That list is a reason for people on the right to make undermining trust in the BBC a priority e.g. over their non-reporting of the climategate emails - which would have blown the global warming scam out of the water if they'd reported it fully - or their almost total non-reporting of the gang problem in London
or the grooming gangs (at least relative to the amount of airtime they gave to the Catholic priests) etc - basically anything that contradicts their PC religion.
The joke in PMQs? Hardly qualifies as an attack. I think it's pretty clear that the BBC has an institutional Labour bias at the moment so the PM was making a decent point that even the BBC's own survey supported government data points.
Trust in 2003 (Today vs 2003): BBC News Journalists: 81 (-20) ITV News Journalists: 82 (-28) Times/Tele/Guardian: 65 (-22) Mail/Express: 36 (-14) Leading Lab: 25 (-2) Leading Con: 20 (+1) Leading LibD: 36 (-18) Sun/Mirror: 14 (+1)
It's the Lib Dems who have trashed their trust rating - Lab & Con are virtually unmoved.
The BBC & ITV have recovered vs their lows of a year ago (44 and 41 respectively), while the Newspapers have also recovered to an extent, but not as strongly (Broad +5, Mail, +4, Sun +5).
Trust in 2003 (Today vs 2003): BBC News Journalists: 81 (-20) ITV News Journalists: 82 (-28) Times/Tele/Guardian: 65 (-22) Mail/Express: 36 (-14) Leading Lab: 25 (-2) Leading Con: 20 (+1) Leading LibD: 36 (-18) Sun/Mirror: 14 (+1)
It's the Lib Dems who have trashed their trust rating - Lab & Con are virtually unmoved.
The BBC & ITV have recovered vs their lows of a year ago (44 and 41 respectively), while the Newspapers have also recovered to an extent, but not as strongly (Broad +5, Mail, +4, Sun +5).
"The BBC "completely rejects" a claim by the Daily Mail's editor that coverage of the paper's article on Labour leader Ed Miliband's father was "one-sided".
Over the last year, those in charge of the BBC have done a very good job of undermining the public's trust in the organisation without any outside help.
Trust in 2003 (Today vs 2003): BBC News Journalists: 81 (-20) ITV News Journalists: 82 (-28) Times/Tele/Guardian: 65 (-22) Mail/Express: 36 (-14) Leading Lab: 25 (-2) Leading Con: 20 (+1) Leading LibD: 36 (-18) Sun/Mirror: 14 (+1)
It's the Lib Dems who have trashed their trust rating - Lab & Con are virtually unmoved.
The BBC & ITV have recovered vs their lows of a year ago (44 and 41 respectively), while the Newspapers have also recovered to an extent, but not as strongly (Broad +5, Mail, +4, Sun +5).
No, Family Doctors & School Teachers still enjoy high levels of trust. The newspaper 'hit' came in 2006/7 - and no one's trusted Lab or Con much ever. The Lib Dems were doing better until the coalition.
IIRC, historically family doctors had trust levels in the low 90's. Does that not indicate a general slippage? On that basis, can't everyone be expected to have declined by about 7-8% of their previous level?
Over the last year, those in charge of the BBC have done a very good job of undermining the public's trust in the organisation without any outside help.
Trust in BBC Journalists has actually grown over the last year - from the [You know who] nadir:
Jan 2012: 60 Oct 2012: 57 Nov 2012: 44 Dec 2012: 51 Mar 2013: 61
IIRC, historically family doctors had trust levels in the low 90's. Does that not indicate a general slippage? On that basis, can't everyone be expected to have declined by about 7-8% of their previous level?
Mar 2013 vs 10 years ago: Family Doctors: -10 School Teachers: -14
But both still enjoy very high levels of trust, and proportionately these are smaller than the hits journalists on broadsheets & TV have taken. No one much trusted the red tops ever.
I see Labour is now involved in a bizarre conspiracy theory about sinister global corporations controlling the government - i.e. Osborne knows someone who works at a hedge fund:
Say what you like about Tony Blair, but at least his centrism gave Labour some foothold in reality. Now they're being led by a Marxist they're completely consumed by all the far-left persecution fantasies that come with it.
I see Labour is now involved in a bizarre conspiracy theory about sinister global corporations controlling the government - i.e. Osborne knows someone who works at a hedge fund:
Say what you like about Tony Blair, but at least his centrism gave Labour some foothold in reality. Now they're being led by a Marxist they're completely consumed by all the far-left persecution fantasies that come with it.
Blimey, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago now. Thanks for those figures, I am not sure the BBC is out of the woods yet when it comes to public trust in the longer term.
Over the last year, those in charge of the BBC have done a very good job of undermining the public's trust in the organisation without any outside help.
Trust in BBC Journalists has actually grown over the last year - from the [You know who] nadir:
Jan 2012: 60 Oct 2012: 57 Nov 2012: 44 Dec 2012: 51 Mar 2013: 61
I see Labour is now involved in a bizarre conspiracy theory about sinister global corporations controlling the government - i.e. Osborne knows someone who works at a hedge fund:
Say what you like about Tony Blair, but at least his centrism gave Labour some foothold in reality. Now they're being led by a Marxist they're completely consumed by all the far-left persecution fantasies that come with it.
I see Labour is now involved in a bizarre conspiracy theory about sinister global corporations controlling the government - i.e. Osborne knows someone who works at a hedge fund:
Say what you like about Tony Blair, but at least his centrism gave Labour some foothold in reality. Now they're being led by a Marxist they're completely consumed by all the far-left persecution fantasies that come with it.
Which is the lizard? Osborne or the friend?
And the DT smearing with a cheap headline. Bring on press regulation.
"The flipside of the London property market which seems to have become lost in Sean's boasting about his one bed flat is the amount the taxpayer pays in Housing Benefit to house his daughter"
Er, that's probably because she doesn't get Housing Benefit. I support them: I pay the rent for my daughter's and her mother's nice two bed garden flat in Finchley.
But really, as Josias says, these personal attacks come from someone, i.e. you, Tim R******, who is so anonymous and cowardly he spent the first year on pb completely lying about his identity, and now won't even tell us where he went to school.
I like being anonymous. You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo. What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
I don't think digging into a poster's private life benefits anyone on PB, and it certainly shouldn't be used to score points by any side, such as in this case with tim's dig at you, or your retaliation. Its about the only thing that could drive me off PB.
Slightly O/T but I wonder about the question re trust in LOCAL police officers, as opposed to the fuzz generally!
The question is asked of 'local' police officers and 'senior' ones - both have seen declines (-15 &-21 respectively) and the gap between the more trusted local & senior officers has grown. That could also be a function - seen in the NHS, for example, (that the 'national NHS' is dire, but the one I use rather good.....) where people's experience is more positive than their expectations driven by media stories.
That's hilarious! Do we know the whereabouts of these 'pastures new'? My hope is she's safely sectioned under the wing of Nurse Ratched and is no longer a danger to herself or anyone else
Trust in 2003 (Today vs 2003): BBC News Journalists: 81 (-20) ITV News Journalists: 82 (-28) Times/Tele/Guardian: 65 (-22) Mail/Express: 36 (-14) Leading Lab: 25 (-2) Leading Con: 20 (+1) Leading LibD: 36 (-18) Sun/Mirror: 14 (+1)
It's the Lib Dems who have trashed their trust rating - Lab & Con are virtually unmoved.
The BBC & ITV have recovered vs their lows of a year ago (44 and 41 respectively), while the Newspapers have also recovered to an extent, but not as strongly (Broad +5, Mail, +4, Sun +5).
No, Family Doctors & School Teachers still enjoy high levels of trust. The newspaper 'hit' came in 2006/7 - and no one's trusted Lab or Con much ever. The Lib Dems were doing better until the coalition.
My suspicions were first raised when I realised that the GWR had not even been formed in 1831, when the COMMUNIST BBC LIE the coach was built. And that clerestory coaches were not introduced until decades later. Such facts should flow in the very veins of any red-blooded Englishman. This shows the article was the work of a heinous foreign INFILTRATOR. Or worse, a WOMAN.
It's obvious what's going on here. The BBC are trying to MUDDY the glories of the Victorian age by pretending that it started in William IV's reign. By doing this, they DILUTE the glories of her age, and moving the Reform crisis onto her shoulders.
In so doing, they SMEAR the GREATEST queen (apart from Elizabeth II, God bless her, and Elizabeth I, who saved us from Europe the first time, and perhaps Mary, who introduced a much-beloved drink) who has ever reigned over us forelock-tugging folk. By HUMILIATING the good name of the monarchy in this manner, they are a step forward in their attempts to bring in a SOCIALIST, nay, COMMUNIST state.
OT: I think the problem with those figures for the BBC is that they are ONLY 61% - suggesting that for a large proportion they are no longer trusted. Few would expect newspapers to be unbiased and there is no compulsion to buy any of them. However, the BBC stands or falls on serving the public interest in an impartial way - and they are funded by a tax which is difficult to avoid. For a very significant minority they are no longer trusted and this is extremely unhealthy for politics in this country.
I like being anonymous. You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo. What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
I don't think digging into a poster's private life benefits anyone on PB, and it certainly shouldn't be used to score points by any side, such as in this case with tim's dig at you, or your retaliation. Its about the only thing that could drive me off PB.
I agree that anonymity is important. I have no idea who you are, or what your name is. But your posts have indicated certain things about you, like your profession (hard to miss with your login!). That means that whenever that topic comes up, I read your posts intently. The same is true for Mr Sox with regard to his occupation, and Mr Dancer on F1 and enormo-Haddocks, or others on legal matters or polling. They are all trusted sources on those topics.
Anyone so inclined could work out who I am, and I don't particularly care. That is my choice. I've mentioned my personal website twice, mentioned my village on several occasions when it's relevant, and everyone knows I'm a walking-mad, railways-mad, engineering-mad, mad geek.
The problem I have with Tim on this matter is that he is an attack-dog. He is constantly attacking people on here. Again, I have little problem with that per se, and people respond likewise, to the extent that it becomes hard to know who started long-running feuds. However, he does tend to use the fact that people have been open about certain things against them, whilst hiding beneath his own cloak.
After a while that gets wearying. It gets particularly so when he accuses politicians - who have chosen to be in the public eye and suffer the mud, slings and arrows that are thrown their way - as cowards, when he still hides beneath that cloak.
Trust in the public sector has diminished because the electorate in general no longer trusts their employees to tell the truth but only offer excuses for failure and say that lessons will be learned after each recurring failure.
Also parts of the public sector that they regarded as their "friends" (e.g. police, local council and even teachers) now only seem to impose restrictions on their activity and to give out monetary fines for contraventions (e.g. wrong items in bins, speed cameras operate by police as an easy kill, and fines for taking child out of school for a holiday)
There is also a growing gap between what politicians/police/councils/social services want to impose and what the electorate desire/require and what they believe is natural justice.
However, the electorate has to shoulder some of the problem as they want the pubic sector to take on problems that used to be their responsibility (e.g care of aging parents).
OT: I think the problem with those figures for the BBC is that they are ONLY 61% - suggesting that for a large proportion they are no longer trusted. Few would expect newspapers to be unbiased and there is no compulsion to buy any of them. However, the BBC stands or falls on serving the public interest in an impartial way - and they are funded by a tax which is difficult to avoid. For a very significant minority they are no longer trusted and this is extremely unhealthy for politics in this country.
Interesting that no-one is willing to defend the BBC on this.
The shock to me in the above data is that the Lib Dems have a lower rating on trust than the Conservatives and Labour. My expectation was that the Lib Dems used to be ahead of the other 2. Does anyone know what the position was before GE 2010 for the Lib Dems?
I like being anonymous. You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo. What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
I don't think digging into a poster's private life benefits anyone on PB, and it certainly shouldn't be used to score points by any side, such as in this case with tim's dig at you, or your retaliation. Its about the only thing that could drive me off PB.
The problem I have with Tim on this matter is that he is an attack-dog. He is constantly attacking people on here. ....... However, he does tend to use the fact that people have been open about certain things against them, whilst hiding beneath his own cloak. After a while that gets wearying. It gets particularly so when he accuses politicians - who have chosen to be in the public eye and suffer the mud, slings and arrows that are thrown their way - as cowards, when he still hides beneath that cloak.
That rings very true. But since I have no idea who tim is, he can sling the mud around without much fear of being held to account. 11,000 posts on here most of which were trolling or smearing.
The shock to me in the above data is that the Lib Dems have a lower rating on trust than the Conservatives and Labour. My expectation was that the Lib Dems used to be ahead of the other 2. Does anyone know what the position was before GE 2010 for the Lib Dems?
I think the LDs have suffered because they are now in government - people liked them when they could oppose everything and take responsibility for nothing.
The shock to me in the above data is that the Lib Dems have a lower rating on trust than the Conservatives and Labour. My expectation was that the Lib Dems used to be ahead of the other 2. Does anyone know what the position was before GE 2010 for the Lib Dems?
I think the LDs have suffered because they are now in government - people liked them when they could oppose everything and take responsibility for nothing.
YES but Trust was a key USP that the Lib Dems probably had. Retaining MPs gets much more difficult without that.
WW2 Tweets from 1941 @RealTimeWWII Soviet Colonel Polosukhin, last visitor to Borodino Museum as staff evacuate, signs visitor's book: "I am here to defend the battlefield."
Plato - have you answered my question about if you approve of anything Ed has done?
Probably still thinking about it. Honestly, I'd be really struggling too. Nothing springs to mind for me.
Then you'll forgive us for not listening too much if you think something's a bad idea then.
Some people are never going to like Ed, some are never going to like Dave, let's be honest
Very presumptuous of you to use "us" and assume that you speak for more than just yourself.
You rather oddly manage to mix up two completely different concepts there. You ask for approval of anything Ed has done and then flip that to something that is "a bad idea". Those aren't the same things.
To dig you out of your own confusion about what you're asking, I'd summarise that I'm not a fan of either of them but I'd take Dave as PM rather than Ed if forced to choose.
So do the swivel-eyed loons seriously think the lesson from this polling and their cretinous stupidity over Dacre is a crisis in public sector trust? While the Mail polling at roughly a third of the BBC on trust levels somehow proves it was all the BBC's fault??
Isn't it odd that the public trust journalists more than the politicians who want to regulate broadcasters and the print media. Trust in the police, interesting given plodgate/plebgate, undercover cops infiltration of protest groups, Hilllsborough/S Yorks polis amongst other issues.
All posters are entitled to reveal as much or as little information about themselves as they choose. No poster should have their own personal information revealed publicly without their explicit agreement. All of us draw the boundary between private and public information differently. Some can only contribute fully with full anonymity.
Anyway, does it really matter what any one poster's individual circumstances are? What matters is whether what they are arguing stands up or not.
The shock to me in the above data is that the Lib Dems have a lower rating on trust than the Conservatives and Labour. My expectation was that the Lib Dems used to be ahead of the other 2. Does anyone know what the position was before GE 2010 for the Lib Dems?
@Mick_Pork - trust in the BBC undermined by :- ongoing trials of former music & light entertainment presenters, expenses & re-enumeration packages, costs of BBC Salford move, special 'redundancy' sweeteners, use of presenters' children as prize winners, Newsnight spats. Quite a few of these issues appeared in the last 2 years and have hardly enhanced public trust in the corporation's activities or reputation.
Trust in the police, interesting given plodgate/plebgate, undercover cops infiltration of protest groups, Hilllsborough/S Yorks polis amongst other issues.
Not really since the polling was phrased "Local police officers" which is as close to 'bobbies on the beat' as you can get in polling. Almost certainly very different if the specific cases of undercover journalists or those particular forces was put in the question.
The shock to me in the above data is that the Lib Dems have a lower rating on trust than the Conservatives and Labour. My expectation was that the Lib Dems used to be ahead of the other 2. Does anyone know what the position was before GE 2010 for the Lib Dems?
Tim what experience, knowledge or achievements do you have that sets you so far above other people on here in your mind? Have you set up a successful business or managed a group with over 100 people or written a successful book or created a successful product or service? Have you made a speech in front of hundreds of people in a foreign country and had a recording shown on that tv? Ever had a non-political article published in print? Have you been a Director or reported to FTSE 100 Board Director or undertaken business in more than 20 countries or met many Heads of State? Or have you worked as a SPAD in the UK Govt? Or stood for a local or national election and won? What exactly sets you apart from these people you call "dullards"?
All posters are entitled to reveal as much or as little information about themselves as they choose. No poster should have their own personal information revealed publicly without their explicit agreement. All of us draw the boundary between private and public information differently. Some can only contribute fully with full anonymity.
Anyway, does it really matter what any one poster's individual circumstances are? What matters is whether what they are arguing stands up or not.
That post would have a Like under the old buttons.
Sometimes the circumstances you describe can come together to make compelling testimony. Nightjack and InspectorGadget were two examples where anonymity together with personal circumstances gave us insights we'd otherwise not have had. The Magistrate's Blog etc aren't whistleblowing gossip sites but are valuable ways for us to glimpse behind the curtain. Often that makes them more potent.
So do the swivel-eyed loons seriously think the lesson from this polling and their cretinous stupidity over Dacre is a crisis in public sector trust? While the Mail polling at roughly a third of the BBC on trust levels somehow proves it was all the BBC's fault??
It could only happen in PB Tory world.
Unspoofable indeed. ;^ )
I think you miss the point - the Mail is not expected to be neutral, no-one has to buy it or read it and it does not pretend to be neutral. The BBC does and it is funded by a compulsory tax. To have just 61% trust under those circumstances is something it should be seriously concerned about. It is absolutely not a good figure for the state broadcaster to have.
@Mick_Pork - trust in the BBC undermined by :- ongoing trials of former music & light entertainment presenters, expenses & re-enumeration packages, costs of BBC Salford move, special 'redundancy' sweeteners, use of presenters' children as prize winners, Newsnight spats. Quite a few of these issues appeared in the last 2 years and have hardly enhanced public trust in the corporation's activities or reputation.
In other words a whole bundle of scandals that have played out resembling a slow motion car-crash. I certainly don't regret calling for a public inquiry when all that started and the continuing idiotic blundering from BBC execs bears that out. Strange that not many PB tories agreed with me though. Their trust is eroding but it's still WAY above the print media while ITV has somehow managed to be below the BBC and they haven't made the same kind of stupid scandalous errors.
Trust levels are poor for all of them with most still dropping apart from those who basically couldn't get much lower anyway.
Most stark is the precipitous drop from leading lib dem politicians who are certainly feeling the warmth of Clegg's almost comical level of voter repelling toxicity.
All posters are entitled to reveal as much or as little information about themselves as they choose. No poster should have their own personal information revealed publicly without their explicit agreement. All of us draw the boundary between private and public information differently. Some can only contribute fully with full anonymity. Anyway, does it really matter what any one poster's individual circumstances are? What matters is whether what they are arguing stands up or not.
It matters if there is a continual pattern of sneering and insulting other posters from a position that they are "so wonderful" and successful themselves. It is simply bad manners and cowardly to do that behind anonymity.
I like being anonymous. You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo. What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
I don't think digging into a poster's private life benefits anyone on PB, and it certainly shouldn't be used to score points by any side, such as in this case with tim's dig at you, or your retaliation. Its about the only thing that could drive me off PB.
The problem I have with Tim on this matter is that he is an attack-dog. He is constantly attacking people on here. ....... However, he does tend to use the fact that people have been open about certain things against them, whilst hiding beneath his own cloak. After a while that gets wearying. It gets particularly so when he accuses politicians - who have chosen to be in the public eye and suffer the mud, slings and arrows that are thrown their way - as cowards, when he still hides beneath that cloak.
That rings very true. But since I have no idea who tim is, he can sling the mud around without much fear of being held to account. 11,000 posts on here most of which were trolling or smearing.
On thing I love about the PB Tories is their predictability, and whenever there's a poll at the top of the thread which they don't like attention shifts to me or some other distraction. I noticed it particularly when I was away for a week, i got more mentions from the remedial PB Tories than ever.
Of course the hypocrisy is always very close to the surface, as the post about Ed Milibands bastard children by the dullard upthread won't get picked up by any of the predictable hypocrites busy complaining about me lowering the tone.
Polls and opinions come and go - but here's a fact :
Labour got only 28.1% of the votes in the GE in England.
That seems reasonable enough given some of plod's 'finest' actions of late. The top of the Met resembling some strange cross between a carry on film, an episode of Minder and a low rent farce for a start.
@Mick_Pork - trust in the BBC undermined by :- ongoing trials of former music & light entertainment presenters, expenses & re-enumeration packages, costs of BBC Salford move, special 'redundancy' sweeteners, use of presenters' children as prize winners, Newsnight spats. Quite a few of these issues appeared in the last 2 years and have hardly enhanced public trust in the corporation's activities or reputation.
In other words a whole bundle of scandals that have played out resembling a slow motion car-crash. I certainly don't regret calling for a public inquiry when all that started and the continuing idiotic blundering from BBC execs bears that out. Strange that not many PB tories agreed with me though. Their trust is eroding but it's still WAY above the print media while ITV has somehow managed to be below the BBC and they haven't made the same kind of stupid scandalous errors.
Trust levels are poor for all of them with most still dropping apart from those who basically couldn't get much lower anyway.
Most stark is the precipitous drop from leading lib dem politicians who are certainly feeling the warmth of Clegg's almost comical level of voter repelling toxicity.
The BBC should not be compared to print media on trust - it is a taxpayer funded state broadcaster whose trust levels need to be much higher if it's monopoly position is to be tenable.
@Mick_Pork - trust in the BBC undermined by :- ongoing trials of former music & light entertainment presenters, expenses & re-enumeration packages, costs of BBC Salford move, special 'redundancy' sweeteners, use of presenters' children as prize winners, Newsnight spats. Quite a few of these issues appeared in the last 2 years and have hardly enhanced public trust in the corporation's activities or reputation.
In other words a whole bundle of scandals that have played out resembling a slow motion car-crash. I certainly don't regret calling for a public inquiry when all that started and the continuing idiotic blundering from BBC execs bears that out. Strange that not many PB tories agreed with me though. Their trust is eroding but it's still WAY above the print media while ITV has somehow managed to be below the BBC and they haven't made the same kind of stupid scandalous errors.
Trust levels are poor for all of them with most still dropping apart from those who basically couldn't get much lower anyway.
Most stark is the precipitous drop from leading lib dem politicians who are certainly feeling the warmth of Clegg's almost comical level of voter repelling toxicity.
The BBC should not be compared to print media on trust - it is a taxpayer funded state broadcaster whose trust levels need to be much higher if it's monopoly position is to be tenable.
Which is precisely why I compared it to ITV as well. Similar function but with no license fee. Of course that then brings up the question why aren't ITV trusted more? The answer is all the older media is taking a hit and while I certainly wouldn't expect stratospheric levels of trust in internet news sources (to say the least) it's the multiplicity of new media and broadcasting platforms and payment methods which is going to force the question on the BBC license fee sooner or later. NOT predictable political attacks on them from those in the print media who have done that for decades anyway.
I am a careful sort of cuss, and maybe ignorant too, so I'd be curious to know how many people were polled, how they were chosen, how consulted and how weighted.
But the numbers in this poll do roughly agree with my perceptions, except maybe for the relatively high judgement on teachers, for many of people I hear talk of this seem only to slag them off, almost implying that their main use is to keep kids off the streets. I hasten to add that my parents made it clear that teachers should generally be second only to "family".
Tim what experience, knowledge or achievements do you have that sets you so far above other people on here in your mind? Have you set up a successful business or managed a group with over 100 people or written a successful book or created a successful product or service? Have you made a speech in front of hundreds of people in a foreign country and had a recording shown on that tv? Ever had a non-political article published in print? Have you been a Director or reported to FTSE 100 Board Director or undertaken business in more than 20 countries or met many Heads of State? Or have you worked as a SPAD in the UK Govt? Or stood for a local or national election and won? What exactly sets you apart from these people you call "dullards"?
I've got the night to myself, just me and the dog. No kids, the Mrs is at work until midnight, she has the car, so I can't go anywhere. I have a fully stocked beer fridge, and some half decent Scotch. I'm hoping for a night of watching The Shield and Game Of Thrones on demand, interspersed with drinking and surfing for porn and reading PB. Let's not spoil my night calling each other names and being beastly to each other!
Tim what experience, knowledge or achievements do you have that sets you so far above other people on here in your mind? Have you set up a successful business or managed a group with over 100 people or written a successful book or created a successful product or service? Have you made a speech in front of hundreds of people in a foreign country and had a recording shown on that tv? Ever had a non-political article published in print? Have you been a Director or reported to FTSE 100 Board Director or undertaken business in more than 20 countries or met many Heads of State? Or have you worked as a SPAD in the UK Govt? Or stood for a local or national election and won? What exactly sets you apart from these people you call "dullards"?
Please stop this line of questioning
Do you want to close down debate, Mike; not siding with the government on press/news freedom?
I like being anonymous. You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo. What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
I don't think digging into a poster's private life benefits anyone on PB, and it certainly shouldn't be used to score points by any side, such as in this case with tim's dig at you, or your retaliation. Its about the only thing that could drive me off PB.
The problem I have with Tim on this matter is that he is an attack-dog. He is constantly attacking people on here. ....... However, he does tend to use the fact that people have been open about certain things against them, whilst hiding beneath his own cloak. After a while that gets wearying. It gets particularly so when he accuses politicians - who have chosen to be in the public eye and suffer the mud, slings and arrows that are thrown their way - as cowards, when he still hides beneath that cloak.
That rings very true. But since I have no idea who tim is, he can sling the mud around without much fear of being held to account. 11,000 posts on here most of which were trolling or smearing.
what bollocks, if you are such a holy wullie Josias give us your real name and stop whinging like a big girls blouse
Here is a fine poem about trust. That it's from a fantasy novel doesn't detract from its message:
Give me your trust, said the Aes Sedai. On my shoulders I support the sky. Trust me to know and to do what is best, And I will take care of the rest. But trust is the color of a dark seed growing. Trust is the color of a heart’s blood flowing. Trust is the color of a soul’s last breath. Trust is the color of death.
Give me your trust, said the queen on her throne, for I must bear the burden all alone. Trust me to lead and to judge and to rule, and no man will think you a fool. But trust is the sound of the grave-dog’s bark. Trust is the sound of betrayal in the dark. Trust is the sound of a soul’s last breath. Trust is the sound of death.
On the subject of the license fee, I have to wonder if some of little Ed's policy wonks are mulling over the idea of big changes. It's the kind of issue Labour could get away with promising big change on while the tories motives would likely be viewed with intense mistrust.
Given little Ed's new found fondness for taking on all and sundry then the BBC would seem to be the next in line. It also presupposes that little Ed might be fond of a headline grabbing manifesto promise like "we'll slash the license fee" which, given recent events, is quite likely.
If I were a BBC manager I'd be drawing up contingency plans for a freemium type model because the public is indeed growing more hostile to the license fee as technology gives them so many more options. So some kind of change is inevitable. Even the lib dems might be persuaded to look at it again.
Interesting thread. Did they survey the attendees at the Labour or LibDem conferences? Other than them and a bunch of politically correct public sector lefties no one reads the Guardian.
I like being anonymous. You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo. What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
The problem I have with Tim on this matter is that he is an attack-dog. He is constantly attacking people on here. ....... However, he does tend to use the fact that . It gets particularly so when he accuses politicians - who have chosen to be in the public eye and suffer the mud, slings and arrows that are thrown their way - as cowards, when he still hides beneath that cloak.
That rings very true. But since I have no idea who tim is, he can sling the mud around without much fear of being held to account. 11,000 posts on here most of which were trolling or smearing.
On thing I love about the PB Tories is their predictability, and whenever there's a poll at the top of the thread which they don't like attention shifts to me or some other distraction. I noticed it particularly when I was away for a week, i got more mentions from the remedial PB Tories than ever.
Of course the hypocrisy is always very close to the surface, as
Polls and opinions come and go - but here's a fact :
Labour got only 28.1% of the votes in the GE in England.
They were thrashed - humiliated.
Then it would be quite remarkable if Cameron and Osborne allowed labour to recover by 2015 wouldn't it
Cam is PM - your chap won a rigged vote , a few mid term polls and warm words from red Len and the sycophantic leftie twatterati - ie the square root of ferk all.
Until he wins a GE you might be advised to tone down the bragging. Pride, fall etc - some Sat night advice for free.
I seem to remember that around a fortnight ago the Guardian editor upset PB lefties when he said he couldn't imagine the paper surviving much longer in print form. If that is not evidence of the fact no-one outside the politically correct leftie fraternity reads it, I don't know what is.
Sooner La Toynbee is despatched to permanently bore her neighbours in Tuscany, the better.
Interesting thread. Did they survey the attendees at the Labour or LibDem conferences? Other than them and a bunch of politically correct public sector lefties no one reads the Guardian.
That's the polling analysis you trialled in 2010. I think you may like to tweak it a bit don't you?
Who knows what will happen in Scotland next year Mick let alone in 2015. One thing is for certain, neither you nor the wine salesman have any better idea than I have as to what will happen. None of you saw an 18% increase in the Tory vote in Tweeddale West on Thursday, that's for sure. You all predicted a LibDem gain. Like the SNP they lost 8% of their vote.
or the grooming gangs (at least relative to the amount of airtime they gave to the Catholic priests) etc - basically anything that contradicts their PC religion.
The joke in PMQs? Hardly qualifies as an attack. I think it's pretty clear that the BBC has an institutional Labour bias at the moment so the PM was making a decent point that even the BBC's own survey supported government data points.
An apposite reality check. This "we're lovable rogues really" is frankly pathetic.
They're a pernicious bunch of thugs and bully boys as the public well recognize.
The lower down the order they go the worse they get.
Incidentally I doubt the Mail would still be on 22% if the poll was taken today
BBC 2003 81% to 2013 61% low point was Nov 2012 44%. trackers-Trust-2.pdf
Trust in 2003 (Today vs 2003):
BBC News Journalists: 81 (-20)
ITV News Journalists: 82 (-28)
Times/Tele/Guardian: 65 (-22)
Mail/Express: 36 (-14)
Leading Lab: 25 (-2)
Leading Con: 20 (+1)
Leading LibD: 36 (-18)
Sun/Mirror: 14 (+1)
It's the Lib Dems who have trashed their trust rating - Lab & Con are virtually unmoved.
The BBC & ITV have recovered vs their lows of a year ago (44 and 41 respectively), while the Newspapers have also recovered to an extent, but not as strongly (Broad +5, Mail, +4, Sun +5).
"The BBC "completely rejects" a claim by the Daily Mail's editor that coverage of the paper's article on Labour leader Ed Miliband's father was "one-sided".
On that basis, can't everyone be expected to have declined by about 7-8% of their previous level?
Jan 2012: 60
Oct 2012: 57
Nov 2012: 44
Dec 2012: 51
Mar 2013: 61
Family Doctors: -10
School Teachers: -14
But both still enjoy very high levels of trust, and proportionately these are smaller than the hits journalists on broadsheets & TV have taken. No one much trusted the red tops ever.
Say what you like about Tony Blair, but at least his centrism gave Labour some foothold in reality. Now they're being led by a Marxist they're completely consumed by all the far-left persecution fantasies that come with it.
The Mail might be seen as only a third as trusted as the Guardian, but it sells a hell of a lot more papers.
Like he's going to set that hare running.....I suspect he'd prefer a rabbit out of a hat, in any case.....
Which is the lizard? Osborne or the friend?
'The Mail might be seen as only a third as trusted as the Guardian, but it sells a hell of a lot more papers."
On any given day Melanie Phillips might have more readers than Shakespeare but only a moron would try to suggest it's better.
Eat shit. Two million flies can't be wrong
Mad Mel has left the Mail - but Left Foot Forward did a summary of her greatest "hits"
You chose not to be as that suits your personality, and your professional life as an author, blogger and journo.
What happened to tim on here a few years ago was disgusting, and not one of PB's finest hours, although I don't know all the specifics, I think I remember tim's name, his rough location and job, details which it's absolutely none of my business knowing. There was also something involving TSE a few years ago as well, again, I can't recall the specifics, again, it's none of my business.
I don't think digging into a poster's private life benefits anyone on PB, and it certainly shouldn't be used to score points by any side, such as in this case with tim's dig at you, or your retaliation.
Its about the only thing that could drive me off PB.
"Do keep up Roger!"
That's hilarious! Do we know the whereabouts of these 'pastures new'? My hope is she's safely sectioned under the wing of Nurse Ratched and is no longer a danger to herself or anyone else
"...he had photos of the Queen and Mrs Thatcher on his wall. But I couldn’t see him having Cameron there.’
A very well written article about Mad Mel. If it's typical of Left Foot Forward I'll have to start reading it.
I was shocked and horrified to see the BLATANT and HIDEOUS bias in the BBC article below.
My suspicions were first raised when I realised that the GWR had not even been formed in 1831, when the COMMUNIST BBC LIE the coach was built. And that clerestory coaches were not introduced until decades later. Such facts should flow in the very veins of any red-blooded Englishman. This shows the article was the work of a heinous foreign INFILTRATOR. Or worse, a WOMAN.
It's obvious what's going on here. The BBC are trying to MUDDY the glories of the Victorian age by pretending that it started in William IV's reign. By doing this, they DILUTE the glories of her age, and moving the Reform crisis onto her shoulders.
In so doing, they SMEAR the GREATEST queen (apart from Elizabeth II, God bless her, and Elizabeth I, who saved us from Europe the first time, and perhaps Mary, who introduced a much-beloved drink) who has ever reigned over us forelock-tugging folk. By HUMILIATING the good name of the monarchy in this manner, they are a step forward in their attempts to bring in a SOCIALIST, nay, COMMUNIST state.
I am cancelling my licence fee forthwith.
He knifed the idiot brother?
Honestly, I'd be really struggling too. Nothing springs to mind for me.
I'd approve of that, even if it was an afterthought.
If that's not the answer then I give up. Was it a trick question?
Dates back to 1881.
Anyone so inclined could work out who I am, and I don't particularly care. That is my choice. I've mentioned my personal website twice, mentioned my village on several occasions when it's relevant, and everyone knows I'm a walking-mad, railways-mad, engineering-mad, mad geek.
The problem I have with Tim on this matter is that he is an attack-dog. He is constantly attacking people on here. Again, I have little problem with that per se, and people respond likewise, to the extent that it becomes hard to know who started long-running feuds. However, he does tend to use the fact that people have been open about certain things against them, whilst hiding beneath his own cloak.
After a while that gets wearying. It gets particularly so when he accuses politicians - who have chosen to be in the public eye and suffer the mud, slings and arrows that are thrown their way - as cowards, when he still hides beneath that cloak.
Trust in the public sector has diminished because the electorate in general no longer trusts their employees to tell the truth but only offer excuses for failure and say that lessons will be learned after each recurring failure.
Also parts of the public sector that they regarded as their "friends" (e.g. police, local council and even teachers) now only seem to impose restrictions on their activity and to give out monetary fines for contraventions (e.g. wrong items in bins, speed cameras operate by police as an easy kill, and fines for taking child out of school for a holiday)
There is also a growing gap between what politicians/police/councils/social services want to impose and what the electorate desire/require and what they believe is natural justice.
However, the electorate has to shoulder some of the problem as they want the pubic sector to take on problems that used to be their responsibility (e.g care of aging parents).
Some people are never going to like Ed, some are never going to like Dave, let's be honest
But with Miliband, it's hard to find anything positive:
* He stood up to the unions? Err, not any more.
* Has fresh ideas? Straight out the seventies.
* Talks about cost of living? But he helped cause some of those costs.
* Isn't as bad as Ed Balls? Ok, I'll give him that NO! He made Balls shadow Chancellor
Soviet Colonel Polosukhin, last visitor to Borodino Museum as staff evacuate, signs visitor's book: "I am here to defend the battlefield."
You rather oddly manage to mix up two completely different concepts there. You ask for approval of anything Ed has done and then flip that to something that is "a bad idea". Those aren't the same things.
To dig you out of your own confusion about what you're asking, I'd summarise that I'm not a fan of either of them but I'd take Dave as PM rather than Ed if forced to choose.
It could only happen in PB Tory world.
Unspoofable indeed. ;^ )
Anyway, does it really matter what any one poster's individual circumstances are? What matters is whether what they are arguing stands up or not.
2003: 36 (20/25)
2006: 25 (19/20)
2007: 19 (17/14)
2008: 29 (27/20)
2010: 27 (August) (29/23)
2011: 18 (22/25)
2012: 17 (22/23)
So joining the coalition did not initially hurt them (in Aug 2010 Con was on 29, their highest ever).....then they had to do things....
2003: 36 (20/25) +16
2006: 25 (19/20) +6
2007: 19 (17/14) +2
2008: 29 (27/20) +2
2010: 27 (August) (29/23) -2
2011: 18 (22/25) -4
2012: 17 (22/23) -5
LD have been trending down compared to the Conservatives for some time.
Tim what experience, knowledge or achievements do you have that sets you so far above other people on here in your mind? Have you set up a successful business or managed a group with over 100 people or written a successful book or created a successful product or service? Have you made a speech in front of hundreds of people in a foreign country and had a recording shown on that tv? Ever had a non-political article published in print? Have you been a Director or reported to FTSE 100 Board Director or undertaken business in more than 20 countries or met many Heads of State? Or have you worked as a SPAD in the UK Govt? Or stood for a local or national election and won? What exactly sets you apart from these people you call "dullards"?
Sometimes the circumstances you describe can come together to make compelling testimony. Nightjack and InspectorGadget were two examples where anonymity together with personal circumstances gave us insights we'd otherwise not have had. The Magistrate's Blog etc aren't whistleblowing gossip sites but are valuable ways for us to glimpse behind the curtain. Often that makes them more potent. trackers-Trust-2.pdf
Senior police officers 2003 72 to 2013 51
In other words a whole bundle of scandals that have played out resembling a slow motion car-crash. I certainly don't regret calling for a public inquiry when all that started and the continuing idiotic blundering from BBC execs bears that out. Strange that not many PB tories agreed with me though. Their trust is eroding but it's still WAY above the print media while ITV has somehow managed to be below the BBC and they haven't made the same kind of stupid scandalous errors.
Trust levels are poor for all of them with most still dropping apart from those who basically couldn't get much lower anyway.
Most stark is the precipitous drop from leading lib dem politicians who are certainly feeling the warmth of Clegg's almost comical level of voter repelling toxicity.
In case you missed it earlier, the pre-race article for Japan is up here:
Worth recalling that the race starts at 7am.
Everyone likes that nice newsreader that does Children in Need - she just reads the teleprompter.
Pass the salt for this poll.
Labour got only 28.1% of the votes in the GE in England.
They were thrashed - humiliated.
Of course that then brings up the question why aren't ITV trusted more? The answer is all the older media is taking a hit and while I certainly wouldn't expect stratospheric levels of trust in internet news sources (to say the least) it's the multiplicity of new media and broadcasting platforms and payment methods which is going to force the question on the BBC license fee sooner or later. NOT predictable political attacks on them from those in the print media who have done that for decades anyway.
But the numbers in this poll do roughly agree with my perceptions, except maybe for the relatively high judgement on teachers, for many of people I hear talk of this seem only to slag them off, almost implying that their main use is to keep kids off the streets. I hasten to add that my parents made it clear that teachers should generally be second only to "family".
Let's not spoil my night calling each other names and being beastly to each other!
Give me your trust, said the Aes Sedai.
On my shoulders I support the sky.
Trust me to know and to do what is best,
And I will take care of the rest.
But trust is the color of a dark seed growing.
Trust is the color of a heart’s blood flowing.
Trust is the color of a soul’s last breath.
Trust is the color of death.
Give me your trust, said the queen on her throne,
for I must bear the burden all alone.
Trust me to lead and to judge and to rule,
and no man will think you a fool.
But trust is the sound of the grave-dog’s bark.
Trust is the sound of betrayal in the dark.
Trust is the sound of a soul’s last breath.
Trust is the sound of death.
Given little Ed's new found fondness for taking on all and sundry then the BBC would seem to be the next in line. It also presupposes that little Ed might be fond of a headline grabbing manifesto promise like "we'll slash the license fee" which, given recent events, is quite likely.
If I were a BBC manager I'd be drawing up contingency plans for a freemium type model because the public is indeed growing more hostile to the license fee as technology gives them so many more options. So some kind of change is inevitable. Even the lib dems might be persuaded to look at it again.
"A NORTH-East MP was left red-faced after his leaflet boasted of “helping local people” – next to a picture of two Spanish models."
Until he wins a GE you might be advised to tone down the bragging. Pride, fall etc - some Sat night advice for free.
Sooner La Toynbee is despatched to permanently bore her neighbours in Tuscany, the better.