@SkyAnushka: PM & IDS on Universal Credit. We should not be "religious on timing" says PM, days after IDS staked his political rep on delivering on time
On Topic - Mr Smithson - I have been saying it for months and months.No matter what the PB Hodges, PB Gideons and PB Tories say, as long as the 2010 Lib Dem switches stay where they are now and have been for three years, there will not be a Tory government, either on their own or in coalition and more than likely a Labour one. Maybe the Tory Party need another dozen or so election strategists?
....."as long as" ...... and from the header of this thread "If". That's the bet, that things don't change and people are not fickle.
Mr Brooke - The problem for the Tories is they have been playing the Ed is crap line for over two years but the percentage of 2010 Lib Dem voters who have switched to Labour has stayed between 30-40%. In reality I hope they keep playing the Ed is crap card, it just isn't budging them no matter how loud they shout it and how many people in the right wing press write it. One day, hopefully some time in July 2015 one of their many strategist will surely spot it.
I must say, I was disappointed with Ed's effort at the TUC. I was expecting fireworks. Of course, Ed jumped the gun with Falkirk thing, accusing Unite of all sorts of electoral shenanigans. When those smears were proved baseless, Ed was left impotent and naked. I suppose he could have fought on regardless, but he's starting to look like a young man who doesn't like to cause a fuss and prefers nothing better than a nice cup of tea.
Thanks to Mr. Corporeal, Mr. Bertie and Mr. Lilburne for their helpful responses on the previous thread. I suddenly realised I'd got a nice thane/thegn (probably the former) title but needed a lower one as well (the rest are all English and so easy).
Iesyth reminds me of Iestyn Harris [I think, a rugby player. Could be slightly wrong]. Might go for Gesydd.
Many thanks for answers to that slightly obscure question.
In the last 24 hours, much comment has focussed on the apparent gaffe by John Kerry that left a door open for the Russians to drop their proposal to avoid a US strike on Syria.
What makes it a right mess is that the Assad government shifted them again in advance of a possible US strike. You are now looking at 20-30 sites at least. There is no way that these could be guarded adequately under an in-country supervision regime, so realistically they'd need gathered and moved.
The decommissioning of CW is likely to be more of a symbolic act than a watertight enforcement. The key outcome must be no further use of CW in the civil war, either by Assad or by third parties using his stocks.
This means that the allies can allow some 'cheating' at the edges on retention, provided it is hidden from view. We are likely to get statements such as; "it is impossible to guarantee or verify that every chemical weapon has been removed and destroyed given the current state of the conflict in Syria, What is important is that Syria is seen and believed to be acting in good faith".
There appears to a bit of jostling within the UNSC on who drafts the eventual resolution and its scope but this kind of dispute always presages real progress.
A key diplomatic goal for the US and its allies will be to use any UNSC resolution on CW as a platform for future negotiations to find a political resolution to the Syrian civil war. I don't think the US and Russia are divided on the principle that an orderly transition based on the Assad regime, if not Assad personally, is the most feasible starting point.
Resolving the CW issue should be the beginning not the end of a process towards a negotiated solution.
On Topic - Mr Smithson - I have been saying it for months and months.No matter what the PB Hodges, PB Gideons and PB Tories say, as long as the 2010 Lib Dem switches stay where they are now and have been for three years, there will not be a Tory government, either on their own or in coalition and more than likely a Labour one. Maybe the Tory Party need another dozen or so election strategists?
....."as long as" ...... and from the header of this thread "If". That's the bet, that things don't change and people are not fickle.
Mr Brooke - The problem for the Tories is they have been playing the Ed is crap line for over two years but the percentage of 2010 Lib Dem voters who have switched to Labour has stayed between 30-40%. In reality I hope they keep playing the Ed is crap card, it just isn't budging them no matter how loud they shout it and how many people in the right wing press write it. One day, hopefully some time in July 2015 one of their many strategist will surely spot it.
The percentage of 2010 LD voters who tell the pollsters that they have switched to Labour is nowhere near 30 to 40 % . It is currently averaging 23% for ICM/Populus/Yougov .
On Topic - Mr Smithson - I have been saying it for months and months.No matter what theely a Labour one. Maybe the Tory Party need another dozen or so election strategists?
....."as long as" ...... and from the header of this thread "If". That's the bet, that things don't change and people are not fickle.
Mr Brooke - The problem for the Tories is they have been playing the Ed is crap line for over two years but the percentage of 2010 Lib Dem voters who have switched to Labour has stayed between 30-40%. In reality I hope they keep playing the Ed is crap card, it just isn't budging them no matter how loud they shout it and how many people in the right wing press write it. One day, hopefully some time in July 2015 one of their many strategist will surely spot it.
I can't quite see how you work that out by all measures 2012 was a good year for Miliband and a bad one for Cameron. 2013 has been a poor one for Miliband which has seen his league squeezed but not eliminated. Agaist this HMG has been operating with a moribund economy and some pretty poor communications. Looking in to 2014 I would anticipate the economy picking up and both sides having to up their political game. In such circumstances polls will start to thaw and as we draw nearer to the Ge opinions will start to mean something. At the moment both sides are telling themselves that this time it is different, but history has a habit of repeating itself. The two big constants say that a government doesn't often up its support in a second term and that an opposition needs a big lead in mid term to win an election. To me a HP is still the likely outcome and Nick Clegg is the main man.
The percentage of 2010 LD voters who tell the pollsters that they have switched to Labour is nowhere near 30 to 40 % . It is currently averaging 23% for ICM/Populus/Yougov .
Really? That's interesting. And from that 23% you can probably deduct 13% for the respondents who use polls to comment on the political narrative, rather than as confession of voting intention. Remove 7% for the anti-Iraq SWP entryists and you get only 3% Lib-to-Lab switchers. That's nothing. Give the Lib Dems a further boost because they can now claim experience of governing and they will probably increase their share in 2015.
In the last 24 hours, much comment has focussed on the apparent gaffe by John Kerry that left a door open for the Russians to drop their proposal to avoid a US strike on Syria.
What makes it a right mess is that the Assad government shifted them again in advance of a possible US strike. You are now looking at 20-30 sites at least. There is no way that these could be guarded adequately under an in-country supervision regime, so realistically they'd need gathered and moved.
The decommissioning of CW is likely to be more of a symbolic act than a watertight enforcement. The key outcome must be no further use of CW in the civil war, either by Assad or by third parties using his stocks.
This means that the allies can allow some 'cheating' at the edges on retention, provided it is hidden from view. We are likely to get statements such as; "it is impossible to guarantee or verify that every chemical weapon has been removed and destroyed given the current state of the conflict in Syria, What is important is that Syria is seen and believed to be acting in good faith".
There appears to a bit of jostling within the UNSC on who drafts the eventual resolution and its scope but this kind of dispute always presages real progress.
A key diplomatic goal for the US and its allies will be to use any UNSC resolution on CW as a platform for future negotiations to find a political resolution to the Syrian civil war. I don't think the US and Russia are divided on the principle that an orderly transition based on the Assad regime, if not Assad personally, is the most feasible starting point.
Resolving the CW issue should be the beginning not the end of a process towards a negotiated solution.
As per my post, my understanding is that the Syrian's themselves be looking at notifying the locations of the weaponry with what I assume is a remote observation scheme. Whether that proves enough, we'll see.
Mark Senior - I would go and check your facts. Today's Yougov showed 34% and that was with a lower 5% lead. Sunday it was 31%, Friday it was 31% and Thursday it was 37%.....do I need to go on?
RedRag1 said: » show previous quotes Mr Brooke - The problem for the Tories is they have been playing the Ed is crap line for over two years but the percentage of 2010 Lib Dem voters who have switched to Labour has stayed between 30-40%.
Are you sure, that number sounds high? Off the top of my head I'd have reckoned it somewhere in the 20s (ICM is what I normally use).
Mark Senior - I would go and check your facts. Today's Yougov showed 34% and that was with a lower 5% lead. Sunday it was 31%, Friday it was 31% and Thursday it was 37%.....do I need to go on?
Yes, YouGov excludes the don't knows and refused to says.
If you add up the figures for 2010 Lib Dems, plus the refused to says/dont knows, on this morning's yougov it comes to 125%
So that 34 is actually out of 125 as a percentage, less than 30% (27.2% actually)
Note the chemical weapons are stored in only two locations when the regime-changers want to pretend Hague's Heart-Eaters couldn't have got hold of them but twenty to thirty locations when it comes to bombing.
In the last 24 hours, much comment has focussed on the apparent gaffe by John Kerry that left a door open for the Russians to drop their proposal to avoid a US strike on Syria.
What makes it a right mess is that the Assad government shifted them again in advance of a possible US strike. You are now looking at 20-30 sites at least. There is no way that these could be guarded adequately under an in-country supervision regime, so realistically they'd need gathered and moved.
The decommissioning of CW is likely to be more of a symbolic act than a watertight enforcement. The key outcome must be no further use of CW in the civil war, either by Assad or by third parties using his stocks.
This means that the allies can allow some 'cheating' at the edges on retention, provided it is hidden from view. We are likely to get statements such as; "it is impossible to guarantee or verify that every chemical weapon has been removed and destroyed given the current state of the conflict in Syria, What is important is that Syria is seen and believed to be acting in good faith".
There appears to a bit of jostling within the UNSC on who drafts the eventual resolution and its scope but this kind of dispute always presages real progress.
A key diplomatic goal for the US and its allies will be to use any UNSC resolution on CW as a platform for future negotiations to find a political resolution to the Syrian civil war. I don't think the US and Russia are divided on the principle that an orderly transition based on the Assad regime, if not Assad personally, is the most feasible starting point.
Resolving the CW issue should be the beginning not the end of a process towards a negotiated solution.
As per my post, my understanding is that the Syrian's themselves be looking at notifying the locations of the weaponry with what I assume is a remote observation scheme. Whether that proves enough, we'll see.
This is a mess of Obamas own making. Mark Mardell (BBC) says that this could bring down the Obama presidency, or at the most make him a lame duck for 3 long bloody years.
RedRag1 said: » show previous quotes Mr Brooke - The problem for the Tories is they have been playing the Ed is crap line for over two years but the percentage of 2010 Lib Dem voters who have switched to Labour has stayed between 30-40%.
Are you sure, that number sounds high? Off the top of my head I'd have reckoned it somewhere in the 20s (ICM is what I normally use).
Corpreal, I have given the figures for most of last week below, I could go on, but it would take too long. If you don't believe me check the Yougov site, as they always have the figures in their full results under the 2010 vote column. See below:
Mark Senior - I would go and check your facts. Today's Yougov showed 34% and that was with a lower 5% lead. Sunday it was 31%, Friday it was 31% and Thursday it was 37%.....do I need to go on?
Mr RedRag, I think you're reading the tables incorrectly.
According the YouGov poll completed 5th-6th of September of the Sunday Times (i.e. the Friday one you refer to), in the headline voting intention of the LD2010 vote it lists 31% voting for Labour after excluding Wouldn't Vote and Don't knows.
Mark Senior - I would go and check your facts. Today's Yougov showed 34% and that was with a lower 5% lead. Sunday it was 31%, Friday it was 31% and Thursday it was 37%.....do I need to go on?
No, but I think you need to demonstrate how you calculated those figures.
RedRag1 said: » show previous quotes Mr Brooke - The problem for the Tories is they have been playing the Ed is crap line for over two years but the percentage of 2010 Lib Dem voters who have switched to Labour has stayed between 30-40%.
Are you sure, that number sounds high? Off the top of my head I'd have reckoned it somewhere in the 20s (ICM is what I normally use).
Corpreal, I have given the figures for most of last week below, I could go on, but it would take too long. If you don't believe me check the Yougov site, as they always have the figures in their full results under the 2010 vote column. See below:
Checking this one (the Thursday- 37% one you referred to in your initial post) as it says under the sub-title "Headline Voting Intentions" excluding Don't Knows and Wouldn't Votes
Mark Senior - I would go and check your facts. Today's Yougov showed 34% and that was with a lower 5% lead. Sunday it was 31%, Friday it was 31% and Thursday it was 37%.....do I need to go on?
No, but I think you need to demonstrate how you calculated those figures.
I have calculated them from using the figures given by the people who said they voted Lib Dem in 2010 on the Yougov website (excluding don't knows/wouldn't vote)
Mark Senior - I would go and check your facts. Today's Yougov showed 34% and that was with a lower 5% lead. Sunday it was 31%, Friday it was 31% and Thursday it was 37%.....do I need to go on?
TSE has shown where your calculations are in error , similarly with ICM and Populus you must use the figures in Table 2 and not Table 3 .
@lucymanning: Nigel Evans charged with 8 sexual offences tonight
@lucymanning: Nigel Evans MP charged with 2 indecent assaults, 5 sexual assaults & 1 rape against 7 victims.
A by election is not inevitable.
Trial is unlikely to be until late 2014 so even if it resulted in Evans having to resign it could fall within six months of the General Election with the seat left unfilled until then.
I guess it all depends how Evans responds to the charges.
@lucymanning: Nigel Evans charged with 8 sexual offences tonight
@lucymanning: Nigel Evans MP charged with 2 indecent assaults, 5 sexual assaults & 1 rape against 7 victims.
A by election is not inevitable.
Trial is unlikely to be until late 2014 so even if it resulted in Evans having to resign it could fall within six months of the General Election with the seat left unfilled until then.
I guess it all depends how Evans responds to the charges.
Whilst everyone is innocent until proven guilty, it would hang around his party like a stale fart in a lift.
Alanbrooke - " The two big constants say that a government doesn't often up its support in a second term ..."
Governments often improve their position at the election after coming to office. They did in 1955, 1966 and 1983. Wilson also did better in the second 1974 election, though they were very close together. In addition, although Blair lost a handful of seats in 2001, he still won a landslide.
Against that, there's only Attlee's second election in 1950 (though he did win), and Heath's defeat (just) in 1974.
ATSE/Corpreal/Senior yes I know it excludes don't knows and would vote.
But you cannot exclude the DK and WNV if you are calculating the percentage of 2010 LD voters who have switched to Labour because that substantial ( in this case ) group have NOT switched to Labour .
ATSE/Corpreal/Senior yes I know it excludes don't knows and would vote.
Well if you'd said at the start "30-40% of the LD2010 vote, excluding those who won't vote or don't know how they'll vote" then it'd have been accurate and not drawn objections.
@lucymanning: Nigel Evans charged with 8 sexual offences tonight
@lucymanning: Nigel Evans MP charged with 2 indecent assaults, 5 sexual assaults & 1 rape against 7 victims.
A by election is not inevitable.
Trial is unlikely to be until late 2014 so even if it resulted in Evans having to resign it could fall within six months of the General Election with the seat left unfilled until then.
I guess it all depends how Evans responds to the charges.
Whilst everyone is innocent until proven guilty, it would hang around his party like a stale fart in a lift.
As you said, RedRag, defendants are presumed innocent until proved guilty.
Or as the DPP has said:
“Can I remind all concerned that criminal proceedings are now active. All defendants have the right to a fair trial and it is very important that nothing is said, or reported, which could prejudice this trial.”
You beat me to it, the press pack hatchet job on him in the last couple of weeks has been nothing short of despicable. Because of it many people will still have misgivings about him even though he is innocent, which is why I mentioned the stale fart in a lift about Evans.
ATSE/Corpreal/Senior yes I know it excludes don't knows and would vote.
Well if you'd said at the start "30-40% of the LD2010 vote, excluding those who won't vote or don't know how they'll vote" then it'd have been accurate and not drawn objections.
Tomorrow is La Diada, the national day of Catalonia. To mark it over one million people are expected to form an unbroken human chain that will snake its way across the country in order to demand the right to an independence vote. Despite this the Spanish government will continue to say no. It's going to get unpleasant.
Heaths narrow loss in the first 74 election was the first single parliament govt since 1929.
On the other hand, we also have the first coalition since the war also!
Mikes case about 2010 LibDems switching to Labour has some validity, but largely depends where those switchers are. If they are in LibDem marginals they could hand seats to the Conservatives, or Eastleigh to UKIP. We need some Ashcroft type polls in marginal seats to see how the chips would fall. There is also the issue of turnout, I can see both Labour and LibDem 2010 voters sitting out 2015.
Alanbrooke - " The two big constants say that a government doesn't often up its support in a second term ..."
Governments often improve their position at the election after coming to office. They did in 1955, 1966 and 1983. Wilson also did better in the second 1974 election, though they were very close together. In addition, although Blair lost a handful of seats in 2001, he still won a landslide.
Against that, there's only Attlee's second election in 1950 (though he did win), and Heath's defeat (just) in 1974.
Clitheroe was a strange seat. It had one of the first Labour MPs from 1902, since the Liberals simply handed it to them on a plate. (The believed The Working Man should be represented by working men in Parliament)...
England will definitely qualify for Brazil World Cup if we beat Montenegro at home next month.
I think you might have overlooked Ukraine .... a bit like you did for the last 90 minutes.
No sorry there's also Poland at home, our last match.
We're on 16 points, leading group G Then Montenegro and Ukraine each on 15 and Poland on 13.
So if we beat Montenegro and draw with Poland, we should make it.
Er and if Ukraine win their last games !!
Well, we're a point in front!
No my mathematically deficient friend.
If as you say England beat Montenegro and draw with Poland = 20 points. If as I say Ukraine win their last two games = 21 points
That's 50 guineas please for the sums lessons !!
IF, If Ukraine win their last two, M'Lud!!!
It's all "IF" Sunil but you earlier contention that England qualify if they beat Montenegro next month was not accurate.
England have to at least equal Ukraine's and Montenegro's points total from their last two matches to be certain to qualify.
Apologies, M'Lud! I feel I must resort to quoting that august organisation, the Beeb
"England now have their fate in their own hands as they know victory in their final two Wembley qualifiers against Montenegro and Poland in October will guarantee automatic qualification."
Thanks for the link on the 125's.. particularly fond of that train, and will be very sad to see it go. Hopefully it will continue to serve the Penzance route given that electrification down that far seems a way off.
England will definitely qualify for Brazil World Cup if we beat Montenegro at home next month.
I think you might have overlooked Ukraine .... a bit like you did for the last 90 minutes.
No sorry there's also Poland at home, our last match.
We're on 16 points, leading group G Then Montenegro and Ukraine each on 15 and Poland on 13.
So if we beat Montenegro and draw with Poland, we should make it.
Er and if Ukraine win their last games !!
Well, we're a point in front!
No my mathematically deficient friend.
If as you say England beat Montenegro and draw with Poland = 20 points. If as I say Ukraine win their last two games = 21 points
That's 50 guineas please for the sums lessons !!
IF, If Ukraine win their last two, M'Lud!!!
It's all "IF" Sunil but you earlier contention that England qualify if they beat Montenegro next month was not accurate.
England have to at least equal Ukraine's and Montenegro's points total from their last two matches to be certain to qualify.
Apologies, M'Lud! I feel I must resort to quoting that august organisation, the Beeb
"England now have their fate in their own hands as they know victory in their final two Wembley qualifiers against Montenegro and Poland in October will guarantee automatic qualification."
Nigel Evans has apparently resigned as Deputy Speaker.
If I’m not mistaken, the new Deputy Speaker will have to be from either the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats in order to maintain parliamentary balance.
England will definitely qualify for Brazil World Cup if we beat Montenegro at home next month.
I think you might have overlooked Ukraine .... a bit like you did for the last 90 minutes.
No sorry there's also Poland at home, our last match.
We're on 16 points, leading group G Then Montenegro and Ukraine each on 15 and Poland on 13.
So if we beat Montenegro and draw with Poland, we should make it.
Er and if Ukraine win their last games !!
Well, we're a point in front!
No my mathematically deficient friend.
If as you say England beat Montenegro and draw with Poland = 20 points. If as I say Ukraine win their last two games = 21 points
That's 50 guineas please for the sums lessons !!
IF, If Ukraine win their last two, M'Lud!!!
It's all "IF" Sunil but you earlier contention that England qualify if they beat Montenegro next month was not accurate.
England have to at least equal Ukraine's and Montenegro's points total from their last two matches to be certain to qualify.
Apologies, M'Lud! I feel I must resort to quoting that august organisation, the Beeb
"England now have their fate in their own hands as they know victory in their final two Wembley qualifiers against Montenegro and Poland in October will guarantee automatic qualification."
Nigel Evans has apparently resigned as Deputy Speaker.
If I’m not mistaken, the new Deputy Speaker will have to be from either the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats in order to maintain parliamentary balance.
Correct. In principle. Not sure if this situation has ever arisen before though...
England will definitely qualify for Brazil World Cup if we beat Montenegro at home next month.
I think you might have overlooked Ukraine .... a bit like you did for the last 90 minutes.
No sorry there's also Poland at home, our last match.
We're on 16 points, leading group G Then Montenegro and Ukraine each on 15 and Poland on 13.
So if we beat Montenegro and draw with Poland, we should make it.
Er and if Ukraine win their last games !!
Well, we're a point in front!
No my mathematically deficient friend.
If as you say England beat Montenegro and draw with Poland = 20 points. If as I say Ukraine win their last two games = 21 points
That's 50 guineas please for the sums lessons !!
IF, If Ukraine win their last two, M'Lud!!!
It's all "IF" Sunil but you earlier contention that England qualify if they beat Montenegro next month was not accurate.
England have to at least equal Ukraine's and Montenegro's points total from their last two matches to be certain to qualify.
Apologies, M'Lud! I feel I must resort to quoting that august organisation, the Beeb
"England now have their fate in their own hands as they know victory in their final two Wembley qualifiers against Montenegro and Poland in October will guarantee automatic qualification."
Some of you will remember 'URW', a legendary gambler who used to post on here regularly. I have just been given the sad news that he passed away on Saturday. He remained razor-sharp to the end; he will be much missed.
That UKIP claim that their polling among women went from 28% to 46% in Eastleigh looks odd, the Ashcroft exit poll put them on 21%, 27% among men,. The Lib Dems had a massive lead among women as the embarrassing and imbecilic "local mother of four" campaign run by the Tories with the challenged candidate Maria Hutchings forced the female Tory vote down to 21% (31% among men)
Much as we must be grateful for Ashcroft's poll - what you neglect to mention that these are tiny sample sizes and the female vote is within MOE of the male for Con.
On a larger base, what may be a more useful guide:
Some of you will remember 'URW', a legendary gambler who used to post on here regularly. I have just been given the sad news that he passed away on Saturday. He remained razor-sharp to the end; he will be much missed.
Sad News. He was one of the regulars from the early days, but disappeared a couple of years ago...
Thanks to Mr. Corporeal, Mr. Bertie and Mr. Lilburne for their helpful responses on the previous thread. I suddenly realised I'd got a nice thane/thegn (probably the former) title but needed a lower one as well (the rest are all English and so easy).
Iesyth reminds me of Iestyn Harris [I think, a rugby player. Could be slightly wrong]. Might go for Gesydd.
Many thanks for answers to that slightly obscure question.
F1: Massa confirms he's leaving Ferrari:
Syria: Not the gaffe you think.
In the last 24 hours, much comment has focussed on the apparent gaffe by John Kerry that left a door open for the Russians to drop their proposal to avoid a US strike on Syria.
What makes it a right mess is that the Assad government shifted them again in advance of a possible US strike. You are now looking at 20-30 sites at least. There is no way that these could be guarded adequately under an in-country supervision regime, so realistically they'd need gathered and moved.
The decommissioning of CW is likely to be more of a symbolic act than a watertight enforcement. The key outcome must be no further use of CW in the civil war, either by Assad or by third parties using his stocks.
This means that the allies can allow some 'cheating' at the edges on retention, provided it is hidden from view. We are likely to get statements such as; "it is impossible to guarantee or verify that every chemical weapon has been removed and destroyed given the current state of the conflict in Syria, What is important is that Syria is seen and believed to be acting in good faith".
There appears to a bit of jostling within the UNSC on who drafts the eventual resolution and its scope but this kind of dispute always presages real progress.
A key diplomatic goal for the US and its allies will be to use any UNSC resolution on CW as a platform for future negotiations to find a political resolution to the Syrian civil war. I don't think the US and Russia are divided on the principle that an orderly transition based on the Assad regime, if not Assad personally, is the most feasible starting point.
Resolving the CW issue should be the beginning not the end of a process towards a negotiated solution.
At the moment both sides are telling themselves that this time it is different, but history has a habit of repeating itself. The two big constants say that a government doesn't often up its support in a second term and that an opposition needs a big lead in mid term to win an election. To me a HP is still the likely outcome and Nick Clegg is the main man.
Documentary on Islington Council, from March or April 1983:
You may now retire to bed.
Good night, and may flights of angels sing thee to thy sleep.
If you add up the figures for 2010 Lib Dems, plus the refused to says/dont knows, on this morning's yougov it comes to 125%
So that 34 is actually out of 125 as a percentage, less than 30% (27.2% actually)
Funny that.
Nigel Evans charged with 8 sexual offences tonight
• One count of indecent assault on a man, dating between 1 January 2002 and 1 January 2004, contrary to Section 15 Sexual Offences Act 1956
• One count of indecent assault on a man, dating between 1 January 2003 and 1 January 2004, contrary to Section 15 Sexual Offences Act 1956
• One count of sexual assault on a man, between 1 January 2009 and 1 January 2010, contrary to Section 3 Sexual Offences Act 2003
• One count of sexual assault on a man, between 30 June 2009 and 1 August 2009, contrary to Section 3 Sexual Offences Act 2003
• One count of sexual assault on a man, between 1 January 2010 and 1 January 2011, contrary to Section 3 Sexual Offences Act 2003
• One count of sexual assault on a man, between 1 January 2011 and 1 January 2012, contrary to Section 3 Sexual Offences Act 2003
• Once count of rape of a man, between 29 March 2013 and 1 April 2013, contrary to Section 1 Sexual Offences Act 2003
• One count of sexual assault on a man, between 29 March 2013 and 1 April 2013, contrary to Section 3 Sexual Offences Act 2003
Nigel Evans charged of numerous sexual offences (BBC)
According the YouGov poll completed 5th-6th of September of the Sunday Times (i.e. the Friday one you refer to), in the headline voting intention of the LD2010 vote it lists 31% voting for Labour after excluding Wouldn't Vote and Don't knows.
England will definitely qualify for Brazil World Cup if we beat Macedonia at home next month.
How about the cheeseburger song? I used to have as my ringtone last year when we had an Irish Republican working employed in the office.
Trial is unlikely to be until late 2014 so even if it resulted in Evans having to resign it could fall within six months of the General Election with the seat left unfilled until then.
I guess it all depends how Evans responds to the charges.
So your figures are wrong, as you're excluding some of the 2010 Lib Dem figures
Governments often improve their position at the election after coming to office. They did in 1955, 1966 and 1983. Wilson also did better in the second 1974 election, though they were very close together. In addition, although Blair lost a handful of seats in 2001, he still won a landslide.
Against that, there's only Attlee's second election in 1950 (though he did win), and Heath's defeat (just) in 1974.
Or as the DPP has said:
“Can I remind all concerned that criminal proceedings are now active. All defendants have the right to a fair trial and it is very important that nothing is said, or reported, which could prejudice this trial.”
Not heard that it is as an MP.
Surely a slippery slope though?
England will definitely qualify for Brazil World Cup if we beat Montenegro at home next month.
Soon .... soon
On the other hand, we also have the first coalition since the war also!
Mikes case about 2010 LibDems switching to Labour has some validity, but largely depends where those switchers are. If they are in LibDem marginals they could hand seats to the Conservatives, or Eastleigh to UKIP. We need some Ashcroft type polls in marginal seats to see how the chips would fall. There is also the issue of turnout, I can see both Labour and LibDem 2010 voters sitting out 2015.
We're on 16 points, leading group H
Then Montenegro and Ukraine each on 15
and Poland on 13.
So if we beat Montenegro and draw with Poland, we should make it.
A Boy Makes Anti-Muslim Comments In Front Of An American Soldier. The Soldier's Reply: Priceless.
Farage would be better, but too far from his home patch.
It apparently boosted their polling with women when Diane James became the face of UKIP. (4m30s into video)
If as you say England beat Montenegro and draw with Poland = 20 points.
If as I say Ukraine win their last two games = 21 points
That's 50 guineas please for the sums lessons !!
Going to the back-benches to continue representing his constituents...
England have to at least equal Ukraine's and Montenegro's points total from their last two matches to be certain to qualify.
"Not only must Justice be done...."
You know the rest...
is that a mixed metaphor?
"England now have their fate in their own hands as they know victory in their final two Wembley qualifiers against Montenegro and Poland in October will guarantee automatic qualification."
If I’m not mistaken, the new Deputy Speaker will have to be from either the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats in order to maintain parliamentary balance.
SkyNews: TIMES FRONT PAGE: "Miliband blinks first in union stand-off" #skypapers http://t.co/x3yF4D2JRd
Some of you will remember 'URW', a legendary gambler who used to post on here regularly. I have just been given the sad news that he passed away on Saturday. He remained razor-sharp to the end; he will be much missed.
On a larger base, what may be a more useful guide:
General Election vote
Con: 76
Lab: 60
LibD: 81
Can you share any more information about him?
Very sad. He was an original. I liked him