ, and the culture of respect for ancestors of the Maori people means that an insult to ancestors is deeply felt.
Perhaps of more interest from New Zealand than matters statuesque:
A taste of what is happening/will happen here?
You're right, he beat her on almost everything... except personalty
Having a meeting at 6pm AFTER the final Joint Committee meeting hardly leaves room to discuss it now, does it? Of all the potential criticisms this really is the lamest.
No grievance to unmonger...
That should go down well.
Both the Mail and the Borisgraph appear to be hedging their bets...