Farnworth on Bolton (Lab defence) Result: Con 153 (6% -3% on last time), Lab 969 (38% -10% on last time), Lib Dem 23 (1% -2% on last time), UKIP 169 (7% -29% on last time), Green 18 (1% -3% on last time), Residents 1,204 (47%, no candidate last time) Residents GAIN from Labour with a majority of 235 (9%) on a notional swing of 28.5% from Lab to Residents (9.5% from UKIP to Lab)
Local circumstances
Voter fatigue
Bloody Kippers going Lab
Who cares about parish councils
What about that swing in Medway?
not enough media coverage of Jeremy Corbyn's facebook profile
Independents who are Tory really
Any more for any more?
(How's that for one not on the lists below?) :-)
So far this year, the Conservatives have won 28 out of 60 (not 27 as stated earlier) a net loss of three.
It's not 25 powers out of 111 at issue, but 24 out of 155 - not sure that will fool many people in Scotland.
The expected big items are there - farming support, GMO regulation, animal health/welfare, fisheries powers not already exercised, competition law etc.
a cup of cocoafor government. *[there may be some confirmation bias in the above]
(correction - wrong tweet)
"February, 1948
THE straw poll-so called one supposes because a straw shows the way the wind blows-has become a feature with most newspapers. One is informed which is the favourite film for the year, the popularity status of the respective political parties, details of domestic budgets and all that sort of thing. One such questioning put to the public by the Daily Express tried to find the priority job for the Government in 1948. Among the nine items listed, food came first, followed by housing, economic finance, exports, foreign relations, taxation, fuel, Empire development . . . and the ninth? Well if you must know, it was agriculture and it polled exactly 1 per cent! Food led the list at 41 per cent, with housing as its nearest rival, 29 per cent. Empire co-operation was twin sister to Cinderella agriculture with 1 per cent.
What are people thinking about? If food polls 41 per cent, why should Empire development and agriculture be rated so low as 1 per cent? Do they really think that the Argentinos, the Danes and the Dutch are fairy godmothers? Ridiculous!
The people are ignorant but it is not their fault entirely, because so much spoon-feeding goes on nowadays, especially in the form of propaganda, that the art of thinking things out for oneself becomes more and more difficult. I am going to tilt at Goliath and blame the N.F.U. for the lack of public interest in agriculture. The N.F.U. allocates a large portion of its not inconsiderable funds, for publicity purposes, and if the officials of that organization would only interpret publicity as "city public" and enlighten the masses about the importance of British agriculture, the result would be beneficial to both farmers and townsfolk. The latter probably think that the N.F.U. is an organization something like the N.U.R. so, in any case, it is just as well to let them know that the Farmers' Union is almost the only union that has not achieved greatness by advocating a strike policy on every possible occasion, for if farmers did strike, the townsfolk would starve."
What a difference a year makes.
Even in France Macron did not run on the Socialist Party ticket
But I suppose you could view the fact that a Labour Party led by an antisemitic, anti-western trot with links to terrorist organisations and vicious authoritarian regimes, who has threatened the free press and our financial system, who has shown a complete absence of understanding how the economy works, has surrounded himself with proven liars and incompetents, and has directly accused our forces of murdering children in Yemen, is still level pegging in the polls as *evidence*, if you like...
This is not necessarily in favour of the Labour candidate, so the traditional Corbyn-Labour scare tactics will not work for the Tories next time. At least, I hope not.
Not the Labour Party he joined etc.
Pro Tory BBC East of England political reporter seems to be making a bit of a meal of it.
(ii) May 2017? Not much happened since then, I suppose *eyeroll*
ii) Irrelevant as the relative difference would still likely be the same between the other 3 and Corbyn
Cooper is an empty vessel with a permanently miserable/outraged face....not the best demeanour for winning elections.
Did anyone see QT last night? I imagine that mouthy idiot Pidcock did wonders for the Tory poll share. It's no mean feat for a panellist to be so bad as to make me warm to Liam Fox. The explanation for the Tories being at 40%+ in the polls in a nutshell.
Lab 63
Con 23
LD 11.
Or Ivanka.
Or himself.
Brilliant electioneer. Terrible PM.
Though not as terrible as Brown.
Thanks for this, Mr. Hayfield.
F1: just two hours and a few minutes to go, and that's it until the first race weekend, in a fortnight.
‘They were in with a load of opt-outs. Now they are out and want a load of opt-ins.’;
At the (non-political) discussion group I go to someone commented, to agreement, yesterday that we’re proud to be British but ashamed of our present Government.
I mentioned it during the programme last night - if she is the best hope for the next generation of Corbynites, we're not going to have Corbynite dominance of the Labour party for much longer....
We didn't have a 'load' of opt-outs, that was the problem!