The Far Left have been riding the same hobby horses for decades. Why anyone would expect them to suddenly transform into pragmatists and master politicians the second they had a sniff of real power is beyond me.
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
The Far Left have been riding the same hobby horses for decades. Why anyone would expect them to suddenly transform into pragmatists and master politicians the second they had a sniff of real power is beyond me.
They also split at the drop of a hat. So the forthcoming massive split/bust up over the Holocaust will be explosive.
Jezza falls this weekend (can you imagine what the Sunday papers are working on as we speak/type?).
Thornberry or McD as emergency leader replacement?
Presumably Tom Watson gets the gig by default.
But Corbyn won't be doing anywhere. Besides anything else, don't the leadership rules under which he was elected still apply? If he goes, does his tendency have enough votes to get a continuity candidate over the threshold?
After some chat witll well informed lefty friends, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that Corbyn is a full-fat, guaranteed, copper-bottomed, chateau-bottled, quality controlled A1 Anti-Semite. A proper Hater of Jews.
He really really genuinely dislikes Jews, as Jews. He thinks Jews are at very best rich capitalists and Tories, and more usually they are bloodsucking Zionist Israeli-defenders and little better than Nazis. Possibly worse.
He would be the first truly anti-Semitic prime minister of the UK, I think?
You forgot the way Jewish Bankers control the whole economic system.
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
You keep saying this but this is not going away much as you may wish.
After some chat witll well informed lefty friends, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that Corbyn is a full-fat, guaranteed, copper-bottomed, chateau-bottled, quality controlled A1 Anti-Semite. A proper Hater of Jews.
He really really genuinely dislikes Jews, as Jews. He thinks Jews are at very best rich capitalists and Tories, and more usually they are bloodsucking Zionist Israeli-defenders and little better than Nazis. Possibly worse.
He would be the first truly anti-Semitic prime minister of the UK, I think?
David Lloyd George and Arthur Balfour both say hello:
And if we include Heads of Government from before the time of Prime Minsters, I think King Edward I might feel a little surprised at being told Corbyn is more antisemitic than him:
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
I think it will smoulder on, but it is not fatal. None of this is surprising and most was talked about in his first election campaign.
It is particularly fractious at the moment because of the NEC elections, and the policy mKing role of this.
It was announced today that world popcorn prices have risen 55% in just 12 hours.
'It was bad enough with Brexit, trade wars and a crappy new Star Wars film every five minutes,' said Mr B N D Grain, wholesaler, 'but with Corbyn having to prove every five minutes he's not a rabid anti-Semite, Macron sucking up to every world leader and now Trump being interviewed by the fuzz, we just can't cope.'
It is not thought popcorn supplies will be vitally affected by Brexit, as most of them are imported from random places. However, Mr Jeremy Hunt, Foreign Secretary, says 'I understand all supplies come from Japan, er, China. I would advise everyone to stock up as much as possible in case I've seriously pissed off all the Chinese by calling them Japs and they close the boarders.'
President Trump said, 'Popcorn and banged grainy porn stars will Make America Great Again, and I have not obstructed justice by threatening to have all lawyers shot even though it's all over my Twitter feed.'
Very good! Have you stared writing for the Daily Mash?
No but with Sunil having disgraced himself I thought somebody should make the effort!
Why was he banned?
You remember the famous time Jim Naughtie got a bit tongue twisted over our esteemed Foreign Secretary's surname?
That's why.
Talking of which, Stewart Lee has some good Brexit jokes:
He's seriously funny, despite being a raving lefty. I love his Brexit skit. Incidentally the bit he says "not all Brexit voters are racists... some are.... c*nts" has provoked lively debate on Twitter.
Some hardcore Remainers just love it (obv). Some are troubled by it but claim he is actually satirising the snobbish attitudes of Remainers. I am unsure.
He is a very clever comic so maybe it is the latter. But he surely hopes to win the applause of the former, even more. He is a mirror image of Ricky Gervais and Sacha Cohen, who are both - I suspect - really quite right wing, and who manage to make non-PC, even racist jokes, under the guise of "irony" and "post modern self satire".
The lack of clarity making his joke about eastern Europeans not funny any more was excellent.
Short term, no. Longer term, maybe, since his baggage seems at least partly to blame as to why Labour are not pulling ahead. If he can anoint a successor I'd think he might go in a year or so, but I don't think it's a given, he could still win a GE and there's no reason to believe the general membership have turned on him, and unless they do his critics won't do more than grumble.
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
You keep saying this but this is not going away much as you may wish.
It is engulfing the labour party
You think I want this to go away? You fundamentally misread my motives, sir. My concern is that it will go away, because I am both a cynic and a pessimist. If the Labour Party went down in flames then I would be delighted - although the overriding priority is that the Corbyn tendency should fall from power, and the country thus be saved from them. Even a soft Left Labour Government (in fact, depending on exactly what it set out to do, there could be some important benefits to such an outcome,) would be infinitely preferable to the continuation of Far Left control, even if confined to Opposition.
Labour is morphing into a hideous chimera - one part SWP, one part BNP - and the thought of it actually ruling the country is almost too horrible to contemplate. If it were either to collapse or to pull itself back from the brink, and we were thus to be saved from such a distasteful prospect, it would be a cause for relief and for much celebration.
After some chat witll well informed lefty friends, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that Corbyn is a full-fat, guaranteed, copper-bottomed, chateau-bottled, quality controlled A1 Anti-Semite. A proper Hater of Jews.
He really really genuinely dislikes Jews, as Jews. He thinks Jews are at very best rich capitalists and Tories, and more usually they are bloodsucking Zionist Israeli-defenders and little better than Nazis. Possibly worse.
He would be the first truly anti-Semitic prime minister of the UK, I think?
David Lloyd George and Arthur Balfour both say hello:
And if we include Heads of Government from before the time of Prime Minsters, I think King Edward I might feel a little surprised at being told Corbyn is more antisemitic than him:
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
You keep saying this but this is not going away much as you may wish.
It is engulfing the labour party
You think I want this to go away? You fundamentally misread my motives, sir. My concern is that it will go away, because I am both a cynic and a pessimist. If the Labour Party went down in flames then I would be delighted - although the overriding priority is that the Corbyn tendency should fall from power, and the country thus be saved from them. Even a soft Left Labour Government (in fact, depending on exactly what it set out to do, there could be some important benefits to such an outcome,) would be infinitely preferable to the continuation of Far Left control, even if confined to Opposition.
Labour is morphing into a hideous chimera - one part SWP, one part BNP - and the thought of it actually ruling the country is almost too horrible to contemplate. If it were either to collapse or to pull itself back from the brink, and we were thus to be saved from such a distasteful prospect, it would be a cause for relief and for much celebration.
I think yes, he is, this time. He refuses to believe he can make a moral error. And he is a genuine anti-Semite. The combo is explosive, and others around him can see it, hence the distancing by the (much more cunning) John McDonnell
He may well survive (summer helps). But this story will run.
I think McDonnell is in trouble on this too, supporting some pretty nasty "antizionist" groups. He's already been tainted by the "remove the word Holocaust from Holocaust memorial day" campaign he signed up to, and there's more to come.
Even in the extremely unlikely event that Jezza is in trouble, McIRA is standing in the wings to take over and unlike Jezza he isn't a total moron and far more cunning / willing to tell any amount of lies required.
I think yes, he is, this time. He refuses to believe he can make a moral error. And he is a genuine anti-Semite. The combo is explosive, and others around him can see it, hence the distancing by the (much more cunning) John McDonnell
He may well survive (summer helps). But this story will run.
I think McDonnell is in trouble on this too, supporting some pretty nasty "antizionist" groups. He's already been tainted by the "remove the word Holocaust from Holocaust memorial day" campaign he signed up to, and there's more to come.
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
You keep saying this but this is not going away much as you may wish.
It is engulfing the labour party
It's not a case of wishing that to happen. Although there are a few more people now saying Corbyn himself is an anti semite, if passively, I don't see that much has changed since the last time this story made headlines. Indeed, i have to think if these reported events he hosted or spoke at are ones we already heard about.
Sure, some are grimbling that Corbyn is not abLe to stop this story completely, but it doesn't seem much different to before.
I think yes, he is, this time. He refuses to believe he can make a moral error. And he is a genuine anti-Semite. The combo is explosive, and others around him can see it, hence the distancing by the (much more cunning) John McDonnell
He may well survive (summer helps). But this story will run.
I think McDonnell is in trouble on this too, supporting some pretty nasty "antizionist" groups. He's already been tainted by the "remove the word Holocaust from Holocaust memorial day" campaign he signed up to, and there's more to come.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Oh, hush. Let us all enjoy it without your unnecessary party-pooping.
An early day motion from October 2008 has been found.
Aren't EDMs pretry meaningless. Corbyn, and I presume McDonnell, have already been taken to task for various other ones before. Not meaning to be glum, but is it a smoking gun?
I have a very great deal of time for him. Not only because in times gone by when going to see him (from tiny places above strip joints in Soho to huge theatres) he has made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe, but also, for me he is a proper lefty - idealistic, perhaps naive, but heart 100% in the right place, with no nobbuts or exceptions.
Very happy to see that he is on the right side of this one.
I think yes, he is, this time. He refuses to believe he can make a moral error. And he is a genuine anti-Semite. The combo is explosive, and others around him can see it, hence the distancing by the (much more cunning) John McDonnell
He may well survive (summer helps). But this story will run.
I think McDonnell is in trouble on this too, supporting some pretty nasty "antizionist" groups. He's already been tainted by the "remove the word Holocaust from Holocaust memorial day" campaign he signed up to, and there's more to come.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Oh, hush. Let us all enjoy it without your unnecessary party-pooping.
True. Most of the population are on holiday, or desperately waiting to go this weekend. Still we should enjoy our popcorn, even if nobody else is.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
I get the impression that although most people over 55 use this internet to look up information, read the news, etc, they don't actually post comments or create "content" themselves very often. And people over 55 make up about 50% of those who actually bother to vote in elections. There's probably a big difference in outlook between those who just "read" the internet, and those who both "read" and "write" on it, to use slightly old-fashioned terminology.
After some chat witll well informed lefty friends, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that Corbyn is a full-fat, guaranteed, copper-bottomed, chateau-bottled, quality controlled A1 Anti-Semite. A proper Hater of Jews.
He really really genuinely dislikes Jews, as Jews. He thinks Jews are at very best rich capitalists and Tories, and more usually they are bloodsucking Zionist Israeli-defenders and little better than Nazis. Possibly worse.
He would be the first truly anti-Semitic prime minister of the UK, I think?
David Lloyd George and Arthur Balfour both say hello:
And if we include Heads of Government from before the time of Prime Minsters, I think King Edward I might feel a little surprised at being told Corbyn is more antisemitic than him:
I find it hard to believe either Balfour or Lloyd George were as clearly anti-Semitic as Corbyn. I mean, Corbyn actively allies with and supports people who want to wipe out all of Israel and regard all Jews as evil.
Now, Edward 1, there you have a point.
Maybe the Labour Party could use it on a poster in Hendon or Hampstead Garden Suburb.
"Vote Corbyn, possibly less of a Jew Hater than Edward the First!"
Edward I probably less popular than Corbyn in Wales and Scotland too.
An early day motion from October 2008 has been found.
Aren't EDMs pretry meaningless. Corbyn, and I presume McDonnell, have already been taken to task for various other ones before. Not meaning to be glum, but is it a smoking gun?
It makes his posturing in front of the cameras today feel rather hypocritical. Which was always the case. They have always shared similar beliefs and friends - so it was inevitable that the attack would spread.
It was announced today that world popcorn prices have risen 55% in just 12 hours.
'It was bad enough with Brexit, trade wars and a crappy new Star Wars film every five minutes,' said Mr B N D Grain, wholesaler, 'but with Corbyn having to prove every five minutes he's not a rabid anti-Semite, Macron sucking up to every world leader and now Trump being interviewed by the fuzz, we just can't cope.'
It is not thought popcorn supplies will be vitally affected by Brexit, as most of them are imported from random places. However, Mr Jeremy Hunt, Foreign Secretary, says 'I understand all supplies come from Japan, er, China. I would advise everyone to stock up as much as possible in case I've seriously pissed off all the Chinese by calling them Japs and they close the boarders.'
President Trump said, 'Popcorn and banged grainy porn stars will Make America Great Again, and I have not obstructed justice by threatening to have all lawyers shot even though it's all over my Twitter feed.'
Very good! Have you stared writing for the Daily Mash?
No but with Sunil having disgraced himself I thought somebody should make the effort!
Corbyn is safe for as long as he wants (which might be less long than people expect).
But, when he goes, the full hard-lefty-on-hard-lefty civil war is going to be a sight to behold.
Disagree. The Hard Left wants power. Desperately. Taking over Labour and becoming the government has been a wet dream, until very recently. Now the incredible prize is tantalizingly close. Still unlikely, but possible.
Corbyn until this summer has served their purposes. He has brought them to this position, where a virtually Marxist Labour Party might actually run the country.
As soon as they think his mulish, racist obstinacy might actually be an obstacle to victory, the Hard Left will knife him. They are, after all, not well known for their sweetly fraternal solidarity.
I agree, but I think the Cult wont stand for it. They are in love with JC, not some other guy who talks about Marxism a lot.
I have a very great deal of time for him. Not only because in times gone by when going to see him (from tiny places above strip joints in Soho to huge theatres) he has made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe, but also, for me he is a proper lefty - idealistic, perhaps naive, but heart 100% in the right place, with no nobbuts or exceptions.
Very happy to see that he is on the right side of this one.
Go Eddie!
Likewise, I have seen Eddie many times - I remember watching him at an Amnesty bash just a few days after Gulf War 1 started. Everyone else was utterly glum, but he gave a blisteringly funny take on the War and how it was reported.
But Eddie was an infinitely better comedian than he is a politician.
Nah. Worst that'll happen to him is he might be forced to mumble one or two more reluctant apologies that the media manage to drag from his mouth like so many pulled teeth. The party membership is four-square behind him and haven't been put off by any of this sort of thing before. A lot of them still think he's a victim of conspiracy.
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
You keep saying this but this is not going away much as you may wish.
It is engulfing the labour party
It’s not a case of thinking the story will go away (it won’t). It’s more of a case of knowing that Labour members are likely to back Corbyn, and that the Corbynsceptics don’t really have an outstanding candidate which is likely to draw enough support to win a leadership election. We’ve been here before with Corbyn, where chaos and internal division wreck havoc within Labour. We’ve even been in a place where ‘true believers’ start to waver (at one point both Owen Jones and Abi Wilkinson had doubts about Corbyn). Headlines that associate Corbyn with controversial groups, statements, people et al have been a thing since 2015.
Forgive my ignorance of the way these things work. But can a 3rd party take a party to court on a libel case on behalf of a 2nd party (if you see what I mean).
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
A masterly double whammy which segues seamlessly from patronising everybody who doesn't read PB, to patronising everybody who does.
Forgive my ignorance of the way these things work. But can a 3rd party take a party to court on a libel case on behalf of a 2nd party (if you see what I mean).
No idea. IANAL.
But it's increasingly difficult to tell these morons from the parody accounts.
Corbyn is safe for as long as he wants (which might be less long than people expect).
But, when he goes, the full hard-lefty-on-hard-lefty civil war is going to be a sight to behold.
Disagree. The Hard Left wants power. Desperately. Taking over Labour and becoming the government has been a wet dream, until very recently. Now the incredible prize is tantalizingly close. Still unlikely, but possible.
Corbyn until this summer has served their purposes. He has brought them to this position, where a virtually Marxist Labour Party might actually run the country.
As soon as they think his mulish, racist obstinacy might actually be an obstacle to victory, the Hard Left will knife him. They are, after all, not well known for their sweetly fraternal solidarity.
I agree, but I think the Cult wont stand for it. They are in love with JC, not some other guy who talks about Marxism a lot.
Corbyn does have some appeal which others may not be able to mimic exactly - he is reasonably authoritative in voice, he does, in general, have a manner which exudes reasonableness even when he is not, in fact, being reasonable, he is patient and determined - but I don't doubt they could find someone else to rally behind quickly if needs be. Getting the mass membership was the hardest part, mobilising it, even if not to quite the same degree, should be easierif espousing the same issues without the personal baggage. And as we've seen with the over the top praise May used to get to what she gets now, if events go against Corbyn, unequivocally, there will be a mass shift at some point without anyone losing a step.
I have a very great deal of time for him. Not only because in times gone by when going to see him (from tiny places above strip joints in Soho to huge theatres) he has made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe, but also, for me he is a proper lefty - idealistic, perhaps naive, but heart 100% in the right place, with no nobbuts or exceptions.
Very happy to see that he is on the right side of this one.
Go Eddie!
On this we agree. Eddie Izzard at his peak - about 20 years ago - was literally the funniest stand-up comedian I have ever seen. True genius. I remember almost throwing up from laughing so much.
He's a lot less funny now, and the trans thing is a wearying distraction (even if I feel lots of sympathy for him personally)
But yes, at his best, when he turned pro, and then spent a couple of years honing that professional craft. Wow. Seeing him live, then, was a bit like seeing Led Zep, live, in about 1972.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Yeah, I remember Carlotta posted that 83% of the electorate aren’t on twitter.
I remember last year when this site thought that video of Corbyn on Facebook (I think it was about the IRA) that got a million + views was going to destroy Corbyn in the GE. Social media is a bit more relevant as far as the under 40s go as millennials/late Gen x are more likely to use it. There’s little evidence that my Generation + late Gen x are moving away from Corbyn as a result of the antisemitism scandal, though.
Forgive my ignorance of the way these things work. But can a 3rd party take a party to court on a libel case on behalf of a 2nd party (if you see what I mean).
Not without consent and cooperation, unless the 2nd party is a child, or mad.
I have a very great deal of time for him. Not only because in times gone by when going to see him (from tiny places above strip joints in Soho to huge theatres) he has made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe, but also, for me he is a proper lefty - idealistic, perhaps naive, but heart 100% in the right place, with no nobbuts or exceptions.
Very happy to see that he is on the right side of this one.
Go Eddie!
On this we agree. Eddie Izzard at his peak - about 20 years ago - was literally the funniest stand-up comedian I have ever seen. True genius. I remember almost throwing up from laughing so much.
He's a lot less funny now, and the trans thing is a wearying distraction (even if I feel lots of sympathy for him personally)
But yes, at his best, when he turned pro, and then spent a couple of years honing that professional craft. Wow. Seeing him live, then, was a bit like seeing Led Zep, live, in about 1972.
Izzard doesn't identify as trans BTW. He identifies as a heterosexual cisman.
I don't care, and I don't want to care, which is part of his problem. His confusing sexual ID has obscured the very funny man/woman behind.
That said, maybe most comics peak in their late 20s, early 30s, and then inevitably decline (with rare exceptions like Tommy Cooper or Eric Morecambe, or indeed Steward Lee).
All professions have their peak years. Pity the mathematicians who peak at about 22. Envy the architects who can peak in their 70s or 80s.
What's the peak year for authors? Seems to be a wider range on that profession.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Yeah, I remember Carlotta posted that 83% of the electorate aren’t on twitter.
I remember last year when this site thought that video of Corbyn on Facebook (I think it was about the IRA) that got a million + views was going to destroy Corbyn in the GE. Social media is a bit more relevant as far as the under 40s go as millennials/late Gen x are more likely to use it. There’s little evidence that my Generation + late Gen x are moving away from Corbyn as a result of the antisemitism scandal, though.
Six million + views and it wasn't "this site" as a whole, it was mainly me. I was wrong for the right reason, though. It was an incredibly powerful video, just not in the way I thought - it made Corbyn look like a rock star.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Yeah, I remember Carlotta posted that 83% of the electorate aren’t on twitter.
I remember last year when this site thought that video of Corbyn on Facebook (I think it was about the IRA) that got a million + views was going to destroy Corbyn in the GE. Social media is a bit more relevant as far as the under 40s go as millennials/late Gen x are more likely to use it. There’s little evidence that my Generation + late Gen x are moving away from Corbyn as a result of the antisemitism scandal, though.
Six million + views and it wasn't "this site" as a whole, it was mainly me. I was wrong for the right reason, though. It was an incredibly powerful video, just not in the way I thought - it made Corbyn look like a rock star.
I said a million + because I couldn’t remember just how many views it got, I just recalled that it went over a million. My memory is hazy but I definitely remember quite a few Tories on here talking about the video, but I will take your word for it that it was mainly you.
Izzard doesn't identify as trans BTW. He identifies as a heterosexual cisman.
I don't care, and I don't want to care, which is part of his problem. His confusing sexual ID has obscured the very funny man/woman behind.
That said, maybe most comics peak in their late 20s, early 30s, and then inevitably decline (with rare exceptions like Tommy Cooper or Eric Morecambe, or indeed Steward Lee).
All professions have their peak years. Pity the mathematicians who peak at about 22. Envy the architects who can peak in their 70s or 80s.
Indeed - although to be fair to Izzard he isn't really trying to be funny any more. He does his marathons, his activism and the odd TV show.I think it's true of a lot of comics that they get bored after a while as it's very hard being funny. Most seem to gravitate towards travel documentaries or middlebrow drama after 10 or 15 years or so at the top. Only those who genuinely love entertaining or maintain the fire and anger seem to keep going.
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Yeah, I remember Carlotta posted that 83% of the electorate aren’t on twitter.
I remember last year when this site thought that video of Corbyn on Facebook (I think it was about the IRA) that got a million + views was going to destroy Corbyn in the GE. Social media is a bit more relevant as far as the under 40s go as millennials/late Gen x are more likely to use it. There’s little evidence that my Generation + late Gen x are moving away from Corbyn as a result of the antisemitism scandal, though.
Six million + views and it wasn't "this site" as a whole, it was mainly me. I was wrong for the right reason, though. It was an incredibly powerful video, just not in the way I thought - it made Corbyn look like a rock star.
This stuff is now a daily item in both print media and on the telly. It's being seen by a lot more than the 17% on Twitter.
Stewart Lee seems to have had a rare "double peak" in his career.
The reason middle age cynicism isn't robbing him of any of his power is because he feeds off it, polishes it into a weapon and then brutally attacks his own audience with it.
The ruder and more aggressive he is to his audience, the more they love him.
"Naturally, there are counterexamples to my view. One is the government of David Cameron. If Britain is a nation of stubborn subversives, how on Earth did it come to be ruled by that clique of Eton/Oxbridge PPE graduates? In America, when we decide to be ruled by members of the hereditary elite, we at least demand a soothing layer of bullshit to alleviate our painful feelings of democratic hypocrisy. Thus George W Bush, of Andover, Yale and Harvard, grandson of a senator and son of a president, had to posture, absurdly, at being a good old boy from Texas, a man who “cleared brush” in his spare time.
But to my astonishment, when I moved to London, the Cameron gang didn’t even bother to pretend to be anything other than what they were. Perhaps, at least until the financial crisis, a decades-long rising economic tide had left the nation uncharacteristically complacent about its leaders. Cameron was educated to look and sound like a leader, and that may have been enough for the electorate, given a weak competitive field. But leadership by the entitled was always likely to irritate the British immune system, and when the rejection did come, it took the form of something bigger than a change of government."
Regular reminder: the vast majority of the populace isn't on Twitter. Most voters are barely aware of this issue. Most of those who are probably don't care all that much, or think this is a storm in a teacup whipped up by Labour's opponents. And a lot of people who do take these things in will just engage in a bit of mental whataboutery and conclude that the Tories are just as bad.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
Yeah, I remember Carlotta posted that 83% of the electorate aren’t on twitter.
I remember last year when this site thought that video of Corbyn on Facebook (I think it was about the IRA) that got a million + views was going to destroy Corbyn in the GE. Social media is a bit more relevant as far as the under 40s go as millennials/late Gen x are more likely to use it. There’s little evidence that my Generation + late Gen x are moving away from Corbyn as a result of the antisemitism scandal, though.
Six million + views and it wasn't "this site" as a whole, it was mainly me. I was wrong for the right reason, though. It was an incredibly powerful video, just not in the way I thought - it made Corbyn look like a rock star.
I said a million + because I couldn’t remember just how many views it got, I just recalled that it went over a million. My memory is hazy but I definitely remember quite a few Tories on here talking about the video, but I will take your word for it that it was mainly you.
Izzard doesn't identify as trans BTW. He identifies as a heterosexual cisman.
I don't care, and I don't want to care, which is part of his problem. His confusing sexual ID has obscured the very funny man/woman behind.
That said, maybe most comics peak in their late 20s, early 30s, and then inevitably decline (with rare exceptions like Tommy Cooper or Eric Morecambe, or indeed Steward Lee).
All professions have their peak years. Pity the mathematicians who peak at about 22. Envy the architects who can peak in their 70s or 80s.
What's the peak year for authors? Seems to be a wider range on that profession.
It varies massively. Poets probably 20s, early 30s? Novelists 30-55, or 60ish (yes I am near my end). Journalists can get better (including travel writers) into their 60s I think, because accrued wisdom and cynical cunning is more important than lyrical creativity (the speciality of youth)
Look on the bright side - you might be near your creative end, if that estimate is right, but the money making end does not need to follow at the same time!
I feel all this talk of crazy lefties is unfairly taking attention away from crazy right wingers on twitter as well, who put just as much effort into their craziness damn it! We need something to really get them going, surely Tommy Robinson's successful appeal unleashed some?
I feel all this talk of crazy lefties is unfairly taking attention away from crazy right wingers on twitter as well, who put just as much effort into their craziness damn it! We need something to really get them going, surely Tommy Robinson's successful appeal unleashed some?
I literally avoided that whole hashtag today on twitter for that reason.
I'm just going to have a laugh at the indignant responses. I wonder how long before someone mentions "Bliar" or Iraq?
EDIT: First response mentioned illegal wars. Fish/barrel/gun.
Jezza falls this weekend (can you imagine what the Sunday papers are working on as we speak/type?).
Thornberry or McD as emergency leader replacement?
Hacks will get bored of this and the bandwagon will roll on to some other subject in the next few days. He'll be fine.
But Corbyn won't be doing anywhere. Besides anything else, don't the leadership rules under which he was elected still apply? If he goes, does his tendency have enough votes to get a continuity candidate over the threshold?
It is engulfing the labour party
No you are not, you are individual people/voters/members who should have their own thoughts and opinions. Not a mad smartmob.
And if we include Heads of Government from before the time of Prime Minsters, I think King Edward I might feel a little surprised at being told Corbyn is more antisemitic than him:
Splitters. The Peoples' front of Judea v Popular front of Judea or something similar.
It is particularly fractious at the moment because of the NEC elections, and the policy mKing role of this.
Labour is morphing into a hideous chimera - one part SWP, one part BNP - and the thought of it actually ruling the country is almost too horrible to contemplate. If it were either to collapse or to pull itself back from the brink, and we were thus to be saved from such a distasteful prospect, it would be a cause for relief and for much celebration.
Better this happens outside of Government.
But, when he goes, the full hard-lefty-on-hard-lefty civil war is going to be a sight to behold.
Sure, some are grimbling that Corbyn is not abLe to stop this story completely, but it doesn't seem much different to before.
An early day motion from October 2008 has been found.
This whole farrago might bring Corbyn down, but let's just say I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly I've not even made the trip to the wine shop yet, let alone bought the Champagne and put it on ice.
I have a very great deal of time for him. Not only because in times gone by when going to see him (from tiny places above strip joints in Soho to huge theatres) he has made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe, but also, for me he is a proper lefty - idealistic, perhaps naive, but heart 100% in the right place, with no nobbuts or exceptions.
Very happy to see that he is on the right side of this one.
Go Eddie!
But definitely not worried about losing:
First against the wall:
Etc, etc.
But Eddie was an infinitely better comedian than he is a politician.
But it's increasingly difficult to tell these morons from the parody accounts.
as well you know...
I remember last year when this site thought that video of Corbyn on Facebook (I think it was about the IRA) that got a million + views was going to destroy Corbyn in the GE. Social media is a bit more relevant as far as the under 40s go as millennials/late Gen x are more likely to use it. There’s little evidence that my Generation + late Gen x are moving away from Corbyn as a result of the antisemitism scandal, though.
Though since Izzard's gender identity doesn't get far beyond nail polish and a beret I doubt he's too hardline about being misgendered.
Still don't think he's going anywhere.
The reason middle age cynicism isn't robbing him of any of his power is because he feeds off it, polishes it into a weapon and then brutally attacks his own audience with it.
The ruder and more aggressive he is to his audience, the more they love him.
"Naturally, there are counterexamples to my view. One is the government of David Cameron. If Britain is a nation of stubborn subversives, how on Earth did it come to be ruled by that clique of Eton/Oxbridge PPE graduates? In America, when we decide to be ruled by members of the hereditary elite, we at least demand a soothing layer of bullshit to alleviate our painful feelings of democratic hypocrisy. Thus George W Bush, of Andover, Yale and Harvard, grandson of a senator and son of a president, had to posture, absurdly, at being a good old boy from Texas, a man who “cleared brush” in his spare time.
But to my astonishment, when I moved to London, the Cameron gang didn’t even bother to pretend to be anything other than what they were. Perhaps, at least until the financial crisis, a decades-long rising economic tide had left the nation uncharacteristically complacent about its leaders. Cameron was educated to look and sound like a leader, and that may have been enough for the electorate, given a weak competitive field. But leadership by the entitled was always likely to irritate the British immune system, and when the rejection did come, it took the form of something bigger than a change of government."
Momentum eating itself this evening (see the follow-ups)
Let's hear them out.