politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » TMay says it’s “highly likely” that Russia responsible for the Salisbury attacks – the question now is what Britain will do
Theresa May said it was “highly likely” that Russia is responsible for the poisoning of a former Russian spy https://t.co/zYJzVi0ZIM
Read the full story here
We have casus belli.
Mr. Jessop, it's about the Greatness of Russia. In conflicts against weaker forces he uses military intervention. Against stronger forces he uses cyberwarfare to extremely good effect, and his critics both in his own country and overseas have an inexplicably short life expectancy.
He knows we both can't and won't retaliate in kind. It's also why we need to ensure our military doesn't became emaciated.
It's striking just how ready so many Labour MPs are to go off the reservation. Should make for a lively time on Twitter this evening.
It also depends which bits of Europe you are talking about, Tsipras and Salvini are both pro Putin for example even if Macron and Merkel are more wary of the Russians
It goes against received wisdom, but the objective that seems most likely to me is an attempt to keep the UK in the EU. Less of a threat to Mr Putin's ambitions if we're inside, rather than outside?
I wonder if it has something to do with the upcoming election, but it's not like there's a danger of Putin losing.
More realistically, we could break off diplomatic relations, kick out all Russian nationals and freeze all Russian money in UK banks.
Why might they do this? It's a statement, like leaving a horse's head in a bed. Russia is sending a message to Britain - and others - that Russia is powerful enough to do this with impunity.
They're probably right, sadly. With the west more broken down into individual states than at any time in my adult life, the Russian policy of divide and conquer is proving very effective.
The debate has been amazing in it's unity across the house with attacks on Putin but also on Corbyn, even from many of his own MP's
That may be the strategy. The question is what he hopes to achieve from this tactic, which is rather extreme. It could be tied in to the election, sanctions, preventing spying, or something that we plebs outside the security forces are unaware of. Or all of the above.
George F. Kennan
We should simply do what Home did in 1964 in similar circumstances and expel every known FSB (KGB then) agent from the Russian consulate and embassy
Need I say more?
Just Corbyn made a complete fool of himself and came under sustained attack from his own MP's
It was a display of unity, apart from Corbyn , so missing from our politcs
Although the fact that most Labour MPs don’t agree with him (Corbyn) and are publically saying so isn’t really new. This has been the case since 2015, moderates even triggered a leadership contest to try and get him out and it still didn’t happen.
The moderates issue is that they don’t seem to have any real sway among the membership. That’s in part because they can’t provide an exciting alternative to Corbynism which inspires anyone. I can’t see a strongly neo-liberal Pro-EU stance winning a GE.
Also, just wanted to say that I think JossiasJessop’s posts on the issue of sexual harassment in the previous thread are fantastic.
Putin recognises the power of the EU single market model which is why he's tried to imitate it in an attempt to reconstitute the states of the former USSR into a new union.
Amber Rudd is barring right wing US and Canadian female journalists from the UK while allowing several hundred ISIS fighters back into the country? Apparently the former - whether you find their views pleasant or not - are a much greater threat to our security according to the Home Secretary?
That will show em
It is striking how much difference to the international law position there is between what actually happened, and having Skripal quietly knifed or shot, and it is difficult to believe this is unintentional.
If TMay decides on Wednesday to "deem the Kremlin has carried out "unlawful use of force" on British territory," will she then notify the Security Council as she is required to do by Article 5 of the NATO treaty if this was indeed an armed attack?
PS: Would be great if we had some real politicians rather than money making grubbers, shedloads of them desperate to get cash from RT and any other outfit that will cough.
So he kicked out all 105 members of the KGB and GRU at the Soviet embassy in London with any replacements coming at the expense of the remaining staff. The Russians complained angrily but were less problematic in future.
Iran Press TV lost their licence years ago.
Years ago, the police called allegedly 'suspicious' deaths 'of Russian exiles suicides'. Why ... lack of funding or instructions from on high? If any of the ~10 deaths had been followed up, would he even have got as far as this collateral damage (innocent bystanders contaminated by chemical weapons, businesses badly damaged financially, two more (near) deaths.)
This piece makes me wonder if US action caused the UK authorities to start asking people where they got their unexplained £££: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/world/news/2018-02/russia-oligarchs-united-kingdom-corruption-accountability.html
As any Private Eye reader picks up, the default standard of financial regulation is for the US authorities to start court proceedings about when the UK begins an investigation, i.e. the UK likes 'light touch' regulation and the US takes it a bit more seriously.
I've cut & pasted from the previous thread so hope for no mishaps...
If we don't respond robustly - and/or if we get no international support - expect to be provoked again, more blatantly. Though this was pretty blatant.
It's what you expect from the leader of what is effectively a mafia state.
I am surprised the Donald has yet to tweet on this.
We are signatories to a Treaty that means we cannot strip people of British citizenship, if that is their only citizenship. Now, we could leave that Treaty, but it's by no means clear that other countries would recognise us having stripped citizenship.
The best we can (realistically) do is explicitly make fighting for ISIS a crime, and imprison those British citizens who return from fighting for them.
a space programme
nuclear weapons
nuclear power stations (but without key safety precautions)
'free' healthcare and education.
It collapsed earlier than experts had expected.
Reminds me of this: