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SystemSystem Posts: 12,341
edited October 2018 in General » Blog Archive » The new regime at the Daily Mail is going to make it make it harder to oust TMay

The Mail turns its fire on the Tory plotters who are trying to oust TMay

Read the full story here


  • The Mirror seems to be moving as well. Not to oppose Brexit or support a ' People's Vote ' but toward a softer Brexit than Jeremy Corbyn is currently offering. Whether that's to pressure Corbyn or gve him space to do something he want's to I don't know but I suspect the former. The Observer has now formally endorsed a ' People's Vote ' and while the Guardian hasn't it's recent editorials are inching towards to it.

    The Independent's ' Final Say ' campaign for another referendum is three months old. The associated Change petition ( which isn't a secure site ) will hit a Million signatures this week.

    Surely the biggest media wild card now is the Standard under Osborne. It's been staunchly europhile since he took over though how that plays out between backing May's deal and a ' People's Vote ' will be down I think to the owner. Though in No Deal I'd be flaggerghasted if a London comuter freesheet didn't back a second vote.

    Anyone who read Geordie Grieg's Mail on Sunday ( as I often did ) will know he'll give May's deal as much backing as he dare because he wants a soft Brexit. It's abundantly clear Rothermere panicked over quite how far Dacre was going and activated the airbag.

    Clearly the Telegraph ( who's sales have disproportionately fallen ), Sun and ex Desmond titles now in REACH that were pro Brexit will remain so. But over all the press is like the polling and parliament. Brexit is a rocket that is still going up but hasn't achieved escape velocity.
  • Re May: My sense is the relative shock at the size of Saturday's march has rattled some Brexiters. The very violent imagery in the Sundays from May critics has rattled far more MPs as they all see the extreme stuff collegues get in the post threat wise and know this is now a tinder box ( My MP doesn't do any preannounced surgeries citing Jo Cox ).

    I suspect that won't last long as the vice is closing if they want to sign something on the 14th of December and the pound relies onnthe kindness of strangers afterall. But at this stage of the catastrophe any pulling back from the brink even for a few days is welcome.
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