politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » It’s hard to see how insulting a key segment of the elecorate is going to help the LAB cause – but hey, they don’t seem to care
The ‘gammon’ insult is fuelled by class hatred. It expresses the visceral contempt felt by bourgeois Corbynistas for people further down the social ladder. We now know how thoroughly Labour has been captured by a new elite.
If Labour turn off all the 'Gammons' and white middle class men they are not going to win over the marginal seats in the Midlands they need under FPTP for a majority.
Winning huge majorities in the inner cities is not enough to get Corbyn to No 10
'Palestinians hurled stones and incendiary devices'.
'Incendiary weapons, incendiary devices or incendiary bombs are weapons designed to start fires or destroy sensitive equipment using fire, that use materials such as napalm, thermite, magnesium powder, chlorine trifluoride, or white phosphorus.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incendiary_device Israeli troops may have been over zealous in their response but the rioters were pretty violent too
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
How is this latest uninventive internet gibe any different to the unoriginal dirge we see on here on a daily basis? Remainiac, snowflake, waycist, it's a view, unspoofable, x stage of grief etc etc etc. These memes are all teeth-grindingly awful.
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
I prefer it to soak it in knock-off coke (the cola obviously not the drug)
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
I prefer it to soak it in knock-off coke (the cola obviously not the drug)
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
I prefer it to soak it in knock-off coke (the cola obviously not the drug)
I keep meaning to try that recipe – also Nigella's I believe.
My dear wife and I leave on Thursday to fly to Rome for a 14 day cruise to the Western Med and Greece and then when we come home we are travelling to visit our family in North East Scotland.
I will keep an eye on PB but there is time for Brexit to be fixed and the Nation to come together over the next four weeks isn't there and I will look forward to the new topics to discuss on my return.
Be nice to one another and while I have no idea what this talk about 'gammon' is I would expect I may have some on our cruise
Gammons = Deplorables. Why do people not fucking learn?
Socialism, and by that I mean all forms of socialism (scientific socialism, progressive socialism, international socialism,national socialism, revolutionary socialism, 21st Century socialism, Corbynista Socialism) is a way of thinking that puts people in to category’s (bourgeoisie, proletariat, capitalist, working class, Zionist, Jews, the many, and the few) and ascribing those groups characteristics, (oppressors, oppressed, victims, victimizes) and then setting yourself (or your party) up to ‘right’ the perceived wrongs.
Whether its ‘Deplorables’ or ‘Gammon’ Socialists will always try to put a label on people, and not see them as unique individuals, with their own individual characteristics: tastes, preferences, wants and desires, as well as their own Skiles, talents, and experiences.
Has this 'gammon' thing been going on for a while? I confess its one that has passed me by, at least as a general thing. I think Cameron was called it on occasion? It's a bit of a blur.
I'm more a fan of political insults which I feel can work on a non partisan basis, if we must have them at all. Eg, snowflake - predominantly used against the left, but thing thing it is complaining about seems like it would work equally well against someone on the right. If they only go one way then it just feels a little sadder, since people will take it so much more seriously.
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
That is not difficult to achieve, in fairness. Much overhyped, Turkey.
Doubt anyone/many outside of political twitter really cares about this Gammon thing. Certainly many of those offended today somehow managed to be oblivious to it being in use for nearly a whole year now. This is despite being the same people who issue a running commentary on the various issues they have with Corbynistas and Remainers since 2015/16.
Has this 'gammon' thing been going on for a while? I confess its one that has passed me by, at least as a general thing. I think Cameron was called it on occasion? It's a bit of a blur.
I'm more a fan of political insults which I feel can work on a non partisan basis, if we must have them at all. Eg, snowflake - predominantly used against the left, but thing thing it is complaining about seems like it would work equally well against someone on the right. If they only go one way then it just feels a little sadder, since people will take it so much more seriously.
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
That is not difficult to achieve, in fairness. Much overhyped, Turkey.
Is it even hyped? Most people dislike it I think, otherwise they would eat it more frequently.
If that is how strong people want to be, I honestly think it better if they do go back to that. Insults, particularly slightly goofy ones like a comparison to a piece of food, might give the impression of dislike and opposition, but not raw, visceral hatred. If people hate the other side so much they want to go around calling them c*nts all the time, best they be upfront about it.
It reminds me of just after Trump was elected (dark times indeed) some of my favourite youtube channels were doing a thing where they'd oh so subtly reference the event without directly stating it, along with a comment about how perhaps something really bad has happened and their viewers would like to escape all that via whatever the video was about. I felt like if they were so shocked and shaken at Trump's win (a not uncommon reaction!) and clearly felt their fans would be too, why be all cutesy about it, it just made it seem weird to me.
Has this 'gammon' thing been going on for a while? I confess its one that has passed me by, at least as a general thing. I think Cameron was called it on occasion? It's a bit of a blur.
I'm more a fan of political insults which I feel can work on a non partisan basis, if we must have them at all. Eg, snowflake - predominantly used against the left, but thing thing it is complaining about seems like it would work equally well against someone on the right. If they only go one way then it just feels a little sadder, since people will take it so much more seriously.
The problem with most gammon is that it's too salty. Give it a 24-hour soak then smash it with black treacle. A Christmas centrepiece far superior to turkey.
That is not difficult to achieve, in fairness. Much overhyped, Turkey.
Is it even hyped? Most people dislike it I think, otherwise they would eat it more frequently.
Over hyped as a good Christmas centrepiece perhaps.
Doubt anyone/many outside of political twitter really cares about this Gammon thing. Certainly many of those offended today somehow managed to be oblivious to it being in use for nearly a whole year now. .
No kidding. I follow a lot of politics and I'd never noticed it, and I cannot even manufacture outrage about it beyond a shrugged 'Well clearly we should all be less shitty to each other generally anyway'.
For all that I think the standard rule applies here, about how would people react if it were their opponents making the same sort of defence of issue x - I have zero doubt someone like Owen Jones would be apoplectic about it, but that's because he's such a partisan . And I think we know many who are outraged would not be so outraged if the tables were turned. It's not so outrageous as to cross partisan lines much.
Could I point out that Gammon contains toxic quantities of Nitrites and Nitrates. However Parma Ham is free of these, and so is "naked bacon" available at Sainsbury or Waitrose.
Turkey is truly awful, IMO. My family regularly have Gammon for Christmas (Gammon sandwiches). It’s much better than Turkey will be ever be.
Not a fan of Gammon myself - depending on the size of the gathering my lot would go for Chicken, Lamb and Pork, so pretty much everyone could be happy.
I feel like there is an option missing there - how many thought it would go badly (or at least complicatedly) and it is turning out even more so than they thought.
I took it as a term of endearment - rustic old hearties tucking into their crackling. Anyway, the French have been using 'le rosbif' for centuries. A true Englishman should rather enjoy being likened to a joint of meat.
Doubt anyone/many outside of political twitter really cares about this Gammon thing. Certainly many of those offended today somehow managed to be oblivious to it being in use for nearly a whole year now. .
No kidding. I follow a lot of politics and I'd never noticed it, and I cannot even manufacture outrage about it beyond a shrugged 'Well clearly we should all be less shitty to each other generally anyway'.
For all that I think the standard rule applies here, about how would people react if it were their opponents making the same sort of defence of issue x - I have zero doubt someone like Owen Jones would be apoplectic about it, but that's because he's such a partisan . And I think we know many who are outraged would not be so outraged if the tables were turned. It's not so outrageous as to cross partisan lines much.
Doubt anyone/many outside of political twitter really cares about this Gammon thing. Certainly many of those offended today somehow managed to be oblivious to it being in use for nearly a whole year now. .
No kidding. I follow a lot of politics and I'd never noticed it, and I cannot even manufacture outrage about it beyond a shrugged 'Well clearly we should all be less shitty to each other generally anyway'.
For all that I think the standard rule applies here, about how would people react if it were their opponents making the same sort of defence of issue x - I have zero doubt someone like Owen Jones would be apoplectic about it, but that's because he's such a partisan . And I think we know many who are outraged would not be so outraged if the tables were turned. It's not so outrageous as to cross partisan lines much.
That said, with all that hot weather last weekend and an unwise decision to expose parts of my torso to the cruel rays of the sun, I have certainly been looking very gammon like for the past week.
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Doubt anyone/many outside of political twitter really cares about this Gammon thing. Certainly many of those offended today somehow managed to be oblivious to it being in use for nearly a whole year now. .
No kidding. I follow a lot of politics and I'd never noticed it, and I cannot even manufacture outrage about it beyond a shrugged 'Well clearly we should all be less shitty to each other generally anyway'.
For all that I think the standard rule applies here, about how would people react if it were their opponents making the same sort of defence of issue x - I have zero doubt someone like Owen Jones would be apoplectic about it, but that's because he's such a partisan . And I think we know many who are outraged would not be so outraged if the tables were turned. It's not so outrageous as to cross partisan lines much.
That said, with all that hot weather last weekend and an unwise decision to expose parts of my torso to the cruel rays of the sun, I have certainly been looking very gammon like for the past week.
My family also prefer chicken, lamb and pork as well. We used to also like mutton as well, but we’ve gone off it in recent years.
Won't that just fall into the trap that while plenty of anti-semites disguise their anti-semitism as being anti the israeli state's actions, not everyone who opposes israel is an anti semite, and as silly as trying to boycott anything israeli is, it's not really a smoking gun as to his own views?
I'm certainly not one to defend him, but he's not been harmed by far worse allegations.
Another panglossian poll. The sensible answer is: 'it began as a complete clusterfuck and has progressively worsened since then'.
That's not a sensible answer, the point is clearly to assess people's initial expectations vs their current assessment, which your answer does not since it doesn't indicate what your initial expectation was (though it can be inferred). I don't think it covers all the options, but its purpose seems reasonable.
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Not in the USA I imagine and certainly not outside San Francisco and the Harvard Yard.
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
Another panglossian poll. The sensible answer is: 'it began as a complete clusterfuck and has progressively worsened since then'.
That's not a sensible answer, the point is clearly to assess people's initial expectations vs their current assessment, which your answer does not since it doesn't indicate what your initial expectation was (though it can be inferred). I don't think it covers all the options, but its purpose seems reasonable.
I'll rephrase:
My initial expectations were that it would be a complete clusterfuck and my current assessment is several rungs worse.
Another panglossian poll. The sensible answer is: 'it began as a complete clusterfuck and has progressively worsened since then'.
That's not a sensible answer, the point is clearly to assess people's initial expectations vs their current assessment, which your answer does not since it doesn't indicate what your initial expectation was (though it can be inferred). I don't think it covers all the options, but its purpose seems reasonable.
I'll rephrase:
My initial expectations were that it would be a complete clusterfuck and my current assessment is several rungs worse.
Another panglossian poll. The sensible answer is: 'it began as a complete clusterfuck and has progressively worsened since then'.
That's not a sensible answer, the point is clearly to assess people's initial expectations vs their current assessment, which your answer does not since it doesn't indicate what your initial expectation was (though it can be inferred). I don't think it covers all the options, but its purpose seems reasonable.
I'll rephrase:
My initial expectations were that it would be a complete clusterfuck and my current assessment is several rungs worse.
Another panglossian poll. The sensible answer is: 'it began as a complete clusterfuck and has progressively worsened since then'.
That's not a sensible answer, the point is clearly to assess people's initial expectations vs their current assessment, which your answer does not since it doesn't indicate what your initial expectation was (though it can be inferred). I don't think it covers all the options, but its purpose seems reasonable.
I'll rephrase:
My initial expectations were that it would be a complete clusterfuck and my current assessment is several rungs worse.
You'd need to include the other extreme to avoid accusations of push-polling.
"I expected Brexit to be full of sunlit uplands and I think they are in sight."
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Not in the USA I imagine and certainly not outside San Francisco and the Harvard Yard.
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
In the most recent poll, reported by Gallup in March 2018, 64% sympathized with Israel, equalling the all-time high, and the ninth straight year support exceeded 60%. This exceeds the level of support (56%) Israel enjoyed after the 1967 war, when many people mistakenly believe that Israel was overwhelmingly popular. Meanwhile, only 19% expressed support for the Palestinians only slightly higher than the 15% in Gallup’s initial 1988 measurement.
In recent years Gallup has noted that many Americans have moved from “no preference” into the pro-Israeli column. Even when support for Israel dips, as occurred during Operation Protective Edge (July 8-August 26, 2014), when the NBC/WSJ and Pew polls found a decline in support to 46% and 51%, respectively, support for the Palestinians does not increase (it was 14% in both polls). Moreover, support for Israel inevitably bounces back.
the sun appears to think corbyn being seen as anti Israeli is a vote loser for Labour. Perhaps its a vote winner?
I shouldn't think so, the average Briton couldn't care less about a bunch of Arabs and I don't suppose they spend much time worrying about us either. Those who do take their side in the Middle East conflict probably vote Labour already anyway and Labour could lose even more Jewish votes if they condemned their side. It's best to keep well out of it, it's not much to do with Britain anymore.
Hmm I always thought Brexit would be a tricky process.
The big failure of the Gov't thus far is in its preparation for the negotiations though.
The Gov't should have had a clear aim for its relationship with Europe, with the Nicky Morgans on one side and the Rees Moggs on the other being able to maintain a bit of discipline whilst the negotiations were on.
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Not in the USA I imagine and certainly not outside San Francisco and the Harvard Yard.
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
In the most recent poll, reported by Gallup in March 2018, 64% sympathized with Israel, equalling the all-time high, and the ninth straight year support exceeded 60%. This exceeds the level of support (56%) Israel enjoyed after the 1967 war, when many people mistakenly believe that Israel was overwhelmingly popular. Meanwhile, only 19% expressed support for the Palestinians only slightly higher than the 15% in Gallup’s initial 1988 measurement.
In recent years Gallup has noted that many Americans have moved from “no preference” into the pro-Israeli column. Even when support for Israel dips, as occurred during Operation Protective Edge (July 8-August 26, 2014), when the NBC/WSJ and Pew polls found a decline in support to 46% and 51%, respectively, support for the Palestinians does not increase (it was 14% in both polls). Moreover, support for Israel inevitably bounces back.
Yes and even 49% of Democrats sympathise more with Israel in that poll, with 59% of independents behind Israel and amongst Trump voting Republicans 87% favour Israel.
'In 2015, Israel's favorability ranking trailed only Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France and India. The Palestinian Authority in 2015 was rated just above Pakistan (15%), Iraq (15%), Afghanistan (14%), Syria (14%), Iran (11%) and North Korea (9%) as the least popular countries.'
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Not in the USA I imagine and certainly not outside San Francisco and the Harvard Yard.
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
the sun appears to think corbyn being seen as anti Israeli is a vote loser for Labour. Perhaps its a vote winner?
I shouldn't think so, the average Briton couldn't care less about a bunch of Arabs and I don't suppose they spend much time worrying about us either. Those who do take their side in the Middle East conflict probably vote Labour already anyway and Labour could lose even more Jewish votes if they condemned their side. It's best to keep well out of it, it's not much to do with Britain anymore.
Americans being pro-Israel isn’t very surprising, interesting that we apparently aren’t though. Another example of how US Democrats and Labour supporters here view the world pretty differently.
When will this lame Tory Government come out and condemn the rogue pariah nation of Israel? When FFS?
When will Corbyn condemn Russia, who has actually killed British people on British soil? What is possibly unique about Israel that makes the far left so more ready to condemn them relative to other regimes?
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Not in the USA I imagine and certainly not outside San Francisco and the Harvard Yard.
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
Poor Ivanka Trump. As every news channel pumps out images of her parading herself like a pampered mannequin and juxtapose the image against a backdrop of 55 slaughtered Palestinians the world becomes increasingly repulsed.
Not in the USA I imagine and certainly not outside San Francisco and the Harvard Yard.
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
Americans being pro-Israel isn’t very surprising, interesting that we apparently aren’t though. Another example of how US Democrats and Labour supporters here view the world pretty differently.
As do most Tories and Trump Republicans.
Beyond a few Sanders supporters not many Democrats would vote for Corbyn and beyond a few Moggites not many Tories would vote for Trump
Americans being pro-Israel isn’t very surprising, interesting that we apparently aren’t though. Another example of how US Democrats and Labour supporters here view the world pretty differently.
"According to a 2009 international study commissioned by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found in India, with 58% of Indian respondents showing sympathy towards Israel. [...] As reported in 2015, opinion polls taken in India showed 70% and above of respondents had "favorable views of Israel."
Another panglossian poll. The sensible answer is: 'it began as a complete clusterfuck and has progressively worsened since then'.
That's not a sensible answer, the point is clearly to assess people's initial expectations vs their current assessment, which your answer does not since it doesn't indicate what your initial expectation was (though it can be inferred). I don't think it covers all the options, but its purpose seems reasonable.
I'll rephrase:
My initial expectations were that it would be a complete clusterfuck and my current assessment is several rungs worse.
You'd need to include the other extreme to avoid accusations of push-polling.
"I expected Brexit to be full of sunlit uplands and I think they are in sight."
Jokes to one side, I would struggle to answer that question. I didn't think and don't now think that Brexit would be done well or badly. I thought it would be a typical British muddle through and that's what we have got. It's definitely going better than the mess that is European integration. How many are still out of work in the EU?
It was only last week that our magnificent foreign secretary was bigging up Donald Trump for the Nobel peace prize. That was always going to be a hostage to fortune.
Americans being pro-Israel isn’t very surprising, interesting that we apparently aren’t though. Another example of how US Democrats and Labour supporters here view the world pretty differently.
"According to a 2009 international study commissioned by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found in India, with 58% of Indian respondents showing sympathy towards Israel. [...] As reported in 2015, opinion polls taken in India showed 70% and above of respondents had "favorable views of Israel."
When will this lame Tory Government come out and condemn the rogue pariah nation of Israel? When FFS?
How does one define 'pariah' nation?
"Doesn't sit back and do nothing when a terror movement which wants to exterminate its population sends a force of 40,000 to storm the border".
Or more succinctly "Believes Jews are allowed to defend themselves, not die quietly like good Jews have been expected to for the last two thousand years".
It was only last week that our magnificent foreign secretary was bigging up Donald Trump for the Nobel peace prize. That was always going to be a hostage to fortune.
I seem to remember that WWIII was coming due to his rocket man tweets and now North Korea is at the table.
May well bring the Palestinians to negotiations when they discover their only friends are Iran, Jezza and the corpse of the EU.
Americans being pro-Israel isn’t very surprising, interesting that we apparently aren’t though. Another example of how US Democrats and Labour supporters here view the world pretty differently.
"According to a 2009 international study commissioned by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found in India, with 58% of Indian respondents showing sympathy towards Israel. [...] As reported in 2015, opinion polls taken in India showed 70% and above of respondents had "favorable views of Israel."
Winning huge majorities in the inner cities is not enough to get Corbyn to No 10
It's probably too subtle for me anyway.
Or boring.
The Silly Season is officially launched by this storm in a teacup.
Note, you need to be both.
'Incendiary weapons, incendiary devices or incendiary bombs are weapons designed to start fires or destroy sensitive equipment using fire, that use materials such as napalm, thermite, magnesium powder, chlorine trifluoride, or white phosphorus.'
Israeli troops may have been over zealous in their response but the rioters were pretty violent too
Megan's Father may not attend the wedding apparently
I will keep an eye on PB but there is time for Brexit to be fixed and the Nation to come together over the next four weeks isn't there and I will look forward to the new topics to discuss on my return.
Be nice to one another and while I have no idea what this talk about 'gammon' is I would expect I may have some on our cruise
Whether its ‘Deplorables’ or ‘Gammon’ Socialists will always try to put a label on people, and not see them as unique individuals, with their own individual characteristics: tastes, preferences, wants and desires, as well as their own Skiles, talents, and experiences.
I'm more a fan of political insults which I feel can work on a non partisan basis, if we must have them at all. Eg, snowflake - predominantly used against the left, but thing thing it is complaining about seems like it would work equally well against someone on the right. If they only go one way then it just feels a little sadder, since people will take it so much more seriously. That is not difficult to achieve, in fairness. Much overhyped, Turkey.
Doubt anyone/many outside of political twitter really cares about this Gammon thing. Certainly many of those offended today somehow managed to be oblivious to it being in use for nearly a whole year now. This is despite being the same people who issue a running commentary on the various issues they have with Corbynistas and Remainers since 2015/16.
It reminds me of just after Trump was elected (dark times indeed) some of my favourite youtube channels were doing a thing where they'd oh so subtly reference the event without directly stating it, along with a comment about how perhaps something really bad has happened and their viewers would like to escape all that via whatever the video was about. I felt like if they were so shocked and shaken at Trump's win (a not uncommon reaction!) and clearly felt their fans would be too, why be all cutesy about it, it just made it seem weird to me.
For all that I think the standard rule applies here, about how would people react if it were their opponents making the same sort of defence of issue x - I have zero doubt someone like Owen Jones would be apoplectic about it, but that's because he's such a partisan . And I think we know many who are outraged would not be so outraged if the tables were turned. It's not so outrageous as to cross partisan lines much.
A 'Hamas Activist' is the first to be buried
My family also prefer chicken, lamb and pork as well. We used to also like mutton as well, but we’ve gone off it in recent years.
I'm certainly not one to defend him, but he's not been harmed by far worse allegations.
What's the difference between Australia and Israel? Is it Australia are descended from convicts and he believes in rehabilitation?
According to Gallup last year 71% of Americans have a favourable view of Israel, rising to 81% amongst Republicans. Netanyahu has a +19% positive rating
62% of Americans sympathise more with the Israelis than the Palestinians with just 19% sympathising more with the Palestinians. Support for a Palestinian state is almost tied 45% to 42%
My initial expectations were that it would be a complete clusterfuck and my current assessment is several rungs worse.
Here's my contribution to humour: They should make a dating app for people with STDs. It would be called Tender.
"I expected Brexit to be full of sunlit uplands and I think they are in sight."
In recent years Gallup has noted that many Americans have moved from “no preference” into the pro-Israeli column. Even when support for Israel dips, as occurred during Operation Protective Edge (July 8-August 26, 2014), when the NBC/WSJ and Pew polls found a decline in support to 46% and 51%, respectively, support for the Palestinians does not increase (it was 14% in both polls). Moreover, support for Israel inevitably bounces back.
Those who do take their side in the Middle East conflict probably vote Labour already anyway and Labour could lose even more Jewish votes if they condemned their side.
It's best to keep well out of it, it's not much to do with Britain anymore.
The big failure of the Gov't thus far is in its preparation for the negotiations though.
The Gov't should have had a clear aim for its relationship with Europe, with the Nicky Morgans on one side and the Rees Moggs on the other being able to maintain a bit of discipline whilst the negotiations were on.
'In 2015, Israel's favorability ranking trailed only Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France and India. The Palestinian Authority in 2015 was rated just above Pakistan (15%), Iraq (15%), Afghanistan (14%), Syria (14%), Iran (11%) and North Korea (9%) as the least popular countries.'
Beyond a few Sanders supporters not many Democrats would vote for Corbyn and beyond a few Moggites not many Tories would vote for Trump
As reported in 2015, opinion polls taken in India showed 70% and above of respondents had "favorable views of Israel."
Or more succinctly "Believes Jews are allowed to defend themselves, not die quietly like good Jews have been expected to for the last two thousand years".
May well bring the Palestinians to negotiations when they discover their only friends are Iran, Jezza and the corpse of the EU.