politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The Republicans lose control of the Virginia House of Delegates after a seat moved to CON by a single vote
An extraordinary fluke. After recounts Democrat wins Virginia House seat by just ONE vote meaning that its is now Dem 50 – GOP 50 – so the Republicans lose control
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Brussels is piling pressure on the UK to resolve a 300-year-old Anglo-Spanish dispute over the Rock of Gibraltar if it wants to secure a quick deal on its post-Brexit transition period.
Have they never heard of the Treaty of Utrecht?
Or Momentum, her vileness will fit in right with those who want to expel anyone who doesn't believe in the one true faith.
She's a cancer on the party.
Everyone else can stay.
Dave's biggest mistake as PM was giving Nadine Dorries the whip back
Met to review all ongoing rape cases after second trial collapses
Alleged child rapist cleared after non-disclosure of material from police was discovered, leading to a review of all cases
It's a broad church - but so spectacularly undermining your PM as they and colleagues did last week is hardly going to endear them to the rest of the party, Dominic Grieve clearly did it on a point of principle - I am less clear about some of the others but I expect May sacking them when she became PM didn't have anything to do with it.
In lieu of an update, allowing up to 2.99% and a similar amount for a social care precept sounds eminently sensible.
In the first case, even the prosecution was in the dark.
The inference from the first case was that there were 40,000 messages across various messaging platforms so a screw up was inevitable.
The valuations now mean residents of inner London pay much less than they should do and people in the north and Midlands pay too much. There are around 28000 properties in Camden, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster for example in bands A and B whereas a typical new build in Barking is placed in Band C. The former would probably be in Band F now.
An oligarch living on his own in a £50m One Hyde park apartment pays barely £1k a year in council tax as Westminster's rate is so low. A pensioner couple living in a modest house in Kingston could pay over £3000 a year.
It's quite a rotten and thoroughly unfair and regressive tax based on woefully out of date valuations - which needs radical reform. But no govt has the guts to do it thanks to the poll tax.
I wonder if an abolition of the VOA to be replaced by local revaluation offices and local control of residential property valuation is the way forward....
"Average asking prices" is not the same as "like-for-like transaction prices". If you were to put your flat on the market for £2.7bn, it would raise the average asking price in Camden, while indicating sweet fuck all.
Wales had a revaluation in 2005 - Cardiff lost out but much of the rest of Wales saw bills fall.
That being said, the restaurant was Le Caprice, one of London's finest. Not many "one of the people" go there
Still not been to LC, but I do like Daphnes and various Ivies - must make it soon.
Maybe a good venue for the long discussed slap up PB lunch....?
She was just sat right in front of him and at the end of his speech ,jenkins bent over to tell her something,bet it wasn't anything nice.
Obviously my belief is wrong, as a quick glance at this graph will confirm - approx 26% uprating of GDP in 2015.
Are there retrospectively updated figures actually available for Ireland? Any reason why the World Bank figures haven't been?
Perhaps she would fit in better with the right of the Labour party then?
After all for all the talk of purges the left of Labour have simply won democratic elections the purges of Labour people have come from the right of Labour over the last few years in an attempt to stall Corbyn.
Although I guess when the purges are of people you don't like it is okay.....
Has the right of the Labour Party actually purged anyone?
Apart from that old bloke who was heckling at one of the conferences?
That, and removing droit de suite will make all this Brexit keyboard bashing worthwhile.
Just checking that I have the PB Tory line correct
The government would reallocate grants and retained business rates between councils to compensate for the relative change in valuations. Relativity does matter - within and between authorities. Otherwise what would be the point - as it's supposed to be redistributive in order to reflect relative changes in house prices between areas.
People in Camden and Hackney would pay more - people in Carlisle and Huddersfield less - as prices have gone up far more in the former than the latter in percentage terms since 1991.
Check out what happened in Wales - or indeed at the 2017 business rates revaluation this year, Bills for businesses in Hackney and Lambeth and Islington rocketed as places like Dalston, Kings Cross and Brixton have boomed since the last one in 2010 with massive rises in commercial rents - and in every region outside London business rates income fell via the redistribution mechanism. The government took £1bn off London councils to offset the extra revenues they were getting through the funding settlement. Same would apply for a council tax revaluation.
It is hard to take peoples objections seriously when they have a problem when it doesn't suit them, especially as the 'purge' and 'coup' phrases seem to far more accurately describe the behavior of the right of the party. Elections can be won for all kinds of dirty reasons but the ascendancy of the Labour left within Labour is no more a coup than the electoral success of Thatcher and Blair within their parties and against other parties they have won by being more popular than their opponents, rightly or wrongly.
And thanks for the welcome, been reading the site for a few months now seems one of the best for UK political discussion, props to whoever runs it. Also don't judge me too harshly on the name saw a few people say it and it made me laugh.
The gap between London and the Home Counties and the rest of the country will narrow a bit though in terms of house prices and gdp and that could well be a good thing.
[Apologies. I'll get my coat]
That is my take on it anyway.
I haven't got a problem with Hoey as a remain voter but I am more accepting of Brexit than a large section of remain voters.
What we are seeing now is Trump motivating Democrats to turn out in a way
Obama struggled to do. If this trend continues there may be opportunities to undo some of the distortions caused by redistricting in Congress undermining the Republicans power base there.
"All the outlandish stories of economic ruin, of an innocent sailor thrown in prison for eating a tulip bulb, of chimney sweeps wading into the market in hopes of striking it rich—those come from propaganda pamphlets published by Dutch Calvinists worried that the tulip-propelled consumerism boom would lead to societal decay."
Almost nothing happening in German opinion - Greens slightly up, liberal FDP slightly down (punished for rejecting the coalition, not a very centrist thing to do), everything else MOE.
Putting my Bitcoin profits into Factom. Watch this space.....
Just remember he's not the Jezziah, he's a very naughty boy
"Strength in local politics" is a top quality euphemism.
Nice little story, which will add to the trend of red woe in the US. Be interesting to see, should he get them passed, what Trump's tax reforms do to the political landscape.
"They were advised that their best option was to take legal action against Weinstein. What followed eventually led to the signing of an agreement so shrouded in secrecy that Ms Perkins herself is not permitted to own a copy of the document, but can look at it under supervision."
"Ferrari President Sergio Marchionne also says his team will need to look into replacing Kimi Raikkonen should the Finn have another inconsistent season in 2018. (The Checkered Flag)"
You just chose to retain him, idiot. Either back him or replace him, don't renew his contract then say "If he's as shit as last year we'll get a new driver." Oaf.
And the Republicans still control the state senate for the next two years at least, so it's not clear that there will be any significant redistricting which reduces the gerrymandered advantage for a while.
Seems highly likely Trump tax plan will pass now. Just a procedural issue to sort out now.
God alone knows what this will do the world economy as US economy overheats.
Never mind the drilling for oil in Artic wilderness that has been tacked on the end of the Bill.
I can understand the use of NDAs in civil matters (though they can still be obnoxious), but their use effectively to bury evidence of alleged crimes seems to go against all principles of justice. Why does the legal system accept this, let alone encourage it ?
Bernie knew this, and ran the circus very well.
Journalists play their part as well: there are fewer F1 stories about at this time of year, so the stories tend to be more (ahem) peripheral to the racing.
Enzo would have thoroughly approved.